-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

21 September 2001
Federalist Edition #01-38
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


"Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but
whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil
and religious liberty." --Samuel Adams


In the news this week, President George Bush addressed the nation
Thursday night in what was one of the most important speeches in
recent history (the text of which we will publish in full in Monday's
Brief). Unleashing "Operation Infinite Justice," the first military
phase of a long-term terrorist eradication effort called "Operation
Noble Eagle," President Bush emphatically stated that this will not be
a nicely packaged 100 hour assault on a well-defined adversary, but a
conflict which will include casualties and sacrifices.

The key points of the president's address: "Tonight we are a country
awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned
to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to
justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done. ...
[Afghanistan will] deliver to United States authorities all the
leaders of al-Qaida who hide in your land. ... Close immediately and
permanently every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and hand over
every terrorist, and every person in their support structure, to
appropriate authorities. Give the United States full access to
terrorist training camps, so we can make sure they are no longer
operating. These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion.
The Taliban must act and act immediately. They will hand over the
terrorists, or they will share in their fate. ... Our enemy is a
radical network of terrorists, and every government that supports
them. Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end
there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has
been found, stopped, and defeated. ... By sacrificing human life to
serve their radical visions -- by abandoning every value except the
will to power -- they follow in the path of fascism, and Nazism, and
totalitarianism. And they will follow that path all the way, to where
it ends: in history's unmarked grave of discarded lies. [Not to
mention "Communism"!] ... From this day forward, any nation that
continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the
United States as a hostile regime. ... As long as the United States of
America is determined and strong, this will not be an age of terror;
this will be an age of liberty, here and across the world. . ... I
will not forget this wound to our country, or those who inflicted it.
I will not yield -- I will not rest -- I will not relent in waging
this struggle for the freedom and security of the American people. The
course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain.
Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we
know that God is not neutral between them."

Our first observation -- thank God for the votes, ironically, of those
active duty military personnel who put George Bush over the top in
Florida last year! And second, several members of The Federalist
Editorial Board -- and many of our readers -- will play significant
roles in Operation Infinite Justice. To them and all of our fellow
patriot warriors, we say God Bless You!

It is difficult to defend against an enemy who is largely undefined.
It is more difficult to take effective offensive action against that
enemy. Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization, al-Qaida, is really a
worldwide network of allied terrorist cells with state support
primarily from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
This enemy has no borders, and the war, no well-defined fronts.

Despite the media's fascination with the "New War on America," there
is nothing new about it, except, of course, we are far less prepared
-- both defensively and offensively -- than we were a decade ago.
Suicide bombers fulfilling Jihad are not new. Nor is a threatening
network of terror new; indeed, some elements of this one are merely
recycled Red terrorists who found new employment as "reincarnated"
Islamic extremists.

The assault on our nation September 11th was unannounced, and, more
significantly, its formation and execution undetected -- until its
implementation. It had one major purpose -- to weaken our resolve to
defend our national interests in the Middle East, and especially in
support of Israel, the most significant outpost of American interests
in the region.

This is Day 10 after the assaults on our countrymen, and as of yet, we
can only detect the vague silhouette of the enemy who committed this
atrocity. We know bin Laden was a significant principal in the assault
because it has his signature characteristics. But he had
collaborators, and absence of evidence now is not evidence of their
absence. Eliminating bin Laden does not win this war.

"[Bin Laden is] the target at the moment," said Dick Cheney. "But I
don't want to convey the impression that if we had his head on a
platter today that that would solve the problem because it won't."
"Indeed," noted former CIA analyst Ken Pollack, "one of today's great
frustrations is coming to grips with this amorphous adversary.

Certainly, as Mr. Bush noted, we must determine who is with us -- and
who is not. (Some who say they are with us really won't be.) We must
therefore wage a comprehensive covert operations campaign to
annihilate Al Qaeda operatives and destroy their facilities -- and
facilitators -- around the world. In addition to diplomatic efforts
and intelligence operations, we must wage a military campaign against
Afghanistan for refusing to turn over bin Laden and for harboring Al
Qaeda facilities and personnel. (Regarding the commitment of ground
forces, however, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British on
three occasions, and the Soviet Union all sent troops to Afghanistan
-- and all mounted a retreat.) We must also support the Northern
Alliance -- the legitimate government of Afghanistan attempting to
oust the Taliban.

Sounding like a Berkeley protestor chanting the Leftist plaints of
"restraint" and "patience," Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar
stated, "We appeal to the U.S. government to exercise complete
patience," adding that Afghanistan's enemies consider Islam "a thorn
in their eye and they seek different excuses to finish it off." But we
echo the words of Sen. John McCain, "God may have mercy on you. We
will not! We will not!"

Military and security author Tom Clancy weighed in to defend the CIA
against unwarranted criticisms of its nonperformance in not staving
off last Tuesday's attacks, noting that the 18,000 member agency has
only about 800 field intelligence officers tasked to such matters:
"The loss of so many lives in New York and Washington is now called an
'intelligence failure,' mostly by those who crippled the CIA in the
first place, and by those who celebrated the loss of its invaluable
capabilities. ...Those who inflict their aesthetic on the rest of us
are never around to clean up the resulting mess. ... The intelligence
community was successfully assaulted for actions taken under
constitutionally mandated orders, and with nothing left to replace
what was smashed, warnings we might have had to prevent this horrid
event never came. ...The next time America is in a fight, it is well
to remember that tying one's own arms is unlikely to assist in
preserving, protecting and defending what is ours."

Nonetheless, there was a massive intelligence failure here, and
sources indicate that a more attentive (read: less politicized and
back-scratching) U.S. intelligence effort would most likely have dealt
properly with warnings. Indeed, in August two senior military
intelligence experts from the Israeli Mossad alerted the CIA and FBI
that a cell of as many of 200 terrorists was seemingly preparing a big
operation. One senior Israeli security official remarked, "They had no
specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot
to Osama bin Laden and told the Americans that there were strong
grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement."

A Washington administration official replied, "If this is true then
the refusal to take it seriously will mean heads will roll. It is
quite credible that the CIA might not heed a Mossad warning: it has a
history of being overcautious about Israeli information." Further
intelligence now suggests that closely directing the September 11th
mission were two of the world's foremost terrorist masterminds: Imad
Mughniyeh, from Lebanon, head of the special overseas operations for
Hezbollah, and Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri, of Egypt, a senior member of
Al-Qaeda and possible successor to the ailing bin Laden.

Other reports describe telltale meetings of approximately 400
participants from the most extreme terror groups in Beirut last
February and in Tehran in late April, in service of what was termed
"The Jerusalem Project." Participating groups reportedly included bin
Laden's Al Qaeda, Hamas and Islamic Jihad of Palestine, Hezbollah of
Lebanon and Iran, other Middle East militants -- and at least one
attendee living in the United States.

So what's next?

President Bush also announced the creation of a Cabinet-level Office
of Homeland Security, a coordinating office of all "federal
departments and agencies, as well as state and local governments," to
be headed by Sen. Tom Ridge. In that announcement, President Bush made
it clear that the risk of assault against Americans on American soil
remains high.

Here is how analysts associated with The Federalist Editorial Board
evaluate the risk of additional assaults on our nation. There is a
high probability that bin Laden will respond to President Bush's
speech with a second assault in the next 48 hours, and a significant
probability that next week, next month or next year -- bin Laden's
surrogates and comrades WILL strike again. Given our country's "open
borders" and the probability of pre-positioned terrorist cells on U.S.
soil now, it will be very difficult for the "war on terrorism" to
eliminate the risk of these assaults anytime soon.

The next tier of attacks, when -- NOT "IF" -- they occur, will be
similar to those of September 11, 2001, in that there will be multiple
targets and that the attacks will likely occur in a narrow time frame
for maximum effect. However, we expect them to differ in that they
will involve NBCWMD -- nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons of
mass destruction levied against urban centers with the objective of
substantially disrupting continuity of government and commerce over
wide geographic sections of the nation.

Specific targets in urban areas are too numerous to list, but suffice
it to say, the targets will be selected on the basis of their impact
profile (high profile public events and/or targets such as
communication and power grids or facilities).

The objective of terrorism is to break our will as a people -- as a
nation. If we don't kill these people -- wipe ALL of them from the
face of the earth, they will be back -- and back again -- and again.
And the best offense starts with a good defense.

Civil preparedness is the best way to mitigate effects of terrorism on
our families and our resolve as a nation -- thus preparedness is
essential. For that reason, in Monday's Brief, The Federalist will
post links to our Web site's "Recommended Action Plan for Protecting
and Mitigating the Effects of Terrorism" for your family and
community. The plan includes excerpts from a series of articles we
published in 1999, which emphasized that Y2K was a catalyst for
renewing civil preparedness in the event of a major manmade or natural
disaster. (Of note, in those editions, we made specific reference to
only one terrorist -- Osama bin Laden -- and that the highest
probability target would be a "major East Coast population center.")

We encourage you to take reasonable steps toward preparedness based on
these recommendations.

Perhaps the best guides for our mission in coming days are those
heroes of United Airlines Flight 93, who fought their terrorist
attackers, leading to their plane crashing in rural Pennsylvania. Last
week, we noted participation in this heroic act by Thomas Burnett.
Others we must salute for joining Burnett are Todd Beamer, Jeremy
Glick, Mark Bingham,
and Lou Nacke. And patriots rightly note that these men, by
constitutional definition members of the "militia," were the only
effective defenders stopping any of these terrorists from carrying out
their evil designs.

Quote of the week...

"The Clinton administration's sly way of handling the 1993 bombing
plots gave rise to the fraudulent notion that there was a new kind of
terrorism. Yet there was nothing new about the terrorism. What was new
was how the U.S. handled it. Clinton dealt surreptitiously with the
national-security issue of state involvement and very publicly with
the criminal question of the guilt or innocence of individuals --
through trials. Predictably, more terrorism followed and the role of
states in those attacks was never addressed. That led directly to last
week's tragedy, as well as to our inability to recognize their real
author." --Laurie Mylroie

On cross-examination...

"What did the Clintons do with their two administrations? They left
behind a country more damaged, more removed from its old, rough
idealism; a country whose children live in a coarser and more
dangerous place; a country whose political life has been distorted and
lowered." --Peggy Noonan

Open Query...

"But the acid test of our Constitution's health will be the energy
with which Americans are able to defend themselves and to subdue our
enemies. In the 21st century as before, the Constitution gives us the
tools. Will we be able to finish the job?" --Charles R. Kesler

The BIG lie...
"Iraq has absolutely no link with what happened or with the groups the
United States accuses of being responsible." --Iraqi Foreign Minister
Naji Sabri.

News from the Swamp...

In the Executive Branch, President Bush signed into law a $40 billion
relief package for New York City, the Pentagon and economic sectors
damaged by the September 11th attack, saying, "Our whole nation is
unalterably committed to a direct, forceful and comprehensive response
to these terrorist attacks and the scourge of terrorism directed
against the United States." Of course, the cost in terms of human
lives is incalculable.

In the House of Commons, late last week, Members voted 420-1 on House
Joint Resolution 64 "to authorize the use of United States Armed
Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched
against the United States."

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-California) cast the lone vote against the
resolution. This is the same Barbara Lee who: participated in a
"citizens delegation to Cuba" to lobby that the U.S. embargo against
Cuba should be lifted; criticized the U.S. bombing of Iraq, saying the
U.S. has "a special, urgent need to exhaust all diplomatic
approaches"; and opposed President Clinton's impeachment, calling
those House votes "a tragic day for Americans and for the world," and
the entire House impeachment process "a complete farce."

In the House of Lords, late last week Senators in a rush to "do
something" to respond to the terror attacks passed by voice vote an
amendment permitting the government authority for so-called "trap and
trace" of communications, which raises significant questions about
consistency with the Constitution's Fourth Amendment protections. Here
is the real area in which "restraint" and "patience" are appropriate.

Regarding the rush to restrict Constitutional liberties on various
fronts, friend of The Federalist Sen. Phil Gramm noted: "I'm not
interested in changing the way I live. I'm interested in changing the
way they live."

Judicial Benchmarks...

In the halls of injustice on the left, speaking of airlines, a federal
appeals court has upheld a San Francisco ordinance demanding airline
carriers at San Francisco International Airport offer domestic partner
benefits to their unmarried workers. San Francisco's 1997 law, the
nation's first, requires contractors doing business with the city to
offer the same benefits to unmarried employees' domestic partners as
they do to married employees' spouses.

On the Left...

The Leftmedia were living down to their usual tricks in reporting the
terrorist attacks -- albeit not so often as usual. Some of the talking
heads seemed enlivened by the thought of repression in the United
States as a necessary measure to safeguard against further terrorist
attacks. NBC talkinghead Tom Brokaw said, "We will have to revisit our
freedoms.... America has been changed by all this."

Moreover, the Leftmedia must be even prouder of the airtime and ink
they have dedicated to "exclusive interviews" with Osama bin Laden --
prior to September 11. A sample from the platform provided bin Laden
-- in his own words:

"We are sure of our victory against the Americans and the Jews as
promised by the Prophet: Judgment day shall not come until the Muslim
fights the Jew, where the Jew will hide behind trees and stones, and
the tree and the stone will speak and say, 'Muslim, behind me is a
Jew. Come and kill him.' ... So we tell the Americans as people, and
we tell the mothers of soldiers and American mothers in general that
if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find a
nationalistic government that will look after their interests and not
the interests of the Jews. The continuation of tyranny will bring the
fight to America."

The nation's leading Leftmedia print publication could not help but
take a shot at President Bush's request for funds to rebuild lower
Manhattan and a portion of our nation's national defense
infrastructure. The New York Times, in an editorial, argued: "To
secure true bipartisanship, Congress needs to do something far more
difficult -- reconsider the gigantic tax cut enacted earlier this
year.... Mr. Bush and Congress ought to be willing, in effect, to
conscript that portion of the tax cut that takes effect a few years
from now and lowers taxes on the wealthiest Americans."

Contrary to the Times' position, we think Mr. Bush should move
aggressively to restore economic confidence, and propose additional
tax reductions -- and social spending reductions.

And in case you were wondering why Rev. Al Sharpton, New York City's
resident Leftist rabble-rouser, has not been in front of every camera
in lower Manhattan, perhaps he is concerned that someone may recall
his words in The Federalist three weeks ago when announcing his 2004
presidential bid. Sharpton criticized President Bush's plan to shore
up our military because he claimed there was "no real threat to
American security. ...We are going forward with situations when they
are harmful to the people involved to build up to take care of some
enemy that is not there, some threat that does not exist."

The Commissars...

Proposals for a national identification card -- long sought by
closeted and not-so-closeted tyrannizers in our country -- are
floating around again. Such misguided responses in fear must be
squelched, and with all vigor possible under current circumstances.

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

The United States has given more than $117 million in assistance to
Afghanistan so far in fiscal year 2001, according to United States
Agency for International Development figures, including millions for
humanitarian relief both in Afghanistan and in support of Afghan
refugees in neighboring Pakistan, making the U.S. Afghanistan's
largest benefactor. Anybody know the Afghani phrase for

>From the department of military readiness...

Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, stripped out of $344 billion military spending legislation
a provision supporting missile defense testing. Attempting to
temporarily avert the fight against missile defense that Levin still
plans, he introduced the missile test measures as a separate bill
postponed for later consideration.

>From the states...

Just to assure our readers that we are watching other developments,
while most of the media have been rightfully focussing on East Coast
events, Left Coast lawmakers in California passed some very bad
legislation, including a bill that will redefine traditional marriage
in the state and award new marriage rights to homosexual couples. The
California Assembly passed AB 25, on a vote of 42-29, conveying 13 new
rights and benefits on homosexual "domestic partners." The bill now
goes to Gov. Gray Davis, who has indicated in the past that he would
like to sign such a measure. You may recall that California voters
decisively rejected just such a measure when it appeared on the March
2000 ballot as Proposition 22. We guess representative government may
be a lost cause on the Left Coast.

"You'd think they would have had the decency to wait a few days before
launching this reckless assault on society's premiere institution,"
said Robert Knight, director of Concerned Women for America's Culture
and Family Institute. "On one coast, terrorists are committing acts of
war against American citizens. On the other coast, California
politicians are overturning 5,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition
and openly sponsoring sinful behavior."

In economic news...

The New York Stock Exchange reopened Monday, after its longest ever
closure, immediately dropping hard, with the Dow 684 points down by
closing. The U.S. economy had already been heading downward, and Nobel
Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman observed, "Whether or not we
use the word recession is just a question of semantics." Proposals for
government intervention to prop up economic performance in the wake of
the terror disruptions have raised other questions. Commenting on
pleas for urgent assistance from the days-grounded airline sector,
supply side economist Art Laffer noted, "Any bailout is a very
significant event, using a tremendous amount of resources. Those
resources don't come from the tooth fairy. While you could make a case
for a very modest bailout, the existing shareholders who own the stock
in the companies should be the first to suffer losses. After all, they
make money when the airlines are profitable."

In business news...

U.S., British, German, Japanese and Italian government agencies are
investigating links between alleged terrorist ringleader Osama bin
Laden and various unusual stock transaction patterns in the United
States and Europe just prior to the devastating attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon. Reported first by Japan's Sankei
Shimbun newspaper, the story was later picked up by United Press
International. Suspicious trading patterns included high levels of put
options and short-selling related to WTC-headquartered companies, as
well as airline and insurance stocks, banking on their future drop in

The "Dumb and Dumber" Department...

Amid all the discussion about arming commercial pilots -- many of whom
are military veterans -- a new Federal Aviation Regulation scheduled
to take effect on November 14, 2001, will remove an existing rule
that, for the last 20 years, has authorized pilots to carry firearms.
FAA spokesman Paul Takemoto acknowledged, "Crew members will no longer
be allowed to carry arms."

And speaking of "pilots," for several months, the FBI had two men
associated with an Islamic Jihad terror group on a border watch list,
but the pair got into the U.S., probably across the Canadian border.
Those men, Nawaf Alhamzi and Khalid Al-Midhar, took flight training
from instructor Rick Garza at a suburban San Diego airstrip -- before
Garza flunked them: "I told them it's not happening, their English was
terrible. I told the FBI they seemed like 'Dumb and Dumber.' You just
would not expect this from these people. They just didn't have the

Nawaf and Khalid appear now to have been on American Airlines Flight
77, used to assault the Pentagon, though there is a possibility these
men swapped identities with two other terrorists in their cell -- to
sow confusion and cover their tracks. This is a similar tactic to that
used by the terrorist convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
under the borrowed identity of Ramzi Yousef.

Culture comment...

The 7-year-old and 9-year-old daughters of Desert Storm veteran Donnie
Meyer, of Pasadena, Texas, were admonished for T-shirts emblazoned
with the American flag, which they wore last Friday, honoring the
national day of prayer and remembrance. The girls' McMaster Elementary
School principal told them their shirts were not appropriate under the
school's dress code. Embarrassed school district administrators later
claimed the decision was a mistake.

Faith Matters...

This is a time for simple, serious reflection, rather than rancorous
political debate over such theological subtleties as how the
permissive will of God may interact with removal of divine protection
from a formerly less sinful country. As columnist Armstrong Williams
pondered, "...[I]t is a necessary step for the nation to pause amidst
such tragedy, and to find some solace. But how do we define faith
during times of senseless tragedy?"

On the frontiers of science...

The National Institutes of Health have decided to fund studies of the
efficacy of prayer in health outcomes for AIDS sufferers and patients
diagnosed with brain tumors. "This is not about religion and is not
about faith. It is about healing intention and about consciousness,
and that is very much within the realm of science," argued Dr.
Elizabeth Targ, of her studies. Hey, we thought the effectiveness of
prayer in healing involved both religious faith and science....

Around the world...

Reactions to the terror attack on the U.S. continued to ripple in....
Our Editorial Board Member in Tel Aviv tells us that reports of a
ceasefire between Israel and Palestinians are greatly exaggerated,
with serious firing continuing on Gaza, and one Israeli woman murdered

And international tyrants, while publicly claiming to "stand with" our
country against terror, are moving to hobble our justified response by
emplacing UN restrictions. Iranian President Seyed Mohammad Khatami
asked that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan convene a global summit "to
combat terrorism," arguing that the UN is the only "appropriate
framework to organize this struggle." Red Chinese leader Jiang Zemin
concurred in a reply to British Prime Minister Tony Blair's inquiry
about the Red Chinese position: "It is necessary for the UN Security
Council to play its due role."

"We are not at war," intoned Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel,
whose nation had just signed a NATO document to the effect that "an
attack on one alliance member was an attack on all."

But we agree with conservative Canadian commentator Mark Steyn about
the best world reply so far: "The foreign leader who said it best last
week was the Queen, though she didn't really say a word. ... The Queen
stands on ceremony and she has a lot of ceremony to stand on. But on
Thursday, for the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, she
ordered the Coldstream Guards to play 'The Star-Spangled Banner' --
the first time a foreign anthem had been played at the ceremony. The
following day something even more unprecedented happened: At Britain's
memorial service for the war dead of last Tuesday, the first chords of
'The Star-Spangled Banner' rumbled up from the great organ at St.
Paul's Cathedral, and the Queen did something she's never done before
-- she sang a foreign national anthem, all the words. She doesn't sing
her own obviously ('God Save Me'), but she's never sung 'La
Marseillaise' or anything else, either; her lips never move. ...But
she understands something that few other leaders of the West seem to
-- that today the ultimate guarantor of the peace and liberty of her
realms is the United States. If America falls, or is diminished, or
retreats in on itself, there is no 'free world.' That's the meaning of
the Queen's 'Ich bin ein Amerikaaner' moment."

And last, we watched and were deeply moved by last week's memorial
service at National Cathedral. It was a solemn occasion on all fronts
-- except one. Outside the Cathedral, as Bill Clinton was performing
something like a wedding greeting line, Chester Lott walked up to
Clinton and the two of them had a big laugh -- like they were at a
Capitol Hill cocktail party. We want to know what was so funny that
Chester and Bill could not find a more appropriate venue for their
jovial exchange?


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