-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"National Defense is not a threat to peace; it is the guarantee of
peace with freedom." --Ronald Reagan  {}  "Good counselors lack no
clients." --William Shakespeare  {}  "Lord, when we are wrong, make us
willing to change; and when we are right, make us easy to live with."
--Peter Marshall  {}  "Truth often suffers more by the heat of its
defenders than from the arguments of its opposers."  --William Penn
{}  "Salvation is free...but discipleship will cost you your life."
--Dietrich Bonhoeffer  {}  "Never tell people how to do things.  Tell
them what you want them to achieve, and they will surprise you with
their ingenuity." --George Patton  {}  "I have learned that money is
not the measure of a man, but it is often the means of finding out how
small he is." --Oswald J. Smith  {}  "In politics, if you want
anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman."
--Margaret Thatcher  {}  "Government machinery has been described as a
marvelous labor saving device which enables ten men to do the work of
one." --John Maynard Keynes  {}  "Diligence is the mother of good
fortune." --Miguel de Cervantes  {}  "I love to think of nature as an
unlimited broadcasting system, through which God speaks to us every
hour, if we will only tune in." --George Washington Carver  {}
"...The said Constitution be never construed...to prevent the people
of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own
arms." --Samuel Adams


"Advocates of socialist central planning in Washington may claim to
have the solutions to energy shortages, but in truth market forces
cannot be ignored any more than the laws of physics. Americans who
want to continue to enjoy uninterrupted energy supplies should oppose
any federal regulation of energy markets." --Ron Paul  ++  "It will be
difficult to develop a rational national energy policy so long as we
pretend the myth [of global warming] is reality." --Steven Milloy  ++
"...[T]he greatest hoax of our times, global warming." --Alan Caruba
{}  "The West has become a playground for the rich, a religious
experience for the greens, and a resource for the feds. A pox on them
all." --Diane Alden  {}  "In America today, there is no business that
the government considers none of its business." --Linda Bowles  {}
"This isn't to say that the behavior of believers is always moral,
only that it is a threat to the totalitarian aspirations of modern
government." --Fred Reed  {}  "American law schools should terminate
their constitutional law courses, as the subject no longer exists.
Judicial law has replaced constitutional law." --Paul Craig Roberts
{}  "It is a mistake to think Mrs. Clinton has achieved her ambitions,
just as it is a mistake to think Mr. Clinton has." --Peggy Noonan  {}
"A benevolent dictator is still a dictator." --Thomas L. Jipping  ++
"If we continue our current path, future generations will curse us for
squandering unprecedented liberty." --Walter E. Williams {}  "I
consider myself a recovering feminist. I saw a lessening of
femininity, a loss of motherhood." --Dr. Laura Schlessinger  {}
"Home-schooling may be the biggest educational trend of them all: a
quasi-return to the style of colonial times, before anyone saw
education as the rightful function of government." --Bill Murchison
{}  "In public schools we strain out the gnat of graduation prayers
and swallow the camel of quasi-secular religion in the curriculum."
--Ralph Gillman  {}  "You can't stop Americans from standing up and
praying any more than you can stop them from cheering the home team."
--Charles Colson  ++  "The American Civil Liberties Union is on a
mission -- but not from God. Its goal: to obliterate evidence of
America's religious heritage." --Don Feder


"Beware of Kennedys bearing gifts of bipartisanship. To most Americans
the senior Senator from Massachusetts would probably be an odd choice
of ally for a Republican President eager to burnish his education
credentials. But to a President even more eager to demonstrate
bipartisan support, Teddy Kennedy was his man. And once Mr. Kennedy
saw by nudge and wink that President Bush would not allow a school
choice provision to stand in the way of a bipartisan bill, he proved
so amenable he even introduced the President's bill himself. That was
1991, of course, not 2001. For the President Bush we speak of here is
not Dubya but his father. And therein lies a cautionary tale. In the
end the people who initially praised Mr. Bush's bipartisanship
ultimately sunk any chance he had to be the 'education President.' Of
the many advantages George W. Bush brings to the White House, arguably
the most invaluable is his understanding how the Washington consensus
that first flattered his father's Presidency ended up proving fatal to
it. But those hard-learned lessons seem to have been set aside when it
comes to education. The result is the Beltway back-slapping over an
education package now going to conference. It gives the politicos on
Capitol Hill everything they want and the kids in rotten public
schools nothing they really need. ... The point is that when it comes
to legislation, either you leave no child behind or you leave Teddy
Kennedy behind." --Wall Street Journal


God and the BSA v. The Sodomites

"Americans have confused tolerance and relativism; often, they assume
that tolerance means not merely respecting people's right to their
opinions but refusing to make any reasoned judgments about those
opinions." --William Bennett

The drifting paradigm of sexual morality has beached on the shores of
the Boy Scouts of America, and the BSA has, unwillingly, become the
frontline of the Left's campaign to normalize the abnormal. Though
fewer than 3% of Americans are afflicted with homosexual pathology
(according to research from the Centers for Disease Control), they are
a very vocal 3% and are waging a very real assault on American youth.

When visiting the Web site of "Scouting for All," the organization
featured prominently in the latest PBS homosexual advocacy propaganda
film "Scout's Honor" (which aired this week), Federalist editors were
greeted by this 1945 quote from Martin Niemoller about Hitler's
National Socialist Party:

"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I
wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak
up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I
didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."

One might fairly conclude that when radical Leftist homosexuals equate
the BSA's rejection of their ilk with the Holocaust and wholesale
slaughter innocents -- such an assertion exposes SFA's gross lack of
perspective and moral authority.

Given a big promo by PBS (thanks to your tax dollars), "Scouting for
All" is endeavoring to extort the Boy Scouts of America into accepting
homosexual mentors for young boys (and opening its ranks to other
gender morphs and atheists) by coercing religious institutions, United
Way chapters and corporations to defund the BSA. Thus far, many
Unitarian and some Episcopalian congregations, about 40 United Way
chapters, and a handful of national corporations (Levi Strauss, J.P.
Morgan, American Airlines, Textron and Fleet Bank) have pulled their
support of the BSA.

The unchallenged and oft repeated premises of the film "Scout's Honor"
are that homosexuality is "normal" (based on the thoroughly debunked
theory of a homosexual gene), and that excluding homosexuals is
tantamount to a civil rights violation -- a shameful affront to those
legitimate civil rights issues for which so many have sacrificed so
much. It is the height of arrogance to make such a ludicrous

The BSA is, at its foundation, an organization which encourages
morality as stipulated by God's law. The Scout Oath and Laws state in
part: "A Scout...keeps his body and mind fit and clean.  He goes
around with those who believe in living by these same ideas. ... A
Scout is reverent.  A Scout is reverent toward God.  He is faithful in
his religious duties."

Prior to any meaningful discussion about what God has to say about
homosexuality, it is necessary to dispel a false dichotomy.
Homosexual advocates and groups like "Scouting for All" rebut
dissenters by claiming they are pharisaical, intolerant and
"mean-spirited."  But correctly viewing homosexuality as a violation
of God's law and nature has no correlation with one's capacity to love
or have compassion for others. Nor is dissent related to judgment,
which is God's alone.  Rather, it is about discernment between right
and wrong, and obedience to objective truth rather than the cult of
subjective relativism popularly justified under the contemporary aegis
of "tolerance" and "diversity."

The teachings of both the Old and New Testaments tell us homosexuality
is wrong.  Among the various references, we find in Leviticus that it
is "an abomination." In the New Testament, Romans 1:24-32, Paul says,
"...they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and
served the creature rather than the Creator.... Their women exchanged
natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up
unnatural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one
another....  Though they know God's decree that those who do such
things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who
would practice them." In 1st Corinthians 6:9, Paul adds, "Do not be
deceived, neither the immoral...nor sexual perverts...will inherit the
Kingdom of God."  Paul uses the Greek word "arsenokoitai" in these
texts, which means "sodomites."

In Matthew 19, Jesus Christ speaks to us about marriage and sexuality:
"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning made
them male and female, man and woman, and said, 'For this reason a man
shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the
two shall become one flesh'. What therefore God has joined together,
let not man put asunder."*

Relativists in the modern church endeavor to bury Scriptural
understanding with "reason."  However, God's universal plan and its
inherent truths are thoroughly revealed in science and the study of
natural order.  Within that order, we are entrusted with the sexual
design and relationship between "male and female, man and woman."
This design is as clear in reason as in Scripture. The objective truth
concerning homosexuality has long been revealed through Scripture and
reason, and should not be violated.

Romans 12:21 teaches, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil
with good." While discerning right from wrong, the BSA has not
predicated love for others on their obedience to God's moral truth.
Nor have they equated unconditional love with subjective relativism.
To do either violates God's word, and design.

As for religious congregations who have been led astray by errant
teachings of clergy, Jesus said in Matthew 7:15 -- "Watch out for
false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ferocious wolves."

Amid the heated religious and social campaigns to "normalize"
homosexuality, it takes real courage to do as God has commanded all of
us as sinners -- stand firm in our love for those who are afflicted
with homosexuality, while refusing to embrace their sin. Embracing sin
under the aegis of "tolerance" and "diversity" only serves to abandon
homosexuals in their sin.

*(Matthew 19:10, Jesus also says: "Not all men can receive this
saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who
have been so from birth...." Homosexual advocates in the church often
incorrectly invoke this passage as justification for accepting
homosexual norming. In the Greek text, one finds the word "eunouxoi,"
meaning one with a congenital defect or castrated, and without the
ability to consummate marriage. The reference is distinctly different
from the Greek word for homosexuals or sodomites as referenced by

"The New York Times ran eight sentences on the arrest of 17-year-old
Albert Gore III on page 18; The Washington Post, eight sentences on
Page 6; the Los Angeles Times, nine sentences on Page 10; and USA
Today, a three-sentence item in a roundup column." --Washington Post
media commentator Howard Kurtz, on the amount of coverage the
Leftmedia gave the arrest of Albert Gore's son last Summer for driving
100mph versus the space allocated to the Bush daughters' consumption
of beer.  ++  "The New York Times doesn't want to cover the culture
war; it wants to fight it." --Stanley Kurtz  ++  "Literally
three-quarters of the people deciding what's on the front page of the
New York Times are not-so-closeted homosexuals." --Jonah Goldberg


"He came racing up on our yard and we ran and ran. Thank goodness
nobody was home to beef to. Both my folks worked." --Bill Clinton on
how he got away with throwing rocks at cars when he was a child.  {}
"I calculated that for every dollar I made on a book, I'd have to
spend $2 on therapy for just reliving it, so I'm not writing a book."
--Joe Lockhart, former Clinton spokesman, scuttling talk of writing a
tell-all book  {}  "I listen to Rush Limbaugh every now and then, just
because I want to be reminded how ignorant he is." --NAACP president
Kweisi Mfume  {}  "The only comment I have is Chuck Schumer would like
to change his hair." --The Chuckster himself, responding when told his
hair came up during a discussion of HILLARY!'s latest "do."


This week's "Village Glitterati" Award: In one of the most expensive
residential property deals in California history, Ms. Okra Winfrey is
buying a Santa Barbara estate for $50 million. Now she can really feel
our pain!  {}  This week's "Tyranny of the Few" Award: "The AOL
service around the world has been geared as a communications and
lifestyle service, respecting the cultures and the different
regulations in each country in which AOL operates,'' AOL Time Warner
chief executive Gerald Levin, announcing a joint venture to provide
Internet service to Red China, while assisting with the Reds'
censorship of content. **That explains the Federalist blackout!  {}
This week's "Dumbing Down" Award: "It's time we started acting
intelligently or we aren't even going to be here in 100 years. ...We
should be worrying about global warming and environmental degradation,
not North Korea." --AOL executive Ted Turner  {} From the "Village
Academic Curriculum" File: "This is what public education is all
about. It's all about inclusion. It's all about tolerance for
everyone." --Westchester County, N.Y., school superintendent Robert
Siebert on Eastchester High School's art teacher, who will be
returning in the fall as a sexually reassigned "female." **What did
your kids learn today?


"Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." --George W.
Bush at a news conference during his European tour.  {}  "If Bush
turns the other cheek anymore, his head will fall off." --Deroy
Murdock  {}  "It was the noisiest thing I ever heard. I turned my
hearing aids all the way down and kept my hands over my ears much of
the time." --Sen. Jesse Helms at a news conference on his attendance
of a U2 tour concert.  {}    "[Trent] Lott never scheduled [Senate]
votes on Tuesday when he has a standing appointment at his
veterinarian to be groomed." --Norman Liebmann  {}  "Just as New York
became famous for Woodstock, Vermont has become famous for
Laughingstock." --Norman Liebmann  {}  "That singing senators quartet
has a big problem now that Jim Jeffords has left it. Where will they
find another soprano?" --Lyn Nofziger  {}  "If they pull this off
[HarperCollins removing the Christian content from the C.S. Lewis
series 'The Chronicles of Narnia'], we can only guess what's next:
Dante's Inferno without hell? Paradise Misplaced? How about Pilgrim
Goes Nowhere in Particular?" --Charles Colson {}  "This is such a
thrill. This was my dream. I always wanted to get them in
Cooperstown." --Karen Shemonsky, who paid $8,000 for Ty Cobb's
dentures, and donated them to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and

Night Lines:

Leno.... Timothy McVeigh was voted off the planet! McVeigh refused to
meet with his lawyer on the day of his execution. I guess he knew he'd
be meeting enough of them later on.  ....  Good news. NBC is reporting
that Timothy McVeigh is still dead! That is good news.  ....  Congress
is about to pass an education bill. The president is expected to sign
it. The bill is interesting -- it calls for not letting marginal
students slip through the cracks and go on to become, you know,
president. .... Former president Clinton has been at the Belmont
Stakes, the NBA Finals and the French Open in the past week. This is
all part of his "anything to stay away from Hillary" tour!  ....  Bozo
the Clown has retired after 41 years. He said he retired now because
he didn't want to go on any longer and look ridiculous. ....  Did you
see the NBA Finals game four last night? The Lakers were so far ahead
they put in the white guy!  ....  Some sad news from Hollywood. First,
Ellen DeGeneres and Anne Heche split up. Now it turns out that Melissa
Etheridge and her companion have broken up. I think it's Los Angeles.
Even women can't commit in this town. How are men supposed to?  ....
The gay pride parade in West Hollywood was the other day. Do you
suppose that was confusing for Anne Heche? What did she do? Walk
halfway through the parade and then turn around?

Letterman....  George W. Bush is back from Europe. He says when he was
meeting with Russian president Vladmir Putin that he could see his
soul through his eyes. Isn't this an old Clinton pick-up line?  ....
Letterman's Top Pieces Of Fatherly Advice From George W. Bush: "You're
coming to me for advice? Okay, that's mistake number one." "Do as I
saying, not as I doing did." "At school, sit next to one of Dick
Cheney's kids and copy off them." "You can't go through life getting
arrested and making an [@$$] out of yourself...just kidding." "Watch
what you eat or you'll bloat up like Al Gore." "If you ever get in a
jam, call my dad -- it's always worked for me." "Your mother is tired
of your idiotic behavior and says you're a disgrace to this
family...no, wait, that's what she said about me." "Remember the motto
of my predecessor: it's only a crime if you get caught." "Never use a
fake ID to buy hooch -- that's what secret service guys are for."
"Keep up the good work, girls -- at this rate you'll be president some

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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