-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

How powerful is the Fed? Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman of House
Banking Committee (in the 60's) said:

          "In the U.S. today, we have in effect, two governments...we
          the duly constituted government...then we have an independent,
          uncontrolled, and uncoordinated government in the Federal
          System, operating the money powers which are reserved to the
          Congress by the Constitution."

     The Fed has never been audited, and has resisted all attempts to do
so. Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts (Director of
     Committee to Restore the Constitution)began a campaign on March 30,
1971, testifying before Wisconsin legislators
     about the fraud surrounding the Fed.

     (The text of his address is in the Congressional Record,
E3212-E3224, entered April 19, 1971). Roberts and other
     constitutional groups (including Washington state Senator Jack
Metcalf) had, by the mid 80's, acquired about 20
     states' support calling for audits/reforms, with no success.

     Again, in the late 80's, Congressman Henry Gonzales (Texas) called
for abolition of the Federal Open Market
     Committee and the repeal of the Federal Res. Act. (HR 1469, 1470).

     Congressman Phil Crane (Illinois) also introduced HR 70, calling
for an audit. (Currently, Gonzales and Crane are
     calling for an audit/reforms under HR 28 and 145; Senator Byron
Dorgan, (N. Dakota) is calling for a similar bill
     in the Senate, S212).

     Since Wilson took office, the national debt has risen from $1
billion to over $5 trillion - that's just "on
     budget" debt. When added to the "off budget" debt of the S&L
debacle and unfunded retirement liabilities, the
     total now exceed our GDP.

Is the country bankrupt? Roosevelt declared so by Executive Orders 6073,
6102,6111, and also by EO 6260 on March
     9, 1933 (as proclaimed under the "Trading With the Enemy Act of
65th Congress, Oct. 6, 1917, and as codified at
     12 U.S.C.A. 95a, which allows the President exceptional control
under a "state of emergency"). On April 5, 1933,
     FDR issued this EO:

          "All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933
          gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates now owned by
          to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member
          bank of the Federal Reserve System.

     On June 5, 1933, Congress confirmed the bankruptcy. (through the
"Joint Resolution to Suspend The Gold Standard
     And Abrogate The Gold Clause,
     June 5, 1933"). This was HJR 192, 73rd Congress, 1st session.

     Then, through another EO issued by President Johnson in 1968,
silver backing was removed from our currency. This
     made the country insolvent. The Fed issues currency no longer
redeemable for silver. Furthermore, the Fed is not
     a government institution.

     You will never find them listed in phone directories under
"government offices". It is a private corporation
     owned by approximately 300 Class A stockholders. These people own
the Fed by owning the stock of the largest
     member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which, for all
practical purposes, is the Federal Reserve.

     The controlling interest is held by less than a dozen international
bankers, whose names, until recently, was one
     of the best-kept secrets of international finance:

1.Rothschild Banks of London & Berlin
       2.Lehman Bros. Bank of N.Y.
       3.Lazard Bros. Banks of Paris
       4.Kuhn, Loeb Bank of N.Y.
       5.Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy
       6.Chase Manhattan Bank of N.Y.
       7.Warburg Bank of Hamburg & Amsterdam
       8.Goldman, Sachs Bank of N.Y.

     The most influential of the European interests is the Rothschild
family in London. Each of the American interests
     is, in various ways, connected to this family, including the
Rockefellers, who are by far the most powerful of
     the Fed's American stockholders (primarily through the Chase
Manhattan Bank).

     Thomas Jefferson issued this warning:

          "If the American people ever allow private banks to control
          issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the
          banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will
          deprive the people of all property until their children wake
          homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

     Today, less than 2% of Americans own their homes.

     The Fed, like other central banks, uses a system called "fractional
banking." Deposits become the "fraction",
     allowing the system to "create" as much as 770% of that deposit:

i.e.: a $1,000 deposit becomes approximately $7,700 a $10.000 deposit
becomes approximately $77,000.

     In addition, examine the "amount due" on your property tax
statement: You will not find a dollar sign affixed to
     that "amount".

     Why? The Currency Act of 1792, which has never been revoked,
defines a dollar as 412.5 grains of 9/10 fine silver
     (originally 371.25 grains of 11/12 fine silver). Federal Reserve
Notes are not redeemable in silver. To affix a
     dollar sign to the "amount due" would be fraudulent. They know this
- and you don't.

          Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 says that only Congress has the
          power to..."coin money, regulate the value thereof...and fix
          standard of weights and measures.' Article 1, Section 10,
          Clause 1 says that No State shall...make anything but gold and
          silver coin a legal tender in payment of debts..." The Federal
          Reserve operates in violation of the Constitution.

     Since Col. House helped establish the Federal Reserve Act, and
believed in socialism, is the central bank concept

     Plank 5 of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto reads:

          "Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means
          a national bank with State capital, and an exclusive
          communist Manifesto by Karl Marx; available at General Birch
          Services. P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, Wis. 54913-8040).

     House also knew, that in addition to controlling a nation's
monetary system, a method of taxation had to be
     established, and in 1913, the 16th Amendment was passed.

This graduated income tax was hailed by proponents as a "tax on the
wealthy" (sound familiar?). Nothing could
     have been farther from the truth. As with the passage of the
Federal Reserve Act,

     "Big Business" and the Wall Street bankers publicly denounced, but
privately funded its promotion and passage.
     Why? Through their influence in government circles, they insured
the necessary loopholes in the bill were
     included - tax-exempt foundations. By the time the 16th Amendment
was passed, they had already established the
     Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations.

     Their wealth was allowed to compound tax-free while their
competitors were saddled with tax burdens. The
     Amendment also allowed Congress to increase and broaden the tax on
the general public.

     Until 1929, the size and cost of the Federal government was
Constitutionally limited: it borrowed little money
     and paid little interest.

     The Depression years following the Stock Market Crash changed all
this. With the country officially bankrupt in
     1933, taxes could now be broadened and increased to finance
government borrowing.


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