"The concrete residue on the inside block walls are indicative of explosive activity within the room consistent with the charge that blew through the top of the room, from the outside in."
-p. 15, "Beyond The Voice Of Reason," Dr. Fran Haga
Photos in Dr. Haga's report - along with such physical evidence she refers to in her report as "concrete residue" and a
"round hole in the concrete top of the room roughly 28 to 30 inches in diameter" - make clear that the concrete-block room referred to by the "mainstream media" as "the bunker" was the target of an attack with high explosives during the siege at Mt. Carmel.
The photo clearly shows the rebars in the hole bent down into the room;  this means whatever explosion took place occurred outside - with the force of the blast going downward into the room.
This evidence is not consistent with small-arms ammo cooking off during a fire;  it is consistent only with the use of high explosives such as dynamite, TNT, or plastic explosives.
27 bodies were found in that "bunker" - six of which had gunshot wounds that would have been near-instantly fatal; at least
two of those six died before the fire - as indicated by autopsies not finding any trace of smoke or soot in their lungs, showing that they didn't live to breathe it and thus didn't commit suicide out of panic when they saw the building engulfed in flame.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom

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