-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

6 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-06
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
God Bless Ronald Reagan!
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


"All the public business in Congress now connects itself with
intrigues, and there is great danger that the whole government will
degenerate into a struggle of cabals." --John Quincy Adams


Today marks the fifty-second anniversary of Ronald Reagan's 39th
birthday, as he would say. Recently, the Gallup Poll asked Americans
"Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?" And more
of them named "Ronald Reagan" than any other president.

This man of simple origins, a giant of a president, always and
unfalteringly did what was right for America. He brought trust,
dignity, and humility to the presidency.  He was, as William Bennett
once observed, "a man in possession of his own soul," and he restored
the nation's values, its character, its soul.  He is a gentleman and a
patriot. We, in turn, humbly thank you, Mr. President, for your
unselfish and devoted service to our country. Happy Birthday and may
God continue to bless you, Ronald Reagan -- All American.

In his own words: "[I]n all of that time I won a nickname, the 'Great
communicator.'  But I never thought it was my style or the words I
used that made a difference: It was the content. I wasn't a great
communicator, but I communicated great things, and they didn't spring
full bloom from my brow; they came from the heart of a great nation --
from our experience, our wisdom and our belief in the principles that
have guided us for two centuries. They called it the Reagan
revolution. Well, I'll accept that, but for me it always seemed like
the Great Rediscovery -- a rediscovery of our values and our common
sense. ... [B]ecause we're a great nation our challenges seem complex.
It will always be that way. But as long as we remember our first
principles and believe in ourselves, the future will always be ours.
And something else we learned: Once you begin a great movement,
there's no telling where it will end. We meant to change a nation, and
instead we changed a world. ... I never thought of myself as a great
man, just a man committed to great ideas. I've always believed that
individuals should take priority over the state.  History has taught
me that this is what sets America apart -- not to remake the world in
our image, but to inspire people everywhere with a sense of their own
boundless possibilities. There's no question I am an idealist, which
is another way of saying I am an American."

(Reagan2000.com is the Internet's most comprehensive resource on
President Reagan's life and achievements, and a touchstone for all
patriot conservatives going forward. We invite you to explore
Reagan2000.com and share the site with your friends and associates.
Visit -- http://www.Reagan2000.com)


"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, 'There is a price
we will not pay.'  There is a point beyond which they must not
advance.  This is the meaning of the phrase 'Peace through strength'."
--Ronald Reagan  ++  "A just fear of an imminent danger, though there
be no blow given, is a lawful cause of war." --Sir Francis Bacon  ++
"The biggest corporation, like the humblest private citizen, must be
held to strict compliance with the will of the people as expressed in
the fundamental law." --Theodore Roosevelt  ++  "Contradiction is
obliteration of the line of demarcation between good and evil, it
means calling humanism what is actually 'sin'." --Pope John Paul II
++  "The firm basis of government is justice, not pity." --Woodrow
Wilson  ++  "I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my
chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
--Helen Keller  ++  "Where there is no God, there is no man."
--Nicholas Berdyaev  ++  "No purpose of action against religion can be
imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a
religious people.... This is a Christian nation." --U.S. Supreme Court
(1892)  ++  "The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration,
but its donation." --Corrie Ten Boom  ++  "All armed prophets have
been victorious, and all unarmed prophets have been destroyed."
--Machiavelli  ++  "The religious person should not seek an
accommodation with liberalism; he should seek to rout it from the
field, to extirpate it, root and branch." --Stanley Fish ++  "Somehow
strangely the vice of men gets well represented and protected but
their virtue has none to plead its cause -- nor any charter of
immunities and rights." --Henry David Thoreau  ++  "There is good news
from Washington today. The Congress is deadlocked and can't act."
--Will Rogers


"My budget supports three great goals for America:  We will win this
war, we will protect our homeland, and we will revive our economy."
--President George W. Bush  ++  "It really is refreshing -- literally
refreshing -- to have a president people admire and can follow cleanly
again." --Peggy Noonan  ++  "Until now, the war had been about Sept.
11. The campaign against the Taliban and al Qaeda is a campaign of
revenge and justice. That campaign is not yet over, but the war, the
real war, is not about last Sept. 11. It is about preventing the next
Sept. 11 -- and in particular, a nuclear, chemical or biological Sept.
11." --Charles Krauthammer ++  "There are seven nations on the U.S.
State Department's list of terrorist states.  All shop at Beijing's
weapons-of-mass-destruction superstore, though some only buy
accessories." --Don Feder {}  "...[T]he Constitution gave us a
legislative supremacy government, one that puts the decisive powers in
that branch which most closely represents the ultimate holder of
sovereignty." --Mark Tapscott  {}  "But even in wartime, the
Constitution doesn't protect just freedom of popular speech, or the
right to support the government, or the expression of political views
that don't make anyone mad." --Steve Chapman {}  "It does not do, to
countenance the threat of being killed, to commit suicide." --William
F. Buckley  {}  "If politicians don't respect the law, why should
citizens respect politicians?" --Debra Saunders  {}  "Big government
and big campaign money go hand-in-hand." --Rep. Ron Paul  {}  "Leading
is often brutal and thankless, but it has its rewards." --Wesley
Pruden  {}  "Excellence in our calling, which the Bible calls for,
makes the most powerful witness for us in the workplace." --Charles
Colson  {}  "Family life is the normal context in which we can learn
that a life filled with thinking about others instead of ourselves is
the sure road to the most fulfilling joys and satisfactions." --Alan
Keyes  {}  "One of the sad signs of our times is that we have
demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce,
and canonized those who complain." --Thomas Sowell  ++  "Government
has ceased to mean upholding and reinforcing the traditional rights
and morals of the governed; it now means compulsion in the service of
social engineering." --Joseph Sobran {} "How ironic that instead of
honoring the Judeo-Christian tradition underlying our unparalleled
liberties, the secular neo-libertarians are trying to eradicate all
vestiges of that tradition in the public arena." --David Limbaugh  {}
"In fact, it is abortion that has diminished women and the entire
culture because it cheapens life and leads to a disregard for other
lives and relationships." --Cal Thomas


"Unveiled ...[Monday], the $2.13 trillion budget President Bush
proposed for fiscal 2003 has two particularly striking features. The
first is that this is clearly a national-security budget. The second
is that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has
introduced the welcome concepts of management and accountability into
the federal budget process. On the national-security front, 2003
budget authority for the Department of Defense would increase by $45
billion, or 13.5 percent, to $379 billion. It represents the largest
percentage increase since Ronald Reagan began reinvigorating America's
armed forces in the early 1980s. ...Total spending for homeland
security will increase next year to $38 billion, representing a
virtual doubling of the pre-September 11 level. ...If national defense
and homeland security are budget priorities, other programs are hardly
ignored. Non-national-security spending would increase between 2
percent and 3 percent at a time when the consumer price index and
other inflation gauges have been running significantly below 2 percent
a year. Over 10 years, the budget would allocate nearly $200 billion
to reform Medicare, including providing a prescription drug benefit
for the elderly. On the management front, OMB has introduced the
audacious concept of accountability and performance measurement. This
year's budget incorporates the President's Management Agenda, which
aims to reform federal management and improve governmental performance
through the introduction of five government-wide initiatives. These
initiatives measure how well agencies and departments maximize the
talent of their human capital; take advantage of competitive sourcing;
improve financial performance; exploit the benefits of Internet-based
technology; and integrate budget expenditures and performance. ...In
its effort to achieve budgetary accountability, OMB did not assess the
White House's performance. So, here is a simple standard: Having
submitted a reasonable budget for 2003, Mr. Bush should be graded by
how often he uses his veto pen and how well he exploits his
astronomical political capital to enforce his spending blueprint."
--Washington Times


>From the Commissars of Public Opinion: "What also struck me, aside
from how frightening much in this speech was, were the things that
were missing. Very little with respect to minorities, the uninsured,
the homeless, the elderly, Enron workers who have lost their life
savings." --Washington Post reporter Ceci Connolly on President Bush's
State of the Union speech  {}  "You said we do not go around killing
innocent people. I take your point, except you've just launched an
investigation to see whether in fact we did." --ABC's Sam Donaldson to
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Donaldson apparently missed the
implicit "intentionally" there. A later exchange in the interview --
Donaldson: "Some cynics believe, of course, when you were saying that
[about the likelihood of a future terrorist attack] you were tying it
to the increase in the defense budget. ...I understand these people in
Washington, they say the darndest things." Rumsfeld: "There's the
understatement."  {}  This week's "Leftmedia Data Check": In the first
two months since the Enron bankruptcy, the Leftmedia have devoted over
two and half times as much coverage to it as they did during a
comparable period to reporting on the Clintonistas' Whitewater
scandal. A Lexis-Nexis search turned up 8,858 mentions of Enron and
President Bush from early December to early February, but only 3,297
reports on Whitewater and President Clinton from Dec. 20, 1993,
through Feb. 21, 1994.  {}  This week's "News Nonsensica" Award: "[W]e
cannot let the Clinton legacy go. We're living vicariously through
Chelsea because as a country we don't want to let a very popular
former President out of our hands...." -- E! Online's Ted Casablanca
on GMA about Chelsea's new hair style  {}  Jeepers, creepers....
Aparently Greta Van Susteren, thinking that when she moved to Fox she
had to look like one, got herself some "youth cream" from Geraldo. Van
Susteren says she had two hours of "cosmetic surgery" to face off
against conservatives. (We guess that means Geraldo had twenty hours
of facial repairs!) **A Federalist programming reminder: If you cannot
tolerate Greta, the Alan Keyes show, in that same time slot on MSNBC,
is just a channel change away!


This week's "Las Clintonista Leftovers" Award: "It is now clear that
our nation's present economic policy is simply not working....I'm
concerned about the economy...after all of the hard work that went
into eliminating our nation's deficits and building up the strongest
American economy in our history, the truth is that America's economic
house is no longer in order; the policies are heading in the wrong
direction.... I believe Bill Clinton and I did a good job." --Al Gore
"rejoining the national debate" {}  From the "Je$$e Ja˘k$on" gene
pool: "I think what we actually heard in the State of the Union speech
was the 'police' State of the Union speech. ...I'm supportive of the
President's efforts to fight against terrorism in our country and
around the world. But it's increasingly clear that it's coming at the
expense of a number of necessary programs for Americans.... The union
is clearly less than perfect and the President did not make that
case." --Illinois Demo-Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. **Fruit does not fall
far from the tree.  {}  This month's "Demo-Goguery" Award: "Enron has
the potential to shape the entire political environment for 2002,
impact other issues and reduce confidence in the Bush administration
and Republicans.... The concerns people have are powerful and likely
to be increasingly corrosive for the Bush administration." --Democrat
strategy memo authored by James Carville and two other Demo
strategists  ++   "I...I've not seen the memo.  This is the first I
heard about it." --Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the DNC, last
Wednesday morning commenting on CNN about James Carville's memo


This week's "Periplaneta Americana" Award: "John [Walker] loves
America. John did not do anything against America." --Frank Lindh,
little Johnny's father.  {}  This week's "Village Glitterati" Award:
"We should be rattling the Bush cage and our elected senators and
congressmen, and we should say to them, 'We care about girls' and
women's rights and health, and we want you, as our representatives, to
care too and to put it into practice with money...." --Hanoi Jane
Fonda  {}  This month's "Gender (and Species) Disorientation Award":
"Versions of this idea have been discussed around dinner tables and at
parties in the gay community for years as we wondered what would
happen to us when we got old. But none of this would have been
possible five years ago. ...I dreamed I was dying and realized the
only person I could call was my dog. I woke up thinking, 'What is
going to happen to me when I get old?'" --John DeLeo, one of two
partners behind The Arbours, a development group planning a
"homosexual" retirement center near Fort Lauderdale  {}  This week's
"Village Ignorati" Award: "I don't know.  I'm what you call a
'newbie'." --Response from a protester brandishing a placard that
read, "No New War Against Somalia" at the World Economic Forum when
asked if he knew where Somalia was.


"I can't hear you!"  -- George W. Bush to reporters at the White House
shouting questions to him as he walked to presidential helicopter
Marine One carrying with him some choice reading material: Bernard
Goldberg's "Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the
News."  {}  "To the faint hearts of Europe, who never miss an
opportunity to miss an opportunity to stand up to bullies and sneaks
who mean them harm, the president had the tough message to give the
limberneck to certain of his men in Foggy Bottom and other domestic
redoubts of fear and loathing. ...[W]e heard squeaks from the timid
immediately. The mice are upset not by threats posed by outlaw regimes
but by the president's description of the Axis of evil -- Iran, Iraq
and North Korea -- as the 'Axis of evil.' ...The Germans are upset
because a strenuous effort at fighting terror would reduce
sausage-eating time, and the French are upset as the French always
are, lest the war on terror interfere with selling cheese." --Wesley
Pruden  {}  "Whether the terrorists in Guantanamo are getting enough
Froot Loops is not where the country is right now." --Ann Coulter  {}
"If one octopus made a deal with another octopus could you call it a
squid pro quo?" --Lyn Nofziger  {}  "I did not have political
relations with that man -- Mr. Lay." --Demo Sen. Ernest Hollings on
his dealings with Enron's chairman.  {}  "The tall, nude female statue
at the Justice Department in Washington is now hidden behind a
recently installed $4,000 curtain. Wouldn't a burqa have been
cheaper?" --Mark Russell  {}  "Foundering Father: Though his name
sounds familiar to me,/ I'm still wondering who he could be:/ In the
index I look/ In my history book,/ But George Washington's name I
don't see." --F.R. Duplantier

Jay Leno.... The president's address was translated in Spanish, Arabic
and Mandarin Chinese last night. I guess he's trying to connect with
all the people in California.  .... The American Taliban kid, John
Walker, is getting 10 life sentences. He's happy about that -- in
Taliban terms that's about 360 virgins.  ....  Did you see the Super
Bowl? Or, as the Patriots call it, "The Silence of the Rams!" ....
This Super Bowl had one thing that most Super Bowls don't -- a fourth
quarter.  ....  President Bush called the Patriots -- that's tradition
for the president to congratulate the winning team. President Bush is
such a classy guy, he even called the Rams and gave them advice on
what to do after choking.  .... The Olympics are coming up! They have
built a monorail system that can transport over 100,000 people per day
-- and that's just Osmonds!  .... It was cold last night! It was so
cold out that rap stars were actually chilling out. It was cold! What
was the temperature? The temperature was five below Hillary.  ....
Kmart stock is now down to 99 cents per share. The sad thing is that
you can buy it at Walmart for 89 cents!

David Letterman.... I just came from backstage, and the Rams have tied
it up again!  ....  Did you enjoy the exciting commercials? The
government ran several anti-drug commercials. They ran right between
the seventh and eighth Budweiser commercials.  .... Today there was a
big party in Boston. There hasn't been a winning team in Boston since
the Continental Army. ....  President Bush lifts weights. He likes to
stay in shape. He can bench 180 pounds -- or, as Clinton calls it,
"half an intern"!

Argus Hamilton.... The Super Bowl crowd booed Bill Clinton during his
turn to read Abe Lincoln's words before the ballgame. Their booing
made no sense at all. You would think that after five or six nights in
the French Quarter, they would see things his way.  ....  The Super
Bowl caused a record amount of wagering at Las Vegas hotel sports
books Sunday. Gambling has become a national epidemic. Americans will
spend $60 billion on games of chance this year and that doesn't
include weddings and elections. ....  Gennifer Flowers opened a
nightclub on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans just
in time for the Super Bowl. The neighborhood continues to improve. The
building formerly housed a brothel and before that it was a law
school.  ....  Madeleine Albright told the Today Show that President
Bush made a big mistake by describing Iran, Iraq and North Korea as
the Axis of Evil. Remember her? She served under Bill Clinton and was
the only one who didn't take him to court for it.  ....  North Korean
generals ridiculed President Bush's military ultimatum Tuesday. They
said their missiles could destroy South Korea's Hyundai factory in
fifteen minutes. So this could be the first war in history that saved
lives in the long run. ....  President Bush agreed Monday with Dick
Cheney's refusal to name anyone he has consulted on energy policy.
How many members of the Bush Administration does it takes to screw in
a light bulb? We don't know, they're still keeping us in the dark.
...  The Wall Street Journal worried ... that the White House might
be hiding something about Enron. Fear of phony accounting is spooking
the market. This could cause the first rupture between the Wall Street
Journal and a sitting Republican president since Abraham Lincoln
declared Confederate war bonds to be null and void.  ....  Janet Reno
fainted during a speech in Florida Thursday and was hospitalized
overnight. She said she fainted because she got hot and sweaty
onstage. If she doesn't like to get hot and sweaty, maybe she should
run for governor of Vermont.  ....  The San Francisco City municipal
workers' health care plan was upheld in court last week.  The medical
insurance plan pays for any city worker's sex change operation.  Now
the workers are suing because the plan only offers them two choices.

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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