-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Just to summarize the banks and insurance companies, this amounts to 25%
of all the assets of the 50 largest
     banks, and 30% of all the assets of the 50 largest life insurance
companies. This gives them leverage over the
     economy that goes far beyond direct ownership.

     Congressman Patman also found that if you control 5% or more of the
stock in a corporation, whose stock is widely
     held, you have in effect, minority control. If we take those
corporations that the Rockefeller family has 10%
     control, or 5%, and at least two members of their board of
directors, we have the following:

     Exxon, Mobil Oil, Standard of California, Standard of Indiana,
International Harvester, Inland Steel, Marathon
     Oil, Quaker Oats, Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel, Freeport Sulphur, and
International Basic Economy Corporation.
     Corporations which are probably under Rockefeller influence, and I
say probably, because it's extremely difficult
     to trace stock ownership through trusts and foundations, are these:

     Texaco, IT&T, Westinghouse, Boeing, International Paper, Sperry
Rand, Xerox, National Cash Register, National
     Steel, American Home Products, Pfizer, Avon, and Merck.

     Merck has just agreed to buy Medco Containment, the nation's
largest marketer of discount prescription medicines.
     The acquisition makes Merck, by far, the biggest integrated
producer and distributor of pharmaceuticals in the
     country. (Wall Street Journal, 7-29-93).

     Transportation companies under the Rockefeller influence include
Penn Central, TWA, Eastern Airlines, United
     Airlines, National Airlines, Delta, Braniff, and Consolidated

     Others they control through interlocking boards of directors are:
Allied Chemical, Annaconda Copper, DuPont,
     Monsanto, Olin-Mathison, Borden, National Distillers, Shell, Gulf,
Union Oil,.Dow, Celanese, Pittsburgh Plate
     Glass, Cities Service, Stauffer Chemical, Continental Oil, Union
Carbide, American Cyanamid, American Motors,
     Bendix, and Chrysler. Isn't that odd?

Who's the biggest stock holders in Chrysler and you had to bail them
out? Other's are CIT Financial, SS Kresge
     and RH Macy.

     To summarize what I've just given you, that's 37 of the top 100
industrials, 9 of the top 20 transportation
     firms, the nation's No. 1 utility, three of the top four insurance
companies, plus scores of smaller companies
     engaged in manufacturing, distribution, retail sales, loans or
investments. These are just the known figures.

     So can you start to see the economic power the Rockefeller family
Now, in addition to this, recognize the power
     they have through the membership in the Tri Lateral Commission and
the CFR through other heads of multi national

     There were published several reports under the Senate Investigating
Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting, and
     Management." They're under the "Committee on Governmental Affairs,
United States Senate, January 1978."

     The first report is entitled " Interlocking Boards of Directors
Among Major U.S. Corporations".

     This Senate study looked at the top 130 corporations and placed
every name of every board of directors into a
     computer and found this: 70% of the top 130 corporations are
interlocked directly or indirectly with the lower
     companies. They even found many competing companies and
corporations have the same board of directors and several
     members of the same board of directors, which is illegal according
to Section 8 of the Clayton Act.

     When this point is reached, you don't have competition anymore, you
have price-fixing. Some of these people were
     sitting on 16 difference boards of directors! In the April 1993 IBM
proxy statement, this can be demonstrated.
     Also, 8 of these 18 directors are CFR. (IBM Notice of 1993 Annual
Meeting and Proxy Statement; IBM, Armonk, N.Y.

     The second report the same committee did was called "Voting
Rights-Major U.S. Corporations". They looked at 122
     corporations and found this: One corporation, Morgan Guaranty and
Trust, was in the top five vote-holders of 57
     of those corporations; another, City National Bank of New York, was
in the top five voteholders of 36 of those.

That's 93 of the top 122 corporations. Now, who was the top vote-holder
in the parent company of Morgan Guaranty
     and Trust? Number one was City National Bank of New York, and
number two was the Chase Manhattan Bank, which
     means that the Rockefellers controlled Morgan Guaranty and Trust
and also the City National Bank of New York.

     The Rockefellers are in the top five voteholders in 93 of those 122
corporations. This is what the Subcommittee
     found in 1978.

     Why didn't we hear about it? At that time, half of the members of
the Senate Subcommittee over this study were
     CFR/Tri Lat.

     There shouldn't be much doubt who controls the oil here. But what
about the Middle East oil? Now, supposedly,
     OPEC has nationalized, in most cases, the oil fields over there.
Aramco, an oil consortium of Exxon, Mobil,
     Texaco, and SOCAL got 42% on every petrodollar and OPEC 58% during
the late 70's "energy crisis ". Do you think
     it bothered them that the price of gas doubled while the media was
telling us there was an oil shortage?

     The Tri Lat "engineered" the crisis. Its planning publication is
called the "Triangle Papers". On page 73 of
     Publication No. 17, entitled "Energy: Managing the Transition
(1978), we find this:

          "We therefore urge each Tri Lateral government to review its
          structure and develop specific energy taxes. An obvious
          here is a higher federal excise tax on gasoline in the United

     In other words, they created the crisis, and we paid for it at the
pumps through higher prices and higher taxes.
     Who got blamed? OPEC.

     The same people who control the oil here also exercise control in
the Middle East. According to the 1974 report
     of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational
Corporations, the Aramco consortium attempted to
     block America's emergency airlift to Israel, during the Yom Kippur
War of 1973.

These companies cooperated closely with Saudi Arabia to deny oil and
fuel to the U.S. Navy. In the 1930's, it was
     Standard Oil (Rockefeller) money that established the oil industry
over there - Makes one wonder about Desert

     Remember, it is Kissinger's belief that a world government can be
brought about by controlling an international
     monetary system, oil/energy, and food. Consider how far the control
of food has gotten:

     In the seventies, Senator Gannon ran a study in five counties of
Kansas. He found that 85,000 acres over the
     8,OOO acres legal limit were illegally owned by large multinational

     The American Agriculture paper also reported that six coal
companies, who were in turn controlled by the oil
     companies, owned somewhere in the neighborhood of 80% of the farm
land in Illinois. These are just a few

     Remember, in 1973, the Tri Lateral Commission was formed, and in
1973 the large multinational corporations
     started diversifying. Into what? Food.

     Through interlocking directors, at the time of this study, Gulf was
interlocked with General Foods and Ralston
     Purina; Mobil Oil with General Foods and H.J. Heinz; Standard of
California with American Potato, Basic Vegetable
     Products, and Broadway Hale Stores; Atlantic Richfield Co. with
Lincoln County Livestock, and Diamond A Cattle;
     Philips Petroleum with Campbell Soup; Citgo with Kraft and Campbell
Soup; Getty Oil with A&P and Carnation;
     Standard Oil Of Ohio with National Biscuit; Hesslup with Borden;
Safeway is controlled by the Chase Manhattan
     Bank; Tenneco controlled. at the time Of this report, approximately
one and a half million acres of land, gas,
     oil, and chemicals; IT&T is interlocked with Wonderbread;

     Case (farm implements) and International Harvester are controlled
by the Rockefellers and John Deere S president,
     at that time, a member of the Tri Lateral Commission.

Who was the biggest beef producer through feedlots and fatteners?
Greyhound bus. Who was the biggest pork
     producer in the world? Arnior, owned by Greyhound bus. One Of the
largest cattle feeders by volume in the U.S. as
     well as one Of the largest grain companies is Cargill, (run by
Whitney McMillan, Tri Lat member), and they bought
     Missouri Beef, one Of the largest beef packing plants.

     Does the recent "collapse" of the U.S.S.R. tie into the New World

     The plans to bring the Soviet Union into a one-world government
goes back to 1907 (see Tragedy and Hope, A
     History Of the World in Our Time, by Carroll Quigley,1966; The
McMillan CO.,

     N.Y.,available Angriff Press, P.O. Box 2726, Hollywood, California
90028). The very same people who established
     the Federal Reserve Act, the graduated income tax, and the CFR also
bankrolled the Bolshevik Revolution. This was
     a well-known fact in intelligence circles at that time.

     In 1953, CFR member H. Rowan Gaither (Chairman of Ford Foundation)
made a statement to Norman Dodd (chief
     investigator for the special Congressional Committee to Investigate
Tax-Exempt Foundations):

          "We shall use our grant-making power to SO alter life in
          the United States that we can be comfortably inerged with the
          Soviet Union."

     Consider the following excerpts from the Washington Post Weekly
     (May 4, 1992)

          "The IMF, the World Bank, and the major industrial nations
          decided to take a risk with Russia and former Soviet

..Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar...last
          week swept through Washington, reassuring business leaders, as
          well as finance ministers and central bankers from the Group
          Seven major industrial nations."

          "In an effort to get the banking system under control, Gerald
          Corrigan, the President Of the New York Federal Reserve Bank
          (CFR/Tri Lat), has been visiting Moscow regularly since
          (1991) to advise the Central bank and commercial banks. An
          acquaintance Of former Fed Chairman Paul A. Volcker (CFR/Tri
          Lat), Says Volcker is close to an agreement that would make
          consultant to Russian President Boris Yeltzin."

          "In addition, David Rockefeller (CFR/Tri Lat), a former
          Chairman Of the Chase Manhattan Bank, says he has agreed to
          be part Of a group Corrigan is assembling that might help
          establish banking business in Russia."

          "Once the IMF program is in place, the World Bank will supply
          direct support to the agriculture and oil sectors Of the

          "The oil Sector is enough to solve any financial Crisis they
          Russians) might have", says World Bank President Lewis Preston
          (CFR & formerly with Morgan Guaranty). He says there are 33
          undeveloped fields in W. Siberia."

Isn't that interesting? The World Bank and the IMF are "supporting" the
agriculture and oil sectors thereby
     controlling the food and energy. It would be more accurate to say
that the CFR/Tri Lat are controlling the
     agriculture and oil sectors.


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