-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

8 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-06
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


"I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private
affairs, that honesty is the best policy."  --George Washington


Top of the fold...

President George W. Bush rolled out his budget proposals early in the
week -- to the tune of "Money" -- $2.13 trillion to be precise, a 3.7
percent increase over this year.  Turning the spotlight on needed
defense spending for the war against Jihadistan (and, more
importantly, to begin the process of rebuilding what was left of our
military after the last administration), Mr. Bush spoke to cheering
troops at Eglin Air Force Base: "We're unified in Washington on
winning this war. One way to express our unity is for Congress to set
the military budget, the defense of the United States, as the No. 1
priority and fully fund my request." The President's plan includes a
defense-spending rise of $48 billion, a 14 percent increase, to
overcome eight years of not-so-benign neglect. Budget projections for
the next five years boost Pentagon spending by $120 billion to $451
billion by 2007. (You will, of course, recall that in 1993 Mr. Clinton
cut $128 billion out of defense spending.)

Protecting the home front, Mr. Bush nearly doubled planned
expenditures for homeland security, to about $38 billion. And he
increased DHHS's budget by about $30 billion -- the largest portion of
that earmarked for defense against biological attack. (All other
spending increased an average of 2%, with the Departments of Labor,
Transportation and EPA being cut 3.2%, 3.5% and 3.6%, respectively.)

And CIA Director George Tenet Wednesday reiterated the continuing
danger of Jihad attack on U.S. citizens: "We know that they will hurt
us again, and we have to minimize their opportunity to do so." Tenet
further noted anti-terrorist progress to date: almost 1,000 al Qaeda
operatives are in custody in around 60 countries -- many times that
number are dead!

But where might head Jihadi terrorist Osama bin Laden be these days?
One possibility: "There isn't any doubt in my mind but that the porous
border between Iran and Afghanistan has been used for al Qaeda and
Taliban to move into Iran," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said
Sunday. "We have any number of reports that Iran has been permissive
and allowed transit through their country of al Qaeda."

Our sources say that a November convoy of 50 off-road vehicles
spirited 250 senior Taliban and al Qaeda members into Iran on a
smugglers' route through the hills. And one report from Afghanistan is
that groups of Taliban and al Qaeda are still traversing the mountains
of central Afghanistan to the Iranian border. Haji Mohamad Akram, the
Saudi chef who cooked for bin Laden, says he believes that bin Laden
planned to escape through Iran and then eventually end up in
Azerbaijan or possibly Chechnya: "Osama had three offers of escape.
One from Iraq, one from Iran, and another from some mafia types. ...We
received a lot of Iranian currency, and the commanders distributed it
to the soldiers."

Speaking of Iran, Mr. Bush's SOTU reference to the "Axis of Evil" is
already paying dividends! Regarding the Leftmedia brouhaha over the
president's reference to Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the "Evil
Axis," only the most nescient of national security observers would
suggest that this shoe is not a perfect fit!

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is honored to be the target of wrath and
anger of the most hated Satan in the world [America]," replied Iranian
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But Foreign Minister Kamal
Kharrazi was more conciliatory, saying, "We are doing our utmost
effort, but the reality is that it is not possible to control this
long border completely." He further promised to return to their home
countries any al Qaeda or Taliban terrorists captured crossing into
Iran, and pledged Iran would not develop nuclear weapons.

Although North Korea continued spouting a defiant line, Iraqi
diplomats made overtures to the United Nations to discuss that pesky
matter of the UN weapons inspectors barred from Saddam Hussein's
enslaved country. Testifying this week before the House of
Representatives, Secretary of State Colin Powell admitted that "regime
change" for Iraq is being planned by Team Bush -- and with "the most
serious set of options" imaginable under consideration. Long past time
for that, but better late than too late, given Saddam's fondness for
acquiring -- and using -- weapons of mass destruction!

Quote of the week...

"Our federal government, which was intended to operate as a very
limited constitutional republic, has instead become a virtually
socialist leviathan that redistributes trillions of dollars. We can
hardly be surprised when countless special interests fight for the
money. The only true solution to the campaign money problem is a
return to a proper constitutional government that does not control the
economy. Big government and big campaign money go hand in hand."
--Rep. Ron Paul

(A reminder: "Campaign finance reform" comes to the House floor next
week! And, despite all the nonsense about the "special influence"
bought by Enron's donations, one need only pause briefly to ask, "What
exactly did it buy them -- they are bankrupt!")

On cross-examination...

"Many conservatives and [Leftists] alike cringe at the suggestion that
the United States should become the 'world's policeman.' This has
always been a straw man. The correct question is whether the United
States should police the world when it is in our interest. And the
answer now and for the foreseeable future is clearly yes.  This
administration  made it known time and again that it will work with
the 'international community' when the international community works
for us. But when it comes to America's vital national interests, the
United States will do what it's got to do, help or no help." --Jonah

Open Query...

"How many sunglasses do you have?" --Bill O'Reilly to Geraldo Rivera,
after the latter completed his hitch in Afghanistan as Fox's "war
correspondent." We have already argued, ad nauseum, that if Fox wants
to be taken seriously, their choice of a tabloid jockey like Geraldo
to mix it up with American warriors on a battle front, was, at best,
bad judgement. After Geraldo got caught in one of his theatrical
stunts -- tearfully claiming he was on "hallowed ground...I said the
Lord's prayer," when, in fact, he was hundreds of miles from where
several of our military personnel were killed by friendly fire -- we
challenged O'Reilly to take Geraldo on. But he never debunked this
charade -- not when it happened and not in his "interview" with
Geraldo von Munchausen Thursday night.

O'Reilly admitted, in an interview last month with media watchdog
Brent Bozell, that Fox hired Geraldo "to go overseas, to dig up
stories, and to be a flamboyant guy that is a provocateur..." Later,
O'Reilly claimed Fox "is a news place where we have to be responsible,
fair and balanced..."

Memo to Bill: You can't have it both ways. We thought you were hired
to do more than flatter Leftmedia charlatans with "fair and balanced"
spin about "sunglasses."

The BIG lie...

"I may be old-fashioned, but as the daughter of a small businessman
who did not believe in living outside our means and who even paid cash
for the house that we lived, I just don't believe we should spend what
we don't yet have in the bank. President Bush's extremely large tax
plan would spend trillions we don't have, and may never have." --Sen.
Ms. Hillary Rodham-Clinton

Memo to New York: "It is a mistake to underestimate the extent to
which Clintonism is based on, informed by, and takes its very shape
from the Big Lie. ...This highly credentialed rube, this mere
operator, this person who never ponders what is right but only what
they'll buy -- this person is not towering and generous but squat and
grasping.  She is ... too corrupt for New York; she is too cynical for
the place that gave birth to Tammany Hall...." --Peggy Noonan

News from the Swamp...

In the Executive Branch, in a fine 91st birthday tribute to The
Federalist's beloved mentor, Ronald Reagan, Mr. Bush signed
legislation making Reagan's childhood home in Dixon, Illinois, a
national landmark. Friend of The Federalist and longtime Reagan
right-hand Lyn Nofziger explain why the honor is fitting: "Reagan was
the first president since the end of World War II to face up to World
Communism and to draw a line in the sand against its ongoing advance.
During his eight years in office, Communism for the first time since
World War II gained not one inch of new territory. Reagan believed
there was room in the world for only one superpower and that was the
United States. When he left office the U.S. was indeed the world's
sole superpower. The driving force behind Reagan was his strong faith
in God and his belief that He had set American here between two oceans
for one purpose -- to be a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world.
America, in his eyes, was 'a shining city on a hill.' He was
determined to keep it that way, not only as a shining city but also as
a beacon of freedom. And I suspect that if he could know what is going
on today he would be thinking he couldn't have a better birthday
present than this President Bush's equal determination to end
terrorism, to defend freedom and to insure that America remains that
shining city on a hill."

On the Hill, a joint resolution honoring Mr. Reagan's birthday passed
the Senate unanimously, while the House approved it 408-0, with these
four Democrats refusing to join the good wishes: Reps. Eddie Bernice
Johnson of Texas, and Pete Stark, Barbara Lee and Diane Watson, all of
California. The Gipper still gets their goat, doesn't he?

In the House of Commons, House Majority Leader Dick Armey has issued a
castigation entitled "Free the Daschle Fifty," urging Senate Demo
Leader Tom Daschle to schedule Senate votes on 50 bills that have
passed the House, but are languishing in the upper chamber. "The
American people want action," Armey said. "They don't want political
posturing. The Democratic-led Senate has a responsibility to vote on
legislation. In fact, it's their job." Bills withheld include even
anti-terrorism laws.

Mr. Armey also leveled an objection against President Bush's SOTU
proposal for revamping the Clintonistas' AmeriCorps into a USA Freedom
Corps at a cost of $560 million next year for nationwide "volunteer"
programs: "I do not understand why anyone would embrace AmeriCorps. It
was not a good idea then, and it is not a good idea now.... I consider
the conceptual framework of AmeriCorps as obnoxious. We give least
well when we give at the direction and supervision of the government,
you know, and the idea that government can teach charity to America
rings very hollow with me; for example, like AmeriCorps, where we are
going to give our kids $30,000 worth of jobs and benefits to teach
them about volunteerism.... [Americans] give best when we give from
our own hearts." We second that!

In the House of Lords, Senate Demo Leader Tom Daschle tipped his
partisan "spin" hand early this week, saying he would remove any
consideration of economic stimulus legislation to address the
recession "with great regret" -- another BIG lie! But then he
backtracked, allowing competing Democratic and Republican to be
debated Wednesday. Surprise, surprise! Neither the Demos' $69 billion
plan (mostly targeted toward the unemployed and lower income earners)
nor the Republicans' $89 billion package (focused on individual and
business tax cuts) had the 60 votes needed to end debate.

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