-Caveat Lector-

Interesting item; the polluted blood sold to many contries arouond the
world and the mark up for this blood is like the mark up Marc Rich
charged for oil from Iran - bough for $6.00 per barrel and sld for
$29.00 a barrel - and Clinton pardoned is hoodlum?

So AIDS had a very interesting histoy; Cryosan also had interesting
history - but the dead cadavers with love from Russia - what do we have
here the Vampire Kings?


Arkansas Bloodsuckers
...The year Bill Clinton became governor of Arkansas, the Arkansas state
prison board awarded a lucrative contract to a Little Rock company
called Health Management Associates or HMA. The company was paid $3
million a year to run medical services for the state's troubled prison
system, which had been excoriated in a ruling by the US Supreme Court as
an "evil place run by some evil men."
...HMA not only made money from providing medical care to prisoners, but
it also started a profitable side venture: blood mining. The company
paid prisoners $7 a pint to have their blood drawn. HMA then sold the
blood on the international plasma market for $50 a pint, splitting 50
percent of the proceeds with the Arkansas Department of Corrections.
Since Arkansas is one of the few states that does not pay prisoners for
their labor, inmates were frequent donors at the so-called "blood
clinic". Hundreds of prisoners sold as much as two pints a week to HMA.
The blood was then sold to pharmaceutical companies, such as Bayer and
Baxter International, blood banks, such as the Red Cross, and so-called
blood fractionizers, which transformed the blood into medicines for
...HMA's contract with the Arkansas Department of Corrections and its
entry into the blood market coincided with the rise of AIDS in the
United States. Regardless, HMA did not screen the torrents of prison
blood, even after the Food and Drug Administration issued special alerts
about the higher incidents of AIDS and hepatitis in prison populations.
When American drug companies and blood fractionizers stopped buying
blood taken from prisoners in the early 1980s, HMA turned to the
international blood market, selling to companies in Italy, France, Spain
and Japan. But the prime buyer of HMA's tainted blood, largely drawn
from prisoners Cummings Unit in Grady, Arkansas, was a notorious
Canadian firm, called Continental Pharma Cryosan Ltd. Cryosan had a
shady reputation in the medical industry. It had been nabbed importing
blood taken from Russian cadavers and relabeled it as from Swedish
volunteers. The company also marketed blood taken from Haitian slums.
...Cryosan passed the tainted Arkansas prison blood on to the Canadian
Red Cross and European and Asian companies. The blood was recalled in
1983 after the contamination was discovered by the FDA. But less than
one-sixth of the blood was recovered. In Canada alone more than 7,000
people have died from receiving contaminated blood, many of them
hemaphiliacs. More than 4,000 of these died of AIDS. Another 40,000
people in Canada have contracted various forms of hepatitis. According
to attorney tk, a $300 million class action suit will be filed on behalf
of the Canadian victims. The suit will name Clinton and officials at the
Arkansas Department of Corrections as defendents.
...Dr. Francis "Bud" Henderson started HMA in the 1970s. As the company
began to expand, he brought in a Little Rock banker named Leonard Dunn
to run the firm. Dunn was a political ally and friend of the Clintons.
He was appointed by Clinton to sit on the Arkansas Industrial
Development Commission and served as finance chair of Clinton's 1990
gubernatorial campaign. Later that same year, Dunn purchased the
infamous Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan from Clinton's business
partner James McDougal. Dunn now serves as chief of staff to Arkansas'
Lt. Governor, Winthrop Rockefeller.
...Dunn's ties to Clinton served HMA well after the company came under
scrutiny for both abusive treatment of prison patients and shoddy
management of the blood center. In 1983, the Food and Drug
Administration stripped HMA of its license to sell blood after it found
that the company had failed to exclude donors that had tested positively
for hepatitus b, often a precuser of HIV.
...A state police report compiled as part of an investigation into the
companies operations at the Cummings Unit noted that the FDA pulled the
company's license to sell blood "for falsifying records and shipping hot
blood." The report goes on to say that "the suspension was for
collecting and shipping plasma which had been collected from donors with
a history of positive tests for [hepatitis b]...the violations were
directly related to using inmate labor in the record and donor reject
...Dunn, and the Arkansas Department of Corrections, convinced the FDA
that the fault lay with a prison guard who was taking kickbacks from
prisoners in order to let them get back into the blood trade. The
license was quickly restored and tainted blood once more began to flow.
...That didn't end the investigations, however. HMA's contract was up
for renewal by the prison board. When investigators began probbing the
company's practices, Dunn repeatedly boasted of his ties to Bill
Clinton. "Mr. Dunn spoke openly and freely and explained to these
investigators that he was the financial portion of the corporation as
well as its political arm," noted investigator Sam Probasco in his
report. "Dunn advised that he was close to Gov. Clinton as well as the
majority of state politicians presently in office."
...The allegations against the company involved numerous health and
safety violations, failure to test for diseases such as hepititus and
syphillis, bad record-keeping, falsification of records, drawing blood
from multiple patients with the same needle. Several former prisoners at
Cummings are now charging that they contracted hepatitus and AIDS from
the blood program.
...Another incident involved a botched operation in which an HMA doctor
unnecessarily amputated a prisoner's leg at the hip. According to
Michael Galster, a prosthetics specialist who worked at the Cummings
Unit at the time, HMA hired Vince Foster, then with the Rose Law firm,
to help squash the investigation. Galster says that Foster approached
Galster with an offer to build the prisoner an artificial leg in the
hope that it prevent the prisoner from moving forward with a legal claim
against the company.
..."The purpose of his being there was to convince me to take this,
smooth it over and everybody would be happy," said Galster. "I refused
him. He said, 'I understand your predicament. But this could make it
difficult for you to get a future state contract.'"
...Although Galster refused to go along, Foster seems to have
accomplished his task. The state's internal investigation of HMA cleared
the company of any wrongdoing. But an independent review by tk, a
California firm, that HMA's work in the prisons was extremely deficient.
The report cited more than 40 contract violations and was replete with
instances of negligent care of patients and in its handling of the blood
center. Much of the blame for the problem was placed on another Clinton
pal, Art Lockhart , who was the head of the Arkansas Department of
...When the independent review came out, pressure mounted for Clinton to
fire Lockhart. Clinton swiftly nixed the idea, telling reporters that he
didn't believe the allegations were serious enough for him to "ask Mr.
Lockhart to resign".
...The Arkansas State police launched a half-hearted investigation into
allegations that HMA was awarded a renewal of its contract after bribing
members of the state prison board. The investigation soon focused an
attorney named Richard Mays, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Mays was given at least $25,000 by HMA to act as an "ombudsman" for the
company, a position that apparehad no job description and no apparent
...Mays, who served as a vice-president for finance at the DNC, has been
at the heart of several Clinton scandals. In 1996, he was credited with
securing Little Rock restauranteur Charlie Trie's $100,000 contribution
to the Democratic Party's coffers. He also appears in the Whitewater
probe, where he tried to stave off the federal prosecution of David
Hale. Mays and his week have been frequent visitors to the White House,
incluidng an overnight stay in the vaunted Lincoln bedroom. Dunn claims
that Mays was recommended to him by Clinton and prison board chairman
and Clinton intimate, Woodson Walker.
...In 1986, HMA's contract was revoked. But that didn't stop the
Arkansas Department of Corrections' prison blood program. A new company,
Pine Bluff Biologicals, took over the blood center and expanded it to
include two other prison units. The new company's safety record turned
out to be about dismal as HMA's. Screening for AIDs was particularly
lax. Pine Bluffs president Jimmy Lord dismissed such concerns and
suggested that AIDs was not a problem in Arkansas "If anyone got caught
in a homosexual act," Lords said. "We took them off the roster."
...By the late 1980s, Arkansas was the only prison in the United States
still running a blood program. In 1991, a reporter for the Arkansas
Times asked John Byus, medical director of the Arkansas Corrections
Department, how much longer they planned to continue the operation: "We
plan to stick with it till the last day, to the last drop we're able to
sell." The program stayed in operation until Bill Clinton moved to
Washington. It was finally shut down in 1993 by his successor, Jim "Guy"

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