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Scientology, Dianetics
and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed

by Jon Atack

Published by Carol Publishing Group

Copyright c 1990 by Jon Atack

A Lyle Stuart Book
Published by Carol Publishing Group

    Editorial Offices   Sales & Distribution Offices
    600 Madison Avenue  120 Enterprise Avenue
    New York, NY 10022  Secaucus, NJ 07094

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Queries regarding rights and permissions should be addressed
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Manufactured in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Atack, Jon.
A piece of blue sky: Scientology, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard
exposed / by Jon Atack.
p.  cm. "A Lyle Stuart book."
Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0--8184-0499-X:
1.  Scientology--Controversial literature. 2. Dianetics-Controversial
literature. 3. Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 191 I- 4. Church
of Scientology--History. 1. Title.
    BP605.S2A83 1990
    299 '. 936'092--dc20 89-77666

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It was 1950, in the early, heady days of Dianetics, soon after
L. Ron Hubbard opened the doors of his first organization to
the clamoring crowd. Up until then, Hubbard was known only to
readers of pulp fiction, but now he had an instant best-seller
with a book that promised to solve every problem of the human
mind, and the cash was pouring in. Hubbard found it easy to
create schemes to part his new following from their money. One
of the first tasks was to arrange "grades" of membership, offering
supposedly greater rewards, at increasingly higher prices. Over
thirty years later. an associate wryly remembered Hubbard turning
to him and confiding, no doubt with a smile, "Let's sell these
people a piece of blue sky."


My particular thanks are due to my three good friends Mitch
Beedie, Lawrence Kristiansen and George Shaw. Mitch Beedie has
been a constant source of encouragement, support and editorial
insight throughout six years of research and writing. Lawrence
Kristiansen has proved to be an invaluable resource, sharing
freely his knowledge and understanding of Scientology. His meticulous
research, and his painstaking editing, helped me to focus ever
more closely on the subject matter. George Shaw also signed
up as an unpaid (and exceptional) researcher, gave me the benefit
of his considerable knowledge of Scientology, and provided fascinating
perspectives on Hubbard's character and motives.
This book is based upon statements made by over 150 individuals
whether in interviews, correspondence, taped talks, published
accounts, affidavits or sworn testimony. Those of my sources
whose statements were made publicly, and those who have given
permission, are named in the reference summary. I am grateful
to them all and to the many people who have asked to remain
anonymous, for reasons which the book should make clear.
In return for access to my manuscript and my collaboration as
a consultant, Russell Miller made his interview notes available
to me, and for this and our friendly working relationship I
am most grateful.
l also wish to express my thanks to Dave Waiters and the staff
of the Montana Historical Society; to Ron Neuman for access
to his collection of Hubbard letters and first editions; and
to Brenda Yates and Carol Kanda for ensuring that I received
the 28 volumes of the transcript of the Armstrong case. Without
Brenda these vital documents would not have become available
in the first place.
Gratitude is also due to those authors whose work made my own
less daunting: the late Joseph Winter, Martin Gardner, the late
Helen O'Brien, George Malko, Pauletter Cooper, Cyril Vosper,
Bob Kauf-



man, the late Christopher Evans, C.H. Rolph, John Forte and
most especially Roy Wallis for The Road to Total Freedom. I
am also in debt to the St. Petersburg Times and the Clearwater
Sun for their excellent coverage of Scientology.
I am grateful to the many friends who have revived my sometimes
flagging spirits on the long road to publication. Gratitude
is due especially to: Robyn, Joy, Fiona, Joyce, Marcia~ Sam,
Gall, Hana, Gay, John, Greg, Sarge, Marcus, Lew, Chris, Callan,
Otto, my parents, my brother Andrew, and my wife, Noe!!a.
The litigious nature of the Scientologists has ffightened most
publishers into silence. Lyle Stuart and Steven Schragis were
not intimidated, and I am extremely grateful to them. Finally,
my thanks to our attorney, Mel Wulf, for his patient attention
to detail; to my editor Bob Smith; and to all at Carol Publishing
Group for making this book a published reality.



Several years ago, when I began making inquiries into the life
and times of L. Ron Hubbard, almost the first name that was
mentioned to me was that of Jon Atack. Subsequently it was a
name that would crop up time and time again. Almost anyone who
knew anything about Hubbard invariably suggested that I should
talk to Jon Atack.
Of course by then I had talked to Jon and discovered him to
be one of the world's foremost unofficial archivists of the
Church of Scientology. In the loft of his house in East Grinstead,
he had collected literally thousands of documents, letters,
pamphlets, books and pictures, all of it indexed and cross-referenced
on computer. For anyone interested in the history and development
of Scientology, it is a treasure trove of reliable information
on a subject positively riddied with deeply unreliable information.
At some time in the future, the Atack archive will be lodged
with an academic institution in order that it will be forever
available to future researchers.
Jon was extremely generous with his time, knowledge and help
while I was working on my biography of Hubbard and I am therefore
delighted to write this brief preface to his own much more comprehensive
and wide-ranging book. It is, in essence, a distillation of
his extraordinary attic archive and thus provides the reader
with a dispassionate, thoroughly documented account of how Scientology
was created and nourished by a struggling science-fiction writer,
how it grew into a worldwide organization and how it has managed
to dominate (and damage) so many thousands of lives.
Because this book recounts the stark truth about Scientology,
it is certain to provoke the ferocious hostility of practicing
Scientologists around the world. Anyone who dares to publicly
criticize the Church of Scientology or its founder is liable
to be viiifled and hounded through the courts, as I can personally
testify. (Although it is a mystery to me that Scientologists
continue to believe that their founder was a

viii    PREFACE

man with the highest regard for the truth, whereas the records
consistently indicate that he was a charlatan and a congenital
lon Atack is a former member of the Church of Scientology and
I have no doubt that he will be attacked as a turncoat and traitor
seeking to cause damage to his former church. All I can say
is that over the months and years of our association I never
doubted that his motives were decent and honest; I never felt
for a moment that he was spurred by malice or any unworthy desire
to settle old scores.
It is my firm conviction that Jon began to assemble his archive
because he had become aware that he had been fed untruths for
years and he simply wanted the truth to be known about the antecedents
and antics of his former church and its founder. It is for this
reason that he willingly cooperated with me when I was writing
my book, never offering opinions or information without comprehensive
documentation to back it up.
Jon Atack believes that people have the right to know the truth
about Scientology. That belief is the laudable genesis of this

Author of Bare-Faced Messiah


Acknowledgments v
Preface, by Russell Miller  vii
What Is Scientology?    1

1.  My Beginnings   9
2.  Saint Hill  19
3.  On to OT    26
4.  The Seeds of Dissent    35

    PART 2: BEFORE DIANETICS 1911-1949
1.  Hubbard's Beginnings    45
2.  Hubbard in the East 52
3.  Hubbard the Explorer    60
4.  Hubbard As Hero 70
5.  His Miraculous Recovery 83
6.  His Magickal Career 89

1.  Building the Bridge 105
2.  The Dianetic Foundations    114
3.  Wichita 121
4.  Knowing How to Know 128
5.  The Religion Angle  137
6.  The Lord of the Manor   146


7.  The World's First Real Clear    153

1.  Scientology at Sea  165
2.  Heavy Ethics    172
3.  The Empire Strikes Back 182
4.  The Death of Susan Meister  197
5.  Hubbard's Travels   202
6.  The Flag Land Base  209

    PART 5: THE GUARD1AN'S OFFICE 1974-1980
1.  The Guardian Unguarded  217
2.  Infiltration    226
3.  Operation Meisner   236

1.  Making Movies   245
2.  The Rise of the Messengers  255
3.  The Young Rulers    264
4.  The Clearwater Hearings 273
5.  The Religious Technology Center and
    the [ntemational Finance Police 284

    PART 7: THE INDEPENDENTS 1982-1984
1.  The Mission Holders' Conference 293
2.  The Scientology War 300
3.  Splintering 308
4.  Stamp Out the Squirrels!    316

1.  Scientology at Law  327
2.  The Child Custody Case  335
3.  Signing the Pledge  344

    Contents    xi

4.  Dropping the Body   351
5.  After Hubbard   356

1.  The Founder 367
2.  The Scientologist   378
3.  Fair Game, Ethics and the Scriptures    390
Epilogue    397
Bibliography    399
Reference Summary   403
    List of Abbreviations   417
    Index   419

Scientology is both immoral and socially obnoxious... it is
corrupt, sinister and dangerous. It is corrupt because it is
based upon lies and deceit and has as its real objective money
and power for Mr. Hubbard, his wife and those close to him at
the top. It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices
both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestioningly
and to those who criticize or oppose it. It is dangerous because
it is out to capture people, especially children and impressionable
young people, and indoctrinate and brainwash them so that they
become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult, withdrawn
from ordinary thought, living and relationships with others.---Jus'nc~
LATEY, ruling in the High Court in London in 1984

As soon as one's convictions become unshakeable, evidence ceases
to be relevant--except as a means to convert the unbelievers.
Factual inaccuracies... are excusable in the light of the Higher
Truth.--P.H. HoEBENS

What Is Sdentology?

Scientology is among the oldest, largest, richest, and most
powerful of contemporary cults. The "Church" of Scientology,
first incorporated in 1953, claims to have seven million members,
and reserves of a thousand million dollars. There are nearly
200 Scientology "Missions" and "Churches" spread across the
During the 1970's, cults became big business and big news. Yet
in the welter of books published about these "new religious
movements," there has been no real history of Scientology. This
is rather surprising, because the history of Scientology is
at turns outrageous, hilarious and sinister. Accurate information
about Scientology is scarce because the cult is both secretive
and highly committed to silencing its critics.
A few sociologists have argued that involvement in any cult
is usually short-lived and sometimes beneficial. However, after
four years of research, including interviews with over a thousand
former cult members, researchers Conway and Siegelman came to
very different conclusions about Scientology: "The reports we
have seen and heard in the course of our research... are replete
with allegations of psychological devastation, economic exploitation,
and personal and legal harassment of former members and journalists
who speak out against the cult. ,,i Making a comparison with
the tens of other cults in their study, they said: "Scientology's
may be the most debilitating set of rituals of any cult in America.'
Scientology, a peculiar force in our society, escapes tidy definition.
The "Church" of Scientology claims religious status; yet at
times Scientology represents itself as a psychotherapy, a set
of business techniques, an educational system for children or
a drug rehabilitation program. Officers of the Church belong
to the largely landbound "Sea Organization," and wear pseudo-Naval
uniforms, complete with campaign ribbons, colored lanyards,
and badges of rank, giving Scientol-



ogy a paramilitary air. Although Scientology has no teachings
about God, Scientologists sometimes don the garb of Christian
ministers. The teachings of Scientology are held out not only
as scientifically proven, but also as scriptural, and therefore
beyond question. Scientology was also the first cult to establish
itself as a multinational business with marketing, public relations,
legal and even intelligence departments.
Scientology is also unusual because it is not an extension of
a particular traditional religion. It is a complex and apparently
complete set of beliefs, techniques and rituals assembled by
one man: L. Ron Hubbard. During the 36 years between the publication
of his first psychotherapeutic text and his death in 1986, Hubbard
constructed what appears to be one of the most elaborate belief
systems of all time. The sheer volume of material daunts most
investigators. Several thousand Hubbard lectures were tape-recorded,
and his books, pamphlets and directives run to tens of thousands
of pages.
In 1984, judges in England and America condemned both Hubbard
and Scientology. Justice Latey, in a child custody case in London,
said: "Deprival of property, injury by any means, trickery,
suing, lying or destruction have been pursued [by the Scientologists]
throughout and to this day with the fullest vigour," and further:
"Mr. Hubbard is a charlatan and worse as are his wife Mary Sue
Hubbard... and the clique at the top privy to the Cult's activities."
In America, dismissing a case brought against a former member
by the Scientologists, Judge Breckenridge said: "In addition
to violating and abusing its own members' civil rights, the
organization over the years ... has harassed and abused those
persons not within the Church whom it perceives as enemies.
The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and
this bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder
LRH [L. Ron Hubbard]. The evidence portrays a man who has been
virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history,
background and achievements. The writings and documents in evidence
additionally reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power,
and vindictiveness and aggressiveness against persons perceived
by him to be disloyal or hostile."
The evidence cited by Judge Breckenridge consisted of some 10,000
pages of material forming pan of Hubbard's personal archive,
including his teenage diaries, a black magic ceremony called
the "Blood Ritual," and hundreds of personal letters to and
from his three wives. Some of these documents were read into
the record, and others re-

    What Is Scientology?    3

leased as exhibits. The picture they reveal is very different
from Hubbard's representations about his life.
Nevertheless, Hubbard's personal history is one of the great
adventure stories of the 20th century. A penny-a-word science-fiction
writer who created an immense and dedicated organization to
act out his grandiose ideas on a global scale, Hubbard commanded
the devotion of his followers, who revere him as the greatest
man who has ever lived. At the height of his power, Hubbard
controlled a personal intelligence network which successfully
infiltrated newspapers, medical and psychiatric assocations
throughout the world, and even a number of United States government
agencies. Eleven of Hubbard's subordinates, including his wife,
received prison sentences for their part in these criminal activities.
There is also something tantalizing in the psychotherapeutic
techniques which are at the core of Scientology. Cult devotees
are sometimes seen as adolescent, half-witted zombies easily
coerced into joining an enslaving group because of their inadequacy.
But Scientology has attracted medical doctors, lawyers, space
scientists and graduates of the finest universities in the world.
One British and two Danish Members of Parliament once belonged
to Scientology. Even psychologists, psychiatrists and sociologists
have been enthusiastic practitioners of Hubbard's techniques.
And such people have often parted with immense sums of money
to pay for Scientology counselling which can cost as much as
$1,000 per hour.
Hubbard's ideas have inspired many imitators, and several contemporary
"psycho-technologies" and New Age movements derive from Scientology
(est, eckancar and co-counselling, for example).
Any assessment of Scientology is further complicated because
it has demonstrably been the target of harassment. A Tax Court
judge admitted in a ruling that the IRS had investigated Scientologists
solely because they were Scientologists. Governments have panicked
and over-reacted: for example, for several years in three Australian
states the very practice of Scientology was an imprisonable
The secret inner workings of Scientology have long been zealously
guarded, but in 1982, two years after Hubbard disappeared into
complete seclusion, a purge began and the Church began to disintegrate.
Hundreds of long-term Scientologists, many of whom had held
important positions within the Church, were excommunicated and
expelled. They were placed under the interdict of "Disconnection,"
whereby other Scientologists were prohibited from communicating
with them in


any way. At a rally in San Francisco, young members of the new
management harangued and threatened executives of Scientology's
franchised "Missions." While the newly created International
Finance Dictator spoke, his scowling, black-shirted International
Finance Police patrolled the aisles. Huge amounts of money were
demanded from the Mission Holders. In the following weeks, Scientology's
Finance Police swooped down on the Missions collecting millions
of dollars and almost bankrupting the entire network.
Hubbard had styled himself the "Commodore" of his "Sea Organization,"
and by 1982, the new leaders, some still in their teens, were
members of the "Commodore's Messenger Organization." Many of
these youngsters had been raised in Scientology, separated from
their parents, originally working as Hubbard's personal servants.
Anonymous letters describing incredible events circulated among
Scientologists. We read about Gilman Hot Springs, a 500 acre
estate in south California, surrounded by high fences, patrolled
by brownshirted guards, and protected by an elaborate and expensive
security system. We heard accounts of bizarre punishments meted
out at this supposedly secret headquarters. A group of senior
Church executives had been put on a program where they ran around
a tree in near desert conditions for twelve hours a day, for
weeks on end. Some Scientologists gave accounts of their treatment
at the hands of the International Finance Police, where they
had been abused verbally and physically, sometimes signing over
huge amounts of money before coming to their senses.
During this reign of terror, thousands of Scientologists left
the Church, believing that Hubbard was either dead or under
the control of the Messengers. These new "Independent" practitioners
of Scientology were subjected to prolonged and extensive harassment
and litigation. Private Investigators followed important defectors,
sometimes around the clock for months. The Church widely distributed
scandal sheets packed with fabricated libels concerning defectors.
The essential question which plagued Scientologists who had
left the Church was whether Hubbard knew what was happening.
By the time Hubbard's death was announced in January 1986, many
Scientologists believed his body had been deep-frozen for several
years. Others believed he was still alive, that the coroner
had been bribed, and that his death had been staged to escape
the net of the Criminal Investigation Branch of the Internal
Revenue Service, which was investigating

    What Is Scientology?    5

the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars of Church funds
into Hubbard's personal accounts.
As part of its campaign to stem the tide of defectors, Scientology
brought law suits against several former members. In return,
multimillion dollar counter-suits were filed against Scientology.
In 1986, a Los Angeles jury awarded $30 million in damages to
a former Church member. On the last day of 1986, a group of
over 400 former members initiated a billion dollar suit against
the Church.
Former highly-placed Hubbard aides broke silence for the first
time. The documentary evidence referred to by Judge Breckenridge
pierced the self-created fantasy of Hubbard's past. The sinister
reality beneath the smiling mask of the Church of Scientology
was at last revealed.



This is useful knowledge. With it the blind again see, the lame
walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become
saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man has sought to recover
become his once more.--L. Rorq HUBBARD, Scientology: A History
Qf Man, 1952

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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