-Caveat Lector-

Mena is not the only place where people with political ties
fly in drugs in the middle of the night and receive protection
from the authorities.

Reed Irvine - Editor
  August B, 2000

A Respected Adviser
Gun-toting Guards
Suspicious Activities
Racist Remarks And Deeds
Getting Away With Manslaughter
A Highway Menace
Gore Mum On Serious Questions
The Environmental Nightmare
Buyers Blame LaFon And Gore
"This Is For Gore's Children"

Federal and Tennessee state law enforcement officials are said
to be investigating Vice President Al Gore's uncle, Whit
LaFon. They think he may be involved in a narcotics
distribution and money-laundering scheme in southwest
Tennessee that involves powder and crack cocaine and thousands
of dollars of profits. The investigation is said to involve
the FBI, the Inspector General's office at the Department of
Housing and Urban Development, Tennessee's 24th Judicial
District Task Force and the Tennessee Highway Patrol.

According to state and local officers, a seaplane, allegedly
containing narcotics, frequently lands on the water in
southern Decatur County, Tenn., near Swallow Bluff Island on
the Tennessee River. The drugs are said to be transferred to
four-wheelers via motorboats. The four-wheelers then scoot out
from LaFon's compound and haul the drugs to delivery points.
Federal law enforcement officials have confirmed both the
investigation and its targets - retired judge Whit LaFon and
Chancery Judge Ron Harmon, a Gore supporter.

Presidential relatives have historically been the focus of
media attention. President Lincoln suffered enormous bad press
over his Southern-born wife, Mary Todd Lincoln's, rebel
sympathies and outrageous spending habits, habits that
prompted her to play fast and loose with the White House
accounts and payroll. Billy Carter's public drunkenness and
associations with such questionable rogues as Mohammar Qaddafi
brought his brother Jimmy numerous public relations headaches.
Roger Clinton's drug arrest and self-professed addiction have
called into question President Clinton's own denials of drug

A Respected Adviser

Yet, in covering what has been one of the most powerful
vice-presidencies in American history, the media have
overlooked some of Gore's Tennessee roots and especially his
uncle Whit LaFon, a man who by Gore's own admission has
exerted tremendous influence at critical points in his life.
LaFon, now 81, brother of Al's mother, Pauline LaFon Gore, was
first a state prosecutor and then a judge for many years.
LaFon claims that he played an important role in helping
convince young Al Gore in 1970 that he should enlist in the
Army and serve in Vietnam. According to LaFon, Gore and his
family have been frequent visitors to his Swallow Bluff
property. Gore continues to seek out LaFon's counsel and
advice; he recently appointed his uncle to the national
steering committee of Veterans for Gore.

As Al Gore vies for the presidency, and as the FBI develops
its case, Whit LaFon deserves much closer scrutiny. In times
past, LaFon, a cousin of former governor Ned McWherter, was
part of the Murray political machine in west Tennessee.
Composed of Congressman Tom Murray, his brother David, who was
the state prosecutor in Jackson, Tennessee for 41 years, and
LaFon, the trio of power brokers were said to control the
western third of the state. "They had a hammerlock on
everything," said O.H. "Shorty" Freeland, former patronage
chief under Governor Ray Blanton. "Nothing went on that they
didn't control."

Gun-toting Guards

The FBI probe centers on LaFon's remote, rustic cabin,
situated high on a bluff overlooking the river. It's the last
and most secluded cabin of a string of four on a dead-end
road, and the only one equipped with a metal dock and
staircase on the sheer-faced rock bluff. One early attempt by
a reporter to interview LaFon resulted in a grizzled, bearded
guard loosing a 30-round magazine in the air from what
appeared to be a Hechler and Koch MP-5 sub-machine gun, the
type of weapon shoved in the face of Donato Dalrymple as he
held the terrified six-year-old Elian Gonzalez.

In a subsequent interview, LaFon, a frail, white-haired man,
in his fortress compound on the Tennessee River, made numerous
statements and then attempted to place them off the record.
Asked whether he was involved in the narcotics trade, he
became visibly angry. "I don't know what you're talking
about," he said. His face reddened and he doubled over,
clutching the front of his shirt. Later, he insisted, "I never
had anything to do with drugs in my life." But local residents
have reported sightings of night-time seaplane landings in
front of LaFon's cabin for more than a decade. Organized
surveillance by law enforcement did not begin till this year.

At a January meeting of local and federal lawmen, two FBI
agents named LaFon and another individual as "possible
protectors" for the cocaine distributors and money laundering
scam. Due to the political sensitivity of the case, federal
agents were using local lawmen, agents of the 24th Judicial
District Drug Task force, a multi-county organization, to
obtain documents and data that didn't require federal search

Suspicious Activities

For nearly five years two lawmen have kept their eyes on some
highly suspicious activity involving a seaplane and a boat on
the river below LaFon's cabin. "They come in on Friday nights,
between about 7 and 9," said one officer. "The boat will be
waiting at the base of the bluff. The plane comes in without
lights. It touches down and the boat goes out. A couple of
minutes later, you hear the 4-wheelers. The whole thing, from
the plane's appearance to the 4-wheelers takes fifteen minutes
max. The last report I had of a plane coming in was about
three to four months ago, April 2000."

In May the FBI told the officers that it would be dispatching
an aircraft from a location in Virginia for detailed mapping
and surveillance of the area. A federal official familiar with
the investigation would only say, "I can't confirm or deny it
happened (the flight), but if it did, the plane was one of
ours flying out of Quantico, Virginia," where the FBI's
academy is located. Senior FBI officials confirmed the probe,
the latest of events that have cast a cloud of suspicion over
LaFon. According to a senior federal prosecutor, in the 1970s,
when LaFon was a state prosecutor, and in the 1980s, when he
was a judge, federal authorities investigated him for
allegedly taking bribes and being involved in criminal
enterprises when he was a public official, but no charges were
ever filed.

Racist Remarks And Deeds

What is more damaging these days than unproven charges of
illegal activities involving money while in office (something
Al Gore has also experienced) is proven charges of racism.
LaFon routinely peppers his conversations with the "N" word.
During a 1991 sentencing hearing before Judge LaFon for an
African-American convicted of rape, the defense attorney
introduced as a character witness a 75-year-old white man who
said he had rented a house to the defendant, had frequently
visited him there and over the years and had become a friend.

According to the transcript, barely minutes into the witness'
testimony, LaFon chastised the defense attorney for having
brought the white character witness into the court. "Listen,"
he told defense attorney Betty Thomas Moore, herself an
African-American. "I've lived here not as long as him (the
witness) but I've been in this county 60 years and I know the
situation how it is, that most black people don't visit in
white people's homes socially and vice versa.''

Moore, now an elected state judge in Memphis, said that she
immediately objected and LaFon called a brief recess, during
which Moore advised LaFon that she intended to file a
complaint against him. He responded by throwing her out of his
office and directing the court reporter not to release a copy
of the transcript of the sentencing proceedings, an action
quickly overruled by the chief judge.

Mrs. Marcus Reaves, then the public defender in Jackson,
Tennessee, and an attorney who worked with LaFon on a daily
basis, said bluntly, "There are two kinds of racists: racists
and overt racists. LaFon is an overt racist." Mrs. Reaves is

Getting Away With Manslaughter

LaFon's membership in Tennessee's power elite apparently
allowed him to escape punishment for accidentally killing an
elderly white woman. On March 3, 1989, a pickup truck driven
by Whit LaFon struck 91-year-old Beulah Mae Holmes as she
stood by her mail box on a rural Henderson County, Tenn. road
with such force that her head went flying in one direction and
the rest of her frail body in another. LaFon's vehicle then
veered into the oncoming traffic, colliding with an oncoming
car. The case file soon disappeared and key parts are still
missing today. However, documents from several official
sources reveal these violations of procedure that point to a

A full toxicological screening, mandated by law in fatal
accidents, requires 20 milliliters of blood and 40 milliliters
of urine. Tennessee Highway Patrolman Mark Stanford, who
worked the wreck, requested the appropriate samples, but only
10 milliliters of blood and no urine were delivered to the
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) lab for testing. Test
results, labeled by the lab as incomplete due to an
"insufficient" sample, reported LaFon's blood alcohol level as
"negative," an ambiguous term that can mean no alcohol was
present or the level was below the legal limits. No testing
was conducted for drugs despite state law.

Witnesses have said that LaFon appeared to be staggering, and
that his vehicle was moving at an excessive speed, something
not mentioned in the official accident report. A former
Henderson County law enforcement official told us that beer
cans had been removed from LaFon's truck by one or more of the
officers responding to the accident. A state trooper says that
it had been widely reported within his agency at the time that
LaFon had been "under the influence" of a drug or alcohol or
both. "We all knew that Mark [Stanford} didn't work it like it
was supposed to be done," he said.
A Highway Menace

Stanford's top boss at that time was Larry Wallace, then the
uniformed head of the Tennessee Highway Patrol. Wallace was
known for helping get politicians out of trouble. He was a
political supporter of Gore's, and later became director of
the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the statewide police
force. According to Robert Lawson, then Tennessee's Public
Safety Commissioner and Wallace's supervisor, "there wasn't a
celebrity case that Wallace didn't become involved in."

According to his driving record LaFon was a menace on the
highway. He was culpable in three accidents, including a
hit-and-run involving another judge before killing Mrs.
Holmes. Since then he has been involved in five more

Gore Mum On Serious Questions

In response to written and oral requests to discuss his
relationship with LaFon and other Tennessee supporters, Gore's
office said that he would be unavailable for an interview. As
Gore basks in the glow of the Sierra Club's endorsement, the
media have ignored an environmental controversy involv-ing
Whit LaFon and a Tennessee River island with ancient Indian
burial mounds. The 69-acre island lies just below LaFon's
cabin on Swallow Bluff. LaFon bought the island in 1967 for
$1. He occasionally farmed it and raised a herd of goats
there. LaFon told developer Larry Melton that the island was
once a favorite playground for Al Gore's children.

Tennessee State Archaeologist Nick Fielder says there are two
small burial mounds and one large temple mound plus the
remnants of an 800-year old Indian village on the island. It
is designated as a historic site under the National Historical
Preservation Act, but LaFon developed a plan for a 21-unit
luxury development, including a private airstrip, on the
island. LaFon and the R.H. Hickman agency of Jackson, Tenn.
started shopping the island to area realtors. Crunk Realty of
Savannah, Tenn. passed because they knew that the TVA and the
U.S. Corps of Engineers have strict erosion control guidelines
that spelled trouble for LaFon's development plan. There was
also the problem of the legally protected Indian mounds. A
Crunk official said, "We just didn't see any way to overcome
all that."

LaFon sold the island and his plan to a development company
called Blankenship-Melton. Larry Melton, a partner in the
firm, claims the deal was based on assurances that LaFon would
"use his political connections to cut through the
environmental red tape." Melton said, "I was sitting there
when Hickman told Blankenship that LaFon would use his
political connections to cut through the red tape, to take
care of the TVA and the state on the environmental stuff." As
they voiced concerns about the state and federal agencies,
LaFon said, according to Melton, that they shouldn't worry,
asking, "Don't you know who my nephew is?"

The Gore connection was spelled out in a memo written by
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation official
Jack Wade, about a phone conversation with Larry Mel-ton. Wade
wrote, "He also said that Al Gore's kids were playing along
the river bank while he met with Whit LaFon and Al Gore. He's
claiming that it was their idea and that they orchestrated the
sale of the Swallow Bluff Island and the project."

The Environmental Nightmare

Blankenship-Melton bought the island in March 1999 and began
construction around July 1. On July 8, TVA staff observed
crews digging on the island and informed them a permit was
needed. No permit was obtained and TVA reminded them of it on
July 14. Two weeks later, TVA ordered that all work be halted
until the permit was approved. The developers were told that
disturbing the burial sites would be a criminal offense. The
state found that parts of the banks had been stripped of
vegetation and artifacts. On Aug. 16, the Army Corps of
Engineers issued a "cease and desist" order and called for
stabilizing the shoreline, but on Nov. 4 no visible vegetation
was left on the banks, the erosion had not been stopped, and
work was continuing.

According to state archaeologist Nick Fielder, the
construction crews had sloped the bank at a 45 degree angle,
sending erosion spiraling out of control. Soil and village
material was slipping off into the river, and nearly half of
the great temple mound had fallen into the water. In total
disregard of the regulations, parts of the Indian mounds were
being bulldozed into the Tennessee River.

The state scheduled a "show cause" hearing on December 8,
1999,but no one from Blankenship-Melton appeared. The
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC)
officials finally contacted Walden Blankenship and arranged
for an on-site meeting. It never happened. On January 18,
2000, officials discovered that the burial mounds had been dug
into with shovels. At that point, on February 2, TDEC
Commissioner Milton Hamilton issued an order, demanding that
construction be halted and erosion control measures put in
place, slapping the developers with $234,000 in fines and
damages. But even that failed to bring the company into line.

Buyers Blame LaFon And Gore

Larry Melton offered a reason for their noncompliance in his
February 22 phone conversation with Jack Wade of TDEC. Wade
wrote a memo about this call, saying: "He is upset that Judge
LaFon is back watering and claiming no connection with the
project," referring to LaFon's earlier promises to use Al Gore
to take care of problems with the TVA and the Corps of
Engineers. A month later, Walden Blankenship and Larry Melton
issued statements blaming those two agencies with creating the
erosion problem.

Melton told us that LaFon had repeatedly used Gore's name as
the avenue to "make the environmental problems go away."
"That's why we bought the property," Melton said. "The
development had already been advertised. Gore was supposed to
handle the red tape." Wade was even more emphatic, telling us,
"I've worked with these guys before, and when he (Melton) said
that he met with Gore and LaFon, that the development was
their idea, and that the Gore kids were running around on the
river bank as they talked, I believed him. He sounded
sincere." The state official also noted that in previous work
with Blankenship-Melton, when problems were discovered, "we'd
just send a notice of violation and they would take action.
But this time was different. They acted as if they had

R.H. Hickman, owner of R.H. Hickman Realty, denies that he was
involved in any such way. He said "One of my agents, Jerry
Norwood, handled it for Judge LaFon, and we simply listed it
and fielded offers. It was just a regular real estate
transaction." Attempts to contact Norwood were unsuccessful.

"This Is For Gore's Children"

"They just flew in the face of reason," said Leaf Myczack,
Tennessee head of the environmental group, "Office of the
Riverkeeper," about what the developers did to Swallow Bluff
Island. Myczack's group has filed an injunction against the
State of Tennessee in an attempt to make them collect the
fines from Blankenship-Melton. "This is such a blatant case
that we picked it to make a stand on," said Myczack.

Send the enclosed cards or your own cards or letters to Wes
Pruden, Editor-in-Chief, The Washington Times, James
Kallstrom, Sr. Vice President, MBNA America, 1100 N. King St.,
Wilmington, DE 19884 and an editor of your choice.

According to two state officials, Melton told them that during
the time the grading of the island was underway, "You don't
understand; this is for Al Gore. This is for Gore's children."
A look at the sale of the property also supports a continuing
LaFon and possible Gore interest in the development. LaFon
sold the island for $100,000, half the appraised value of
$200,000, causing some realtors to speculate that LaFon might
have maintained a financial interest in the project.
Additionally, according to Melton, it was a cash transaction,
no loans, no mortgages, and no public paperwork. And only
Gore's influence could make the venture profitable.

Melton, who appeared before the state water quality board at a
June 28 hearing, continues to publicly maintain that LaFon
reneged on his end of the deal. According to Melton, LaFon cut
the deal with Walden Blankenship, assuring Blankenship of
Gore's support. Blankenship, who attended the state hearing,
disappeared during a break, perplexing everyone at the
meeting. Repeated efforts to reach Blankenship have been
unsuccessful. At Blankenship-Melton's Lexington office,
located in a strip mall along a busy highway, the electric
meter has been pulled and newspapers cover the glass front and
door. The telephones have been disconnected. There was no
forwarding address. Judge LaFon, who continues to play an
active role in Gore's fundraising, denies any connection with
the project after he sold the property.

On July 5, the water quality board confirmed Commissioner
Hamilton's earlier ruling. Melton, through his attorney,
Howard Douglass of Lexington, Tennessee, has indicated that he
will appeal the decision. And Swallow Bluff Island, where Al
Gore and his children have played among the Indian mounds for
more than three decades, lies stripped naked, rapidly
disappearing into the river.

According to archaeologist Nick Fielder considerable damage
has already occurred. "But, if they had been allowedto
continue with their plans, they would have completely
destroyed it as an archaeological site," he asserts. Fielder
says that the division of archaeology will now pursue the
criminal statute covering desecration of human graves against
Blankenship-Melton or whoever illegally opened the graves.
"That's the next logical step," he said.

With the dissolution of the Blankenship-Melton company, and
with Melton and LaFon refusing to take responsibility for the
damage, local observers wonder whether the taxpayers will
ultimately pay to preserve whatever is left of the island. As
Gore raises environmental problems in Texas to attack Bush,
the media ignore what his uncle has wrought in Tennessee.


Reed Irvine was bodily carried out of the National
Transportation Safety Board building in Washington, D.C. on
Aug. 22, just before the board began its two-day public
meeting to explain the crash of TWA Flight 800. For about 20
minutes Irvine had been handing out copies of the TWA 800
Eyewitness Alliance ad that ran in the Washington Times that
day , when a security guard told him to stop. Standing in the
lobby of the NTSB Building, Irvine said he was in a public
place where a public meeting was being held exercising his
right of freedom of speech. The ad protested the NTSB's
refusal to hear from any eyewitnesses about the cause of the

The guard retreated but soon returned with another guard. He
warned Irvine that he would be forcibly removed if he didn't
follow his orders. Irvine, who will be 78 in September, said
he would not surrender his right of freedom of speech and that
they would have to carry him out. The two burly guards grabbed
him, and he sank to the floor. With six TV cameras focused on
him, the guards picked him up and carried him out of the
building, with the camera crews taping it all.

Back on his feet, Irvine took advantage of the six TV cameras
facing him, explaining to whatever audience they might reach
what the ad said and why the NTSB did not want people to see
it. He told how the government had tried to discredit every
one of the hundreds of people who saw a missile shoot down the
plane. They had the CIA make a video claiming that no one had
seen anything but the noseless plane, trailing burning fuel,
climbing 3000 feet like a rocket. This was an insult to 260
eyewitnesses who told the FBI they saw anything like a streak
of light and an explosion. ABC's evening news show reported
this, showing the ad, Irvine's ejection and some of his
remarks. It was reported on the Internet and on talk radio,
but the Washington Times, whose ad gave rise to it all, said
nothing about the incident or the cry of the eyewitnesses that
their story be told.

What You Can Do

Send the enclosed cards or your own cards or letters to Wes
Pruden, Editor-in-Chief, The Washington Times, James
Kallstrom, Sr. Vice President, MBNA America, 1100 N. King St.,
Wilmington, DE 19884 and an editor of your choice.



ABOUT WHIT LaFON, Al Gore's maternal uncle, by Charles
Thompson and Tony Hays. Thompson was a Navy officer during the
Vietnam War, where he was with the First Air Naval Gunfire
Liaison Company (ANGLICO) that served as gunfire spotters and
artillery observers for all the services. Tony Hays recently
won the Tennessee Press Association award for investigative
reporting for his stories on drug trafficking. Thompson took
up journalism after he finished his second tour in Vietnam.
For most of his career he was a producer for "60 Minutes,"
working mainly with Mike Wallace. That is where he was in
April 1989, when the No. 2 gun turret on the U.S.S. Iowa blew
up. Charlie got a call from a gunner's mate on the Iowa, not
long after the accident that whetted his interest in the case.
Five months later, after Bob Zelnick of ABC News wrote a
newspaper op-ed article suggesting that the Navy was trying to
make a scapegoat of a sailor killed in the accident, Wallace
told Charlie that he could do the story. "60 Minutes" ended up
doing three segments about it. Last year, Charlie's excellent
book on the Iowa disaster, A Glimpse of Hell, was published by
Norton. He is now working on two other projects involving the
Navy. He has some new information about the shootdown of the
Iranian airbus by the U.S.S. Vincennes. He is also interested
in TWA 800, and has filed an FOIA request with the Navy for a
lot of detailed information about what ships they were
deploying off Long Island the night of the crash and what
ordnance was expended.

ARTICLE BECAUSE he has just come across additional information
that, if confirmed, would show Al Gore's involvement with his
uncle is deeper than what he and Tony Hays have reported in
this article. Unfortunately, we already had the story set in
type and were behind schedule on getting it to the printer. We
will report the additional information when it becomes

BROTHER WAS killed in the TWA 800 crash. Marge was at the NTSB
board meeting on Aug. 22, the day I was thrown out for
distributing the Eyewitness Alliance ad. She said she was
upset by Chairman Jim Hall's attack on what he called a small
group of people who keep saying that the plane was shot down
by a missile, inflicting pain on the families of the victims.
She was so angry that she left the auditorium and copied and
distributed a statement by Tom Stalcup, the chairman of the
Flight 800 Independent Research Organization (FIRO).
Explaining who she was, she gave Stalcup's statement to the TV
camera crews that were waiting in the lobby with nothing to
do. The cameramen informed their reporters in the auditorium
that they had a good interview opportunity, and before she
knew it, reporters were everywhere.

ROBERT FRANCIS, former vice chairman of the NTSB. The
reporters brought Marge Gross together with them, with Francis
in the middle. Marge took advantage of the opportunity to
remind Kallstrom that she had been present when Serge
Kovaleski, a reporter for The Washington Post, told Kallstrom
that everyone knew that a missile downed the plane. She said
Kallstrom's response was, "You're right, but if you quote me,
I'll deny it." Kovaleski has denied the statement attributed
to him, but on Aug. 22, Jim Kallstrom did not deny what Marge
said. She said that with sweat pouring down the sides of his
face, Kallstrom only grunted. She asked me, "If you were a
reporter, wouldn't you pan back to Mr. Kallstrom and ask for
his rebuttal? They never moved. They kept the camera on me.
She (the reporter) didn't blink an eye. Nothing! I wondered
what was going on. Were they trying to destroy me or make me
look foolish, or cry in front of them, or what?"

KALLSTROM SAID TO THE Washington Post reporter, "You're right,
but if you quote me, I'll deny it," why shouldn't that exact
quote be reported? With at least one witness present to back
him up, wouldn't the reporter have a hot story? When Kallstrom
did not deny the truth of what Marge Gross said on camera,
shouldn't that have triggered multiple questions from all
those reporters who were there to report on the government's
findings about the cause of the TWA 800 crash? That would have
spoiled the NTSB's carefully scripted meeting, a meeting that
would close down the investigation without finding any
evidence of a spark and no reason to believe that even if they
found a possible source for a spark that it could have caused
an explosion. When journalists pass up such easy opportunities
to expose serious lies by government officials, is it any
wonder that they make absolutely no effort to expose such huge
lies as the CIA video produced to discredit every single
eyewitness who saw anything that could have been interpreted
as being a missile? The NTSB reiterated that lie at its Aug.
22-23 board meeting.

TRYING TO GET the truth to the public have a very hard time.
This was demonstrated on C-SPAN on Aug. 25, with M. Stanton
Evans discussing Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy on a program devoted
to the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings. Evans is working on a book
on McCarthy that will demolish some of the long-standing myths
that have grown up around the man. The speech that is still
cited today as evidence of McCarthy's recklessness was
delivered in Wheeling, W. Va. on Feb. 9, 1950. The local paper
reported that he said there were 205 card-carrying Communists
in the State Department. In speeches on the next two days, he
said the number was 57. This made national news and the
difference between the numbers was played up as proof that he
played fast and loose with the facts.

McCARTHY sponsored by Accuracy in Academia that was aired on
C-SPAN. Evans had said there was no recording of the Wheeling
speech and no published record of exactly what McCarthy had
said. A viewer in Wheeling phoned to tell him that there were
still people in Wheeling who had heard that speech, Evans went
to Wheeling to interview them. That is how he discovered Mrs.
Ava Lou Ingersoll. She had written down the numbers McCarthy
gave. Evans recorded her statement, and it was played on the
air on C-SPAN on Aug. 25. Fifty years and 6 months after the
controversial speech was delivered, the truth finally came out
on C-SPAN. None of the other news networks reported it. Here
are key excerpts from the Evans interview of Mrs. Ingersoll.

HE WOULD SPEAK about Lincoln because they usually do, you
know.... I had never heard of Sen. McCarthy before. He said
that in 1946 the President's Loyalty Board investigated
employees in the State Department. They declared that 284 of
them because of their association with Communist activities
were unfit to work in the State Department. He said that 79
were discharged, but this left 205 still on the State
Department payroll. And this seemed to just infuriate him,
because it was the President's Loyalty Board that had declared
them unfit, and yet they (fired) only 79 of them. Then he went
on to say that of the 205, 57 were found to be card-carrying
members of the Communist Party. And, of course, you know, the
next day the newspapers all over the country from coast to
coast stated him as having said there were 205 Communists in
the State Department instead of the 57.... When I heard the
57, I said I've got to write this down. I reached in my purse
to get something, and there was a scrap of paper there,
something that came in the telephone bill, and I borrowed a
pen .... and I wrote down....of the 205, 57 were c.c., which
meant card-carrying mem, which meant members of the CP, which
meant of the Communist Party.

THREE MONTHS, and I went to my drawer to get a small purse and
I found this scribbling. And I thought, 'Well I'll be darned.
I knew I was right.' And so I took it to other members of our
club....They acted just the way they did after the speech.
They didn't want to talk about it. They seemed frightened....
'You know we were told not to say anything.' I said, 'Who
told? Nobody told me not to say anything.' But these women
were really frightened and wouldn't discuss it. Until this
day, I don't know who shut them up..... I for years defended
him, because I knew what he said. And everyone said, 'No, it
was 205, I know.' And the people that weren't even there would
say that. They knew what they had read in the paper. But the
papers were all wrong."

GUY GILLETTE, a Democrat, ordered an investigation of
McCarthy's Wheeling speech. Democratic Senators were charging
that McCarthy had lied and committed perjury when he said he
had 57 and not 205 names of card-carrying Communists in the
State Department. The committee's investigators found that
McCarthy was right. That was not what the committee wanted to
hear, and the report was never made public. Evans found a copy
at the University of Syracuse library among the papers left to
the university by a member of the Gillette Committee. That
ended the 50-year cover-up, but it has yet to be reported by
the media as a correction of a very old and durable error.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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