Dear All,

There follows the first part of a special three-part 'Serialisation' which I
have written concerning the Mysteries of Christianity. The second part will
be sent tomorrow (23rd April) and the third and final part will be sent on
24th April (Easter Monday).

I would like to reiterate that this Serialisation was written originally
with the intention of publication in a national newspaper in the UK (to
coincide with the launch of my new book 'When The Gods Came Down').
Unfortunately, all of the newspapers which were approached by my publisher
declined to use the Serialisation. One newspaper, The Daily Mail (whose
Editor is a leading freemason within the English Lodge), claimed that the
material in the Serialisation was 'too sensitive' for the eyes of its
readers. . .

In order to circumvent this media boycott of my revolutionary discovery
concerning the origins and meaning of Judaeo-Christian religion, I am
encouraging you to distribute the forthcoming Serialisation (part by part)
to anyone whom you know to be open-minded and curious about the origins of
modern religion.

Alan F. Alford
Author 'Gods of the New Millennium', 'The Phoenix Solution' and 'When The
Gods Came Down'

OK, here it comes...

Was Jesus Christ put to death at the beginning of the world?

They are perhaps the ultimate questions of our times: what is the nature of
God, what is Heaven, and who was Jesus Christ, the Son of God? In the 2000th
year of Christianity, a relatively unknown British author has emerged with a
startling new theory which embraces all aspects of religion. In a new
series, beginning today, Alan F. Alford presents a controversial opinion
concerning the Biblical stories of  God and Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Whilst the Daily xxxxxx does not necessarily endorse all of Alan Alfordıs
views, we believe that they are well thought-out and deserve a proper

ŒIN THE BEGINNING was the Word, and the Word was toward the God, and the
Word was a god. He was with God in the beginning.ı So begins the gospel of
John ­ the fourth book of the New Testament ­ with one of the most esoteric
commentaries ever written on the origins of Jesus Christ, alias Œthe Wordı.

But this Jesus Christ, whom John wrote about, is not the Christ with whom we
are most familiar. On the contrary, John was writing about Jesus Christıs
primeval alter ego ­ a Œgodı who had existed alongside the heavenly Father
at the very beginning of time, before the creation of the world as we know
it. The gospel of John suggests that this pre-human Christ had descended
from Heaven to bring light into the darkness of the world not two thousand
years ago, but millions of years ago. According to Johnıs gospel and the
letters of Paul, the pre-human Jesus Christ had been instrumental in the
creation of the world and all things in it, including mankind itself.

As many of us prepare to celebrate the 2000th anniversary of the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is appropriate to ask ourselves whether we
really understand the crucial event at the heart of the Christian calendar.
Was Christ really a man who was put to death two thousand years ago, or was
he a Œgodı who was put to death at the beginning of time? Should we perhaps
be celebrating not just the saving of mankind but also the creation of
mankind and all life on Earth?
IT IS OFTEN taken for granted that Christianity is founded upon mysteries.
In the Catholic Mass, for example, the bread and the wine are transformed
into the body and the blood of Jesus Christ by the supernatural presence of
the Lord. This is a great mystery. But the entire Christian theology is in
fact a mystery from start to finish ­ from the mystery of Christıs birth to
the Virgin Mary, to the mystery of Christıs miracles, to the ultimate
mystery of Christıs bodily resurrection following his death by crucifixion.
Above all, there is the mystery of how the shedding of Christıs blood
managed to wash away the sins of mankind and offer us all access to the
blessed kingdom of God.

In addition to these mysteries, Christianity is also founded upon the
mysteries of the Old Testament: the mystery of the sin which mankind
incurred in the Garden of Eden, the mystery of how God created Adam and Eve,
and the ultimate mystery concerning God himself, whom we might well describe
as ŒMystery Personifiedı. All of these mysteries are supposed to be beyond
the human ken ­ unfathomable and irresolvable ­ and the Church thus dictates
that faith in God should be the Œbe all and end allı of the religious quest.

TWO THOUSAND years ago, however, when the Church was being founded, members
of the well-educated classes did not seek religious faith but religious
knowledge. Throughout the ancient world, an élite group of young men pursued
their religious quest within Œmystery schoolsı, in which they aspired to
learn the hidden secrets of the mysteries.

During the 1st century ad, when Christianity emerged in ancient Rome, it did
so against furious competition from mystery religions such as Mithraism and
gnostic Christianity. Throughout the ancient world, mystery religions
flourished in lands as far apart as Greece, Egypt, India and Mesopotamia
(modern-day Iraq). In ancient Greece, the intellegentsia were able to pick
and choose between the Mysteries of Demeter, the Mysteries of the Cabiri,
the Mysteries of Sabazius, the Mysteries of Apollo, the Mysteries of
Orpheus, the Mysteries of Hecate and the Mysteries of Dionysus.

WHAT WERE THE SECRETS of these ancient mystery schools? Unfortunately for
the modern aspirant, the rules of the ancient schools forbade their
initiates from revealing publicly what they had learned. This code of
silence ­ in many cases under threat of mortal punishment ­ has been
maintained unfailingly over thousands of years. Modern scholars find
themselves almost totally in the dark concerning the ancient mystery rituals
and their religious meaning.

What we do know, however, is intriguing. The most common themes, it would
seem, were a bright light entering into the darkness of the underworld (i.e.
into the subterranean region), and the arrival of a divine child, often in
the midst of a brilliant fire. These themes echo the Christian mysteries,
notably those of the primeval Christ bringing light into the darkness of the
world, and the Christ child being born miraculously to the Virgin Mary.
WAS THE EARLY CHURCH itself a mystery school? During the 1st century ad,
prospective candidates for the Church had to go through a probationary
period, a doctrinal instruction, a memorising of words, and a ritual baptism
­ all things which were characteristic of mystery schools at that time.

According to a letter written by Clement ­ one of the early Church fathers ­
the Church did indeed protect certain secrets, which Clement referred to as
Œthings not to be utteredı and Œthat truth hidden by seven veilsı. In the
same letter, to a man named Theodore, Clement declared that Mark had
composed Œa more spiritual Gospelı which had been left to the church in
Alexandria; there it was most carefully guarded, he said, Œbeing read only
to those who are being initiated into the great mysteries.ı

Other letters by early Church fathers round out a picture of a Church which
indeed began as a mystery school. Chrysostom, a Bishop of Constantinople
during the 4th century ad, summed it up in one of his letters: ŒI wish to
speak openlyı, he wrote, Œbut I dare not, on account of those who are not
initiated.ı And in the same era, Cyril, a Bishop of Jerusalem, wrote: Œthe
Church reveals its mysteries to those who have advanced beyond the class of
Catechumens [initiates for baptism]; we employ obscure terms with others.ı

THE APOSTLE PAUL ­ the man whom many regard as the true founder of
Christianity ­ was almost certainly an initiate into the ancient mysteries.
In his letters, Paul claimed to have knowledge of Œthe mystery of Christı,
Œthe mystery of Christ and the Churchı, Œthe mystery of the gospelı, and
Œthe mystery of God and Christı. In his first letter to the Corinthians,
Paul wrote: Œwe speak the wisdom of God in a mysteryı, whilst in his second
letter to the Corinthians he described himself as one who had been Œcaught
upı to Œthe Third Heavenı where he heard Œunspeakable words, which it is
unlawful for a man to utterı. The gnostic teacher Valentinus indeed
confirmed that Paul had been initiated into a secret doctrine of God, and
suggested that Paul had initiated others ­ but only the select few who were
Œspiritually matureı.
WHAT WAS THE MYSTERY of Christ referred to by Paul? Unfortunately for
modern-day Christians, the New Testament has been composed according to the
rules of the mystery schools, and it thus avoids explicit disclosure of its
secrets. It does, however, make allusions to its secrets for those who have
Œears to hearı. This it does using code-words, metaphors and symbols which
mean nothing to outsiders, but everything to the initiated.

The parables taught by Jesus Christ in the gospels are a case in point. In
the letter of Cyril, referred to earlier, the Bishop of Jerusalem wrote:
ŒThe Lord spoke in parables to his hearers in general; but to his disciples
he explained in private the parables and allegories which he spoke in
public.ı In other words, the parables contained a secret meaning, which was
not readily apparent to the uninitiated.

The same point is made in the gospel of Mark, where Jesus told his
disciples: ³The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to
those who are on the outside, all things are done in parables; so that they
may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand.² We
should recognise in these words the classic stratagem used by the mystery
schools to withhold their secrets from Œthose on the outsideı.

What, then, was the secret of the parables? A significant clue is provided
in the gospel of Matthew, where Jesus was made to say: ³I will open my mouth
in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.²
Might the true secrets of Christianity thus relate to the beginning of the

The letters of Paul suggest that this was indeed the case. Time and time
again, Paul alluded in his letters to a secret which related to the
beginning of the world. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote: Œwe
speak the wisdom of God in a mystery ­ that which was hidden ­ which God
ordained for our glory before the world began.ı Similarly in his Letter to
the Ephesians, Paul wrote of Œthe mystery which has been hidden in God since
the beginning of the world.ı And in his Letter to the Romans, Paul referred
to Œthe revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world

Inevitably, one is reminded of the opening verses of Johnıs gospel: ŒIn the
beginning was the Wordı, wrote John, and the Word was Christ ­ a Œgodı who
was Œwith God in the beginningı.

Was the true mystery of Jesus Christ a mystery which transpired at the
beginning of the world? Did the mystery appertain to the primeval alter ego
of Jesus Christ?
ONE OF THE MOST remarkable things about the gospels is the mystery therein
concerning the identity of Jesus Christ. It is as if the four gospels
constitute a mystery play in which the characters spend their time
speculating on the identity of Jesus Christ. Was he the Son of God, the Son
of David, the Messiah called Christ, the reincarnation of Elijah, or was he
just another prophet?

For the most part, Jesus neither confirmed, nor denied, any of these rumours
as to his identity. But what he did say, repeatedly, was that he was Ben
Adamah (or in Aramaic Bar Enash) ­ commonly translated in the Bible as ŒSon
of Manı.

What does this title Son of Man actually mean? According to one expert, it
simply stressed the mortality of the human condition, thereby emphasising
the idea that Jesus had incarnated into human flesh. But this does not
explain why Jesus referred to himself as Œthe Son of Manı even in his future
role of descending from Heaven at the End of Days. That Jesus should have
emphasised his human-like mortality in such an eschatological context seems,
quite frankly, to be an absurd idea.

It transpires, however, that the title Ben Adamah (or Bar Enash) had a
different meaning for those initiates who had the Œears to hearı. This
ambiguity arose from the fact that the word Ben could mean both Œsonı and
Œseedı. Consequently, the title Ben Adamah could also be understood as ŒSeed
of Manı or ŒSeed of Mankindı.

Now the expression Seed of Mankind does not necessarily relate to the seed
which man produces, but rather relates to the seed which produced man.
Indeed it is here, in this latter possibility, that we find the absolute
essence ­ the absolute corner stone ­ of the ancient Christian mysteries. It
is, after all, written in the gospel of John and the letters of Paul that
all things on Earth were created through Jesus Christ. It thus follows that
Jesus Christ ­ in his primeval, pre-human form ­ was indeed the Seed of
Mankind, i.e. the seed which produced mankind.

CONSIDER NOW the famous parable known as The Parable of the Sower. In the
gospel of Luke, the parable is related by Jesus as follows: ³A sower went
out to sow his seed, and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and it was
trodden down... And some fell upon a rock, and as soon as it was sprung up
it withered away... And some fell among thorns, and the thorns choked it.
And other seed fell on good soil, and sprang up, and yielded fruit a hundred
times more than was sown... He who has ears to hear, let him hear.²

Do we have Œears to hearı and to understand this parable? The disciples of
Jesus were slow to catch on and so they asked him to explain it further.
Jesus then responded as follows: ³This is the meaning of the parable: The
seed is the Word of God.²

Once again, we are reminded of the opening verses of Johnıs gospel: ŒIn the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was toward the God, and the Word was a
god. He was with God in the beginning.ı According to John, this ŒWordı of
God was the primeval Christ, whilst according to The Parable of the Sower,
the ŒWord of Godı was the Œseedı sown by God. Putting these clues together,
one can see clearly that the parable related to the beginning of the world,
when God had sown seeds in the Earth for both good and evil men. And the
means which God had used to sow these seeds of men was the primeval god
Jesus Christ ­ known to initiates as the Seed of Mankind.

Lest there be any doubt about this, another parable ­ The Parable of the
Weeds ­ expresses the cosmic allegory thus: ³He that sowed the good seed is
Jesus Christ. The field is the world...²
HOW WAS IT that the ŒWordı of God sowed the seeds of mankind (and all other
living things) in the Earth? What was this Word and, by implication, what
was the primeval Œgodı known as Jesus Christ, the Word?

As far as Christians are concerned, the primeval Christ was a pure
Spirit-being who assisted God in the creation of the world. And as for the
creation of the world, Christians regard this as a supernatural or
metaphysical event ­ something not to be fathomed by the mind of man.
Indeed, from the very first verses of the book of Genesis in the Old
Testament, the impression is given that God (and by the same token Christ)
was a non-physical force, whose Spirit moved mysteriously upon the face of
the waters.

But was this really the case? It is noticeable that, once the book of
Genesis moves on from its six-day cosmogony, God becomes more and more
physical and violent in nature. In Genesis chapters 6-9, for example, we
find God bringing cataclysm to Earth via the Great Deluge. Then, in Genesis
11, we read that God went down to the Earth in order to scatter the people
who were building the Tower of Babel. Next, in Genesis 19, we find God
hurling brimstone and fire down from the Sky upon the cities of Sodom and

And this was only the beginning. As one reads through the Old Testament, the
image of the supernatural God of Genesis 1 evaporates before oneıs eyes. A
typical passage, found in the book of Deuteronomy has God declare that: ³A
fire is kindled in mine anger, and it shall burn unto the depths of Sheol
[the underworld]. It shall consume the Earth with her abundance, and shall
set on fire the foundations of the mountains.²

As for the mysterious Word of God, the book of Jeremiah has God ask: ³Is not
my Word like a fire and like a hammer that breaketh the Rock in pieces?² The
Word of God thus appears to be a fiery and cataclysmic force.

This note of catastrophism should not surprise us. In fact, the entire
ancient Near East regarded Œthe Word of Godı as a creative but catastrophic
force. In the Sumerian texts, for example, the goddess Aruru was referred to
with the lines: ŒHer Word shakes the heavens; her utterance is a howling
storm.ı Another Sumerian text described ŒThe Word of Anuı as a great storm
which would make the Earth shake and the heavens tremble.

Ancient Egyptian traditions expressed a very similar idea. One legend
recalled how the creator-god had uttered ŒSeven Wordsı which had supposedly
structured the world. The Egyptians believed that to repeat these Seven
Words out aloud would bring about the catastrophic end of the world.

But the most intriguing reference to Œthe Wordı is found in the ancient
Egyptian Coffin Texts (a collection of prayers for the dead), where it is
stated somewhat cryptically: ŒThis is the Word which was in darkness; fire
is about it ­ that which contains the efflux of Osiris...ı Other verses
elaborate on this particular passage by equating the Word with something
which had landed on the desert of sand having fallen physically from the ex
Sky-god Osiris.

Might these ancient texts give away the great secret of the Christian
scriptures? Could it be that Christ the Word was not a spiritual force but a
physical force ­ something which came down from Heaven at the beginning of
time and seeded the Earth by physical means? And, if so, what would this
revelation of Christ the Son imply for our concept of God the Father?
IN THE BEGINNING, God created Heaven and Earth, according to the book of
Genesis. But how did he do it ­ physically or non-physically? And who or
what was God anyway? All is a mystery.

Who were Adam and Eve, and how was it that God created them Œin his own
imageı? This too is a great mystery. All we are told is that God created
Adam from clay and Eve from the rib of Adam, and then expelled both of them
from the Garden of Eden. But even if we understand this tale as an allegory
for a paradise lost, it does not tell us where this paradise was, and it
provides us with only the barest details concerning who our ancestors, Adam
and Eve, actually were.

To make matters worse, a recent survey revealed that less than three per
cent of leading churchmen in the UK believed in the creation story as
described in the book of Genesis, and only one in five of them believed in
the story of Adam and Eve.

These statistics suggest that the vast majority of Churchmen are as much in
the dark as the rest of us. The teachers of Christianity no longer
understand the mysteries on which the Bible is based.

To the superstitious man of yesteryear, this was not a problem, because
faith in the scriptures and their mysteries was the Œbe all and end allı of
the religious quest. Only the heretics dared to ask for knowledge of the

Today, however, the Church faces a new challenge. Twenty-first century man
is inquisitive, sceptical and well-educated, and will not be fobbed off with
an impenetrable mystery. Instead, he seeks knowledge of who or what God
actually was, and knowledge of how God created mankind in his own image. In
short, twenty-first century man demands to be initiated into the secrets of
the religious mysteries.

I CONTEND that the secrets of Judaeo-Christianity can indeed be cracked ­
even at this late stage in the game ­ if we utilise the information which is
already in the public domain.
 For more than a century now, archaeologists and scholars have been
recovering and deciphering long lost religious texts from ancient Egypt and
Mesopotamia. In the legends of these peoples, we find numerous parallels to
events in the Bible; there is a battle of the gods, a creation of Heaven and
Earth, a creation of mankind in the image of the gods, and the destruction
of mankind via a Great Deluge from the heavens. In short, a considerable
light has been shone on the origins of the Biblical scriptures.

What emerges from these ancient pagan texts is an amazing tale which has
been occulted from the Bible as we know it. It is a tale of a physical God
who suffered a physical death at the beginning of time, and only then
resurrected himself metaphysically to become the Spiritual God who appears
in Genesis chapter 1.

This pagan story ­ as yet untold in modern times ­ bears an extraordinary
resemblance to that told in the Christian gospels. Indeed it provides, when
properly decoded, a perfect scientific understanding of the Christian
mysteries. More than this, it leads to an astonishing but totally plausible
theory concerning the events which transpired in Jerusalem two thousand
years ago.
 But before this theory may be developed it is first necessary to probe a
little deeper into the origins of religion as we know it. If we seek to
understand the mysteries of the Bible, we must first seek to stand under
their foundations.

We set our course, then, towards the civilisations of ancient Egypt and
Sumer, where familiar Biblical legends were first recorded in writing some
five thousand years ago. It it here that we will discover the secrets of the
day When The Gods Came Down.
Copyright Alan F. Alford; adapted from his book When The Gods Came Down,
published by Hodder & Stoughton (UK) on 6th April at £20.00. Available by
mail order from Eridu Books (


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