-Caveat Lector-

Here's a theory I've tossed around.  First of all, it's highly possible that
creation is never complete and never will be.  My theory accounts for God,
evolution, the big bang and the big crunch, as well as the new age ascension

First of all, the physical universe started as a big bang.  The most
powerful force of gravity in the universe still exists at its center and
that gravitational force is still a constant pull on the universe, even at
its farthest reaches, no matter how weak it is.

One day, the physical universe will begin shrinking again.  I think that at
the point where the universe reaches its maximum size and begins shriveling
up again, things will start to change more quickly.  When this will happen,
or even whether it's already happened is anybody's guess.  Astronomers are
claiming that the universe is still expanding and is actually speeding up
instead of slowing down, as they believed it would.  But how can they really
know that the universe is expanding at this very moment?  They can't.  The
data they're receiving about the edge of the known universe have taken eons
to get here.  The universe may already be contracting and we simply can't
observe this yet.  The universe may have been contracting for hundreds of
thousands of years.  Still, it's current state is irrelevant for this

There is no doubt that most people believe that there is more to reality
than meets the eye.  95% of the people in the world believe in a superior
entity or force of some kind or another.  Some call it God, and others
simply call it the universe, First Cause or universal force.  I believe that
there is a force that is playing a passive role in our evolution.  I say
passive in that I don't believe a higher force is guiding us or making
decisions about the course of evolution in any way.

I do believe that we slithered out of the swamps as a slimy "thing" who only
knew how to consume and leave behind waste.  I believe in chance mutations
which cause evolution to go one way or the other.  Conditions on Earth
allowed for humans as we know them today.  Our slithering out of the oceans
does not disqualify the fact that we might have been seeded by an alien
race, or that we might be descendants of microbes from an asteroid that hit
the earth.  When looking at the universe as a whole, these facts do not

Now we have progressed far enough to have a real imagination.  People have
had experiences in their lives that reach beyond what we see as solid
reality.  As schizophrenics, I believe many of us have tapped deeply into
these higher realities, as have many non-schizophrenics on a lighter level.
Already we know that how one thinks about life can affect their health
psychosomatically.  Someone can believe so strongly that they're being
wounded by evil spirits that real wounds actually appear on their bodies.
The point is that we know now that our thoughts play a powerful role in our
lives and show that we are than meat and bones -- that our consciousness has
some power over our lives.

The crux of my theory is that these higher dimensions may be previous
universes -- previous creations which started as big bangs and ended in big
crunches, but before the conclusion of the big crunch, the consciousness of
people who lived in the previous universal cycle all ascended lest they be
destroyed, which was probably impossible.  This also takes into account the
idea of Hell Fire, and the idea that Hell and Death are swallowed up in
victory as we see the Kingdom of God realized.  What better way to swallow
up death and Hell than with a big crunch, and how hot would it be to a soul
in a big crunch, where all the universe is compacted into a space the size
of a pinhead (or a quarter, as some scientists have suggested).  Once there
is another big bang, the previous universe will have ceased to exist in the
way we see it today.  That universe will then be the fourth dimension and
what is now the fourth dimension will be the fifth.

If it is possible for the fourth dimension to communicate with the third
dimensional world, then naturally, the fourth dimension is aware that they
are nearing the time when they will ascend to the fifth dimension.  Perhaps
the reason much of this knowledge is coming out is because they are helping
us ascend so they may ascend.  Of course, their ascension from 4D to 5D is
guaranteed, as is our ascension from 3D to 4D.  Whether we work feverishly
or relax and let it happen, the results will be the same -- the irresistible
desire to know more will eventually take hold and we will be open to the

But it seems like there should be some turning point, like perhaps the point
where the universe turns around and starts contracting again.  It seems like
that would be the point at which things really start to get interesting. The
ancient Mayans believed that time here was finite and that after a certain
date, there would be no more need for a calendar, since that's when their
calendar ended.  This date is in debate, even today.  It could be December
24, 2011; December 21, 22, or 23, 2012, or just 2013. (1)

The Mayans, like the ancient Egyptians and other ancient cultures, were keen
astronomers, according to archaeologists, and their city construction proves
this.  Many things they were able to accomplish amaze scientists today.
Perhaps they were somehow able to gauge the expansion of the universe and
decide when it will begin contracting again -- December 23, 2012.  Does that
indicate that some major event will take place at that point?

Another possibility -- when astronomers look toward the edge of the universe
and see it expanding, are they actually visibly seeing the real present
moment as the fourth dimension collides with the 3D universe?  In the 4D
universe, laws of physics do not apply in the way they do here.  I think
that in 4D, you see things as they happen, no matter how far away they are,
unlike 3D, in which light must first reach you before you can observe the
event.  I suppose it is possible that the edge of the universe may have
started slowing down enough for 4D to begin peeking through -- a 4D which is
expanding and will expand exponentially until the physical universe finally
collapses completely, and then the 4D universe will be infinite and the
inhabitants of the current 4D universe will move up a level into 5D.

And so the cycle begins again.

Here are a few related facts.  The quoted portions come from the following
website, and my comments are beneath the quotes.


> - At midnight of the autumnal equinox in the year of the Great Pyramid's
> completion, a line extending from the apex pointed to the star Alcyone.
> Our solar system is thought by some to revolve around this star along
> with other solar systems much like the planets revolve around our sun.

Alcyone is in the principle star in the Pleiades star cluster, which sits on
a long extension coming off the constellation Taurus, and in fact, is part
of the Taurus constellation.  During the May 5, 2000 "alignment" of the Sun,
Mercury, Venus, Earth (the moon, too, I think), Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,
Taurus was also in that alignment.

> - North Star Pointer: The Descending Passage pointed to the pole star
> Alpha Draconis, circa 2170-2144 B.C. This was the North Star at that
> point in time.  No other star has aligned with the passage since then.

Alpha = First.  Draco = Dragon.  This is interesting and significant because
of the star which aligns with the descending passage next:

> - The 344 ft.  length of the Descending Passage provides an angle of
> view of only +/- 1/3 of a degree.  Alpha Draconis has not been in
> alignment for thousands of years.  The next alignment will be with the
> North Star, Polaris, in about 2004 A.D. Polaris in Greek means "Satan".

Isn't it interesting that Alpha Draco and Polaris mean essentially the same
thing?  And how interesting it is that the descending passage of the pyramid
has not had any other stars aligned with it since the previous north star
aligned with it, Alpha Draconis?  Archaeologists have said that the
Egyptians used pyramids because their structures endure, so they obviously
wanted these pyramids to last a long time.  Is it possible that they knew
where the descending passage would point at some point in the future?

It's interesting to note that even orthodox Christians will tell you that
Jesus Christ was born in 5 or 7 BC (2).  If this is the case, the Gregorian
Calendar, which was supposed to have been formed so that 1 AD was the year
of the birth of Christ, then it's off a bit.  If it were adjusted to fit the
believed year of Christ, we would actually be in 2006 or 2008.  Moving the
2004 alignment forward to coincide with this shift of Christ's birth, we
have 2009 or 2011.  If the December 24, 2011 date is correct, the year, at
least, would be the same as the year of the alignment of Polaris with the
descending passage of the Great Pyramid.  However, I have been unable to
find an exact date for this alignment -- only a year, 2004 + (5 or 7)
equaling 2009 or 2011.  If someone knows an exact date for the alignment of
Polaris with the descending passage of the Great Pyramid, please e-mail me
and let me know.

All of this is part theory, part conjectural speculation, but it's fun to
try to figure it all out.  Of course, I'd also like to think that things
will happen sooner rather than later.  And of course, there are some who
will respond and tell me that there is nothing to happen except to be. Well,
I'm being.  And while I am being, I am also going to try to intellectualize
to pass the time.  The only wrench in the gears is Nibiru and the Annunaki
story.  This cannot be ignored and as far as I know, Nibiru is not due to
come around again until some time in the next millennium 3001 to 4000 AD.
According to what I've read, Nibiru last passed Earth around the time of
Christ, which means it would return in 3600 A.D.  That's pretty far off from
2012, so you have to wonder which one has more merit -- the Mayan calendar
are the Sumerian concept of Nibiru, a planet that has yet to be observed

(1) http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/add.htm

(2) http://www.outofthisworldradio.com/ufo_s.htm


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