by Al Martin

Clearance Sale on High Tech Weapons:
Inside the Weekly Arms Bazaar at Redstone Arsenal

      The Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama hosted a taxpayer-funded
seafood buffet for Certification Day. The Friendly Colonel reports that "the
only thing that was any good out of the buffet was the cracked crab." He also
reports that he is constantly amazed at the new things he keeps finding out.
What he learned this weekend is that the Redstone Arsenal, unbeknownst to the
public, is the key government facility for explosives training among the
federal agencies. This includes training bomb squads within the FBI, BATF,
and Secret Service. There were over two thousand people taking these courses,
as well as foreign military, including Chinese and Russian Army personnel.
There were also Germans, Israelis, and even people with Arab headdress, who
turned out to be Iranians. The Friendly Colonel asked his friend, "Why in the
hell are we training Iranians in the use of explosives on a supposedly
sensitive US Arsenal?" His friend replied that it was just business as usual.

      The Friendly Colonel was invited to an arms sale at the Redstone
Arsenal. An FBI agent friend of his told him that this would be his "last
weekend" since he's being transferred to "an unspecified designation." He's
over the age limit for active field service, but they still won't put through
his retirement papers. In fact he doesn't even know where they will be
sending him.

      When they both arrived at the Arsenal, they found a weapons sale
already in progress at one of the barracks. It was way out on the northern
edge of the facility in a broken down old barracks building that was "all
rusted out and leaky and the front door was kicked in." There was absolutely
no security as usual.

      They were offering for sale every type of munition they had in
inventory in that building. It's as if they were clearing out inventory --
building by building the Friendly Colonel noted. You could buy anything you
wanted. Biochemical. Chemical. Thermonuclear. Energy Weapons. Anything you
wanted -- you could buy.

      You had to have a shopping list of course. The building was full of
Chinese agents who were buying. What it was supposed to be was the same old
deal: ordinance and weapons systems that have been declared "obsolete." In
most case, however, it was brand new. The cases hadn't even been opened.

      They had a display table up front. The Friendly Colonel noted that "it
looked like a display table for a James Bond movie." As a sample, he was
given an explosive ink pen. He was nervous about it, but it came with an
instruction manual. All you have to do is twist the top off of it. It has an
automatic timing device. It destroys everything within ten feet of where ever
it explodes. There were no logos on it. It had a serial number but that's
all. It's a metal ink pen, iodized black on iodized chrome in color. And the
pen - you could actually write with it.

      The Friendly Colonel reports that everybody got different party favors
- and he got the explosive ink pen.

      Other party favors included radiation detection badges, like a lapel
pin. It's a strip that lets you know whether the radiation is dangerously
high. In the back of the barracks was a caged off section, where you have to
wear these radiation badges in order to enter. It's where nuclear weapons are
stored. You have to be specially cleared to buy the nuclear weapons. The only
guys the Friendly Colonel saw in there were Russians and Chinese. When he
walked to the back of the building, he saw three brand new V22 Ospreys on the
tarmac, next to the building. They were completely unmarked. They appeared to
be civilian models, since they were not painted in military colors. They were
being loaded up with crates from the back of the barracks. The crates were

      These were not old wooden crates. They were some kind of boron or
graphite high tech material with digitized letters on them. They had
electro-mechanical locks on them with different colored lights on them. The
Friendly Colonel actually handled one of the weapons from the crate before
they auctioned them off. He described it as a shoulder fired rifle type
weapon, It reminded him of a high tech version of the old Vietnam era 40mm
thump guns or "thumpers." The barrel seemed to be about 40 mm. The ordinance
was explained by the captain who was conducting he sale. It's a canister and
he couldn't figure out the material it was made from. It was canister that
was about 40 mm by 200 mm long. The weapon fires this canister. It apparently
has a substantial range, several thousand meters or more. He doesn't know the
contents of the canister except that the captain described it as having the
explosive power to "level one city block"

      The Friendly Colonel is beginning to learn that conventional explosives
have been developed that would astound the American people. He believes that
a lot of this stuff is not nuclear, is not an energy or fusion weapon, but
some sort of conventional explosive that has been developed, that the people
have not been told about. That has simply tremendous destructive power.

      What should be again pointed out is the extraordinary lack of security
in these facilities - where thermonuclear and biological and biochemical
weapons are kept in dilapidated old barracks buildings with doors left open.
The doors don't even lock, or they're off their hinges. There's no base
security. And there's no inventory control at all. Nobody knows what in them
anymore. Nobody knows how much goes out of them. It's literally -- you take
what you want.

      Anyway these V22 Ospreys were being loaded with this new type of
weapon. On the orange air freight tags, it said DESTINATION UNKNOWN. But what
surprised him is that he had never even seen the new V22 Osprey. Very few
people have actually seen one. And he was surprised to see three of them
lined up in a row, considering it's an airplane most of which have crashed.

      The Friendly Colonel notes that these aircraft were used as cargo
haulers. They were not samples to be sold. When he saw that it was all
Chinese people in the back of the room, the first thing he thought - given
the locale of Huntsville, Alabama and the range of the Osprey and given the
fact that it can land and take off like a helicopter - he thought that the
reason they were used is because they could land on a cargo ship. That's the
only logical explanation. He remembered having heard the stories in recent
weeks about the transport problems they're having, and here's an aircraft
that can land on a cargo freighter at sea.

      What astounded him the most is that everything appeared so normal, so
business as usual, that nobody was really paying attention to anything that
was going on. He says that he could have picked up any weapons system, walked
out and put it in his car and nobody would have said a thing -- because
others were doing the same thing. Anybody could pick up anything You could
drive through the base without being stopped. He's never asked who he is.
He's never asked to produce identification tags. Nothing.

      Regarding the resignation of FBI Director Louis Freeh, the Friendly
Colonel said that his source told him that Freeh was becoming overwhelmed by
the FBI getting increasingly dragged into all these various investigations,
by Congress, and GAO, and GSA. More of the FBI's involvement in illegal
covert activities was coming to light. Freeh just wanted to get out, whilst
the getting was good.

      As Freeh uncovered more and more of the Bureau's involvement in the
egregious, surreptitious, illicit and covert acts, I think Freeh became
increasingly depressed. It was well-known among the senior agents that Freeh
had seen some doctor recently for depression. That's what happens in
government. The FBI agents get out of Quantico They're young and they're
hotshots. They're go-getters. They got their heads full of bullshit about the
FBI's out there to do the right thing, enforce the law, and save the nation
and all that. But once they've been in the system for a while, they
understand the real situation -- that the FBI is aligned with numerous
shadowy cliques and cabals. It's essentially the Party Whip for the
Military-Industrial Complex. It keeps everything in line. Their job is to
keep all the various components of the Great Illicit Machine in line. The FBI
is simply used as a tool of enforcement to punish those who step out of line.

      AL MARTIN, a retired US Navy Lt. Commander and former officer in the
Office of Naval Intelligence, is America's foremost whistle-blower on
government fraud and corruption, having testified before Congress - the Kerry
Committee and the Alexander Committee. Al Martin is the author of "The
Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider" (2001, National Liberty
Press, $14.95; order line: 1-877-776-9000.) He lives at an undisclosed
location, since the criminals named in the book have been returned to
national power and prominence. His column "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway
is published regularly on Al Martin Raw.

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