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Blanket Denunciaition of 9/11 Theories
re: When 9/11 Conspiracies Go Bad, by David Corn

I respect your work as Washington editor of The Nation, which is my news and commentary periodical of choice. However, I do take issue with your complete disregard for any notion of government complicity in the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. It is not that hard to countenance a policy of looking the other way for reasons of locking in a "homeland" policy of martial law as well as a worldwide policy of "you'll do as your told, or we'll label you as terrorists."

I must say that the majority of theories are rather far fetched, and the loss of life would seem too much even for our imperialist government to perpetrtate (NYC isn't Panama or Nicaragua), but your complete denunciation rings of the liberal pundit elite and their virtual howl for "unity" and conformity after the bombings.

Peter Stanislaw

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