-Caveat Lector-

A List of Attributes for Babylon and their connection to the United States
  by Mike(?)

What The Prophets Said About Babylon

1. Babylon would be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6).

2. Babylon would have a huge seaport city within its borders (Rev 18:17). New York 
harbor is the biggest in theWorld.

3. The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt (Rev 17:18). This 
can only be NEW YORK, where the United Nations sits.

4. The Great City Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world (Rev 18:3). 
New York is the Financial Capital of the World.

5. Babylon would be the center of a one world Luciferian  religious movement (Jer 

6. Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic order (Rev 13:16).


1. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end time nations (Jer 50:12). USA

2. Babylon would the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7; Rev 18:7). USA

3. Babylon would be the most powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer 50, 51, Rev 
18). USA

4. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23). USA

5. Babylon is called a lady, and has the symbol of the Lady (Isa  47:7-9). "LIBERTY" 
on our money, and sits in the New York Harbor.

6. Babylon would be the praise of the WHOLE EARTH (Jer 51:41). USA

7. Babylon is center of world trade (Jer 51:44; Rev 17:18; 18:19).USA

8. Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the world (Rev 18:3, 7, 19, 23). USA

9. All nations that traded with Babylon would grow rich (Rev 18:3). USA

10. The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH (Rev 18:23). USA, all one 
need to do is look at the huge multi-national corporations that exist. American 
companies (merchants) the greatest on Earth.

11. Babylon is a huge nation, with lands, cities, and great  wealth (implied 

12. Babylon is nation "peeled", or timbered, a land of open fields (Isa 18:2).

13. Babylon is land quartered by mighty rivers (Isa 18:2).

14. Babylon is a land that is measured out, and populated  throughout (Isa 18:2).

15. Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste (Isa 14:20, 18:2, 7).

16. Babylon is a land rich in mineral wealth (Jer 51:13).

17. Babylon is a the leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

18. Babylon is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).

19. Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).

20. Babylon is a nation filled with warehouses and granaries (Jer 50:26).

21. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 

22. Babylon is noted for her horses (Jer 50:37). Think Kentucky

23. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer 50:26, 27; Rev 

24. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill operations (Rev 18:13)

25. Babylon is a nation of farmers and harvests huge crops (Jer 50:16, 26, 27).

26. Babylon is a huge exporter of MUSIC (Rev 18:22).

27. Babylon's musicians are known around the world (Rev 18:22)

28. Babylon has a huge aviation program (Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10).

29. Babylon's skies are filled with the whisper of aircraft wings (Isa 18:1; Jer 

30. Babylon has a huge space industry, has "mounted up to the  heavens" (Jer 51:53).

31. Babylon fortifies her skies with a huge military aviation program (Jer 51:53).

32. Babylon is portrayed as a leading in high tech weapons and abilities (Jer 51:53; 
Hab 1:6-10; implied throughout).

33. Babylon is a nation filled with warm water seaports (Rev 18:17-19).

34. Babylon is a coastal nation and sits upon MANY WATERS  (Jer 51:13).

35. Babylon trades with all who have ships in the sea year round(Rev 18:17-18).

36. Babylon is nation filled with a "mingled" people (Jer 50:37).

37. Babylon is a SINGULAR NATION founded upon OUT OF MANY, ONE (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 
51, Hab 1).

38. Babylon is a REPUBLIC or a DEMOCRACY, it is ruled by many counsels (Isa 47:13).

39. Babylon's governmental system breaks down (Isa 47:13).

40. Babylon is bogged down with deliberations and cannot  govern properly (Isa 47:13).

41. Babylon's leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 

42. Babylon labored in the occult from her very inception (Isa 47:12).

43. Babylon falls to the occult just before her end by nuclear fire (Rev 18:2)

44. Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN NATION (Jer 50:12).

45. Babylon turns upon its heritage and destroys it all in the end (Jer 50:11).

46. Babylon's Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 
50:6; implied Rev 18:2).

47. Babylon's Christian leaders are "strangers" in the Lord Houses of Worship (Jer 

48. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa 47:12; Rev 18:2).

49. Babylon becomes the home of all antichrist religions in the world (Rev 18:2).

50. Babylon is a nation of religious confusion (Isa 47:12-13).

51. Babylon turns upon its own people and imprisons and slaysthem by millions (Jer 
50:7,33; 51:35; 39; Dan 7:25; Rev 13:7;17:6; 18:24).

52. Babylon sets of detention centers for Jews and Christians and rounds them up for 
extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49; Rev 17:6; 18:24).

53. Babylon has a mother nation that remains in existence from her birth to death (Jer 
50: 12). (ENGLAND)

54. The mother of Babylon has the symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38; 
Psalms 17:12).

55. The mother of Babylon will rule over her daughter her entire life (Dan 7:4; Jer 
50:12). Follow the money, we are under total control of England's Banks, and have been 
since 1914

56. The mother of Babylon will be a state of major decline as the end nears (Jer 

57. Babylon is considered to be a lion's whelp (Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38).

58. Babylon will have the symbol of the EAGLE and builds her  nest in the stars (Dan 
7:4 EAGLE WINGS; Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53). Who else has a space program as we do?

59. Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end 
(Rev 18:2; Isa 14:4-6).

60. THE KING OF BABYLON is called LUCIFER, the ANTICHRIST (Isa 14:4-6).

61. The King of Babylon will rule from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).

62. A world government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY 
(Isa 14; Hab 2, Rev 13, 17, 18).

63. This world entity will be a diverse entity, different than all other ruling bodies 
of the world (Dan 7:7, 23).

64. This entity will be a TREATY POWER ENTITY (Dan 7:7, 23 DIVERSE).

65. This entity will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE 
THE WORLD (Isa 14:4-6; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13, 17).

66. Babylon is a huge producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).

67. Babylon is a nation of CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51, Rev 18:22).

68. Babylon is noted for her jewelry of gold and silver (Rev 18:22).

69. Babylon is a huge importer and exporter of spices (Rev 18:13).

70. Babylon is a huge exporter of fine marble products (Rev 18:22).

71. Babylon is noted for her iron and steel production (Rev 18:12).

72. Babylon has huge corporations that have bases around the world (Rev 18:23, implied 

73. Babylon is a nation of higher education and learning (Isa47:10, implied 

74. Babylon is a nation with a GREAT VOICE in world affairs (Jer 51:55)

75. Babylon is a VIRGIN NATION, her lands untouched by major war (Isa 47:1).

76. Babylon has a vast military machine (Jer 50:36; 51:30; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13:4).

77 .Babylon will be instrumental in the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and 
is the home of God's people (Jer 50:47;51:45).

78. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).

79. Babylon's enemy will lie on the opposite side of the world,over the poles (Isa 

80. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13,14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 

81. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 
14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied  throughout).

82. Babylon will be filled with her enemies brought in under the guise of peace (Dan 

83. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be no way of escape 
(Jer 50:28; 51:32).

84. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Implied  throughout)

85. Babylon is land vast land with huge cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied 

86. Babylon will have been a huge missionary nation for Jesus Christ (Jer 50:11; 51:7).

87. Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who leave (Jer 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45)

88. The people of Babylon would not know their true identity(Jer 50:6, implied 

89. The people of Babylon would think they are God's elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8, 
Rev 18:7).

90. The people of Babylon would enjoy the highest standard of living in the world (Rev 

91. The people of Babylon would grow mad upon their idols (Jer 50:2, 38; Hab 2:18).

92. The people of Babylon would go into deep sins of all kinds (Rev 18:5).

93. The nation Babylon dwells carelessly before the Lord (Isa  47:8).

94. Babylon becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end (Isa 47:7-8).

95. Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23)

And finally, let me pose you a question, What greater deception could there be to the 
world, to the CHURCH, to America, the "Christian Nation", than for Babylon to be 
America? It says he will deceive the whole world. The  fact is, all of Satan's players 
are in place, stop looking for a revival of the "Roman Empire", it all exists RIGHT  
How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a 
desolation among the nations! -Jeremiah 50:23

O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and 
the measure of thy covetousness. The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, saying, 
Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillars; and they shall lift up a shout 
against thee. -Jeremiah 51:12-14

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