-Caveat Lector-

Source:   University Of Georgia (http://www.uga.edu/)

Date:   Posted 10/15/99

University Of Georgia Study Indicates Possible Ancient Origin For
Retroviruses, The Class To Which HIV Belongs
ATHENS, Ga. -- Viruses are Trojan Horses, reproducing in animals and plants
with sometimes deadly consequences. Since viruses can't reproduce by
themselves, they exploit living host cells and use them to produce viral
nucleic acid and proteins, then reassemble these into new virus particles.
Particularly dangerous are retroviruses, which use an enzyme called reverse
transcriptase to copy themselves into host genomes and replicate. Only
recently did scientists discover that a complex retrovirus they named Human
Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV caused AIDS. A new study by geneticists at the
University of Georgia, however, argues that retroviruses may have been
lurking around in animal genomes for millennia.

"It's like thinking that we discovered the use of tools as humans rather
recently and then finding out that ancient primates used them, also," said
Dr. John McDonald, head of the genetics department. "Scientists had thought
that complex retroviruses evolved recently, but our work indicates a possible
ancient origin."

The study, led by doctoral student Nathan Bowen, is being published this week
in the journal Genome Research.

Retroviruses and related free-moving pieces of genetic material called
retrotransposons are extremely important in the genetic makeup of plants and
animals, despite the fact they were not discovered until about 50 years ago.
For example, half of the maize genome is made up of retroelements, and in
some plants such as wheat and pine trees, 90 percent of the genome may be
constructed around these "movable genes."

Researchers now believe that these "retroelements" are major causes of
genetic mutations and are significant factors in genome evolution. McDonald's
laboratory and several others are using the relatively new science of
genomics to study how these elements have changed plants and animals. By
analyzing the sequences of nucleic acids in certain genomes, they can better
understand which retroelements have been highly conserved through species and
over time.

Which brings us to worms.

McDonald and Bowen had the advantage of studying the near-complete genome for
a tiny unsegmented and transparent worm called Caenorhabditis elegans,
commonly known as the nematode. These worms, which are both free-living and
parasitic, live almost everywhere, though they flourish in rotting vegetation
in many parts of the world.

Hundreds of scientists are studying C. elegans around the globe. Though it is
a somewhat primitive organism, it shares many of the essential
characteristics of human biology. Scientists consider C. elegans to have a
"brain," and it exhibits behavior and is even capable of rudimentary
learning. Its life starts with embryonic cleavage, it grows and develops,
ages and dies. All of these functions are controlled by genes. The worms are
no more than one millimeter long and live only two or three weeks.

And yet they have become enormously important to scientists, especially
geneticists, and two teams are nearing completion of the sequence of all the
genes in C. elegans, showing where each gene is located on a chromosome and
its likely function. McDonald and Bowen were thus able to use the C. elegans
genome sequence to analyze the entire complement of retrotransposons in the
worm's genome.

"We analyzed a class of elements called long terminal repeat
retrotransponsons or LTR retrotransposons," said Bowen, "and we found that
there are no less than 12 distinct families of them in the C. elegans genome.
"These include one novel family that displays many features characteristic of
complex vertebrate retroviruses such as the spumaviruses and the
lentiviruses, to which HIV belongs. This unexpected finding suggests that
infectious vertebrate retroviruses may have a remarkably long ancestry and
may have been components of ancient eukaryotic genomes." (Eukaryotes are
organisms composed of one or more cells that contain well-defined nuclei.)

This biological detective story began with programs that are used to identify
and align the sequences of amino acids so they can be compared. Bowen and
McDonald studied 12 families of LTR transposons in C. elegans named "Cer
elements." Since they knew already that the reverse transcriptase (an enzyme,
remember) domains have the slowest rate of change among all retroelement
proteins, they could look to these areas for clues to the evolutionary
relationships among retroelements.

"We quickly focused on an element we called Cer7, which displays many of the
features of retroviruses," said Bowen. "We found there are many structural
similarities between Cer7 and other retroviral proteins." In fact, Cer7 has
features similar to complex vertebrate retroviruses such as the human T-cell
leukemia/bovine leukemia group and the lentiviruses such as HIV.

So what? The finding is significant because the retroviral-like Cer7 is in a
worm, and researchers had previously believed that complex retroviruses had
originated about the same time as mammals.

"Our findings suggest that the ancestor of vertebrate retroviruses may have
had an early metazoan origin," said Bowen.

While the discovery of the possible ancient origin for vertebrate
retroviruses is significant, the paper in Genome Research goes even farther,
proposing a new LTR retroelement nomenclature. New classes and subgroups show
the relations among retroelements much more clearly, the authors assert. (A
color slide of the new phylogeny is available on request from the authors.)

"The genome sequencing of model experimental organisms like C. elegans and
humans is providing an unprecedented opportunity to examine the evolutionary
relationships that exist among retroelements," said McDonald. "The presence
in C elegans of elements displaying a number of characteristics previously
thought to be unique to vertebrate retroviruses suggests an ancient lineage
for this important class of infectious agents."

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