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Posted By: Ghost_Writer
Date: Thursday, 17 February 2000, at 11:36 p.m.

Another Dark Chemtrail Hypothesis This is from Icke's E-mag:



So, you haven't yet figured out the airborne conditioning-agent
release program that is being operated by the government. I'll
give you some hints, but first I'll give you a little information
about myself. I'm a retired government scientist with an advanced
degree in one of the health-related disciplines. I do not use my
real name for fear of retaliation, either against me, or against
members of my family. I always try to route my e-mail
communications so that they appear to come from another source,
usually from one somewhere within the government. Sometimes I use
the internet resources of the public library - whatever it takes
to hide my true identity and confuse those who don't want the
sort of information I possess to fall into the public's hands.

 I have a small circle of friends who are, or were, in key
positions within our military and several government agencies.
These are not the very top level personnel, but mid to upper
mid-level people, scientists and analysts, who are in positions
where they can see the day-to-day activities of what's going on,
who are charged with implementing the details, but who are never
quite privy to the schemes behind the work they do. Each of my
contacts has been able to supply me with a portion of the puzzle,
but separately, none of them understands the whole story. I'll
tell you what I've pieced together so far. But I have to admit
that this information frightens me because there is no place I
can go with it. What am I supposed to do - write my congressman?
I believe that would be like signing my own death warrant.

 This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing
the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting
with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only ones
with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if they
knew about it. That's why the US has to be the first to go. You
have to understand that the world's elite covet the US for its
geographic diversity - and they would love to return this country
to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot
here, but without the Native Americans this time of course. 20

 You may have already heard how several national parks have been
designated as world biospheres - that's the plan for all of North
America, a giant nature park and playground that will be devoid
of annoying human beings (that would be us). And the people
actually involved in doing the spraying, as well as those who
will take part in the rest of the plans, are being duped into
believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to live and
remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this
vast nature preserve. I understand that about 150 to 200 thousand
people are projected as necessary for maintenance purposes. But
it's likely these people will not be Americans. Those in charge
wouldn't want to risk the possibility of some sort of revolt, so
the workers will probably be brought in from Europe and Asia.

 There are rumors floating about the internet that the chemtrails
are part of some sort of secret program the government is doing
to protect the US from future biological attacks. Nothing could
be further from the truth. The plan is to sensitize, or
condition, the US population to being wiped out by influenza A.
Over the past few years, people have been encouraged to get flu
shots to protect them against the generally non-lethal strains
that circulate through the population during flu season. 20

 Each year the US government has guessed which strains were most
likely to spread. They seem to always guess right - don't they?
This flu season, the government protected people with a trivalent
vaccine that included the A/Beijing/262/95-like (H1N1) and the
A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N2). It also contained the
B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens. For those not
familiar with virology, the H and N refer to proteins on the
outside of the virus, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which
are responsible for the virus attaching to, and then invading, a
host cell. The public has been quite pleased with the success of
the vaccines offered so far. But that will change in the future.

 Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD
have reconstructed and modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus,
making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was
responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed over 20
million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US. Consider that
it could have killed many more, but back then, people couldn't
hop on a jet and travel from New York to L.A. in five hours. Now,
our ability to travel will increase the spread and will be our

 The flu vaccines contain killed virus and protect the body well
against challenge by that particular strain, but work poorly
against other strains not included in the inoculation. At some
point, the vaccine stockpile will include the more lethal
modification of the 1918 H1N1 in its live form. Most people
receiving this vaccine will simply be renewing their annual flu
shot, and the vaccine will still include the inactivated version
of the more benign form of H1N1 (as was included in this year's
vaccine). The presence of the milder strain in the inoculum will
slow down the progression of the more lethal H1N1 form, so people
will become sick more slowly - but they will still eventually
die. It will just take a few weeks longer.

 In the meantime, they will be carriers for the lethal form of
the virus, passing it on to everyone with whom they make contact.
And as people hear that others are dropping dead from the flu,
they will flock to get their own vaccination. And the entire
population will be more receptive to infection because their
lungs will have been pre-conditioned to guarantee it.

 If you will remember back to 1968 and '69, the Hong Kong flu,
which was influenza A type H3N2, killed over 30,000 people in the
U.S. alone. That was a fortuitous learning event for some because
it taught them that the flu could still conceivably be used to
wipe out a population. But at the same time, it pointed out the
need to precondition the populace so that those who might
normally be resistant could be rendered susceptible. Hence the
development of the vaccine program and the aerial spraying
procedures to condition the population. The purpose of the
chemicals in the chemtrails is to help the viral envelope fuse
with lung cells, permitting easier penetration and infection.

 But what about those few individuals who don't succumb to the
flu? Probability alone demands that there will be some who
survive - pockets of the population that are either not reached
or somehow (and this is less likely) are resistant to the lethal
H1N1 strain. At this point you must also remember that our
military personnel have been immunized against a variety of
pathogens, including the anthrax bacillus. 20

 For those geographically isolated areas where the flu doesn't do
its job, it's a fairly simple matter to lay down anthrax spores
and then send in what's left of the military to take care of
anyone still breathing. The anthrax spraying will probably come
under the guise of a flu protection program to save those still
alive after the epidemic. And the military, having been exposed
to civilians with the flu, will eagerly await their own flu
shots. I should emphasize that this is a last resort scenario.
Those orchestrating the plan will not want to use anthrax until
all other possibilities are exhausted - this because of the
long-term viability of anthrax spores. To scatter them over the
countryside would mean the area would be dangerous for use by
humans, at least those not vaccinated against the bacteria.

 And think about this for a moment. Why do you suppose agencies
like Fish and Wildlife are so eager to reintroduce wolves and
other species into areas of the country which haven't seen these
animals for generations. It's all part of the plan to restore
this land to what the elite envision as its early paradise-like
state, with wild animals freely roaming the uninhabited plains
and forests. Granted, it will take some time to clean up the
place and to maybe destroy a lot of small towns that might
otherwise be considered a blight on the landscape. But for the
global elite it will be a small price for us to pay for their

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor



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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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