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June 10, 2000

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     HAFEZ AL-ASSAD IS DEAD by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst

Hafez al-Assad was many things to many people and his death is being
explained mostly by
newscasters who knew little about the man. Politicians are shedding
crocodile tears as if a great
statesman has passed instead of the cruel dictator and killer that he
was. Strange how death
turns an evil man into someone noble.

Bill Clinton is already shedding those familiar tears and revising
history regarding Assad’s true
character as fast as he can.

Yassir Arafat, the man whom Assad would not allow into his country, has
declared a three day
mourning period.

Assad and Arafat shared an intense mutual hatred and it was only a
matter of time before one
of Assad’s terrorist proxies assassinated Arafat. But, all of that is
mere trivia when one observes
the potential ripple effect of his death.

Keep in mind that Assad ruled as a minority Alawite (member of a Muslim
sect) representing
10% of the population. Sunni Muslims account for 85% and there is a 5%
Christian minority.
Assad ruled through terror as most Arab dictators do. His army and
numerous secret police
sections were staffed at the officer level by Alawites. The population
was terrorized on the
outside by his large army and on the inside by his terrorist secret
police. This is how he kept the
Sunnis under tight control. The Sunnis, however, regarded themselves as
culturally and
intellectually superior to the Alawites, who they looked upon as the
proverbial peasants.

The coming ripple effect may include some or all of the following:

Once they recover their sense of power, the Sunnis could rise up in the
weeks and months to
come and drive the Alawites out of Syria. While in power and control of
the military, the Alawites
would commandeer the best of Syria’s military hardware and flee toward
Beirut and then
Northwest toward the coastal cities on the Mediterranean of Latakiya,
Baniyas, or Babenna which
have a strong Alawite presence and are between Lebanon and Turkey.
There they could
establish a well-armed narrow state of their own. (They will not flee
toward Hama where Assad
and his brother Rifat slaughtered 20,000 Sunnis with artillery and

Also keep in mind that Assad has been accumulating an inventory of long
range missiles with
chemical warheads.

The fleeing Alawites cannot expect to be welcomed by the Lebanese who
suffered under Assad.
Besides in 1970 when the Lebanese took in the Palestinian refugees
(ejected from Jordan for
trying to take over that country) their guests savaged them for the
next 12 years.

The Alawite-dominated army will first support Assad’s son Bashar as
their puppet leader for
what may be their short term hold on power. If they can maintain
Assad’s former grip on power
and make it last, at least for a while, they may win. Otherwise they
will break and flee the rage
of the Sunnis. My bet is the Sunnis will wake up, realize their power
and drive the Alawites out
of Syria.

Rifat, Assad’s ruthless and cruel brother has influence and power
within the Alawite Army and
will, no doubt, try to come to power. This will result in a power
struggle between factions of the
Army with Bashar and Assad’s brother-in-law on one side. It’s the
brother-in-law who controlled
the growing and trafficking of drugs from the Beka’a Valley in
partnership with the Columbia
drug cartel. Twenty (20%) of the drugs landed in America came from the
Beka’a Valley. Clinton
arranged payment to Assad to cease growing drugs but the money was
absorbed and the cash
crops continue to grow. Clinton did not challenge Assad even though the
drugs he produced
were destroying the youth of America. Assad was too important
politically to Clinton.

In Lebanon, there could be a movement to break away from Syria and
force Syria’s 40,000 man
army (who are primarily stationed in the Beka’a Valley) out of Lebanon.
Syria’s Alawite
dominated Army, with its Sunni foot soldiers, could face a strange
coalition of Lebanese Muslims
and Christians who want their country back.

Iraq and Iran also have a vested interest in Syria with their own teams
inside of Syria to side
with one or the other power brokers trying to take them over. Keep in
mind that Iraq has a long
border with Syria with a Sunni majority also under the terror control
of Saddam Hussein.

Israel could explore the many cracks opening up in Syria’s control
structure but that is unlikely
under the weak leadership of Ehud Barak. The Left Labor Party in Israel
has sold themselves on
the fiction that giving up the Golan Heights would mute the hatred and
warlike attitude of Hafez
al-Assad. Unfortunately, that is a fiction concocted in their own
minds. Assad did not need nor
necessarily want the Golan, particularly if attached to a peace deal.

Nevertheless, now that Assad is dead, look for Barak and his spokesmen
to try and sell the
Israeli people on the idea that now is an even better time to divest
itself of the defensive high
ground of the Golan Heights and 40% of Israel’s fresh water resource
coming from it. Clinton,
too, will weigh in with his spin team to offer a waterfall of ideas as
to why Israel can win the
hearts of the Syrians and bask in peace forever. Barak is definitely
fearful of using the
opportunity to break up the power structure of Syria in the face of
Clinton and European

Apparently, Barak and Clinton were well aware of Assad’s imminent death
and were desperate to
abandon the Golan, regardless of who was to be Assad’s successor. Barak
lied and planned to
trick the Golan settlers and the Israeli people in a false dash for

Who will mourn with crocodile tears the passing of such a monster?
Well, Clinton already has
gone through his act ignoring Syria’s participation in the deaths of
241 Marines in Lebanon in
1983 and the blowing up of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. One can sense
the impatience of Ehud
Barak, Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin to join in the accolades with such
statements that "Assad was
a man you could trust once he gave his word". Surely they would go to
Damascus to be in the
funeral procession in a heartbeat, regardless of the hatred Assad
expressed for Israel.

Keep an eye on Assad’s funeral.

We will see Madame Albright in the entourage telling us ‘what a great
man Assad was’ and that
he was just ‘on the verge’ of accepting the Golan for peace.

Mubarak of Egypt will try to step into center stage to pick up the
following of Assad. Mubarak
has used almost all of America’s free aid to buy weapons and build his
army. Having joined
Assad and Iran in a Trilateral Defense Pact, signed in Iran, Mubarak
must now decide who to
back in Syria. Israel, after all, must still be the enemy in between
these two powers that justifies
their massive armies.

Putin of Russia may come just to see if he could smooth the collection
of Syria’s $8 Billion dollar
debt for past weapons’ sales and for his re-entry into the Middle East
with new weapons’ sales.

France, will be there for whatever she can get.

Trailed by CNN and the NEW YORK TIMES, all the phony politicians will
turn up, fashionably
draped in black crepe. Surely, Deborah Sontag, Anthony Lewis, Tommy
Friedman, Gerald Kessel,
Peter Jennings, et al will have appropriate sad columns or
commentaries, having lost one of their
favorite anti-Israel personalities.

I am reminded of the hated Herod who left orders to have the husbands
of the court ladies
killed so that when they followed his funeral procession, they would be

Lastly, I find myself humming the tune from the old movie in "The
Wizard of Oz". The house
had just fallen on the wicked witch of the North and all the little
people started to sing: "Ding
dong, the Witch is dead; which old witch, the Wicked Witch. Ding Dong,
the Wicked
Witch is Dead."

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