-Caveat Lector-

>From NewAustralian

> The New Australian
> Clinton, blackmail and
> Beijing's political profiles
> By Peter Zhang
> No. 120,  24-30 May 1999
> Writing on Sino-American affairs in the current situation makes me
> acutely aware of how little of what I hear can be substantiated. It is
> for this reason that I have chosen to keep much of what I have been
> told confidential. However, there are times when what at first appear
> to be baseless, if not bizarre, rumours turn out to have a great deal
> of credibility. How many Americans would have believed that their
> president would literally sell his countries secrets to a potential
> enemy. And yet this has happened. Even now, despite the overwhelming
> evidence, many still refuse to accept what he has done, including some
> of his political enemies. No president could be so venal in his
> actions and contemptuous of the American people's security. This is
> wishful thinking.
> Several things need to be understood. It is true that there have been
> misunderstandings between American and Beijing in the past. This is
> only to be expected given the latter's inability to fully understand
> how democratic states function. But to draw on this to rationalise
> Clinton's behaviour on the grounds that the two parties have misread
> each other's intentions is to rationalise his behaviour. This simply
> will not do. There was no misunderstanding. I can assure readers that
> Chinese officials understood the nature of the arrangements. After
> all, it was they who laid down the conditions which, in plain
> language, amounted to walking away with America's military secrets. It
> matters not who was first to initiate contact as no move would have
> been made unless both parties were sure that there was common ground.
> This brings us to the bombing of China's Belgrade embassy. Regardless
> of what some Washington 'insiders' evidently think, Beijing does not
> believe it was deliberate or some kind of payback by the CIA. Though
> put out at first, the regime quickly came to welcome the bombing as an
> excuse to whip up anti-American feeling and crackdown on pro-democracy
> activists. Remember, this is a state that still tortures its opponents
> and carries out summary executions as a matter of course. The lives of
> others have always been given little regard by despots and the present
> rulers are basically no different. It was made clear in private
> conversations that the bombing is considered a political gift of
> considerable proportions. And as the British say: "Never look a gift
> horse in the mouth." So though the popular outrage is real, official
> protestations are to be taken with a barrel of salt.
> The extent to which Beijing still pulls Clinton's strings can be
> gauged somewhat from his grovelling apologies. That an apology was in
> order is beyond dispute. But for any leader, especially the leader of
> the world's only super power, to virtually prostrate himself before
> these arrogant mandarins should give many Americans serious pause for
> thought. This was not a case of cowardice — there is much, much more
> to it than that. Let me remind you that Clinton made four abject
> apologies to Beijing in addition to those made by Albright and Cohen
> when one was sufficient. This was a humiliating display of Beijing's
> influence over Clinton and has been remarked upon in other Asian
> capitals.
> So, as you Americans say, what gives? This raises the very ugly word
> blackmail. A couple of months ago I made a reference to audio and
> video tapes in Beijing safes. This was not a figure of speech nor was
> it idle gossip. There are those in Beijing who strongly suspected that
> the regime holds incriminating evidence on Clinton. His kow towing
> only served to transform those suspicions into a conviction. I must
> confess that the information that was passed on to me (without
> supporting evidence) emphatically states that the threat of blackmail
> has been applied. Furthermore, it is not just Clinton.
> I revealed (No. 118, 10- 16 May 1999) that officials had confided in
> me that Clinton had appointed Reno has his 'gatekeeper' with
> instructions to block investigations into Chinese spying activities,
> not to mention his campaign funding allegations. What is important is
> that Chinese officials know and that believe Clinton is blackmailing
> Reno. I'm absolutely sure that they did not come by this information
> via Clinton. This is where it seems to get bizarre. Sometime ago I was
> told that Reno was a very active lesbian with a taste for a certain
> kind of female and that a well-known organised crime figure exploited
> this (how should I put it?) weakness by arranging a 'party' for her.
> The resulting activities were then videotaped. An official assures me
> that Clinton has a copy but couldn't say whether Beijing had also been
> supplied.
> It seems that this knowledge strengthened Beijing's confidence that it
> would be granted sufficient protection by Reno's Justice Department to
> continue its espionage activities. Of course it is not just Reno, the
> rot now permeates a great many agencies. There is nothing, so it would
> appear, that escapes corruption once Clinton comes in contact with it.
> But we must not overlook the role that ideology still plays in this
> squalid affair. The regime has a dossier on every American Senator and
> Congressman. Everyone of them has been politically profiled. Beijing
> knows which ones will spring to Clinton's defence, even in the present
> climate. One such man is Democrat Rep. Henry A. Waxman of California.
> He claimed that there is no evidence that the DNC or Clinton knew
> certain funds were illegal and originated with Chinese intelligence.
> Readers will no doubt note that he did not say no one knew, only that
> no one can prove, at least at this stage, that anyone knew. He has
> obviously been taking linguistic lessons from your president.
> I raised Waxman because his political profile predicted his response.
> He is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America who are
> committed to implementing the kind of policies that killed millions of
> Chinese and Russians. To these people capitalism is evil and America
> is the leading capitalist state. It follows that anything that weakens
> America is to be welcomed if not actually defended. Beijing's profiles
> are rarely wrong and that is why they are perfectly happy with the
> likes of Waxman and Reno. But where does that leave the American
> people?
> The New Australian

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