-Caveat Lector-



I think that when we are sleeping or otherwise abosrbped mentally that our
organic CPU is still engaged in computation and sorting of information,
driven by the need to make sense of the world.  Last year I lived in Santa
Rosa, California up until late September.  It was here that about two thirds
of the experiences I have detailed, the psychological operations aimed at
de-stabilization, occurred.  It is here that I had methamphetamine offered
to me unceasingly.  I was homeless due to the fact that A) I had left
Michigan to keep from jeopardizing my family and friends during the height
of the Jam Echelon Day campaign due to cryptic threats and B) I had been
denied, somehow, every opportunity to make a better situation for myself.
It is also here that I was offered heroin regularly.  As I go on here you
will see how this is key.

It was in Santa Rosa wherein the person I eventually fled, the girl who was
obviously assigned to me for about a year and a half, was at the center of
attempts to shove certain memes (paradigms) down my throat.  One of those
was a reverence for the now popular dragon iconography you are seeing about.
  I must caution against assuming that anyone bearing such, be it on a
t-shirt or a tattoo, is in cahoots with what I am leading into.

It was in Santa Rosa that I had a very disturbing dream and this is the gist
of what I was circumlocuting in the first sentence of this text.  I do not
have dreams like this and I did not even during the height of my psyop
induced angst, except for this once.  I submit that my unconscious was
speaking the only language it knows how to transmit to the conscious mind,
the language of the mythic, of dreams, of symbolism.  I believe my
unconscious had pieced together something that my conscious mind was only
vaguely aware of, in its endless computations.  I believe this is the nature
of prophecy and I believe we are all prophets at times.

My dream was of billowy Arabian tents, of a dragon, and of much blood.  The
words “The dragon has shed its spines and gone undergound” echoed for months
in my head.  We had gone from the year of the dragon into the year of the
snake.  I am sorry that it was not more specific.  It bothered me all night
and I hardly slept.  This was June, 2001.  In case you are wondering, I am
NOT making this up.


"How do you recruit a person to rain terror, death and destruction on people
they do not even know? Do you look for someone who is already evil?

No. You use bait. The best bait is information that can easily be accepted
as true and may, from a certain perspective, in fact be true."



Now what the hell does this have to do with anything?
I was driven to relay the story above by what I believe is a revelation of
sorts that I had today.

FACT: China bought four hundred million dollars worth of the very 757's that
struck the World Trade Center.  Someone needs to explain to me why this was
done if these jets had just been shown to be vulnerable.

Boeing signs huge China deal

FACT: The international cabals we have been often speaking of (or CLUBS if
you prefer) always seem to cross paths with Henry Kissinger.

FACT: Last year, in the spring, Kissinger and his CFR buddies presented
China with what was allegedly new incriminating evidence regarding the
Tiennamen square incident years ago.

You've heard a lot of mixed info on Lyndon LaRouche for sure.  This is
because his research department is phenomenal but his conclusions as to what
to do about he world he paints with an accurate brush are questionable.  It
IS he that reports this information.  Here is the url.  Take it in context
with the following two items.

FACT: Kissinger now sits as "top advisor" to a huge Chines oil firm.  What
does TOP advisor exactly mean unless he is calling the shots.

FACT: THIS happened on September 6, 2001:
"Chinese authorities shut down an outspoken Internet bulletin board last
week after students posted messages about the 1989 Tiananmen Square
massacre, officials announced yesterday."

also see:
"Hu Jintao was the "democracy" advocate for Tianamen Square who was
arrested. I put that in quotation marks because the student's demonstrating
were not demonstrating about democracy per se. They were medical student's
protesting the US pharmaceutical complex experimenting on Chinese citzens
and organ harvesting....."

FACT: Soon after September 11, "President" Bush embarked on a rather
extensive trip to China, the details of which managed to not be disclosed.

FACT: Jiang Zemin’s personal jet was reported as being heavily bugged some
months ago and they accused the U.S.  If America WAS eavesdropping on
Zemin’s conversations it would seem to indicate that U.S. surveillance of
key Chinese leaders had been increased or that the cautiousness of Chinese
dignitaries had increased, either way indicating that the two giants were
locked in, at least, a Pr battle.  With the links throughout the rest of
this text, I hope to demonstrate that there was a cyberwar going on that was
at a crescendo on in August and September.  Along with that, of course, goes
an information war.

January 19, 2002
US caught bugging Jiang's jet

FACT: The western part of the United States, of a more zen mindset than the
East, NEVER seems to be hit with terrorist attacks.  Microsoft is also
stronger in the west than the east, where AOL dominates more thoroughly.  In
the business arena and in public relations, they are often at odds with each

FACT: The eastern U.S. powers have targetted Microsoft, for good or bad.

FACT: Chinese persuaders are more likely to reach west coast CEO's than on
the east coast.  Gates now operates out of Seattle.

FACT: The defenses that would have to have been subverted on September 11
are largely computerized. If you haven't seen this already, see:

a piece of software and some behavior modivication

FACT: Soon after September 11, the Department of Defense switched their
computers to Apple operating systems which is highly incompatible with PC's,
their software, and hence their modes of cyberattack.

FACT: The DOD released stills show a jet fighter slamming into the pentagon
but we cannot really tell WHOSE jet fighter it is.


FACT: If this jet fighter is not of American origin, then it would explain
why, in the throes of conspiracy propagation, they released it: to give
intelligent investigators a hint. Unless this information came out under the
auspices of eastern powers.  Then it means that it is a "gentle" way of
letting us in on the threat.  The information that dawns slowly is the
information less likely to invoke revolt.

FACT: The geographic realities of the war in Afghanistan, the strengthened
U.S. presence in the Phillipines, the recent battle between a South Korean
and a North Korean ship, the courthship of India, and the courtship of
Russia indicate a definite advancement upon the vicinity of the heart of
Asia: China.

FACT: The Taliban, while possibly not associated with September 11, would
provide a convenient, temporary scapegoat.  By invading Afghanistan, U.S.
forces could advance on China.  By enlisting the aid of India and Russia,
both can hope to eventually be rid of their biggest and most immediate
intelligence to keep track of a variety of Islamic nations that have shown
stronger ties with China than any other major power.  In this scenario, the
Taliban could theoretically have played a role but if it did, it is likely
that fabricating evidence to maintain a mandate would have been be

FACT: A wide array of clues were present to suggest that there was a Triad
connection to the psychological operations that I was subject to which
included theaters of trauma that I believe were aimed at desensitizing me
which is, of course, the first step in enlisting a spy or other operative,
as per Operation Monarch lore.

FACT: The Japanese, allegedly, used methamphetamine to dissociate from the
immediacy of what they were about to perform.

FACT: The operatives that worked on me often showed strong signs of martial
arts training.

CRAZY but true: My life as a guinea pig by Agent Smiley

FACT: This part of California, where Asian organized crime could be seen
manifesting itself, is the silicon metropolis: San Francisco, San Jose,
Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz to a lesser extent.

FACT: Santa Cruz is where about ninety percent of the psyops I experienced
that WEREN'T in Santa Rosa took place.

FACT: At the heart of this region is San Francisco, hence Chinatown.

FACT: I entered this area fresh from the Jam Echelon Day campaign,
explaining why I was immediately targetted: I was a potential whistleblower.

FACT: China is hugely into methamphetamine as is much of southeast Asia.  In
the silicon metropolis is where I would often be coerced into the use of
"crank."  I take full responsiblity for my days as an addict (I am ten
months clean).  I will never put myself in that position again but the one
thing that kept me there was a genuine loyalty to people I had met there
years earlier some of whom, it turns out, had had their minds, their ecology
of memes, hijacked by the mindset I speak of.

FACT: Whenever I would attempt to remove myself from the methamphetamine
scene, I would consistently be offered heroin, something else China is
heavily into.

FACT: The Brits have been into mass scale heroin trafficking for hundreds of
years, via China.

FACT: Back to methamphetamine: if you keep someone awake for a week they
will begin to absorp your memes.

FACT: The police in the silicon metropolis (and in other parts of the west
coast) have spent much of the past five years rounding up distributors of
psychadelics which has, conveniently, created a recreational void.
"Luckily" for psychonauts, the availability of methamphetamine and heroin
has increased about ten fold in that time.

FACT: If you are a methamphetamine distributor on the west coast, and you
propagate memes that are anarchic, you are going to jail.  If you propagate
a mindset that is HIERarchical you are ignored.  When you are a junkie, your
dealer seems to speak gospel.  It is a dynamic present regarding all of our
appetites.  The source of your food is more likely to be appreciated and
trusted than someone who does nothing "for" you.

FACT: Mass media, largely centered on the west coast, refuses to report two
huge drug epidemics whose scope vastly eclipses that of the crack scare of
the eighties.  Both of these drugs are marketed en masse by the Triads.
They are methamphetamine and heroin.

FACT: I once asked a person in Santa Rosa, amidst all the psychological
operations, what the hell was going on.  Why was I being messed with?  He
had a way of telling me things that I would only later decipher.  This would
protect him from people listening to make sure he wasn’t spilling any beans.
  He told me, “It’s the ring of fire.”  This was BEFORE September 11 and
this street kid was in no position to be in possession of such information,
unless he was an operative and/or in close contact with the Triads.

>From the American Museum of Natural History

The Ring of Fire. Intense tectonic activity occurs all around the perimeter
of the Pacific Ocean. Along this length, the Pacific Plate and various
smaller oceanic plates collide, scrape and subduct, or sink below, one
another and the adjacent continental plates. This subduction - actually a
string of subduction zones - generates the chain of volcanoes known as the
Ring of Fire. The Philippines, part of the Ring of Fire, lie at the meeting
point of at least three tectonic plates: the Eurasian, the South China Sea,
and the Philippine plates.

The ring of fire is apparently a volcanic rift in the tectonic plates that
encircles Asia in the Pacific.  What would he mean when he knew I was
referring to events in California.  Obviously, now, that Asia was expanding.

WHO is the Ring of Fire?


The online activist community has recently been struck by a barrage of
various cyber-attacks.  A vast majority of them have simulated activists’
email addresses to send out pro-Israeli and anti-Palestinian propaganda.
This would seem to implicate Israel and its allies right?  Wrong.

If Israel and its allies (like the behemoth that sits in D.C.) wanted to
subvert American voices it would be easy.  I submit that if a “Zionist”
entity wanted to simulate our addies and cause havoc and to discredit us,
“it” would undoubtedly be a bit smarter than to send out emails en masse of
a nature known to be contrary to what we have all stood for loudly and
firmly.  This would automatically discredit the authenticity of such emails.
  Sending an email in your  name to the very people that have already been
receiving  your ideas in such a manner that it is automatically deemed
suspicious sounds a little more like an operation designed in reverse, i.e.
by ANTI-Israelis.

Please see the following:

February 2, 2001
Chinese officials shut down 127 illegal Internet cafes

April 11, 2001
A Chinese Call to Hack U.S.

April 27, 2001
FBI Warns of Chinese Hack Threat

April 30, 2001
It's (Cyber) War: China vs. U.S.

JUNE 25, 2001
What Is Bill Gates Planning for China?
Now that AOL has partnered with Legend, how will Microsoft respond? It isn't
saying, which may mean a surprise is in store

JULY 9, 2001
AOL and China: Out One Door, In Another?
As it makes a strategic withdrawal from Hong Kong, the Web giant may have
plans to return with the help of Legend, its new mainland partner

Chinese computer giant Legend Holdings, AOL, and Microsoft – some bitter

August 1, 2001
China Tightens Internet Controls

August 8, 2001
Computer infection troubles China

August 14, 2001
Anti-virus groups say the Leaves worm arrived as an e-mail that appeared to
come from Microsoft as a security bulletin. It was discovered July 9.

August 30, 2001
US May Help Chinese Evade Net Censorship

August 30, 2001
AOL sued by Muslims over chat room harassment

August 30, 2001
Pentagon gives go-ahead to Grid

August 31, 2001
Code Red virus traced to China

August 31, 2001
Customs halts export to China, charges 2

September 4, 2001
Bush Reverts to Satellites for China

September 5, 2001
Pentagon to Develop Anthrax

September 6, 2001
Feds Stop Seeking Microsoft Breakup

September 6, 2001
China Said Planning Military Buildup

September 7, 2001
China ready to deploy its first mobile ICBMs

September 7, 2001
'Code Blue' Worm Strikes in China, May Migrate


Other pertinent links - AFTER September 11

Sep. 21, 2001
The change grants China's Web-using public access to the previously
unviewable sites of The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco
Chronicle and Boston Globe, which were blocked as recently as Sunday. It was
unclear exactly what day the unblocking occurred.

October 7, 2001
Chinese troops pour into Afghanistan

November 21, 2001
China closes 17,000 Internet cafes

December 27, 2001
China Moves Troops to Diffuse Indian War Threat

With a total media blackout of the actual fighting in Afghanistan, how are
we to know if this report has any merit?  It DOES fit a pattern.

January 2002
China announces new Net regulations

January 11, 2002
Pakistan gets first batch of Chinese fighter aircraft

February 28, 2002

May 17, 2002
A news agency that just "picked up" Alexander Haig as a board member AFTER
September 11 ceases to be critical of the Bush administration and totes the
CFR party line on China.

May 17, 2002
Chinese leaders seek allies against US encirclement

Much more at

Want to know why Bill Cooper was REALLY killed?  Judging by the following
link, he knew China was behind September 11.  Entries from September 8th,
9th, and 10th are missing from his newswire.


U.S. High Tech Trade with China and Hong Kong 1990-2000

Re: U.S. High Tech Trade with China and Hong Kong 1990-2000


Was the world trade center attacked with living hijackers or by remote

..or both?


important snips from


I have it on good information that Paul W. Lewis the
American Baptist Missionary in Burma and Thailand to the Lahu and Akha was a
CIA agent, upper management.


I have searched widely on the net and there is almost
no paper trail on Paul W (white?) Lewis on the web. He now lives in
Claremont California at a misson retirement center but people also advise
that he is a wealthy man.


Source says Paul W. Lewis was involved in shipments
worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars over the years.


If this Lewis is the same guy in Yunna there is a
large covert weapons facility in the interior of Yunnan that is reputed to
be conducting human trials on biowepons AND those same labs are rumored to
have created a SUPER Heroin using steroids to counteract the wasting common
with heroine addiction.


...the steroid was hGH and it was a cloned source from...


It was tainted with clostridium and it was killig
people. Does any of this ring a bell...



consider the point that it is osama's creation
potential propaganda


Thanx for this.very unlikely it is Osama. Where does
he have access to embrionic cloning facilities.
I wonder if it is actually liquid or if they are
referrring to the ability of the stuff to dissolve. In
Europe the street stuff has to be cooked to dissolve
it but this new stuff was smooth I understand.


In relation to this see:

August 9, 2001
Government will promote IT in Azad Jammu and Kashmir

September 12, 2001
China Will Help Pakistan In Setting Up of Technology Incubators

October 3, 2001
Atta Holds Meeting With Microsoft

Islamabad the October 23, 2001
Federal Minister for Science & Technology Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman who is
visiting Paris held a meeting today with Mr. Jawwad Rahman, Regional Head of

January 14, 2002
Pak-China Fund to be utilized for joint research

February 26, 2002
Pakistan and China to collaborate in IT, biotechnology

March 2, 2002
Pakistan and Chine to intensify cooperation in biotechnology


I doubt if you have heard of any of this news but it comes from the Shan
Mountains and from the Middle east predates 911. I hop this will put things
ins perspective for you.


For a time they were controlled by some drug lord
camps in Cambodia. An Israeli by the name of Shaul
Eisenberg was operating them will Pol Pot until his
death in 97. I worked for Eisenberg in China.Our
company was studying the viability of placing fiber
optic cable for a telecom backbone in that cave
network to service central asia.


the tactics used against me have not changed and this
would seem to indicate that whoever calls these shots thinks they are
getting the effect desired...so what would that be?

am i being encouraged to broadcast anxiety?

Since I had my Company in China seized I have had
similar "threats". Vague disturbing coincidences. Odd
phonecalls with taped messages, someone reading
jokes...messages asking if I need health insurance,
other tapes asking me to press 3 to find out about an
art exhibit of Chinese art that was to begin in
2001...only they are still sending me the message, the
abandoned truck left in the middle of the alley behind
my house that the police did not ticket or move for 3
weeks even though the parking people came by 2ce a
week for 3 weeks. The street cleaner had to go around
the truck.. And there was another abondoned car
behind my house with words like "Whore quit mess with
our Homies or we are going to rape your black ass".
But te best was after 911 when there was a HUGE sign
outside my bedroom window that someone painted of the
twin towers being hit with a plane and the words
"Bitch are you happy now?"


They like to scare you so don't scare.


Did I tell you that I had sent some people to NY after
word that some of my chinese employees had escaped China and had been
employed to renovate the WTC? That was Sept 6 2001...


The company was working on the developement of remote
control aircraft and on Sept 6th I recieved word that
some of my people may have been released o from china
to work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was told
they had been contacted to be in a work detail in the
WTC which was being renovated. Ruppert Murdoch and
Times warner had transferred some schema from ther
office in Guangzhou to the US military for a test of
the ROTHR radar system to be used on the Air traffic
control system based in the naval station in Montauk
NY. That magnetic ring in Montauk that controls the
ATC system for the east coast has malfunctioned
several times.


now ain't that something. like alice in wonderland,
'curiouser & curiouser'. there is much more of a
connection between china, the us & the taliban. i
wrote an article about it last year...


Western powers provoked an attack from China, deliberately.

China responded lethally.

Pakistan and China are creating the kinds of drugs that enslave.

Now we know why it seemed absolutely imperative to the oil mafia to take the
2000 election.

While western powers engage in warfare of a far less insidious nature (i.e.
less guerrilla), NATO and its cronies wreak more destruction.  I submit that
this is essentially the repeating history of the battle between eastern and
western mindsets.

One is not more effective than another but one (I think you can guess which)
is essentially imperialstic in its mission.

The fact that this information has managed to not be included in the
investigations of September 11, even by conspiracy buffs is a testament to
the power of mass media to shape our views.  He who controls the flow of
information controls the type and amount of avenues of examination.



On the day I was to release this piece, my yahoogroup "psy-op" came under
heavy attack necessitating that I attend to some banning and investigation,
neatly taking up much of my time.  The PC world is buying time to stage some
sort of defenses.  My advice is to buy Apple.

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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