Sharon includes Arab villages in Jerusalem plan

By Arieh O'Sullivan

JERUSALEM (January 30) - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has instructed changes be made in the Jerusalem protection plan so that it includes Arab villages currently under Palestinian civilian control.

He directed that the adjusted plan be brought before the security cabinet as soon as possible for budgetary approval.

The villages are Abu Dis, Beit Iksa, Anata, and Hizma.

National Security Council director Maj.-Gen. Uzi Dayan formally presented the plan, dubbed "enveloping Jerusalem," yesterday to Sharon and Internal Security Minister Uzi Landau.

The plan involves erecting some 11 kilometers of walls along Jerusalem's municipal boundaries and aims to create other obstacles stretching for over 50 km to greatly enhance security for the city, which has been torn by scores of terrorist attacks.

"This plan is aimed at giving better protection and, no less importantly, protecting Israeli interests regarding Jerusalem's... security isolation from Judea and Samaria," Dayan said on Channel 1's Popolitica.

The plan was made in coordination with the municipality, IDF Central Command, the police, Border Police, and the National Security Council. It includes roadblocks, surveillance cameras, and other sensors and calls for establishing five more Border Police companies to patrol the lines.

Some of the walls would be built in the neighborhoods of Neveh Ya'acov and East Talpiot, and others would be built between Gilo and the tunnel road to Sur Bahir.

According to Channel 1, the A-Ram junction to the north of the city would be buffered by deep moats and fences, which are also being planned for the Beit Hanina, Ramot, and Har Homa neighborhoods, and for suburban Mevaseret Zion.

Government officials said the best way to prevent attacks is not to divide the city, but to stop terrorists at its outer limits.

"There won't be any walls or dividing fences between any Jerusalem neighborhoods," Landau said.

Sharon stressed in the meeting that the plan must be treated as a "single whole" covering Jewish and Arab neighborhoods alike, his office said. He said that even though there is no intention of altering the legal status of the villages located in areas under Israeli security control and Palestinian Authority civil control, they must be considered part of the greater Jerusalem area.

"Because Israel has full security control, this is a security plan, not an annexation plan. It was born out of necessity; Jerusalem is under attack," said a senior official. "Therefore we have to look at Jerusalem as one entity. The plan is for Jerusalem and its environs.

"Keeping terrorists out of the city is like striking at a missile. You don't prevent it after it is already in," the official said. "You have to keep the terrorists from entering the city."

Also attending the meeting were Minister without Portfolio Eli Suissa, responsible for Jerusalem affairs, Deputy Internal Security Minister Gideon Ezra, Mayor Ehud Olmert, deputy Jerusalem police chief Dep.-Cmdr. Ilan Franco, and Finance Ministry representatives.

"I believe residents of east Jerusalem don't really want to be part of the Palestinian Authority, and it is no coincidence they have been sitting quietly for the past 18 months," Olmert said on Popolitica.

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