-Caveat Lector- http://www.bigwig.net/softwaredesign/aus/spooks.html

Armed Australian Agents Attack Unarmed Women & Children

...while at the same time in America, furious demonstrators march on
Donald Rumsfeld's private home in New Mexico

Copyright Joe Vialls, 31 October 2002

Masked goons wearing flak jackets and wielding sub-machine guns approach a home silently just before dawn.  Then acting on a silent hand signal from their leader, they all break into a jog trot and fan out around the house. The first two demolish the front door with sledgehammers, while the other six simultaneously smash windows at the sides and rear of the small suburban dwelling.
Screams can be heard from inside as these apparitions from hell burst into the bedrooms and force the unarmed occupants face-down on the floor. A woman and her four small children lie sobbing hysterically, while the “brave” leader of the masked goons sticks a Glock semi-automatic pistol up her husband’s nose, and cuffs his hands behind his back.
Readers could be pardoned for thinking this was a scene from the old Stalinist Russia, or maybe just everyday brutal Jewish oppression of Palestinians in Palestine, but they would be wrong. This is 5.15 a.m. on 30 October 2002 in the sleepy suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, and the brutal masked goons are acting on the direct warrant of Daryl Williams, Australia’s equivalent to Donald Rumsfeld.
Just like Rumsfeld’s prisoners illegally kidnapped and held in Cuba, the only crime this Australian family had committed was that of being Muslim, and thus causing political paranoia in Canberra. As Mr Williams himself rather foolishly admitted on  national television,  the goon operation, “is directed only at individuals who MAY have SOME KNOWLEDGE of J.I. [Jemaah Islamiah] in Australia.
An illegal operation, perhaps? It certainly was. Australian law states that if the Australian Security Intelligence Organization [ASIO] has concerns about specific individuals, then those individuals may be approached to make voluntary statements on the matter.  This is understood by police officers to mean making an appointment by telephone, or knocking politely on the front door during daylight hours. There was nothing at all voluntary about this operation, which horrified and outraged the lady living next door:
“They broke down the door with sledgehammers. They were carrying machine guns and wearing black helmets and flak jackets, with balaclavas covering their faces. It was very frightening to look at, like something from a movie set. I was shaking and terrified, it was as though we had gone back fifty years to Nazi Germany.”

Daryl Williams has clearly made the same mistake as Donald Rumsfeld, apparently believing that because he is a “powerful official”, he can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants, whenever he wants. Actually, as megalomaniacs go, both men are actually on solid historical ground here. Atilla the Hun and Joe Stalin thought exactly the same way.
The Perth family raided by the masked goons are ethnic Indonesian Muslims who have lived quietly in Perth since 1989, with the oldest child preparing to sit high school exams, and the youngest only two years of age.  The shocking “crime” their father  “may” have had some “knowledge” of,  was visiting Sydney back in 1996 to listen to a lecture given by Abu Bakar Bashir, who according to the media is,” now under arrest in Jakarta and a key suspect in the Bali bombings.”
After harassing the terrified family for six hours, the armed and masked goons left without pressing any charges or making any arrests, proving in absolute terms what Mr Williams had unwisely said on nationwide television. Whether or not the innocent occupant “may” have had some ‘knowledge” of a lecture given by Bashir back in 1996 [long before ASIO made him into a ‘Terrorist’ last week], could very easily have been established by a simple legal telephone call, or a simple legal knock on the door during daylight hours.    
The elderly and very frail Abu Bakar Bashir himself, could only be a viable suspect if he had somehow managed to steal an Israeli micro nuclear device from Dimona in The Negev Desert, which seems most unlikely. No matter, the Mossad had to create alternative suspects in a hurry, and the CIA rushed to oblige by bringing heavy pressure to bear on its subordinate antipodean ally. The tea lady at Langley called the Australian Government, and less than two days later, all members and supporters of Jemaah Islamiah were labeled “Terrorists” by ASIO, which reports directly to Daryl Williams.
The words “Intelligence” in ASIO’s title is a little misleading, because it seems to infer that members are highly skilled operatives with years of experience countering terrorism in its many different manifestations. Sadly for Australia, nothing could be further from the truth.  The prime requirements for joining ASIO are a double university degree [any sort, history is very  well thought of],  and ten years unbroken residence in Australia. The latter requirement effectively limits ASIO applicants to full time academics who have lived nowhere else in the last ten years, and who as a result have zero real-life experience of  overseas operations, or even overseas cultures.
In turn this makes ASIO operatives chicken-meat for the wily politicians, who have erroneously led them to believe that they can carry out their illegal political orders in complete secrecy. This was demonstrated by one pompous fool in Perth, who read the riot act to media crews assembled outside the suburban house that had just been attacked.  “You should be aware that if you take photos or videos [of the gun-toting goons] and publish them, you will be at risk of prosecution. This is a Commonwealth matter.”
No, it is not a Commonwealth matter. When innocent unarmed civilians have been illegally savaged at dawn by masked goons carrying sledgehammers and loaded weapons, it is a matter for the attention of the entire Australian community, and the rest of the world. You see, rather like America’s kidnapped prisoners in Cuba, someone somewhere is always individually responsible for the atrocity in legal terms,  i.e. the person who actually signs the order or warrant. In America the responsible individual is Donald Rumsfeld, and in Australia it is Daryl Williams.

Such men frequently feel they are “above” ordinary common people, and sail through life protected by large bank accounts and even larger body guards. Until recently their families also lived in splendid isolation, far removed from the everyday atrocities committed by their husbands and fathers. Then suddenly last week, Donald Rumsfeld’s family was subjected to a small part of the same anxiety and terror he has illegally inflicted on hundreds of kidnapped men in Cuba for almost a year.
Millions of Americans are upset at the illegal treatment and torture these prisoners have received on Rumsfeld’s orders, and many more are equally upset by his determination to bomb countless thousands of innocent women and children in Iraq. Aware that conventional demonstrations against such barbaric activities are nowadays completely ignored by the “establishment’,  2,000  thoughtful demonstrators decided to make it “personal”,  by marching on the Rumsfeld private family home in New Mexico.
It was a non-violent demonstration [this time around],  which apparently rattled Donald Rumsfeld and his family considerably. The peasants were literally  right outside the front door, were making menacing gestures, and clearly did not approve of Daddy’s latest escapades.  But no matter how uncomfortable individual members of the Rumsfeld family may have felt, their discomfort was a mere drop in the bucket when compared to the agony felt by Daddy’s tortured prisoners in Cuba.
This is a new technique so far as I am aware, but one that is likely to filter through to other demonstrators around the world very quickly, because they have extremely efficient methods of communication that often defeat eavesdropping attempts by various government agencies.
Whether or not the new technique will catch on I do not know, because I am a writer rather than a demonstrator. That said, the “Up Close and Personal” business worked so well in New Mexico that it might appeal to locals in Australia. If it does, Mr Williams will likely find rather more than a small crowd of polite journalists waiting for him when he return home from the office each night.
Where the armed and masked Australian goons are concerned,  I can only suggest that you take considerably more care before picking up your loaded weapons and rushing off to do a politician’s bidding, no matter how ‘important”  you might perceive that politician to be. If  still unsure of your ground, err on the cautious side and look up the criteria used for judging the continuing legitimacy of a system, and the authority holders within it.  These criteria can be found on page 135  of  “Crimes of Obedience”  by Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton. Open quote:

1. Is the demand within the “sphere of competence” of the authorities – within the domain in which they are entitled to issue demands?

2. Does the demand conform to the procedures for exercising authority, prescribed by the rules [legal and traditional]  to which the authorities are subject?

3. Is the demand being applied equitably to the different individuals and sub groups that make up the population?

4. Is the demand consistent with the larger normative framework the authorities share with other citizens. For example, apart from being executed according to the legally prescribed procedures, is the demand itself constitutional?

5. Is the policy in which this demand is embedded congruent with the stated values of the political system – values on which its perceived legitimacy ultimately rests?

A negative answer to one of more of these questions constitutes grounds, within a democratic framework of legitimacy, for challenging the legitimacy of the demand and for refusing to obey it.” End quote. Sorry guys, but the pre-dawn attack on the house in Perth partly fails criteria 2, and completely fails 3, 4 and 5. You should have refused the illegal demand to storm the house and stick a gun up the occupant’s nose.

“Crimes of Obedience”, Kelman and Hamilton, Vail-Ballou Press, Binghamton, New York. ISBN 0-300-04184-5. This book is probably available online through Amazon.

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