-Caveat Lector-

S. Korea Heightens Attack Alert

.c The Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Communist North Korea sent patrol boats across a
disputed sea border Saturday after threatening to attack South Korean
warships in contested waters of the Yellow Sea.

The American-led U.N. Command, which oversees the fragile truce between the
two bitter rivals, urged North Korea Saturday - for a third time this week -
to hold a border military meeting to end the standoff.

``It's everyone's interest to reduce tensions,'' said command spokesman Col.
Carl Kropf. The North has rejected two previous appeals.

The armed standoff in the Cold War's last flashpoint entered its fifth day
Saturday, with the two Koreas hardening their stances after their ships
nearly opened fire Friday.

North Korea warned South Korea that it must withdraw its warships from the
area, a rich fishing ground, or face military strikes.

South Korea canceled weekend leaves for soldiers and massed more destroyers,
frigates and even landing ships near the area and put its 650,000 military on
heightened alert.

Three to six North Korean patrol boats returned and sailed in and out of the
disputed area Saturday in choppy waters off the west cost.

The Defense Ministry released video footage of South Korean ships moving in
sudden, threatening spurts near the intruders.

``We are engaged in the standoff with a resolve to defend our sovereignty and
territory,'' President Kim Dae-jung was quoted as saying by his office.

``Our ships are ready to butt the North Korean intruders again and do
whatever is needed to repel them,'' said Col. Hwang Dong-kyu, a spokesman for
the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff. ``But for now, we are closely watching and
weighing various options.''

Friday, navy ships from both sides trained their guns at each other and
nearly opened fire when South Korean ships rammed and briefly repelled four
North Korean patrol boats.

A spokesman for North Korea's military responded later in a statement, saying
that if South Korean ships ``continue reckless provocations despite our
repeated warnings, they will meet with our strong self-defense strikes.''

``There is a limit to patience,'' said the statement carried by the official
Korean Central News Agency.

The disputed waters lie south of a U.N.-imposed sea border, midway between
the North Korean mainland and five South Korean islands, 60 miles northwest
of Seoul.

North Korea has contested the sea border since the late 1970s, sending
fishing boats and naval ships into the zone 20 to 30 times a year. But when
challenged by South Korean patrol boats, they usually have withdrawn quickly.

North Korean warships have been sailing in and out of the area since Tuesday,
escorting a fleet of fishing vessels. This time, however, they refused to
leave for up to 18 hours, creating a tense standoff with South Korean

The two Koreas, divided into the communist North and the capitalist South in
1945, remain technically at war, with no peace treaty signed at the end of
the 1950-53 Korean War.

The armistice, signed by the U.N. Command and North Korea, never outlined the
border in the Yellow Sea off the western coast.

The U.N. Command unilaterally demarcated the maritime frontier in 1953 and
created a buffer zone south of it to avoid armed clashes.

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