-Caveat Lector-


Army's controversial 'School of the Americas' to close Friday

December 12, 2000
Web posted at: 12:19 p.m. EST (1719 GMT)

In this story:

Army chief says decision was 'a difficult one'

Protests have gone on for years

Defense Department to run new school

>From CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Army plans closing ceremonies Friday for its
controversial "School of the Americas," nicknamed the "School of the
Assassins" by critics who allege the school provides military training for
leaders who are responsible for human rights abuses in their own countries.

An Army announcement Tuesday said simply: "The U.S. Army School of the
Americas, located at Fort Benning, Georgia, is closing its doors after 54 years
of distinguished service."

The statement made no mention of the government's previously announced
plans to reopen the school in January under a new name, "The Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation."

Army officials hope that changing the Georgia school's name and making sure
its curriculum stresses civilian control of the military and respect for human
rights will blunt some of the criticism that has dogged the school for more than
a decade.

Opponents of the school have said the changes will only be cosmetic. They
vow to continue protests.

Critics have charged for years that some of Latin America's most notorious
human rights abusers are among the school's 65,000 alumni.

Army chief says decision was 'a difficult one'

The Army says that it will conduct a closing ceremony at the school on Friday
at 10 a.m. and that Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera will speak at the

Caldera, who as recently as last month was vigorously defending the school,
said Tuesday that "the decision to close USARSA (U.S. Army School of the
Americas) was a difficult one.

"Since its creation, the school has been a major contributing factor to the
success of U.S. foreign policy in the Latin American region," Caldera said.
"The school and its graduates have done so much to foster a spirit of
cooperation throughout the hemisphere, but as our region turns to face the
new challenges of the 21st century, it is time to move forward by closing one
successful chapter in the story of our cooperation and mutual interchange, and
open a new and different one."

Protests drew 1,700 arrests last month

Last month, police arrested 1,700 protesters after they marched through the
school's gates and demanded that the facility be shut down.

Those arrested included actor Martin Sheen, star of the television drama, "The
West Wing." An estimated 3,000 other demonstrators protested outside the
school's gates.

Most of those arrested were charged with trespassing, given a warning and
released, Army officials said.

The protests have been held every year since 1989. They commemorate the
November 16, 1989, killings in El Salvador of six Jesuit priests, to which some
of the school's graduates have been linked.

Military officials have dismissed critics' charges as absurd.

"I'd characterize it as false and as propaganda," Maj. Gen. John LeMoyne, the
post commander, has said.

Defense Department to run new school

The new school will be run by the Defense Department, under guiding
principles of the Organization of American States.

But Ray Bourgeois, a leading critic of the school, has said opponents won't let

"We see this as cosmetic," Bourgeois, a co-founder of School of the Americas
Watch, said last month. "It's like taking a bottle of poison and writing 'penicillin'
on it."

  The Associated Press contributed to this report.


          Thousands protest Army's School of the Americas
          November 20, 2000
          U.S. House deals setback to Army School of the Americas - July 30,
          July 30, 1999
          Thousands protest 'School of Assassins'
          November 22, 1998
          Protesters guilty of vandalizing Army school sign
          March 4, 1998


          School of the Americas
          School of the Americas Watch

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