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Justice Department To Attempt Shut Down of 9/11 Evidence Friday

by Tom Flocco *
July 11th, 2002

On June 20, Bush Administration officials quietly informed a New York judge
of their intention to commence legal actions likely to be far-reaching in
their constitutional, political, and individual rights implications
pertaining to current lawsuits and government secrecy related to the attacks
on September 11, 2001. The moves were revealed in a letter obtained from a
confidential source, with two other sources corroborating its existence,
adding additional information.

U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division Robert D. McCallum,
Jr. and United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York James
B. Comey advised U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, also of the Southern
District of New York, that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will intervene to
control access to all evidence and documents related to all private
litigation before Hellerstein's court regarding the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001 -- citing "grave national security concerns" as their

The McCallum and Comey correspondence advised Judge Hellerstein of their
intention to "seek [court] entry of a global discovery order [effectively
controlling evidence obtained from any country]," requiring that 1)
"Transportation Security Administration (TSA) be served with [have prior
access to] all requests for party and non-party discovery," 2) "defendants
and non-parties submit all proposed discovery responses that may contain
'sensitive security information' (SSI) to the TSA prior to releasing such
material to plaintiffs," and 3) "TSA have the necessary opportunity to
review such material and to withhold 'sensitive security information' "
[from victim-family attorneys].

One victim family plaintiff -- speaking off the record -- told Scoop Media
that family members and their attorneys have not yet sought internal memos,
electronic mail, facsimiles, and documents which would shed public light
upon what had to be extraordinary legal maneuverings. However, added high
stakes related to the publicly undisclosed contents of the controversial
August 6, 2001 Presidential intelligence briefing prior to the attacks, and
a secret July, 2001 FBI memo -- said to be "50 times more significant than
the August 6 briefing," by a Congressional investigator (New York Times,
5-18-2002), will only serve to heighten the importance of the June 20

Will We Ever Know What Really Happened?

The victim family source complained to Scoop Media that "now the White House
is trying to control or block the evidence we need to prove our negligence
cases in court." The source then added that offices of United Airlines
defense firm Mayer-Brown and lead attorney Michael Feagley, TSA, Bush
Attorney General John Ashcroft's Justice Department, Judge Hellerstein's
District Court, and the White House Counsel's office were all likely
involved in the legal machinations.

The resumes of TSA Director, John McGaw, and his personnel security chief,
David Holmes, are already controversial enough to draw probing questions on
many fronts; but plaintiff attorneys for the victim families may find the
Administration's TSA appointee attempts to exert government control over
their clients' private cases to be the proverbial last straw.

The DOJ letter to Judge Hellerstein reveals that Bush Administration
officials at TSA have also been contacting witnesses already subpoenaed by
attorneys for the plaintiff families, telling them that they should send all
Plaintiff-subpoenaed evidence and documents to the TSA for initial
inspection, prior to directly cooperating with family plaintiff attorneys
and Judge Hellerstein's Court in New York. Thus, constitutional questions
arise as to why the New York District Court is permitting Bush
Administration bureaucratic appointees to tamper with witnesses and evidence
in the private civil actions of American citizens.

Some 33 families have already chosen to forego financial awards from the
congressionally authorized victim compensation fund in favor of seeking
justice and accountability. Their lawsuits are attempting to recover damages
for negligence, ticket contract safeguards, and failure to prevent the
attacks, even as more evidence regarding prior knowledge of the terrorism
recently leaked out from Capitol Hill -- from congressmen and senators

The letter also disclosed that Ashcroft's Office will push for "the
appointment of lead counsel," effectively exerting a consolidated
supervisory role over all victim family attorneys, while seeking "adoption
of uniform [similarly controlled] discovery requests to streamline
litigation, reduce costs for all parties and conserve judicial resources."

Informed sources close to the case told Scoop Media that actions brought by
the Justice Department will dilute and trivialize the more clear-cut and
important cases which seek answers to many of the questions related to
security, negligence, and prior knowledge of the attacks.

Moreover, the legal moves will be seen by some to help Bush attorneys shut
down and cut off victim family access to important government documents
which would likely lead to the accountability and justice their attorneys
have sought through litigation. This, while other victim families watch --
deciding whether or not to introduce their own civil actions against airline
companies or other government entities.


Some of the unknowing victim family members soon to be affected by imminent
but discreet Justice Department legal action [which literally assumes total
control over evidence gathering, depositions, testimony, and government
reports] were at the Capitol just last month on June 10 and 11 to attend
events related to calls for open September 11 probes.

Some family members attended a Monday National Press Club media conference
sponsored by the 9/11 investigative organization UnansweredQuestions.org, an
independent, non-partisan online community of concerned citizens,
researchers, independent investigators, and journalists asking and exploring
the unanswered questions of September 11. Believing in transparency, the
group's panel members told gathered TV, radio, and print media attendees
that good questions lead to answers and solutions.

On Tuesday, busloads of 9/11 victim families descended on Capitol Hill to
voice their concerns at a rally also attended by more media and some
congressmen and senators. The families were pleading for open, aggressive,
and complete investigations in Congress, but also for a truly independent,
non-partisan investigative commission with lawyers and serious researchers
totally in concert with the families' goals of justice and accountability.
Meanwhile, Bush attorneys were moving to take control over needed evidence
for their civil actions against the airlines.


Curious indications of additional Administration political machinations
linked to Special Master Kenneth Feinberg and the September 11th Victim
Compensation Fund were also revealed in Justice's letter to Hellerstein's
court: "The Government has been advised that the Court is developing a
procedure by which all Plaintiffs in the September 11 Tort Litigation must
formally acknowledge the ramifications of pursuing a lawsuit rather than
filing a claim with [the Fund]."

This action will permit Feinberg to force families to listen to his attempts
to convince them to give up their lawsuits -- accepting his reduced
financial offers, instead of taking their chances for fair compensation in
court, but also for justice and accountability. However, Feinberg might be
losing his battle, as only 10 families out of 3,200 have thus far completed
applications permitting him to determine their financial futures, rather
than a judge and jury, according to wide press reports.

DOJ lawyers McCallum and Comey further advised Judge Hellerstein that "In
making their election, plaintiffs should be fully informed of the risks that
accompany litigation." However, the Administration added that the "TSA's
vigorous enforcement of the rules governing non-disclosure of sensitive
security information may present significant litigation consequences for all
plaintiffs, and the Government respectfully requests that the Court include
a statement to this effect in any finalized protocol,"-- clearly the letter'
s most controversial statement.

Some might consider the Administration's statement a veiled threat, warning
that any victim family continuing with or thinking about suing either the
airlines, security firms, or other government entities would likely lose any
civil action because the Government is going to take complete control of
their access to the very evidence needed to prove their cases in court.

Moreover, these and other statements in the Justice Department's
correspondence to Hellerstein could well test the legal ire of many of the
families -- given the staggering individual, legal, and constitutional


Constitutional separation of powers notwithstanding, the Executive Branch is
also attempting additional circumnavigation of treacherous legal waters that
some might consider blatant usurpation of judicial branch authority in order
to control access to evidence in legitimate private lawsuits.

The Assistant Attorney General and U.S. Attorney advised that "the
Government will seek to intervene in these cases, and will move to implement
a consolidated litigation plan that would enable TSA to enforce both
statutory and regulatory aviation safety measures effectively and

On the heels of its strict enforcement intentions, Ashcroft's Office
requested "that the Court -- on its own motion [acting by itself] -- stay
[suspend] all discovery in the September 11 Tort Litigation pending the July
conference." McCallum and Comey then asked the Judge to "permit the
Government to address these and other issues at the upcoming July status
conference," -- taking the unprecedented action of halting legal evidence
discovery in all September 11 tort litigation. The undisclosed victim
litigant told Scoop Media that the conference will be held on Friday.


Bush Administration lawyers at Attorney General Ashcroft's Department of
Justice (DOJ) may be employing legerdemain in their efforts to suppress
useful court evidence, adding that "Congress charged TSA with prohibiting
the disclosure of SSI, an entire category of information relating to
transportation security."

They also said that [the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security]
"shall prescribe regulations prohibiting disclosure of information obtained
or developed in carrying out security or research and development
  activities" the release of which would "be detrimental to the safety of
passengers in transportation." Justice lawyers then said that "SSI includes,
but is not limited to, any approved, accepted, or standard security program;
Security Directives and Information Circulars; any selection criteria used
in any security screening process; and any security contingency plan."

Brian Sullivan, former Special Agent for the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) New England Region, pointed out to Scoop Media in an interview that
"the purpose of protecting information should be in the interests of
defending national security. SSI should not be used as a shield to hide FAA
and TSA negligence and incompetence."

Sullivan added that "the intent of the SSI designation was not to hide the
ineptitude of the failed FAA civil aviation security apparatus; nor was it
intended to preclude legitimate legal inquiry, as government lawyers carry
out White House orders to cloak bureaucratic incompetence in a blanket of
'sensitive security.' "


Victim families will be relieved to know that the recent Bush-appointed
protector of the nation's airport security, TSA Director John McGaw, is a
26-year Secret Service veteran. What the families won't want to know is that
  wide reports cite McGaw as spearheading the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms (BATF) investigations into the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the 1996
crash of TWA Flight 800, the bombing at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, and
the national church-arson task force -- packing enough controversy into a
couple years to last a couple lifetimes.

McGaw was also criticized by Senator Arlen Specter at a recent Senate
Commerce Committee confirmation hearing for defending the actions of BATF
agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, where the government paid Randy Weaver $3.5
million because the agents killed his wife and son in the altercation.

And notwithstanding Bush appointee McGaw's controversial and questionable
new power to "prescribe regulations prohibiting disclosure of information"
[controlling evidence] and "security or research and development activities"
at the nation's airports, his newly-recruited TSA personnel security chief
David Holmes may be America's worst security nightmare.

Former Commerce Department colleagues charge that, as favors for politicians
and friends, "David Holmes signed off on Commerce applicants with criminal
or other derogatory information in their background files. One felon even
got Top Secret clearance," according to WorldNetDaily.com. (4-24-2002)

WorldNetDaily added that a senior Commerce official said "TSA is under
enormous pressure to meet that Nov.19 deadline [for hiring 30,000 new
baggage screeners]." He then added: "And then you have a guy, who's already
predisposed to looking the other way, making critical decisions on the
people who are essentially our last line of defense against armed hijackers.
You do the math."


At this point, not knowing whether to laugh or cry over such bumbling
incompetence -- or worse, victim families and their attorneys will now watch
Bush Administration lawyers madly shuffling legal paperwork over to the
Southern District of New York, using every desperate and unprecedented
creative legal theory available in an attempt to steal their
constitutionally-given right to a fair civil trial in front of a jury of
American citizens.

The Ashcroft lawyers will try to pull it off by smothering access to
critical evidence required to win victim family cases, even as some are
forced to listen to their Special Master Kenneth Feinberg reiterate the
Justice Department's coming threats to their previously filed litigation.

The letter Americans were not supposed to know about tells it all. And
implications for the U.S. rule of law will be seen by many as truly
astonishing. However, Fall elections will reveal whether Americans will
tolerate what one 9/11 victim plaintiff told Scoop Media is nothing more
than "slick government shenanigans."

Grieving families, on the whole, are still emotionally unable to demand that
Judge Hellerstein allow their attorneys the right of legitimate legal
inquiry and discovery of evidence. It will likely take righteous outrage and
responsible citizen activism to halt taxpayer-funded DOJ lawyers attempting
to innovatively cloak what many will describe as inside-the-beltway
negligence, ineptitude, and abuse of power by Bush Administration appointees
at TSA.

Moreover, the anguished victim litigants, their first-rate attorneys, and
other potential 9/11 plaintiff families closely watching the lawsuits
already filed, may now have to rethink their strategy: It just might take a
coterie of constitutional attorneys to prevent the Administration's
impending assaults upon the Constitution's separation of powers.

This, while having waited nine months for sequestered congressional hearings
to commence behind closed doors in a sound-proof room at the Capitol -- to
all intents and purposes, placing a 9/11 evidence blackout via a) the
Legislative Branch's secret, soft, and un-aggressive "hearings," and b) the
Executive Branch's legal lapdogs snapping at the heels of justice, fairness,
and God-given rights. How sad for the country that such are the "leaders"
placed in power by the citizenry -- corrupt and unresponsive. But Americans
get to vote again in November.


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