-Caveat Lector- THE HOFFMAN WIRE
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

Sept. 11, 2003

Was Sweden's Foreign Minister Murdered because she was "Guilty" of
"Unrestrained Incitement of the Jewish State"?

Assassination Chic Prevails in Jerusalem

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright (c) 2003 by hoffman-info.com

Earlier today the Israeli armed forces bombed a crowded family home in
Gaza. The target was Hamas spokesman Dr. Mahmoud Zahar, who was wounded
slightly. His 29-year-old son, Khaled, was killed. Dr. Zahar's wife,
Sumiya, was critically injured. A total of 26 Palestinian civilians were
injured by the Israeli bombing.

This Israeli terror attack on a civilian residence was not even accorded
a main headline in today's NY Times. The Times' account of the
"airstrike" (only Arabs bomb) appeared under the misleading headline,
"Queri Accepts Palestinian Premier Post." A smaller sub-heading read,
"Parliament Speaker Takes Job After Israel Attacks Hamas Leader."

If Hamas had attacked the home of an Israeli leader with the leader's
family inside, the NY Times would have banner-headlined the report
something like, "Home of Israeli Leader Terror Bombed."

On the same page 6, to the left of the brief account of the attack by
Israeli "warplanes," was a lengthy article continued from the front
page, celebrating the life of one of the Jewish victims of the latest
Hamas bombing, the American physician Dr. David Applebaum.

Like a Steven Spielberg war melodrama, where the audience is only
introduced to the humanity of the Allied soldiers, while the opposing
troops remain a cipher, the NY Times has decided to profile, with each
Palestinian resistance attack, only a Jewish victim, who is memorialized
as a great human being or humanitarian. Dr. Applebaum, whose photo
appears on the front page of the Sept. 11 edition of the Times, followed
by two more photos on p. 6 of mourners at his funeral, rates the
"humanitarian" designation, while a New York woman killed by Hamas (if
indeed the bomber was from Hamas), was celebrated as a great human being
in a Times news story last month.

They're aren't many great human beings or humanitarians among Amalek
(the Palestinians), apparently, and that is why news of their death and
injury today at the hands of an Israeli bomber, doesn't rate a fifth of
the space accorded to Dr. Applebaum in the Times.

Stalinist Ilya Ehrenburg's motto, "Kill, kill, kill!" is now the
watchword in Jerusalem: "We must kill as many of the Hamas and Islamic
Jihad leaders as possible, as quickly as possible...And we must kill
Yasir Arafat, because the world leaves us no alternative." --Jerusalem
Post, Sept. 11, 2003

Dr. Zahar, the intended victim of today's Israeli bombing was said to be
involved in terror attacks against Israelis. This was a pretext. Zahar
is part of the political wing of Hamas. I draw your attention to the
allegedly secondary motive given for the attempt on his life:

"Israel accused Dr. Zahar of...'unrestrained incitement' against the
Jewish state." (NY Times, Sept. 11, 2003).

"Incitement" is an Israeli euphemism for telling the truth.

In this vein, two reporters for Al-Jazeera satellite television were
roughed up and arrested by US Forces today, just a few days after
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stated publicly that Al-Jazeera
Satellite News was making it tough for the US in Iraq (by reporting
truths which constitute "incitement").

Facts and independent information are branded as "incitement" in Israeli
thought cop jargon. Howard Dean, the presidential candidate who counsels
neutrality in the Middle East, has, rather ominously, been accused of
this very crime of "incitement" by an Israeli-American Congressman.

One wonders if there is any connection between the Israeli attempt on
the life of Zahar and the successful murder in Sweden of Foreign
Minister Anna Lindh, who died today after being stabbed by a "disheveled
looking man" prior to a national referendum in Sweden on acceptance of
the Euro currency. The media are suggesting that Lindh was killed by an
anti-Euro zealot, or a deranged man addled by the heated debate over the
proposed new currency. Perhaps.

But since the Israelis admit to having attempted the assassination of a
political leader in Palestine because of his information campaign
spotlighting Israeli atrocities (a campaign which constitutes the
capital crime of "unrestrained incitement against the Jewish state"),
let us recall that Lindh, whose political fortunes were on the rise and
who was viewed as likely to be the next Prime Minister of Sweden, could
also be considered guilty of "unrestrained incitement":

"She was an outspoken critic of Ariel Sharon's policy towards the
Palestinians. 'Our stand is firm and clear,' she said in a recent
interview. 'Israeli settlement in the West Bank must go; there must be a
Palestinian state; Israel must vacate all occupied areas on the West
Bank and Gaza Strip and end all extra-territorial executions and attacks
on Palestinians." (Lindh's obituary, Daily Telegraph [UK], Sept. 11,

If the Murder, Inc. gang known as the state of Israel would trouble to
attempt the assassination of a low-level Hamas political officer, is it
far-fetched to investigate the possibility of Israeli involvement in the
murder of Sweden's potential next Prime Minister, a woman who publicly
decried Israeli "executions"?

If Lindh was indeed assassinated by the Israelis or their agents on
grounds of "incitement," who's next, Howard Dean, Mel Gibson?

"He that questioneth much shall learn much..." --Francis Bacon


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