-Caveat Lector-

Atrocity bodies come back to haunt Serbs


A lorry load of the dead is just part of the evidence emerging of how
Belgrade hid Kosovo's dead

Special report: war crimes in the former Yugoslavia

Nick Thorpe in Belgrade Friday June 22, 2001 The Guardian

The butcher's lorry in the photograph is nondescript and painted white.
Still visible on the driver's cabin is the name of Pec, a town in western
Kosovo. Dragged from the river Danube, its front wheels are still in the
water. The credit for the photograph reads: "Serbian ministry of
interior".  This is the refrigerator lorry that brought the remains of 86
Kosovan Albanians to Serbia in April 1999. On its way to an undisclosed
destination, for the disposal of the bodies, it broke down. Concrete
blocks were hurriedly loaded in with the bodies, and the container was
sunk in the river. But those responsible underestimated the strength of
the river and the insulation material on the inside of the container.

They even forgot to deflate the tyres. The truck soon came bobbing to the
surface. Local police hauled it ashore, and in the course of that
operation, the back doors burst open, to reveal the gruesome cargo.

These bodies were immediately declared a state secret. Now they have been
unearthed from a mass grave beneath a police shooting range in a Belgrade
suburb, Batajnica. Hardly a day goes by without new details being
published in the Serbian media of this case, and others.

The 86 bodies, including those of women and children, are believed to be
ethnic Albanians from the village of Suvareka in western Kosovo, not far
from Pec. Soon after Nato bombing raids began on March 24 1999 - against
Serbian targets and in defence of the ethnic Albanians - these people were
rounded up by Serbian special police and locked in a pizzeria. Hand
grenades were thrown in through the windows.

At the end of that month, according to the Yugoslav interior minister,
Dusan Mihajlovic, the then president, Slobodan Milosevic, told senior
police officers, state security, and army top brass to remove evidence of
war crimes from Kosovo in case the province ever fell into Nato hands.

According to the media reports now surfacing in Serbia, lorry loads of
bodies, some already buried once in Kosovo, were removed and taken to
locations in Serbia for secret reburial.

Yesterday's edition of Vreme, a Serbian news weekly, contains the
testimony of a driver now said to be under the witness protection scheme
of the UN war crimes tribunal in the Hague. He says he made 10 journeys in
a truck issued to him by the army, in March and April of 1999, after being
called up as a reservist.

"Soon I realised I was driving dead people," he said, adding: "It was
clear to me. It was not clear to me where they were ending up."

He drove to the copper smelting complex in Bor, in eastern Serbia. There,
he believes, the bodies were incinerated or buried in a disused shaft.

Human rights groups in Belgrade say they believe that the remains of up to
2,000 Kosovan Albanians may have been moved to Serbia.

The interior minister has mentioned a possible figure of 1,000, buried at
three sites so far - Batajnica, where exhumations are under way in the
presence of forensic scientists from the war crimes tribunal; Petrovo Selo
in eastern Serbia; and an unnamed third location which media speculation
suggests may be near the river Drina, on the border with Bosnia. The
Albanians claim 4,000 people are still missing.

Film of the Batajnica mass grave has been shown on state television. Arms
and legs are clearly protruding from the earth. One of the drivers has
said that about a third of the bodies in one of his loads were naked. And
that they included women and children.

The revelations have shocked the Serbian public deeply.

"One positive aspect is that this danse macabre cannot be described as
some kind of patriotic action," said Dejan Anastasijevic, a journalist at
Vreme. "The transport of bodies cannot be dismissed as one of those 'ugly
but unavoidable things that happen in every war' - the usual excuse for

The latest opinion poll, published yesterday, showed
that 46% of those asked believed Slobodan Milosevic
should be extradited to the Hague - the first time a
majority has supported such a move.

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