-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Christopher Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                SNET: A1 MUST READ:  Awakening World Says "ENOUGH!" of War
Date sent:              Tue, 25 Mar 2003 20:58:54 -0700

                         Awakening World Says "ENOUGH!" of War

   "When things are this perverted, warned the Hopi, you are entering the End Time."

                From: http://alberta.indymedia.org/news/2003/03/6271.php

    "Despite images censored by military minders and nervous networks", a rattled 
    has acknowledged, "We're having a conflict at a time in our history when we have 
    a-day television, radio, media and Internet, and more people in the world have 
access to
    what is taking place."

    But this unrestricted access to myriad straight-from-the-source footage and 
commentary is
    skewering White House "spin" controllers, who are whirling like dizzied dervishes 
in a
    desperate bid to make sure Americans do not see the images jolting the central 
    system of an increasingly appalled and angry world. (...)

    Even as allied forces close in on an ancient city that could become an Arab 
    satellite television and a worldwide web threaten to enmesh Earth's most powerful 
army in
    the immobilizing embrace of an even bigger Superpower:public opinion.

    In two short years since Sept. 11, a global network of dedicated Lilliputians is 
    how to throw an Internet over a gluttonous Gulliver brandishing fearsome weapons 
of mass

    G. W. Bush has seized this moment to unite the world against him and an obsolete 
    paradigm as no leader has since his granddad financed Hitler.

    Even as the Bushwhackers trumpet their triumph over yet another monster of their 
    creation, the moral and financial bankruptcy they exemplify and exacerbate is 
    the downfall of this seemingly invincible police state in a collapse that will 
come as
    suddenly and completely as the former Soviet Union.

    It might be an opportune time -- right now! -- to turn off all brainwashing boxes 
    sophisticated media mesmerizers drag us by the scruff of our emotions into a 
    pit of confusion, helplessness and fear.

    It's time to bring in the angels and focus on peace.

                                 WALKING AWAY FROM WAR
                                   by William Thomas

                             Commentary - Lifeboatnews.com

                                     March 19, 2003

As the glaciers balancing this planet on its axis melt like sherbet on an endless 
day, and Chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix compliments Iraq's "proactive" compliance
in a quickening process of disarmament that "will not take years, nor weeks, but 
months" -
- a sociopath who used to stuff firecrackers into the mouths of frogs before tossing 
   into the air to watch them explode is about to send thousands of radioactive high
      explosives into a city the size of Toronto, where this story was reported.

    When things are this perverted, warned the Hopi, you are entering the End Time.

  CLIP - Read the whole article at http://alberta.indymedia.org/news/2003/03/6271.php

                               WELCOME TO A NEW BEGINNING

  Two nights ago, after robotically reciting a dizzyingly dissonant pastiche of gross
  distortions and outright lies coupled to a crude cowboy deadline, Bush II raised his
 middle finger to international law and the world community with a trademark little-boy
 smirk -- partly fearful, partly defiant -- that asked, "Will you let me get away with
             this?" Around the word, the resounding response is, "HECK NO!"

 We have had enough of Americans' willful denial and spoiled brat behavior that renames
 "French fries" so they can be gobbled without dwelling on the prickly questions of law
 and morality raised by that longtime American ally while watching Baghdad get blown up
   like a televised sports event sandwiched between commercials urging more mindless
                   consumption that drives these massacres for oil.

  As oil author Thom Hartmann observes, a transportation infrastructure based on 6,000-
  pound SUVs carrying single individuals, cheap forced-labor Chinese goods sold at Wal-
Mart's unpaid overtime gulags, and cut-rate Mexican produce plastered with pesticides 
are propelling a conquest "that is really about the survival of the American lifestyle,
which, in their world-view, is both non-negotiable and based almost entirely on access 
                                      cheap oil."

But even if Bush's forces seize Iraq's 20 oilfields intact, an oilgarchy's last grab 
    Iraq's cheap crude will not stop a steepening planetary slide into prohibitively
expensive go-juice. Observing that world petroleum production peaked three years ago, 
author of The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlightdeclares that the American lifestyle -- 
  ability to maintain our auto-based transportation systems, our demand for big, warm
houses, and our appetite for a wide variety of cheap foods and consumer goods" -- while
risking catastrophic climate change and the ire of a ripped off "Two-Thirds" world 
          U.S. borders -- is about to receive a non-negotiable reality check.

                        Some Americans just don't know it yet.

But the remaining 95% of the world's populace recognizes that America's orgy of 
 and resource consumption is dangerously out of place in this "Last Chance Century" to
                               grow up and get it right.

Lucky for us -- if not for the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea 
55 other targeted nations -- G. W. Bush has seized this moment to unite the world 
him and an obsolete power paradigm as no leader has since his granddad financed Hitler.

This time around, in a spontaneous uprising unprecedented in its size and principles, a
countervailing "Super Power" of world opinion refuses to meet force with force, 
   with yet more self-perpetuating violence. Instead, this growing global response to
     unrestrained military aggression is an outcry for peace that cannot be denied.

Even as Europe moves toward energy conservation and "renewables", an even bigger shift 
   swiftly gathering momentum as an outmoded petroleum-powered patriarchal Power-Over
 Paradigm collides with an unstoppable Peace Paradigm that urges dialogue and dignity,
   respect, restraint and cooperation with all life -- including the forests, finned,
             feathered and four-leggeds so intricately bound with our own.

           At this late hour, our continuing survival offers no other choice.

                                      POWER PLAYS

Enthralled by the prospect of using unmatched military force to dominate the world, the
 Rumsfeld-Cheney-Perle-Wolfowitz-Bush cabal is about to get a lesson in real power. As
Japan's first great Shogun, Tokugawa, remarked, "If you have to resort to force, you 
already lost." Far from a sign of invincible strength, America's overwhelming attack on
                        Iraq is an admission of fatal weakness.

     In declaring war against the world, an illegitimate president and a handful of
Apocalyptic ideologues have sealed the fate of their own morally and financially 
nation as surely as they've sealed the fate on another American creation called Saddam.
 Increasingly irrelevant in the global village it scorns, in declaring itself an outlaw
 nation answerable to no laws, agencies or appeal, the mightiest military power on this
           planet is itself within hours of becoming a shunned pariah state.

    As tens of millions of people register their revulsion in the only way they can,
worldwide boycotts of "Made In The USA" products, and a cascade of dollars cashed in 
increasingly valuable "Euros" could humble the United States to third-rate status 
                                   a few short years.

                                 THE WORLD COMES OF AGE

Right now, even as we deal with our grief and outrage over so many more needless 
we would do well to take a deep steadying breath. It is time to take heed and take 
 The world is coming of age. United in the liberating realization that we are no longer
dependent on Washington's largesse or permission to determine destinies in harmony with
 the myriad lives around us, we are awakening to the power within us to just say No! to
 war -- and Right on! to manifesting a vision and time where violence is never used to
                            settle disputes between nations.

In two short years since Sept. 11, a global network of dedicated Lilliputians is 
how to throw an Internet over a gluttonous Gulliver brandishing fearsome weapons of 

  Since last September, electronically-linked grass roots movements have succeeded in
passing anti-war resolutions in over 120 state legislatures and city councils around 
 United States -- including Los Angeles, Chicago, Santa Fe, Portland and Milwaukee. On
March 12, the New York City Council overwhelmingly approved a similar resolution 
  war with Iraq. "We of all cities must uphold the preciousness and sanctity of human
life," said Councilman Alan Gerson, whose district includes the World Trade Center 
  Meanwhile, dozens of U.S. cities and towns have instructed public employees to defy
      federal authorities in implementing a Patriot Act that has no authority over
 Constitutionally-protected state jurisdictions. Similar resolutions are pending in at
                         least 40 municipalities in 24 states.

 This peaceful revolt is not confined to the United States. In Scotland, two engineers
 have refused to pull a train from Glasgow to a NATO military. Veteran journalist John
Pilger also reports that in Italy, "people have been blocking dozens of trains carrying
 American weapons and personnel, and dockers have refused to load arms shipments. U.S.
military bases have been blockaded in Germany, and thousands have demonstrated at 
 which, despite Ireland's neutrality, is being used by the U.S. military to refuel its
                               planes en route to Iraq."

On the labor front, last month more than 200 unions on all five continents, 
 over 130 million members, agreed on an unprecedented joint statement rejecting war on
 Iraq. The British Trade Union Congress has called for a general strike in the event of
war. In Italy, where unions organized a peace rally of over three million people in 
the General Confederation of Italian Workers has also called for a general strike in 
 event of hostilities. As spokesman Enzo Bernardo explained, "We know terrorism in our
country, and this war has nothing to do with resolving it." Just as in Spain, Britain 
 Australia, Bernardo insisted, "Our government does not speak for the Italian people."

Already familiar with the suffering and destruction inflicted by the U.S. military on a
 quickly abandoned Afghanistan, the Pakistani trade union federation representing over
five million workers has joined the call for a general strike to protest what its 
                              calls a war "only for oil".

                                       READ THIS

 Other acts of resistance are coming from intelligence communities fed up with the lies
 and dirty dealings perpetrated in their name. While the FBI investigates the origin of
   the false documents used by the White House to "prove" Iraq's nonexistent nuclear
capability, CIA officers are publicly exposing falsified and nonexistent reports cited 
Bush as "evidence" of phantom chemical-biological weapons facilities dismantled a 
   ago. The spirit of the leaked "Pentagon Papers", which exposed another destructive
             deception in a place called Vietnam, is alive and flourishing.

In Britain's top-secret Government Communications Headquarters, a courageous young 
employee ended the Bushwhackers' bid for a coerced UN resolution by distributing a U.S.
   government memo to American operatives calling for stepped up spying on key voting
                           members of the Security Council.

 Other stress cracks heralding a tectonic realignment away from American dominance are
 spreading at the speed of a crumbling dam. NATO will never again be a rubber-stamp for
                                Washington's aggression.

Blair, Bush and Australia's Prime Minister Howard are also toast as mounting 
  among top diplomats and government officials over an illegal war continue to crumble
their credibility. As Canada and Europe move out from the shadow of U.S. domination, 
 whole world is realizing that we no longer have to accede to American demands, or ask
 Washington's permission to join a consensus Canadians are calling a "Coalition of the

                                  WHAT CAN WE DO NOW?

>From pin-wheeling galaxies to a child's laughter and the songs of whales, the only 
that matters is aligned with and informed by the Spirit animating all things. According
to a "Peaceful People" called the Hopi, "the truest and greatest power is the strength 
 Peace." This power, their prophecies promise, "is a force which will bring about world

 It already is. As tens of millions of people join in the personal and planet-shifting
   vibrations of massed peaceful intent, networked participants in an instantaneous,
    interactive global information exchange are stepping up consciousness-expanding
credibility campaigns. No lie remains unexposed for more than minutes on the web. In 
  Hopi Way, we are discovering how to counter aggression without killing or hurting by
"using truth and positive force". Many of us are learning how to take to the streets 
the Internet "to educate by clear thoughts, good pictures, and by carefully chosen 

As American and British terror bombings commence in Iraq, the Hopi advise us to embrace
end times as necessary as a peaking fever, with compassion and an open heart. Counsels 
Hopi elder: "There is a lot in store for all of us, and the intensity of this will be a
  lot less if we can all settle down and behave and not be in the way. We have to keep
             ourselves from being corrupted by anything from the outside."

Translation: It might be an opportune time -- right now! -- to turn off all 
boxes before sophisticated media mesmerizers drag us by the scruff of our emotions 
into a
bottomless pit of confusion, helplessness and fear. Instead, we would do well to remind
   ourselves and each other that this onrushing onslaught is a sign not of America's
                           strength, but of its own undoing.

  Even as the Bushwhackers trumpet their triumph over yet another monster of their own
 creation, the moral and financial bankruptcy they exemplify and exacerbate is speeding
 the downfall of this seemingly invincible police state in a collapse that will come as
                  suddenly and completely as the former Soviet Union.

 And for many of the same reasons. Across America and around the globe, we had best get
busy creating something new! The good news is that in this time of bleakness, bombs and
 bluster, many millions of brave hearts are coming to beat as one. Undaunted yet aware,
   focused yet out of state control, the time for peaceful people everywhere to come
 together and pour it on with joined prayer and protests, general strikes, tax reform,
selective boycotts, civil disobedience, shouts of truth and defiance from the streets 
  rooftops, and massive noncompliance with a doomed death culture is now. It's time to
                        bring in the angels and focus on peace.

                     This time, we will get the lesson of carnage.

                         This time, we will walk away from war.

           This time, the sacrifice of the Iraqi people will not be in vain.


      "If freedom and opportunity at the heart of the Great American Experiment in
    representative God Government is to survive and thrive worldwide on our Internet-
connected, "global village", the cosmic law and language of universal virtue must now 
    honored as the centered and connected INTERFACE for culturing Greater Love. The
  alternative, by default, is on-going war as the war profiteers and their mass media
minions have clearly arranged with all the unabashed, fork-tongued, two-faced, 
   double-speak and serpentine logic that our oxymoronic system of scarcity economics
       (scarcity's value) can muster. It's do or die time for Light and Love." -

    "The hour strikes in the evolution of every planet and its humanity, when they must
    express the full peace, harmony, Perfection, and the Divine Plan of the system to 
    they belong. When that hour strikes, humanity either moves forward and fulfills 
    plan, or whatever portion will not come into alignment, with the new activity, 
    itself to another school room of the Universe, until those personalities learn 
    to Life."
    - Saint Germain, "The Magic Presence" by Godfre Ray King

           "As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression.
       In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that
            we all must be aware of change in the air -- however slight --
                   lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
              -- William O. Douglas, 1939-1975, US Supreme Court Justice

       "When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
       love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
    they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
                                   -- Mohandas Gandhi

                  "Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
                      but when he can harness the power of love,
                 then for the second time in the history of the world,
                            man will have discovered fire."
                                 - Teihard de Chardin

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