-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 17:02:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: L D Misek-Falkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [DisabilityParty] Re: Who is responsible for necessities of
    life of the handicapped? [long]

Dear Dr. LDMF:

Thank you for your interest and the morale booster. I certainly need it as
this has become the biggest challenge in "political psychology" that I
have yet faced. Maintaining this interest in public forums may be all we
need, though, to take care of the matter. "Evil grows in the dark" is the
old saying which applies so well.

First, a little political background which may interest politics watchers
in general. A year ago a new "Liberal" government was elected to the
parliament of this province of 4,000,000. Liberal in quotes because we
have to look past the names these days. They won 77/79 seats after a
"hold your nose and vote" election.

What happens in BC is important to all of North America when you consider
the report of the US Consul in Vancouver who was on the Ingram TV Show
last year and said that if BC were a separate country it would be the
11th. largest trading partner of the US. The size of the province is
another consideration. BC is twice the area of Japan (with its 120,000,000
people) with vast untapped and even unknown natural resources. Thus I
doubt very much that Premier Campbell's controllers are local or even
Canadian. This province is far too important internationally to make its
policies in isolation. Also, reports from Oz indicate that the handicapped
are being subjected to a similar policy there. Just coincidence?

Let me take just put forward an over-riding thesis on the MENTALITY which
is behind this (leaving the straight politics to those more qualified).
This is a GLOBALIST AGENDA. Policies are being set internationally and in
particular they are being set by 500 or so billionaire families. If that
sounds like Marxist class war theory I don't apologize. Class war theory
is much older than Marx. I think there are around 30,000 people who perish
every day on the planet for lack of necessities of life. Some literally
live on garbage dumps which is close to the situation in Vancouver now.
A "recycling" depot in the downtown eastside which is literally "the
poorest ghetto in Canada" sees a steady stream of "recyclers". They are
dumpster divers and scavengers of garbage dumps who need the extra cash
just to stay alive. Some are ex-mental patients. I expect most are "law
breakers" in that I doubt they report the earnings to their welfare
office, otherwise the earnings would be deducted from the next cheque and
they would still not have enough to stay alive and healthy. Campbell
policy has been deliberately set IMO to make sure everyone knows that
those living off garbage dumps here have no more rights than those living
off garbage dumps anywhere else in the world. The handicapped poor are
targeted because they are thought to be a soft target. Moral cowardice is
another characteristic of the fascist character disorder.

The steady policy of destroying the health-and-welfare system has been
going on for decades now. So here's my theory on what Campbell is doing.
He is taking a psychological sledge hammer to the health-and-welfare
system. After he has successfully started the genocide of the handicapped
poor in BC, what else can stand as far as health and welfare is concerned?
It becomes a VOLUNTARY system throughout, dependent on the largesse of
those in positions of political power and not any Constitutional right.
IMO (and I would very much like to be proven wrong) this man fits the
description of a "FASCIST CHARACTER DISORDER". Is "genocide" too
far-fetched? Remember what I said earlier about existential defenses vs.
ego defenses. The minds of most people will shut off at this point.
A well known local journalist has already reported that handicapped people
are phoning in to the BC Coalition of People with Disabilities in a
suicidal state of mind. In a population this size I expect the genocide
has tragically already taken its first victims.

As a lawyer you know all about the difference between culpable and
nonculpable homicide. In layman's terms the latter is called "getting away
with murder". So Premier Campbell has laid out a carefully premeditated
plan to GET AWAY WITH MURDER in layman's terms. If he gets away with it, I
expect there will be a domino effect across North America.

Another backgrounder. In just one year, all 146 BC judges have signed an
unprecedented letter of nonconfidence in this administration, claiming
among other things a denial of the constitutional right of "access to
justice". Some 2/3 of the BC Law Society voted similarly. About the same
proportion of the BC Medical Association has voted to go on strike and
the job action is proceeding now. They say the major issue has to do with
violations of the Canada Health Act. The Union of Indian Chiefs has been
unanimously protesting the "referendum" on Treaty Negotiations as Campbell
has simply abrogated the prior decisions of the courts here that First
Nation self-determination is INHERENT and not delegated. Another
constitutional violation chalked up to Campell. How often does a
government earn the ire of "doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs" to such a
degree and so fast? This is unprecedented in modern Canadian history.

Now if I were him I would quickly refute the thesis that he is a
"FASCIST CHARACTER DISORDER" or lay a complaint of defamation or even lay
criminal defamation charges. In my best Clint Eastwood imitation...."Make
my day!"


On Sat, 25 May 2002, L D Misek-Falkoff wrote:

> Dear Franklyn:
> Please feel free to copy any or all of my response post to those you
> originally addressed if at all helpful.  These are just my own thoughts and
> not necessarily what you would wish to convey, or the voice of persons
> beyond here; hence I post to you, ADAPT, and the National Disability Party,
> cc'ing the Disability Politics Dscussion group, since in this framework at
> least  we are all of acquaintance and in mutual good regard, in a Speech
> Community wherein the "Sincerity Conditions" of discourse are I trust well
> in place.  Feel free to translate as well to those we do not presently know.
> Extend a hand from here (many hands, as all resonate in their own fashion)
> in any way you feel we can be of service, to persons with disabilities and
> handicaps ... to persons, at large.
> - - - - - - -
> From here, from me, a broad bravo-and-onward from here, among the many you
> must be receiving.
> Your post raises issues of depth and concern for everyone, and everywhere,
> while also clearly focused on the Canadian situtation and well so giving the
> imminent policies.  Such policies tend to migrate globally.
> You are not only "preaching to a choir";  I feel sure even the silent good
> "they" (including those cc'd in your post) are indeed, must be, listening.
> At issue is how garner a response,  as they well should be in dialogue; and
> as a matter of fact I would think the "planners" would or will be inviting
> you into and asking you to lead  discussions of present and future society,
> both as regards groups and as regards individuals - wondrous unique beings
> all. So if you are writing to people who did or could not  respond yet,
> surely they will, and please keep us advised.  Ever were  non-response  '
> more's the pity' - inasmuch as cultures all too often level out at the
> "willingness to see level."
> The Canadian situation is rather new to me and I have much to learn, miles
> to go.  But it may be said early, in the context of shrinking benefits at
> the life sustaining level, at large, that  whenever people are herded
> together by generalizations  - in extemity there is clear and instant danger
> they could become 'corralled' as if beasts allegedly too burdensome (on
> someone) to be treated as individuals.  So when  fences go up, whether to
> keep people out or keep people in; they are always suspect. Generalizations
> are dangerous things.  So useful if thoughtfully applied, so damning if the
> path of least resistance. Such are, potentially,  generalizations about
> whole classes of people, however  classified, who ostensibly in someone
> else's view can or cannot work or find employment.  All the more so
> competitive employment.  But I sound as if to lecture, while in fact here,
> rather, to learn.  But I continue the thought train neverthless...
> Alas, we are reminded that  there are so many regrettable outcroppings of
> force, whether forcing-in or forcing-out, whenever reasoned choice is
> curtailed; and your apathy-piercing post bears touching/rightully
> challenging messages which doubtless burden your kind heart as benefits and
> understanding shrink or expire; but ever your missives bear stamps of
> kindness.
> Imho, the "powers that be" really do need to hear you and hear all who
> support your loving vision of the human race.  Its powers of vision; its
> thoughtless lapses into at least, basically, negligence, all to often. Even
> the good need reminding. We say here that eternal vigilance is the price of
> freedom.
> So,, above, are some positive thoughts resonating with your post (s).  And
> if there are particular actions those here  - or others we may know  - can
> and should be taking towards respect for the miracle of individual identity,
> please let us know.
> Ever your friend and  proud so to be,
> :) LDMF.
> ----------
> Individual e-post from:
> Dr. L. D. Misek-Falkoff, Speaker, and Chronic Pain Caucus Chair of
> The National Disability Party http://www.disabilityparty.com . bio (about)
> --- original post: ---
> From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 6:39 PM
> Subject: [DisabilityParty] Re: Who is responsible for necessities of life of
> the handicapped?
> > On Sat, 25 May 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > It sounds like you need to do a major demostration and organize some
> other
> > > groups join you.  Canadian groups would be critical, more important than
> US
> > > groups.  Do you think you can do this?  We would be willing to
> brainstorm,
> > > advise and perhaps other kinds of support.  Stephanie
> >
> >
> > Thank you for your concern, Stephanie. That may be all we need to solve
> > this problem. Premier Campbell has an obligation, under common decency if
> > for no other reason, to "level" with all of us. Given that he is saying
> > government has no obligation whatsoever to these British Columbians, does
> > ANYBODY have such an obligation? If nobody has an obligation then I think
> > he has set civilization back 2,000 years. We might as well open up the
> > arenas of Rome again.
> >
> > Let's give him a chance to respond.
> >
> > FWP
> >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 3:23 PM
> > > Subject: Who is responsible for necessities of life of the handicapped?
> > >
> > >
> > > > Dear Disability Party and ADAPT:
> > > >
> > > > Could you please use your positions of national influence to help me
> with
> > > > the problem below? Premier Campbell and his Cabinet will not reply and
> the
> > > > longer they delay replying, the less time we have to plan for the
> future
> > > > livelihood of hundreds of thousands of physically and mentally
> handicapped
> > > > people in BC. Other than altruistic motivation, you may wish to
> consider a
> > > > domino effect of the Campbell policy right across North America.
> > > >
> > > > As far as I know this policy is unprecedented in Canada. Not only will
> > > > handicapped people deemed to be employable have their welfare benefits
> > > > discontinued in two years, but this government has gone the extra mile
> to
> > > > redefine thousands of handicapped, defined as unemployable up to now,
> as
> > > > employable unemployed. That puts them first in line for automatic
> > > > discontinuation of the necessities of life. Please note that phrasing
> and
> > > > hence the urgency. This is not some kind of belt tightening policy.
> This
> > > > is a discontinuation of the barest necessities of life, ie food and
> > > > shelter. While such an action would have been immediately led to
> criminal
> > > > charges (Criminal Code of Canada Section 215 violation) when I worked
> in
> > > > the Woodlands institution, Premier Campbell has found a legal
> loophole.
> > > > In the community, patients do not have the protection of Section 215.
> > > >
> > > > In order to ward off a disaster in two years time we need to start
> with an
> > > > answer to the question below. Who has the responsibility to provide
> the
> > > > necessities of life for these people in two years time? Is it to be
> their
> > > > families? (Though many Woodlands patients have lost all ties with
> their
> > > > families). Is it to be the private charities? Are there principles to
> be
> > > > articulated behind such a statement of responsibility in society?
> > > > What if the premier tells us no-one has any responsibility to sustain
> the
> > > > lives of the physically and mentally handicapped?
> > > >
> > > > BTW, since most of you will not know the details of day-to-day current
> > > > affairs in BC, the letter below was a reply to a "job action" now
> underway
> > > > by the BC Medical Association. I am not an MD as my doctorate is in
> > > > phil-psych but my years of work in clinical psychology with the
> mentally
> > > > and physically handicapped have given me a role and responsibilities
> in
> > > > this matter. Ann Mclellan is the federal Health Minister who may pay
> > > > attention to pressure from across the border. All we need to get the
> ball
> > > > rolling is an answer to the question as to who (if anyone) is
> responsible
> > > > for providing the necessities of life to thousands of handicapped in
> BC in
> > > > two years time.
> > > >
> > > > Sincerely-(Dr.) FWP
> > > >
> > > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > > Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 11:01:52 -0700 (PDT)
> > > > From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Subject: [BCPOLITICS] Playing politics with the lives of patients
> > > >
> > > > Ref. <http://www.mhr.gov.bc.ca/PUBLICAT/bcea/timelimit.htm>
> > > >
> > > > Dear Mr. Hansen:
> > > >
> > > > I refer to your comment on the BCTV news yesterday about BCMA
> > > > (paraphrased slightly) "playing politics with the lives of patients".
> > > > I worked for a decade as a clinical psychologist helping to
> > > > de-institutionalize Woodlands and I am indeed concerned about those
> who
> > > > play politics with the lives of patients. Recently one of those former
> > > > patients phoned in to a television talk show in some distress about
> > > > various "reforms" to patient services. In particular there is a
> literal
> > > > threat raised, as in the web site above, to the very LIVES of
> patients.
> > > > Do you understand that? Do you understand that you are threatening the
> > > > very LIVES of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people as
> surely as
> > > > if you were pointing a gun at their heads, playing "Russian Roulette".
> > > >
> > > > There are thousands of people on MHR case loads who are of borderline
> > > > intelligence, or as we used to term this condition, "borderline
> retarded".
> > > > Reclassifying them per se does nothing to change the unfortunate
> realities
> > > > of their lives. "Competitive employment" as we called it at Woodlands
> is
> > > > almost always beyond their reach. Yet they are now being told that
> either
> > > > they get a competitive job in two years or they lose all government
> > > > support. How will they stay alive? This is NOT a rhetorical question.
> We
> > > > need an answer and we need one now. And please don't play politics
> with
> > > > this issue by passing the buck between health ministry and welfare
> > > > ministry responsibilities. You know how arbitrary that is in these
> cases.
> > > >
> > > > Just one straight forward answer to one question is required here. How
> are
> > > > thousands of former patients from Woodlands and Riverview etc. now
> > > > de-institutionalized, going to stay alive in two years time? Who is
> going
> > > > to provide the necessities of life for them, if you prefer that
> phrasing?
> > > >
> > > > Thank you for giving this your consideration,
> > > >
> > > > Sincerely- (Dr.) FWP
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > According to <http://www.gov.bc.ca> some 3/4 of British Columbians
> were
> > > Internet users by 2001. In 5 years or so, the new EDD, "Electronic
> Direct
> > > Democracy" will be fully developed and the CITIZENS' PARLIAMENT will
> hold
> > > the reins of power daily over the Victoria Parliament. The 1996 Recall
> and
> > > Initiative Act enables CITIZENS to recall even the Premier.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >
> > The National Disability Party Website is at:
> > http://www.disabilityparty.com/
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> >
> >
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> The National Disability Party Website is at:
> http://www.disabilityparty.com/
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