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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/bbinternet.html">Sherman
Skolnick's Report</A>

 Sherman H. Skolnick

BIG BROTHER INTERNET--Nameless & Faceless in Cyberspace

by Sherman H. Skolnick


Many feel Internet is a great blessing. Outspoken activists can set up their
own homepage or website and mouth off, while muttering to themselves, "To
hell with the news networks!" Electronic mail goes up and back like in a
flash [or does it? Read on.]

Politically incorrect commentators, once kept in the shadows, can now be read
worldwide. With video streaming on Internet soon to blossom, they may be
heard and SEEN worldwide. Feel-good types chirp, "The genie is out of the
bottle" [Or is it?]

Cynics darkly sneer, "Don't you understand, America's bulb is getting
brighter just as it is about to blow out, Hitler-style."

Are old-timers the only ones who remember the bad old days? During the civil
rights and peace movements of the 1960s and 1970s, the FBI was in active
opposition to them. Supposedly forbidden by statute to do domestic
operations, the American CIA nevertheless had their domestic units doing dirty
 tricks on U.S. citizens. The CIA's excuse? They did it upon the default or
neglect of the incompetent FBI. Maybe the FBI, as America's secret political
police, was just too busy framing up labor activists and union organizers on
charges of plotting bombings and other violence against corporate dictators.

In the 1970s, an official of the CIA admitted to a Congressional committee,
that the spy agency had for many years been screening U.S. Mail and telegraph
transmissions to overseas locations. Somehow, they never brought themselves
to admit, even to Congress, that they had been spying as well on mail and
other communications WITHIN THE U.S.

Now if you post something really too hot about the secret police on your
homepage or website, the FBI, WITHOUT A COURT ORDER, reserves the right to
shut off your transmissions.

First Class Mail, domestically, was supposedly by regulation, sacrosanct. A
top-level U.S. Postal Inspector once bent my ear with his off-the-record,
candid complaint, "We believe dope is being sent into Chicago in First Class
packages. By regulation, we cannot open First Class packages unless we have
definite prior proof of illicit shipment." He was talking to ME, not George
Orwell, author of "1984", the epic book on the total police state. I could
have countered the postal inspector by mentioning the major dope enters the
U.S. with the blessings of the highly corrupt DEA and for espionage purposes
of the American CIA.

[On our Cable TV Show, we talked about the dope warehouse in Chicago where it
is piled up like so many bags of produce. Every six weeks, we said, the dope
comes in on a sizeable truck escorted by corrupt local police. We decided not
to give the exact address, for fear the place would be bombed and innocent
people injured. A week after our cablecast, a similar warehouse, much
smaller, was identified in the monoppoly press.]

Who bothers to tell you, the one for years having the monopoly on domain
registration for websites, Network Solutions, Inc., is a sinister creature of
the intelligence agencies. I am probably not the only one who can finger them
from personal experience. All during the U.S. War against Serbia and their
province of Kosovo, spring of 1999, Network Solutions blocked my website.
Network Solutions' phone was constantly on busy signal. They failed to
respond to my many complaints by E-mail. They even failed to respond to my
complaints sent to their headquarters by Registered Mail, Return Receipt
Requested, via U.S. Postal Service.
Did someone give Network Solutions a list of loudmouths to be censored? Were
YOU on their list? Some say Internet is like fire-ants. Texans know, you can
pour lighted fuel on fire-ants, yet they continue to march on. [At least that
is what some Texans have told me.]

Most have become so accustomed to Electronic Mail, E-Mail for short, they
even use it from their office for personal notes, on their bosses' machinery.
Some have been fired for cause, based on company secrets and other
inappropriate communications sent, accidentally or otherwise, as personal
notes to pals. Retrieved from the system by an employer, the E-Mail becomes a
document of accusation. Many employes have long known the company phones are
bugged by the boss. So why would anyone expect the E-Mail was exempt?

Something seems to happen when you send E-Mail with something REALLY HOT,
politically or spy-wise. In July, 1999, following the death of John F.
Kennedy, Jr., I sought to post what we understood was the FBI's secret
preliminary report on the aircrash, showing an explosive device blew off the
tail of the plane, making it a death warrant.[The how, when, and why is in
our four part series, What Happened to America's Golden Boy:
www.skolnicksreport.com] My E-Mail transmissions took four days on our REALLY
HOT, Part Four story. To be certain, I sent some twice. Friends told me both
E-Mails arrived at the same time, four days after the date I sent them. I
sent the same E-Mails to myself. Same result. U.S. Postal Service, called
snail-mail in current lingo, would most likely have arrived sooner, and
supposedly not been screened or spy-tampered.

I once got on the line with the Technical Support of my Internet Service
Provider. The one answering was quite polite and seemed well-informed. They
might give their first name, rare, if ever, their last name. So whatever is
said, they remain NAMELESS AND FACELESS, typical of the government
bureaucracy, many large corporate offices, public utilities, and such. I
outlined the problem of politically really HOT E-Mails of mine delayed for
several days.

"As your server, we don't screen E-Mail," she tried to assure me. But then
she added, "On the other hand, our server, I believe, does screen". She
outlined to me how her company, as my server, had THEIR own server. She was
not sure if THEY had a phone number where you could call them. Just to
perform my sarcastic test, I asked Directory Assistance for the 800 number of
"Big Brother Internet". "One moment sir" and then came the answer, "I show no
listing". I then asked Directory Assistance with the same name for Virginia.
"Where in Virginia?" she asked. "McLean, Virginia" I answered. "You know,
operator, under the listing [if any] for U.S. Central Intelligence Agency".
The office of Network Solutions, Inc., I smiled to myself, was not far away.
[Do they want Directory Assistance operators to have a sense of humor or
recognize sarcasm?]
America On Line, AOL, has plenty I think they do not tell you. They are NOT
an Internet Service Provider, ISP, but an online service, sort of a middle
man TO AN ISP. That technical or lawful difference reportedly justifies them
having a screening or censorship committee. In other words, a NAMELESS,
reserve the right or "authority" to block your postings and transmissions?
What, if any, is your remedy or recourse? Are they, what is known in public
utility and other law, as a Common Carrier, or are they a different animal?

Supposing the U.S. has a very serious decline, even a collapse, in the stock
and other markets. And suppose as well that at such at time, there is a run
on banks. Would the various Internet Service Providers and the Online
Services function as before? Or would they obey a secret government directive
to silence loudmouths by blocking their E-Mail and other transmissions? On
the one hand, Internet, and the World Wide Web, and E-Mail, seem to be a
great blessing, countering censorship. On the other hand, great numnbers of
folks have become overly dependent on the electronic communication. Thus
created is a dilemma.

With the phone company, you have a choice to be listed or unlisted. With
Internet, there are services that purport to be directory listings. Whether
your website and such is listed there, is a matter of political consideration
and quite arbitrary. Under state regulations, you would have a remedy, of
sorts, against the phone company for refusing to list your phone in their
regular directory. What remedy or recourse do you have NOW against these
other "directories" that somehow fail to list you? Can you actually reach a
real PERSON at these electronic directories, to express your complaint at not
being listed?

Some radio talk shows are also available, by audio streaming, on Internet,
either live or can be retrieved at any time later. AND, some radio talk
shows, on Internet, if they get on a REALLY HOT topic, suddenly are blanked
out. By whom? Under what lawful regulations are they censored?
So, on the one hand, Internet has been a blessing. On the other hand, it is

If this takes four days to get to you, or never arrives at all---Well, it is
just Big Brother Internet doing his thing. Stay tuned.


Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963,
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing
certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since
1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of
one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on
Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed
stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized
envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's
Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South
Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight,
(773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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