-Caveat Lector-

Why We Are Marching on October 26th

By Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard

[The authors, attorneys and co-founders of the
Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF, are members of
the national steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R.
(Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) Coalition.]

George W. Bush has declared his intention to wage a
'preemptive' war against Iraq and is now seeking to
strong-arm the international community, the U.N., and
the Congress into support and submission. As members
of Congress rush to show their obedience and member
states of the U.N. line up to receive the anticipated
spoils of war, the administration is now waging a
campaign to convince the people of the United States
to fall into step and finance with money and blood
this war brought for conquest on behalf of the
corporate and oil interests that make up Bush's true

Bush's preemptive war is a war of aggression. The U.S.
policy supporting the war is not the rule of law, but
the rule of force.

But no U.N. resolution and no Congressional resolution
can legalize an illegal war. With pen to paper and
votes of support, they can only commit to wilful
ratification, complicity and responsibility for
illegal acts by endorsing a criminal enterprise.

A war of aggression violates the United States
Constitution, the United Nations Charter, and the
principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal. It violates the
collective law of humanity that recognizes the
immeasurable harm and unconscionable human suffering
when a country engages in wars of aggression to
advance its government's perceived national interests.


On September 20, 2002, the Bush Administration issued
its blueprint for global domination and ceaseless
military interventions, in its comprehensive policy
statement entitled "The National Security Strategy of
the United States."

The National Security Strategy sets forth the U.S.
military-industrial complex's ambition for the U.S. to
remain the world's superpower with global political,
economic and military dominance. The stated policy of
the U.S. is "dissuading military competition" (See
source I) and preventing any other world entity or
union of states "from pursuing a military build-up in
hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the
United States." (See source II)

The strategic plan elevates free trade and free
markets to be "a moral principle . . . real freedom"
(See source III) and endorses a comprehensive global
conquest strategy utilizing the World Trade
Organization, the Free Trade Act of the Americas, the
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, among
other mechanisms.

The Washington Post reports that the National Security
Strategy gives the United States "a nearly messianic
role" in its quest for global dominance. (See source

The National Security Strategy confirms and elaborates
what was reflected in the January 2002 Nuclear Posture
Review, that the Bush Administration maintains a
policy of preemptive warfare contemplating the use of
non-conventional weapons of mass destruction as a
first strike measure. (See source V)


Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an
act of self defense only where there exists a genuine
and imminent threat of physical attack.

Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even
purport to preempt a physical attack. It purports to
preempt a threat that is neither issued nor posed.
Iraq is not issuing threats of attack against the
United States. It is only the United States which
threatens war.

It is not a war for disarmament. It is the U.S. which
has stockpiled nuclear, biological and chemical
weapons. It is the U.S. which is directly threatening
to use these weapons against another country. It is
the U.S. which has bombed Iraq relentlessly for more
than ten years, killing scores of innocent civilians.

The Bush Administration turns logic on its head,
twisting reality in order to create the pretext for
its war of aggression. The Administration claims that
the necessary prerequisite of an imminent threat of
attack can be found in the fact that there is no
evidence of an imminent threat, and therefore the
threat is even more sinister as a hidden threat. The
lack of a threat becomes the threat, which becomes
cause for war.

By the U.S. Government's own claims, it destroyed 80%
of Iraq's weapons capability in the earlier Gulf War,
and subsequently destroyed 90% of the remaining
capacity through the weapons inspections process.
There has been no evidence that Iraq is capable of an
attack on the U.S., let alone possessing the intention
of carrying out such an attack.


Bush's preemptive war policy and proposed attack on
Iraq cannot be justified under any form of established

The preemptive war policy and Bush's threatened new
military assault on Iraq violates U.S. domestic law
and international law. The warmongering, preparations
for war, and threats of violence coming from Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and other White House and
Pentagon hawks, are in and of themselves violations of
international law and constitute crimes against peace.

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution establishes that
ratified treaties, such as the U.N. Charter, are the
"supreme law of the land."

The Article 1 of the U.N. Charter establishes

"The purposes of the United Nations are . . . To
maintain international peace and sovereignty, and to
that end: to take effective collective measures for
the prevention and removals of threats to the peace,
and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other
breaches of the peace and to bring about by peaceful
means, and in conformity with the principles of
justice and international law, adjustment or
settlement of international disputes or situations
which might lead to a breach of the peace . . ."

Article 2 states that all member states "shall act in
accordance with the following Principles"

". . . All members shall settle their international
disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that
international peace and security, and justice, are not

"All members shall refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any
state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the
Purposes of the United Nations . . ."

Under this framework, acts of aggression, such as
Bush's threatened attack, are to be suppressed and
force is used only as a last and unavoidable resort.

The U.N. Charter was enacted in 1945 in the aftermath
of the devastation and suffering of World War II. The
Charter was enacted to bring an end to acts of
aggression, "to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has
brought untold sorrow to mankind."

Disputes which might lead to a breach of the peace are
required to be resolved *by peaceful means.*

Chapter VI of the U.N. Charter, "Pacific Settlement of
Disputes," requires countries to "first of all, seek a
resolution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation,
conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort
to regional agencies or arrangements, or other
peaceful means of their own choice."


Bush has asked the U.N. Security Council to support
execution of Bush's policy of a potentially nuclear
"preemptive" war, as if that Council could endorse a
war of aggression. The Security Council lacks the
legal authority to grant such permission. The Security
Council, by affirmative vote or by acquiescence to
U.S. policy, cannot abrogate its own mandate. No
collective action by the fifteen permanent and
temporary members of the Security Council can lawfully
violate the Charter which is the sole source of their
collective authority.

This is made clear in the U.N. Charter itself, which
provides in Article 24, that "In discharging these
duties the Security Council *shall act in accordance
with the Purposes and Principles of the United

While there are, of course, procedures by which
collective use of force may be authorized by the
Security Council to maintain or restore international
peace and security (Articles 41 and 42) those
procedures may not be used to endorse aggression in
violation of the primary purposes of the U.N. Charter.
Article 51 of the U.N. Charter acknowledges the right
to self-defense “if an armed attack occurs against a
Member of the United Nations until the Security
Council has taken measures necessary to maintain
international peace and security."  None of the
provisions allow for authorization for Bush's war
plans and first strike strategies. Any resolution
authorizing a preemptive war of aggression is *ultra
vires*, or null and void as beyond the authority of
the Council to enact.

The very issuance of the Bush doctrine of preemptive
warfare and also the threat to wage war against Iraq
are, each, a violation of international law as a crime
against peace, which is defined in the Nuremberg
Charter as the "Planning, preparation, initiation or
waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of
international treaties, agreements or assurances."


Neither Congress nor the President has the right to
engage the U.S. in a war of aggression and any vote of
endorsement, far from legalizing or legitimizing
global war plans, serves only as ratification of war
crimes. Under the principles of universal
accountability established at Nuremberg, "The fact
that a person who committed an act which constitutes a
crime under international law acted as Head of State
or responsible Government official does not relieve
him from responsibility under international law." (See
source VI)

The execution of economic sanctions by the Bush I,
Bush II and Clinton Administrations, which has caused
the deaths of over one million people, primarily
children and their grandparents, is likewise
sanctionable as a crime against humanity under the
Nuremberg Charter and under the International Criminal
Court Statute as  "the intentional infliction of
conditions of life, . . . the deprivation of access of
food to medicine, calculated to bring about the
destruction of a part of a population. (See source

The Bush Administration has rejected the International
Criminal Court treaty signed by over 130 countries.
This rejection is an admission of the administration's
consciousness of guilt and of criminal intentions. The
Bush administration acts with a conscious disregard of
humanitarian laws and a stated intention to avoid
accountability for their crimes under international
law prohibiting crimes against the peace, war crimes
and crimes against humanity. The National Security
Strategy promulgated by the Bush administration states
that the United States "will take the actions
necessary to ensure that our efforts to meet our
global security commitments and protect Americans are
not impaired by the potential for investigations,
inquiry or prosecution by the International Criminal
Court (ICC), whose jurisdiction does not extend to
Americans and which we do not accept." (See source


Once this policy of preemptive wars of aggression is
invoked by the Bush Administration to justify
unprovoked attacks against the centers of population
in Iraq, the doctrine will be used by the hawks in the
administration time and time again, and will also be
adopted by nations and individuals internationally as
a justification for the preemptive use of catastrophic
violence against centers of population worldwide. The
legitimization of preemptive wars of aggression will
be used to justify attacks against U.S. centers of
population, and will bring greater violent retribution
upon the cities and people of the United States for
actions that the government is taking in their names,
without their informed consent.

The risk of suffering harm because of this doctrine
is, of course, not distributed equally among all
residents of the United States. Those who will lose
their lives fighting in wars of aggression will be the
young, disproportionately persons of color, and those
who must enlist in the U.S. military because of bleak
economic opportunity. Those who derive their wealth
and security from the transactions of war, from
increased oil profits caused by global instability or
conquest of oil rich regions, and from the constant
re-building and re-arming necessary to conduct endless
wars against countless peoples premised on
imperceptible threats -- they will have the means to
acquire seclusion, protection and greater safety.

Preemptive war will not stop with Iraq. Constant
military interventions worldwide are necessary to
enforce Bush’s stated policy of global economic,
political and military domination. Just four days
after the September 11th attacks, the CIA presented
its "Worldwide Attack Matrix" identifying scores of
countries that the CIA wanted permission to attack.
Bush approved the CIA wish list, and authorized
immediate covert and lethal CIA operations in over
sixty nations.  (See source IX)


As the U.S. moves at breakneck pace in execution of
its stated policy of global domination and overt
military interventions, the need for the people to
take action is urgent.

Congress will not stop this policy of aggressive
warfare and global domination. Many in Congress are
well served with the tithing of the war profiteers and
their corporate sponsors who see U.S. military
domination as a way to enforce their interests, to
exploit human labor at starvation wages overseas and
to drive down wages domestically, to mine vast sources
of environmental resources globally, and to impose and
expand the reach of their "free" markets.

The U.S. Constitutional framework provides that,
regardless of who temporarily holds office, all power
remains in the hands of the people. It is time now for
the people to take the reins of power back from those
who have stated their intention to act in violation of
all laws that humankind has struggled to create to end
global conflagration and prohibit wars of aggression.

When law will not restrain the government, the people
must. We must take to the streets in mass numbers in
organized and spontaneous acts of resistance. The
message must be clearly conveyed that if the Bush
administration refuses to be accountable to U.S.
domestic law, to the U.N. Charter, to international
law, to all known standards of just conduct, then the
people of conscience within the United States will
rise up to demand accountability. And the message must
be sent that the people of the U.S. will not allow the
Bush administration to spend the blood of the people
of the United States and the people of Iraq who are
not our enemies, in a needless war for oil.


The authors, Carl Messineo and Mara
Verheyden-Hilliard, constitutional law and human
rights lawyers, are the co-founders of the Partnership
for Civil Justice Legal Defense and Education Fund, a
public interest legal organization in Washington,
D.C., and authors of the forthcoming book "Empire at
Home: George W. Bush and John Ashcroft v. the Bill of

Partnership for Civil Justice LDEF
1901 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Suite 607
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 530-5630

For a formatted, printable version of this article, go
to http://www.civil-rights.net/webdocs/illegal_war.pdf
(acrobat reader required)

& joint action in San Francisco to Stop the War
Against Iraq Before It Starts, and to learn more about
anti-war resources, visit
http://www.InternationalANSWER.org and see below for
more information.


for "George Bush Plans High Crimes and Misdemeanors"

I) National Security Strategy of the United States,
September 2002, page 29.

II) National Security Strategy of the United States,
September 2002, page 30.

III) National Security Strategy of the United States,
September 2002, page 18.

IV) Karen DeYoung and Mike Allen, The Washington Post,
"Bush Shifts Strategy from Deterrence to Dominance,"
September 21, 2001, A1.

V) Walter Pincus, The Washington Post, "U.S. Nuclear
Arms Stance Modified by Policy Study," March 23, 2002,
A14; Thomas E. Ricks and Vernon Loeb, The Washington
Post, "Bush Developing Military Policy of Striking
First," June 10, 2002, A1.

VI) Principle III, Principles of International Law
Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal
and in the Judgment of the Tribunal (Adopted by the
International Law Commission of the United States,

VII) International Criminal Court Statute, Article 7,
paragraph 2.

VIII) National Security Strategy of the United States,
September 2002, page 31.

IX) Bob Woodward and Dan Balz, The Washington Post,
"At Camp David, Advice and Dissent," January 31, 2002,
A1; Bob Woodward, The Washington Post, "President
Broadens Anti-Hussein Order," June 16, 2002, A1.


Momentum is building for the October 26 National March
in Washington DC & joint action in San Francisco.

For the growing list of ENDORSERS, go to

BUSES, VANS and CAR CARAVANS are coming to DC from a
growing list of cities:
(updated frequently)

HELP GET THE WORD OUT! Download flyer at:

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 202-332-5757 or

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