-Caveat Lector-

Yugoslavia: A New War for Loot

Unlimited News Service

Yugoslavia: a New War for Loot

by Michel Colon

Humanitarian war? No. The NATO bombardments have worsened the situation of
all the inhabitants of Kosovo-as foreseen, and desired. For
NATO needs victims to justify its aggression against a sovereign state, and
in complete violation of international law.

What are the real objectives of Washington, Berlin, and their consorts? 1.
Control oil transport routes. 2. Recolonize and exploit East Europe. 3.
Weaken Russia, thus give the West the means to pillage the whole of Asia. 4.
In order to realize the foregoing, impose NATO as the gendarme
of the world, starting with assurances of military bases in this strategic
region. All of these objectives are tied together. The most important, at
this point, is the preparation for an attack on Russia.

Most important: on each of these objectives, Washington and Berlin are at
the same time in unity and in rivalry. Each tries to use the other so it
can grab the cake.

In short, a new war for loot. A war for the profits of the multinationals, a
war to break the resistance of the peoples.

Objective No. 1: Always, the Battle for Oil

"The oilfields of Kazakhstan, the gas fields of Turkmenistan, and the
enormous offshore reserves of black gold of Azerbaijan, make up a zone
that can gain, over the next fifty years, an importance equal to that of the
Persian Gulf today," writes a big German daily.1

Likewise in 1992 the US Senator Dole said, "The Gulf War was a symbol of the
American preoccupation for the security of oil and gas reserves.
The frontiers of that preoccupation are advancing to the north and include
the Caucasus, Siberia, and Kazakhstan."2. The threat is clear.

Add to this the most important gold mine in the world (in Uzbekistan), the
largest deposit of silver (in Tajikistan), note the rumors of uranium,
and you understand why Le Monde Diplomatique wrote in 1995: "To capture the
contracts, no holds are barred."3

No holds, including war-particularly around the pipelines that transport oil
(and soon, gas, of which the importance will grow). Ferocious wars
explode around the routes, real or projected, of pipelines: Chechnia,
Nagorny-Karabakh, Georgia, Kurdistan.

Yes, all means are good to block the people of the region (including Russia)
from control of their own riches. Why does Washington support
the Taliban criminals in Afghanistan? To control the southern access to the
oil of Central Asia.4

But the battle to control this wealth rages already between the Western
"allies" themselves: "Baku is an oil center of great importance in the
eyes of Germany. On the level of raw materials, we must be on the attack."
Signed: F.W. Christians, Chairman of the Deutsche Bank.5 For this
was always the Achilles heel of German imperialism: its lack of raw
materials. Hence its constant and very strong tendency to expansionism.

But the United States doesn't want to hear that. It wants to keep worldwide
control of oil. Not for fear of need--it has enough on its own soil-but
because, in the event of a new world conflict between great powers, it is
essential to be able to deny energy to the adversary. Who wants to
rule the world, must control the oil.

What is the role of the Balkans in all of this? The oil transport routes
must pass by there. From the Caucasus it goes to the Black Sea. Then
there are two possibilities. First, the Danube. This very long river (2800
km, about 1700 mi.), of great flow, allows the connection of the Black
Sea to Northwest Europe. Oil reaches Hamburg and Amsterdam by passage
through the Rhine and the Main. Belgrade alone occupies a
strategic position on the Danube. This shows why Germany wants to absolutely
break Yugoslavia.6

A second path is possible: a new pipeline project would cross Bulgaria,
Macedonia, Albany, and . . . Kosovo. This enormous project of several
billion dollars is supported by the United States. One condition is
necessary to realize it: to subdue the local populations. This shows why
Washington wants absolutely to impose its military bases in the Balkans.

Certainly, to justify the installation of military bases, there is a "need"
for a local conflict. We see why several Western powers armed the
Croatian nationalists of Tudjman in '91, Muslims in Bosnia in 1993, and
Kosovars of the KLA in '98. Those who call themselves firemen need

Objective No. 2: Recolonize East Europe

In 1989 the West promised East Europe prosperity. Six years later Unicef
found: "75 million newly poor in the East. The hardest hit: Bulgaria
(half the population is poor), Roumania, Moldova, Lithuania, Azerbaijan,
Lettony, Estonia. In these countries are found between 27% and 35%
of poor people in 1994, as against 1.55 in 1989."7

Chance? Bad luck? Transition a little too late? Not at all. The West had no
intention at all of keeping its promises, as Noam Chomsky explains:
"I think the prospects are pretty dim for Eastern Europe. The West has a
plan for it -- they want to turn large parts of it into a new, easily
exploitable part of the Third World. There used to be a sort of colonial
relationship between Western and Eastern Europe; in fact, the

Russians' blocking of that relationship was one of the reasons for the Cold
War. Now it's being reestablished and there's a serious conflict over
who's going to win the race for robbery and exploitation. Is it going to be
German-led Western Europe (currently in the lead) or Japan (waiting
in the wings to see

how good the profits look) or the United States (trying to get into the
act)? There are a lot of resources to be taken, and lots of cheap labor for
assembly plants. But first we have to

impose the capitalist model on them."8

What isn't evident is that the West particularly fears the resistance of the
workers of the East, who have known the advantages of socialism,
who have gained traditions of organization and resistance with the
Communists. This is why, since 1991, NATO has threatened that, "We will
continue to give our support by all means at our disposal to the reform
enterprises of the East and to the efforts aiming at creation of market
economies."9 This "with all the means at our disposal"! A clear threat on
the part of a military organization.

Here again the Western powers agree on the imposition of capitalist law and
the extreme pillage of the ex-socialist countries. But each intends
to draw the chestnuts out of the fire to its own advantage.

Objective No. 3: Weaken Russia to Plunder Asia

Why does the West want to dominate and subdue Russia? First, because it is a
tempting prize: its potential in raw materials adds up to $140

Next, and above all, to prevent Moscow from competing in the region.
Paul-Marie de la Gorce, the expert of Le Monde Diplomatique, explains:
"The American policy toward Russia is conceived and applied to prevent it
from reconstructing around itself a power able to again play a
decisive role on the international scene."10

The West is fully on guard against any return to socialism. Derycke, the
Belgian Foreign Minister declared in 1996, "The West supports Yeltsin
because it is the policy of the last resort. A return to communism would be
a problem."11

But the West also guards against even a bourgeois Russia that would presume
to a policy of national independence. In reality, the war
unleashed against Yugoslavia in 1991 is also a war against Russia to deprive
it of an ally and access to the Mediterranean.

The problem is that if the West humiliates Yeltsin too openly, it will play
into the hands of the Communists and nationalists. The result is un
delicat exercice d'equilibrisme.

In the short term, they support their friend Yeltsin. In the middle run,
they prepare a war against Russia. The former US Secretary of Defense
Caspar Weinberger wrote a book to show that the United States must prepare
itself to wage several wars. His basic argument is, "If Moscow
manages to dominate the Caspian Sea (and its oil), that victory would be,
for the West, more important than the expansion of the West."12

The capitalist catastrophe in Russia is obvious. Logically. Why would the
West create a powerful economic rival for itself? On the contrary,
wages must be low in order for the profits of the multinationals to be high.
Hence the risk of revolt. Hence the threat of NATO.

Thus Russia is actually the principal "enemy". Washington, Berlin, London,
Paris, and Brussels are agreed on that. But even in this situation,
the snags between "allies" do not disappear. Au contraire.

In 1996, the American Wall Street Journal complained, "Mr. Kohl is no longer
satisfied to allow the United States to set the tone of German
relations with Russia. It has become completely clear that Germany's allies
no longer control its relations with Russia."13 The celebrated US
strategist Kissinger raises the alarm: "If we fail to expand NATO to the

east, it could lead. . . to the danger of secret agreements between Germany
and Russia."14

Actually, the United States and Germany try to manipulate each other.
Washington wants an obedient Europe that will help it control Russia. If
Europe becomes too strong, Washington fears that it will control Russia or
ally with it. Berlin and certain of its allies want to profit from
American military power to boss Russia. But Germany hopes to more and more
play the sole horseman in the region.

Behind this game of liar's poker is revealed the main stakes of a great
competition between capitalist powers: who will control what the US
strategist Brzezinski calls "Eurasia"? 75% of the world's population, 60% of
its economic production. Whomever controls it dominates the
world. We will return to this in a following article.

Objective No. 4: NATO, Gendarme of the World

To realize the above objectives, the West needs an army. And military bases
(and a docile public opinion, hence manipulated). There has been
a problem here since 1990. Theoretically, NATO should go on unemployment
since it was supposedly founded to face the Soviet menace, gone
at the present.

Ah well, not at all! Since 1991, NATO has defined a strategy still more
aggressive: it will be the gendarme of the totality of the capitalist world.
Its charge is to make the dictates of the multinationals respected
everywhere. Its own documents announce the preparation of military
aggressions along three axes:

1. Against East Europe and Russia.

2. Against the Arab-Mediterranean world (three zones are explicitly cited:
Algeria, Egypt, and the Middle East).

3. Against the whole of the Third World, in fact, under the most diverse
pretexts ("terrorism", "arms of mass destruction", etc.) 15

The most important is to encircle Russia. Thus NATO annexed three reputedly
"sure" countries (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic), and it
launched a "partnership" with other countries looking to take control of
their armies. They gave the Russians a little carrot but carefully left it
out. This is normal: they are the target. Ukraine got American credits in
order to isolate Russia. Nuclear arms have been placed at the doors of
Moscow-for a "safer world", they tell us.

The strategic forces of NATO have been totally restructured: "We must be in
a position to move our forces from one region to another,"
declared Gen. Galvin, head of NATO in 1991.16 Thus, at the same moment that
it claimed triumph, capitalism prepared aggressions against more
and more "enemies".

Behind the reform of NATO also hide the rivalries between the United States,
Germany, and France. In 1995, Ruhe, the German War Minister,
warned: "The NATO treaty must be replaced by a new treaty between the
European Union and the United States. Europe must be able to
intervene strategically as a world power at the side of the United

The British review Searchlight analyses this subtle chess game: "The French
government hopes to contain Germany in the short term via the
Eurocorps and the army of the West European Union. The United States and
Great Britain have another idea: maintain Germany in a
subordinate position through a persistent NATO presence in Europe and a
larger engagement of Bonn in the affairs of NATO. At this time,
Bonn plays intelligently on the two opposites and pretends to be in favor of

Effectively, Germany plays on two levels: one foot in NATO, one foot
outside. It systematically reinforces its army (see chapter 5 of my book,
Poker menteur. [Liar's Poker-tr.] The aim: to systematically get a foot in
the international military scene. Its Army Minister declares: "War has
become again a political means. In the future we must be capable of
resolving conflicts likewise by military means."19

Controversy raged in 1995. Germany and France wanted to share the military
command of NATO but the United States intended to keep its
monopoly. Kinkel, the German Foreign Minister, proclaimed: "In the long term
it is neither in the European interest, nor in the American interest
to call on the aid of our American friends each time that something goes
wrong somewhere."20 Translation of this polite but hypocritical
language: "Our American rivals must not meddle in Europe."

The American "friends" got the message. A US diplomat replied, "I cannot
imagine a situation in which the Americans would not feel involved.
If a real threat arises anywhere in the world, we will be there."21
Translation of this, as well, so-polite and so-hypocritical language: "Our
German rivals must not complain about U.S. world leadership. That includes

Why do the Americans want to tighten the grip of NATO on Europe? To obstruct
the creation of a European army that would be their rival. In
1991 Wolfowitz, a Pentagon expert, wrote: "Our status as the only superpower
must be perpetuated by a military force sufficient to dissuade
any nation or group of nations from defying the supremacy of the United

And to be perfectly clear, Wolfowitz stipulates what he means: "discourage
[the advance industrial nations] from challenging our leadership . . .
and thwart the emergence of an exclusively European security force."23 This
is very clear: "allies" are at the same time "enemies".

Behind the war against Yugoslavia hides an undeclared war against Russia.
And also the possibility on day of a world conflict between the
capitalist great powers themselves.

1 Die Zeit, March 96. • 2 Frankfurter Allgemeine, 15 June 92. • 3 ) Le Monde
Diplomatique, November 95, p. 22. • 4 Michel Collon, Poker menteur,
1998, EPO, p. 133. • 5 idem p. 132. • 6 idem, p. 137. • 7 Unicef, "Poverty,
Children and Policy, Central and Eastern Europe in transition," report n°3
- 1995. • 8 Noam Chomsky, "What Uncle Sam Wants" • 9 Revue de l'Otan, June
91, p. 28-29. • 10 Le Monde Diplomatique, March 94. • 11 Le Soir,
14 December 91. • 12 AK,

(Allemagne), 23 September 92. • 13 Wall Street Journal, 23 February 96. • 14
Welt am Sonntag, 12 January 97. • 15 Poker menteur, chapter 8. • 16
Revue de l'Otan, August 92, p. 23. • 17 Solidaire, 13 December 95. ( • 18
Searchlight, "Reunited Germany", 1994, p. 31. • 19 Der Spiegel, n° 5 -
1995. • 20 International Herald Tribune, 4 June 96. • 21 Idem. • 22 Poker
menteur, p. 116. • 23 Idem.

Posted May 1, 1999

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