-Caveat Lector-

>From AntiWar.Com

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
March 21, 2001
America's ex-warlord wants round 2 in Balkans
  in its scope, monumental in its sheer brazenness, the hypocrisy of Wesley K.
  Clark – former supreme commander of American occupation forces in Europe
  during the Kosovo war – is an awesome sight to behold. This perfumed prince
  of the military elite, having retired along with Bill Clinton, his patron and
  promoter, is now limited to bombarding his intended victims with words, instead
  of missiles: in the long run, however, the effect is no less deadly. His latest
  screed, "Don't
  Delay in Macedonia" [Washington Post, 20 March 2001], is a veritable
  blueprint for war. This is hardly surprising behavior for this devout priest
  of Ares,
  but what astonishes is the sheer gall of the man. As one of the chief architects
  of our military and diplomatic strategy in the Balkans, is commander Clark now
  proffering his advice to "solve" a problem he personally did much to create?
  Incredibly, the answer is yes.

Clark is shocked
  – shocked! – that the Kosovo "Liberation" Army he unleashed
  on the Balkans is now taking full advantage of the arms, training, and logistical
  support provided by NATO. As Macedonia explodes, the General recommends "a prompt
  Western response in order to maintain the integrity of a multi-ethnic Macedonia."
  Having created the problem to begin with, "NATO is the only institution that
  can act effectively to move the situation from confrontation to dialogue." But
  why must the government of Macedonia engage in a "dialogue" with the leaders of an
open insurrection who have
  pledged to fight to the death? In setting the stage for the policy proposals
  at the end of his piece, Clark describes the circumstances that led to US 
  in Kosovo:
"Two years
  ago today, talks to prevent a war in Kosovo collapsed. The government of Slobodan
  Milosevic then used massed troops to begin a rampage of ethnic cleansing and
  murder. NATO initiated its bombing campaign on the principle that security in
  Europe rests on peace and the rule of law across the Balkans."
In reading the
  above, what is striking is that here is a writer whose every word is
  a lie, including "the," "to," and "a." What about the Albanian rampage of ethnic
  cleansing and murder that has taken place in "liberated" Kosovo under the 
  eye of KFOR? The General has long been a fan of that "army" of drug-dealing
  cutthroats and pimps presided over by Hacim Thaci and his handlers, stubbornly
  averring in the face of the facts that there was "no evidence" that the KLA
  was bent on ethnically cleansing postwar Kosovo of all Serbs. Now that the KLA's 
goal has been accomplished – with his invaluable assistance – this
  is not supposed to enter the discussion. Clark's lies are not only crude, but
  worst of all are uttered in the peculiarly inverted language of the War Party,
  where a demand that Yugoslavia surrender its sovereignty is described as "talks
  to prevent a war." As revealed after the war, the Rambouillet "talks" were merely
  the occasion for the NATO-crats to present
  the Yugoslavs with an ultimatum: surrender or be crushed. The Serbs stood
  up on their hind legs and fought Clark to a standstill – but now the General
  wants to go a second round – this time taking on the Macedonians.
That's what Clark's
  clarion call is all about. Under his plan, while NATO is supposed to pledge
  to interdict arms shipments feeding the Albanian invasion, the General sternly
  reminds the Macedonians that they won't be getting off scott free, either. In
  return for not having their country immediately destroyed by Western-trained
  and subsidized "rebels," who have poured over Kosovo's border with Macedonia
  with impunity, his Perfumed Princeliness wants "to make it clear to the government
  of Macedonia that it too is under close scrutiny." If the Macedonians make any
  attempt to defend their sovereignty against the relentless assault of a human
  wave of Albanians, they must be pointedly reminded that "the use of force alone
  will only worsen the underlying problem, not resolve it." In other words: if
  you make the same mistake the Serbs made, and fight back, we'll unleash our trained 
dogs – and they'll tear you to pieces.
What is needed,
  says Clark, is a "longer term solution for the Macedonians," that doesn't just
  consist of saying "the right things about the Albanian minority," but of caving
  in to their central demand: "Discussion of the constitutional status of Macedonian
  Albanians and other minorities should begin without delay in Macedonia's parliament,"
  orders the General. Not only that, but the Macedonian census – long a point
  of contention for the Albanian political parties, who claim to be underrepresented
  – must be "monitored" by the "international community" so as to "make sure
  that it is seen to be fair and includes all who see Macedonia as their home."
  Ah yes, there's no place like home – but what if someone's already living
  there? The tens of thousands of refugees who left Kosovo while NATO leveled
  it, instead of going back to Albania, proceeded onward to Macedonia – which
  they soon came to "see" as their home. Since "home" is wherever the partisans
  of Greater Albania say it is, one can only expect that, after gobbling up a
  large portion of Macedonia, they'll proceed on to northern Greece, which they
  also claim.
Clark's shameless
  apologias for the thuggish KLA leaders and their murderous minions have always
  been nauseating, but never more so than now, as practically every last Serb
  has been driven out of Kosovo by howling mobs of Kosovars. Serb churches blown
  to smithereens, along with busloads of Serbs, a great deal of it under General
  Clark's watch: and yet he
  refused to hold the KLA responsible. In an
  interview with Margaret Warner of the PBS News Hour, General Clark
  was asked if NATO's announced goal of promoting multi-ethnicity was undermined
  by the mass exodus of Serbs from postwar Kosovo. His answer was the apotheosis
  of pure mendacity, and is worth reproducing in full here if only so we can marvel
  at its perverse perfection:
"Well, I think
  we have to temper the ideal with reality, and we don't know how widespread Serb
  popular participation in the atrocities really were. And so maybe a lot of these
  people helped themselves to their neighbors' property, participated in some
  mass banditry and worse mischief while the ethnic cleansing was going on. We
  just don't know. And so some of the people that are leaving may well consider
  themselves as real targets for international justice, as well as for Albanian
  revenge. So it's a little hard to generalize. But as I said, the ideal is we'd
  like to promote a multiethnic society. And by the way, the KLA leadership has called 
for the same thing."
What he really
  meant to say, and did say in so many words, is that the Serbs deserved it: it was 
justifiable "revenge" when old men and women, children as young as
  5, were set upon by KLA-led mobs, and literally torn limb from limb. Just as
  it was "tempering the ideal" with "reality" for NATO to preside over
  a far more efficient and successful ethnic cleansing than was ever attempted
  by Slobodan Milosevic. In Clark's view, the KLA merely spared The Hague some
  trouble by murdering, wounding, and otherwise dispossessing thousands of Serbs
  in Kosovo, since they, after all, "may well consider themselves as real targets
  for international justice." That such a man doesn't choke on uttering the word
  "justice" – just as a demon cannot speak the Holy Name of God without disappearing
  in a puff of greasy smoke – hardly disproves Clark's demonic provenance.
  For a fiend of the General's high rank, nothing less than a full exorcism will
The really breathtaking
  aspect of this monster's agenda is not, however, his ongoing commitment to the
  myth of Kosovar Albanian victimology, and his shameless shilling for the KLA
  – they were, after all, his troops, trained, armed, and equipped
  by his bosses in Washington and the capitals of Europe to destabilize and defeat
  the Yugoslavs. No, the really spectacular evil embodied by Clark comes out in
  his proposal that, as a reward for starting a war at such an opportune moment,
  the officially "disbanded" KLA must be granted its chief demand: Kosovo must
  become an independent state. Of course, he doesn't come right out and say this,
  in plain English, but the implication is clear. After ritually denouncing Albanian
  "extremists" – who, nonetheless, must be sympathized with because their
  alleged plight as an oppressed minority is "real" – Clark argues that the
  only way to appease them is to grant them their fondest wish: a State to call
  their own. Besides, "blaming the Kosovars is not a policy; others, including
  the United States and our NATO allies, have responsibilities which we must meet."
Yes, we have a
  responsibility all right: to George Soros, who has poured millions into the
  region and usually gets his money's worth. To the US-based consortium of American,
  British, and ostensibly Macedonian companies planning a Trans-Balkan Pipeline,
  that would ship Caspian oil to Western Europe. To the Albanian drug-dealers who 
funneled their profits into the pockets of coooperative politicians, not
  only Democrats but also filling Republican coffers to overflowing: Bob Dole
  was peddling the KLA line on Kosovo long before he sold a single bottle of Viagra.
  To say nothing of our responsibility to the Turks, the historic patrons and
  protectors of Balkan Muslims, who have defied the rest of the Muslim world and
  made a military pact with Israel.
In all Clark's
  talk of "shared solutions" and how "real" is the plight of the Albanians, the
  reader of his piece is apt to lose sight of a vitally important fact: the Kosovar
  Albanians have invaded Macedonian territory. Their goal is conquest.
  The Macedonians, understandably enough, prefer not to be conquered, and are
  defending themselves. Clark wants to mediate these two positions, and
  come to some kind of "shared solution" – but what kind of a "shared solution"
  can there be with brazen aggressors? Are the Macedonians supposed to allow only
  half of their nation to be overrun by the Kosovar hordes?
This raises another
  question: why didn't such a "shared solution" win the day at Rambouillet, when
  the Serbs offered not only autonomy for Kosovo but the presence of an "international
  force," presumably the UN, in their troubled province? The answer is that "shared
  solutions" must be imposed only in cases where Albanians are the clear beneficiaries.
In the upside-down
  lingo of Clark and his ilk, for Kosovo to achieve "democratic self-rule" would
  mean the creation of a KLA dictatorship, and one, moreover, motivated and empowered
  by an expansionist ideology. For the doctrine of a "Greater Albania" –
  one that extends deep within Serbia, all the way down to the ancient Greek kingdom
  of Epirus in the south, and encompasses a good chunk of Macedonia to the East
  – is what keeps the Albanian guerrillas fighting. Although I'm sure all
  that covert aid coming from the West, primarily the US, is also a big help.
  Which brings us to another bizarre aspect of General Clark's proposal. . . .
  idea that the US can act as a "mediator" between the Albanian invaders and the
  aggressed-against Macedonians has got to be some kind of joke. For it was and
  is the US that created the KLA, and turned it from a small inner core of committed
  ideologues with few fighters, into a force of tens of thousands of well-armed,
  experienced warriors, who are, furthermore, willing to die for their cause:
  these are our guys, our cat's-paw, as they used to say. So all this talk
  of how US troops are in danger from organized assaults by the "National Liberation
  Army" really obscures the reality that they serve under the same commanders,
  whose headquarters is in Washington. If NATO had wanted to shut down the Albanian
  rebel enclave in Macedonia, they would have done so months ago – or, perhaps,
  never nurtured it in the first place.
Clark bibbles
  on about how Kosovo has got to have "democratic elections," forgetting that
  municipal elections have already been held, with the pacifist followers
  of Ibrahim Rugova beating
  the pants off of the various parties claiming to represent the KLA. The
  only problem was that, after the election results were announced, a whole lot of the 
"winners" never did take office. Either they were found dead – just
  like one of Rugova's top aides – or else they fled for their lives.
  Such are the built-in disadvantages of principled pacifism.
An "independent"
  Kosovo is a meaningless concept, all form and no content. For in reality, the
  "independent" state of Kosovo would effortlessly and spontaneously merge with
  Albania proper, and act as a magnet and supporter of Albanian irredentism in
  the region – consolidating and empowering an aggressive force, letting
  them loose like a horde of killer bees on the Christian nations of the Balkans.
  Oh dear – I can hear the liberals weeping, their plaintive cries coming
  at me over the Internet – that's religious "bigotry," if not outright "racism"!
  Oh, pipe down, it's neither: it is merely a fact. Just as we created Afghanistan's
  Taliban as the instrument of cold war foreign policy, so we are unleashing a
  similar force in the Balkans.
It is interesting
  – as I mentioned in
  my last column on this subject – that a big bone of contention between
  the Macedonians and the Albanian minority is the question of which flag will
  fly over public buildings. In Tetovo, the Albanian mayor and his city council
  insisted on not only putting up the double-headed eagle of Albania, but also flew 
the Turkish flag – much to the embarrassment of the Turkish ambassador,
  who demanded that they take it down. But if the official representative of the
  Turkish government will not fight for the restoration of the old Ottoman hegemony
  in the Balkans, then there are those who will. The Turkish flag continued to
  fly over Tetovo until the Macedonian police came in and hauled it down. The
  subsequent riot – in tandem with the controversy over "Tetovo University"
  – was the fulcrum of the Albanian insurgency in Macedonia, and this flag
  episode underscores the plan, the ultimate purpose and goal of the Kosovo-based
  "National Liberation Army" and its future spawn: the recreation of the old Ottoman
  imperial power centered in Istanbul. But, hey, wait a minute: what possible
  interest could the US and Western Europe have in the reenactment of a particularly
  bloody and tyrannical chapter in Balkan history?

As usual, the
  motive is economic. With a Turkic south Balkans looking to Ankara for leadership,
  the transport of Caspian oil to feed the energy-hungry consumers of Western
  Europe is greatly facilitated. As the lights go out in California, and the price
  of oil skyrockets, the urgency of Clark's appeal for the US and NATO to intervene
  in "defense" of Macedonia is all too understandable. The Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline,
  once touted
  by the Clinton regime, is anticipated
  just as eagerly by their successors: Bush, like Clinton, is playing the
  Great Game of securing control over the vast oil reserves beneath the ex-Soviet
  "republics" bordering the Caspian Sea: and the most direct and cost-efficient
  way to get that oil to European markets is through the Balkans.
By the way, I
  urge you to follow that second-to-last link to a fascinating commentary apparently
  broadcast by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [18 January 2001]. It talks about
  the likelihood that the Bush administration will follow in the footsteps of
  the Clintonistas in pushing this outrageous exercise in corporate mercantilism,
  and then goes on to describe the fears raised in Turkey about a possible abandonment
  of the Baku-Ceyhan project by Team Bush. There are, after all, other games in
  town, such as the Iranian and Russian routes, all upheld by different financial
  and political interests. In addition to the appointment of former Senator Spencer
  Abraham as secretary of energy, the Turkish Daily News referred to other
  "negative signals" coming from the newly-installed US administration on the
  future of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline:
"The analysis
  also pointed to recent studies by two independent research groups in Washington,
  urging a change in U.S. policy on Baku-Ceyhan. The reports by the CATO Institute
  and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace criticized the economic 
  for the pipeline, urging consideration of Russian and Iranian alternatives."
I can understand
  the Carnegie Endowment rooting for one side or the other in this dispute, but
  what's up with the Cato Institute? These guys are supposed to be libertarians,
  fer Chrissakes – but isn't this just the kind of "industrial policy" that
  ostensibly free-market ideologues would naturally oppose? The US government
  has poured billions in loans, loan guarantees, and other subsidies into a project
  to tap into Caspian oil on behalf of US corporations. Clinton started the process
  by going so far as to set up a special government agency under the direction
  of Richard Morningstar, who, in July 1998, was appointed to the newly created
  position of Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State for Caspian
  Basin Energy Diplomacy. As noted
  by Jofi Joseph of the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International
  subsequently assumed chairmanship of the interagency coordination group, breathing
  new energy into it. Owing to this issue's intersection of energy, commerce,
  and national security issues, a range of US Cabinet departments [were] represented
  in the group, including State, Energy, Commerce, AID, CIA, the Office of the
  Vice-President and others. This interagency group, formally titled the 'Interagency 
Coordination Group on Caspian Basin Energy Development and Transportation,'
  [met] approximately every three weeks and primarily conduct[ed] short-term strategic
  planning . . . Other high-level officials who have worked actively on the Caspian
  pipelines issue include Jan Kalicki, a Commerce Department official, Stephen
  Sestanovich, US Ambassador to the Newly Independent States (NIS), and Energy
  Secretary Federico Pena."
No bureaucracy,
  once established, consents to its own abolition: and in a political culture
  where constituencies are defined by the subsidies they receive from the all-powerful
  State – that is, in the political culture of Washington – they are
  granted near-immortality. Will the Caspian initiative, the biggest corporate
  welfare boondoggle in American history – and that's saying a lot – survive the 
ostensibly "conservative" Bush administration? You betcha.
  For these are conservatives of the "compassionate" variety – a charitable
  impulse that seems almost exclusively directed at the biggest, the richest,
  the most powerful multinational corporations. The Caspian initiative will never
  die, although it may take on a new name: nor will it fade away. It is one of
  the linchpins of the US "forward stance" in Eurasia, and US foreign policy tends
  to have a momentum all its own. Speaking of how the more things change, the
  more they remain the same. . . .
I note, with dismay,
  that Lord Robertson, the secretary general of NATO, is already calling for the
  dispatch of more
  troops to Kosovo, and I'm afraid that the much-touted "reductions" in our
  Bosnia contingent will be more than compensated for with upcoming deployments
  in Macedonia. After all, this is the same Lord Robertson, you'll remember, whose
  objections to George W. Bush's campaign rhetoric about pulling the US out of
  the Balkans were mollified by reassurances from both wings of the US foreign
  policy team (Powell and Rumsfeld) that no such plan was in the works. As the
  crisis culminates, and US intervention is almost a certainty, more will take
  up the cry to save the poor Albanians from Macedonian "oppression." Isn't it
  funny how that works?
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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