-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Roslyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <People:>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 11:20 AM


by Barry Chamish

"Okay, I believe you but what can I do?"

"Even if you're right, there's nothing we can do to change things."

"Fine, you identified the problem, what's the solution?"

Yes, there are ways. With lots of flair and imagination, we CAN change

1. A Law To Revoke - In November, 1993, the Rabin government passed a law
retroactively legalizing meetings between Israelis and members of the PLO.
Until then, such meetings were illegal treason. The law saved the likes of
Shimon Peres, Yossi Beilin, Ron Pundak, Yair Hirschfeld and Uri Savir from
prison for illegally meeting the PLO.

Let's revoke it. From a jurisdictive point of view, we have all the high
cards. Numerous legalists have explained that there is no precedent for a
retroactive law protecting criminals from high crime. One can no more
retroactively legalize treason than murder or rape.

Many, many people have tried to have the Oslo Accord repealed because the
PLO have broken its clauses thousands of times. But getting rid of an
internationally sanctioned treaty is not simple. Rescinding the retroactive
meeting law is, legalistically speaking, a snap. It is an unbelievably
non-binding piece of legislation. A few good arguments to the Supreme Court
could do the trick.

And imagine the fine results after: No one, not Sharon, not Peres could
meet any PLO leader until a new law was passed. And we'll fight that one as
well. And best of all, the Oslo criminals could finally be prosecuted.

So where are a gutsy attorney or two?

2. Get the CIA - Now that the Israeli Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer
has acknowledged that the CIA trained the PLO death squads, with agreement
from Shimon Peres; and now that a wide range of "experts" have acknowledged
that the CIA trained numerous PLO "policemen" in the fine arts of advanced
snipery and sundry deadly operations, let's get the CIA and hard.

Why says the American taxpayer would have agreed to foot the bill for the
PLO's training in sophisticated murder techniques? Who says the CIA had any
legal right to train these squads, which have murdered over 100 Jews and
maimed five times that number, even with the permission of Peres?

Investigate George Tenet's direct role in the mass murder of Israeli
citizens. Prosecute him if he overstepped ANY law.

And while you're at it, you may as well expose the further training of the
PLO at Lackland Airforce Base in Texas. My sources assure me, the
"policemen" are there right now taking courses in the slaughter of

American lawyers, where are you?

3. No Place To Hide Anymore For Yoram Rubin - Yes, the State Prosecutor
found a trick to drop one of the two charges against Avishai Raviv. Yes,
the ploy is to delay his trial until the statute of limitations for
indictment on new charges passes. So let's open a new front. Rabin's last
bodyguard, Yoram Rubin, testifying to the Shamgar Commission, lied that
Yigal Amir shot a bullet in his arm while he was protecting the prime
minister. We have his clinical report; he got caught in his lie. Rubin
testified at Amir's trial that Rabin jumped head-first into his car. We
have the "amateur" murder film; he lied again. Rubin was the one who
murdered Rabin but there's no point going for the home run ball. Let's get
him on deep perjury. It's like shooting a fish in a barrel.

So far, Rubin has evaded scrutiny. He DID have a most unlikely car accident
two years ago that almost killed him but that's internal Shabak diplomacy.
Now it's time to have Rubin stand trial for perjury and let's see where it
leads. I'll provide all the official records anyone could ever need to
prove the charge.

He must be made to know, he will not escape his crimes. Journalists,
researchers, truthseekers, lawyers and the interested public, here is how
to reach him. Yoram Rubin's work number is 09 8611122; fax: 8625831. His
work address is the cellar of Herzl 53, Netanya.

4. Gillon's Huge Mistake - It took a lot of e-mailing, but it worked. Carmi
Gillon's role in the Rabin murder made front page headlines in Denmark's
largest circulation newspaper this past Thursday. Simply, I exploited an
opening. Gillon's appointment as the Israeli ambassador to Denmark is
causing a huge ruckus in that country. Now, of course, Danes will be Danes
and the issue is his rough treatment of Arabs while head of the Shabak.

Now that the Danes are in the mist of Gillonmania, let's spread the word
about who Gillon REALLY is. Go to your favorite search engine and seek
lists of influential Danes in all fields; journalism, academia, government,
diplomacy, then copy and paste your version, the real version, of who the
Danes now have as their Israeli ambassador. With enough letters floating
around the country, even the princes of modern humanity in Denmark, will
get the message. If the Rabin truth can't be exposed in Israel, well then,
let's go through the back door of Denmark.

Here is what I sent out. Perhaps it will serve as a reminder for your own
messages to the Danish people:


by Barry Chamish

The coverup of the Rabin assassination reached new and even uglier heights
of deceit in yesterday's (April 14) Israeli newspaper media. Both Yediot
Ahronot and Haaretz published long interviews in their weekend magazines
with former General Security Services (Shabak) legal affairs director
Shabtai Ziv. My, what a coincidence, two papers, same obscure character.
And just a few days before Yediot Ahronot, as was emblazoned on its front
page headline, would publish two chapters of former Shabak chief Carmi
Gillon's new book on the Rabin assassination in its Passover magazine.

You can just feel the terror in Shabak headquarters as the fumbling high
officers mapped out a full media blitz to quash the widespread and accurate
perception that Gillon was one of the conspirators behind Rabin's murder.
In fact, Ziv admits that the current Shabak chief Ami Ayalon did not try to
prevent the trial of Yigal Amir's partner in provocation and crime Avishai
Raviv, because, "He was tired of hearing about the conspiracy theory."

What is so useful in these media coverups, are the facts that don't get
cleaned out of the final copy. Ziv told Haaretz, as he did Yediot Ahronot
that, "I can state that all the activities of a judicial character in
connection with Raviv were done in consultation and full transparency
vis-a-vis the state attorney and her department. A number of discussions
were held about him in which we gave the Justice Ministry all the
information we possessed about offences he committed..."

This isn't new, I made the same claims in my book Who Murdered Yitzhak
Rabin. But then, I wasn't the head of the Shabak's legal affairs
department. Ziv's remarkable admission means former Justice Minister David
Libai and former State Attorney General Dorit Beinish and her staff were
apprised of Raviv's crimes and provocations and approved their
continuation. This justifies indictments against them all as active
accessories in innumerable crimes. Yet how does one issue indictments
against the people who issue indictments?

And Ziv, as was clearly requested by his authorities, went out of his way
to compliment Carmi Gillon: "He is a humane and sympathetic gentleman," he

Well no, actually he's a bit off here. Gillon is a brutish and cruel
gorilla. He is also an inveterate liar which is why I am presenting a truer
picture of him than his own book will. Gillon will claim that the Rabin
assassination was a series of blunders and he felt so bad about it, he
offered to resign the next day. He will paint a picture of a murderous
anti-peace community that had to be infiltrated by the likes of Raviv to
protect Israel's glorious democracy. He may even claim, as he once did,
that he never even met Avishai Raviv. So before anyone has a chance to
believe this liar, permit me to paint a truer picture of the monster.

How He Became Shabak Chief

In 1990 Gillon wrote an MA thesis at Haifa University on the dangers the
Israeli Right present to the nation. More than a few people have insisted
the thesis was written for him, just as post assassination newspaper
analyses on peace clearly were. At the time, he was head of the Shabak's
Jewish Department and he was utilizing Avishai Raviv to infiltrate various
borderline groups such as Kach and the Temple Mount Faithful.

However, someone very powerful had bigger plans for him and after the
Hebron massacre of February 1994, Gillon became Shabak chief. Of course, in
a fair world that would have been impossible since, as Jewish Department
head, he had supposedly failed miserably to prevent the massacre. In fact,
he had succeeded but this is not the place to explain how Dr. Baruch
Goldstein was set up to take the blame for bloodshed planned by others.

The one sticking point was Rabin, who opposed Gillon's appointment
vehemently. So, Gillon had Avishai Raviv organize a protest against his
home in Mevasseret Tzion to place him in contention and Rabin agreed to his
appointment only if then-Shabak head Yaacov Perry supervised his tenure, an
unheard of procedure. Rabin admitted that Gillon's lack of experience
dealing with Arab terrorism made him unfit for the post but he gave in
"because of cabinet pressure." Which in the cabinet of the day, meant that
Shimon Peres supported Gillon. Today Gillon is the chairman of the Shimon
Peres Institute For Peace. All in all, while head of the Shabak, Gillon was
a Peres plant.

Now let us look at Gillon's activities and his central role in the Rabin
murder according to Israeli experts. We begin with Adir Zik writing in

"Carmi Gillon was the direct handler of Avishai Raviv for an extended
period. It was he who turned Raviv into the biggest provocateur in Israel's

"Even while Gillon's deputies directed Raviv, Gillon was in direct contact
with him. He ordered him to marry a Russian born settler as a cover for his

"Gillon ordered Raviv to undertake a long series of violent crimes against
Jews and Arabs in Hebron, Jerusalem, and at Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan

"Gillon ordered Raviv to make violent attacks on Knesset Members Tamar
Guzonsky and Shulamit Aloni on behalf of the Shabak front organization,
"Gillon's hatred of the Right led him to utilize the services of a Shabak
plant in the Israel Broadcasting Authority named Eitan Oren, to film and
televise a series of phoney reports whose goal was to humiliate the
residents of Judea and Samaria...

"Gillon ordered Raviv to print a photomontage of Rabin in a Gestapo uniform
and display it a huge anti-government rally. Rabin called Gillon to his
office and demanded an explanation. Gillon told Rabin not to worry, Raviv
was under his authority.

"Immediately after Rabin's murder, Raviv told police investigators that he
had heard Amir threaten Rabin's life four or five times. Raviv had to have
informed his superiors, including Gillon about Amir's intentions and they
had to have deliberately ignored the warnings."

"Amir shot blank bullets at Rabin and Gillon's Shabak underling, Rabin's
bodyguard Yoram Rubin, actually murdered Rabin."

Gillon's Uncanny Predictions

On August 24, 1995, barely two months before Rabin's murder, Gillon told a
group of journalists that Rabin's life was in danger from an assassin. He
described this theoretical murderer: "He doesn't have to be a settler, he
could be a dark-skinned Sephardic student, studying at Bar Ilan University
and living in Herzlia."

What powers of precognition hath the prophet Gillon! Why Amir also was a
Sephardic Bar Ilan student who lived in Herzlia! Ophir Shalakh of Maariv
was but one of many of the attending journalists who noted, "The profile
Carmi Gillon presented precisely described Yigal Amir."

And who can forget Gillon's classic reaction when informed of the murder by
phone while he was in Paris (Yediot Ahronot, 24/9/95): "It was a Jew."
However did he know?

What Was Gillon Doing In Paris On The Assassination Night?????

Gillon's Shabak underlings were widely quoted claiming to have queried
Gillon why he was flying to Paris two days before the most
security-sensitive rally in the country's history. He refused to answer but
did order his deputies not to change even one detail of his procedures for
the rally.

In previous articles I have traced the tracks of the Rabin assassination to
Paris. The goal of the murder was to place the French puppet Shimon Peres
in power. And Gillon was there pitching in. He was later rewarded for his
connivance and silence, when in 1999, Peres appointed Gillon, at a huge
salary, to chair his peace institute.

Trying The Wrong Man

Mati Golan wrote in Globes (11/12/97): "Carmi Gillon is opposing the
indictment of Avishai Raviv because it would reveal Shabak operating
procedure. Perhaps he is right, Raviv shouldn't be on trial, his superiors
should be."

However, the State Attorney General did finally indict Raviv on two minor
charges in 1999. When he announced the indictment, he added a strange
addendum: "We found no justification for indicting his superior, Carmi

While the government protected Gillon, a good portion of the Israeli people
are convinced he was a leader in the plot to murder Yitzhak Rabin.


My book THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL is available through www.amazon.com ,
www.bn.com , www.borders.com , www.booksamillion.com ,
www.hiddenmysteries.com .

The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin


Please visit: http://www.webseers.com/rabin

The German edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin is found on www.amazon/dk

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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