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Untangling the Deadly 'Mad Cow' Mystery

Barry James International Herald Tribune
Thursday, December 7, 2000

PARIS Nobody knows how it started. Nobody knows how it will end. Nobody knows how
many people eventually will die from it. Those are among the frightening mysteries
scientists are discovering about "mad cow" disease, or BSE, the bovine form of
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.
The disease can arise out of nowhere and lie dormant for years, which the official
British BSE Inquiry believes is how it started in England. Perhaps only one cow
spontaneously developed the disease at first. To become an epidemic it needed an
amplifier, which in Britain was the practice of feeding grazing animals the ground-
up remains of others of their species.
In Europe, 91 people are known to have contracted variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease,
the fatal neurodegenerative affliction that humans can develop when exposed to
infected meat. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, which leads to dementia and eventually
leaves the brain pitted with holes and resembling a sponge, was first identified
independently by two German doctors in the 1920s, but until recently it was a
condition of the elderly. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease also attacks younger
people, some of them in their teens.
The human toll might seem small when compared with diseases like malaria, which
kills millions of people every year. But the prospect of turning loose a stealthy,
deadly and largely unknown pathogen is what most concerns scientists across Europe.
The mad cow scare has touched off a panicky reaction against eating beef, but the
worrisome fact is that many people already may be infected, perhaps because proteins
known as prions that had somehow become aberrant were lurking in their baby food or
hamburger many years ago.
The danger to humanity, scientists say, is that the general level of potential
infection will rise, making it easier for the disease to emerge in future
generations. This threat is illustrated by the speed at which bovine
 spongiform encephalopathy amplified among cattle in Britain in just a few years. 
There have now been more than 180,000 cases, with many others doubtlessly undiscovered 
among the 4.8 million cows culled and destroyed sinc
e 1996 in an attempt to check the disease. An article in the science journal Nature 
estimated that 975,000 infected cows entered the food supply.
Here is a chilling catalogue, drawn from two dozen interviews with experts and a 
review of scores of scientific documents, including Britain's recent 16-volume 
official BSE report, which illustrates why scientists are so
concerned about BSE and related spongiform diseases that can affect most species of 
mammals and birds:
•The pathogen that wipes out memory, personality and physical functions is 
extraordinarily tenacious. It resists heat, alcohol, boiling, ultraviolet light and 
ionizing radiation. Surgical instruments that come in contact
with it can remain contaminated after normal sterilization procedures, and researchers 
don body protection before handling it.
The pathogen can survive years of being buried in the soil, which is worrisome given 
that cattle remains often end up in landfills. Iceland in the 1950s slaughtered all 
its sheep to eliminate a related disease called scra
pie. When it brought in healthy animals, scrapie soon reappeared. Some scientists 
believe that scrapie can mask low levels of BSE in sheep.
•While they take time to emerge, perhaps over many decades in humans, the spongiform 
diseases are highly infectious. According to British scientists, a cow can get BSE by 
eating one gram of infected material - a speck the
 size of a peppercorn - from another cow. Even a minute trace of the material in meat 
and bone meal, the protein supplement produced from rendered animal remains, can 
infect a cow.
The European Union's Standing Scientific Committee says that "the minimal infective 
dose considered to be valid for animals should also be applied for humans." Nobody 
knows what a minimal dose is, but British scientists d
iscovered that a piece of wire that had been in contact with the pathogen for five 
minutes became as infectious as a solution made from infected brain.
•Although the spongiform diseases are most infectious among members of the same 
species, they can jump the barrier to other species with varying levels of ease. Much 
has still to be learned about this species barrier, par
ticularly so far as humans are concerned. Scrapie, for example, is believed not to 
infect humans. But in the United States, doctors identified several cases of variant 
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease among people who had eaten
squirrel brains, and scientists warn that a spongiform encephalopathy called chronic 
wasting disease, found among deer and elk in the United States, is another potential 
threat to humans.
Once the pathogen has adapted to a new species, it can infect other members of that 
species with a much lower dose. In zoos, the pathogen has caused an outbreak of 
spongiform diseases among primates, big cats, antelope an
d other species, through the feeding of infected material. One study last year 
identified 82 cases in zoos. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy can be experimentally 
provoked in sheep, and domestic cats have acquired a simil
ar encephalopathy from pet food. A 12-year old lion in the Newquay zoo in England was 
put down recently and found to be suffering from a form of transmissible 
•The spongiform encephalopathies are surreptitious. An animal can harbor a spongiform 
disease and show no symptoms. Mice infected with hamster prions remain apparently 
healthy throughout their normal life span, but in fac
t become highly infectious. Cattle are believed to be infectious at an early stage of 
incubation as the disease spreads through the central nervous system toward the brain, 
the most lethal tissue of all. Because the incub
ation period in cows is thought to be longer than three years, the European Union this 
week decided to destroy cattle for market older than 30 months unless tested after 
slaughter and found to be free of BSE.
The possibility that an animal can be infectious and show no symptoms raises the 
question whether people can as well. Scientists fear, for example, that a patient with 
undetected Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease who was undergoi
ng surgery treatment for another disease might pass it along through surgical 
instruments. Since nobody knows the average incubation period in man, blood 
transfusion services in several countries, including the United Sta
tes and Canada, are turning away donors who have lived in Britain although it is not 
certain that the defective prions can be passed on through blood.
When the mad cow epidemic emerged in Britain in the 1980s, Stanley Prusiner, a U.S. 
neurologist and Nobel laureate, had already published his findings that the spongy 
condition of victims' brains was caused by "proteinace
ous infectious particles," or prions. Proteins are the body's primary component and 
the basis of all enzyme reactions. As they are produced, they fold or coil 
The agent that causes spongiform disease is a protein that has folded wrongly, and 
which is able to pass this defect to normal proteins. Because the defective prions 
resist breakdown by enzymes, they build up within nerve
 cells and eventually the brain.
The Prion Principle
It is as though bricks told an architect how to build a house. Kurt Vonnegut described 
the prion principle in his novel "Cat's Cradle," in which a crystal of Ice-IX "taught 
the atoms the novel way in which to stack, lock
and crystallize" until the oceans turned to ice.
Unlike viruses, proteins contain no genetic material and therefore provoke no immune 
response. This is why it is so difficult to detect prion disease in a living being. A 
brain or tonsil biopsy might find Creutzfeldt-Jako
b disease in a human, for example, but only if doctors examine an infected part.
The defective proteins survive the rendering process that turns an animal's carcass 
into industrial fats and gelatin on the one hand, and meat and bone meal on the other. 
The meal is an effective and cheap protein that he
lps animals grow and produce milk. When it became apparent that turning herbivores 
into carnivores was the likely cause of BSE, Britain forbade feeding ruminant meat and 
bone meal to cattle in 1988, but continued to expor
t the material, thus spreading the disease to other countries.
Scientists consider the inexpensive meat that comes from old dairy cows to be the most 
dangerous. It is pooled in beef patties, meat pies and pasta fillings; meat from as 
many as 60 animals may go into a hamburger mix. So
me of the cheapest meat is stripped by machines and high-pressure jets from the bone, 
which is likely to be highly infectious in a sick cow. Each cow provides about seven 
kilograms (15 pounds) of machine-recovered meat th
at is incorporated into five- to seven-ton batches of material. The EU's standing 
scientific committee estimated that each batch contains meat from about 1,000 animals, 
any one of which could infect the whole, and expose
as many as 400,000 persons to the agent.
Even the most dedicated vegetarian cannot avoid cattle products, which enter a vast 
range of goods from cigarette filters to soap. Tallow made from animal fat is used in 
everyday objects from carpets to television sets. I
n general, only between one-third and a half of the animal is eaten. "The real market 
is in the by-products," said Paola Colombo, an EU Commission official.
Ballanchine Was a Victim
"Cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, Gucci handbags - that's animal waste." People daub their 
faces with anti-aging creams made from lightly processed bovine materials, an 
undefined danger indeed, but the choreographer George Bal
lanchine died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease after using a bovine glandular product to 
preserve his youthful looks.
The first French victim of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was a body-builder who 
used a muscle-boosting preparation of the kind still sold virtually unregulated in 
health food stores in the United States. One contains
"freeze dried bovine brain, spleen, pituitary glands and eye tissue," said Michael 
Hansen, a microbiologist with the U.S. Consumers' Union. "It's almost a cow in a pill."
Questionable cattle products have gone into baby food, pet chow, beauty preparations 
and vaccines. Only last month, Britain withdrew supplies of polio vaccine after 
discovering that they were cultivated from British bovin
e serum produced when mad cow disease was at its height. Eleven million children and 
travelers have received the oral vaccine. Vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, 
diphtheria and whooping cough also were made from Br
itish-sourced bovine material until at least 1993.
The government said the risk of contracting variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from 
vaccine was "incalculably small," but this is not what was said by the author of the 
first major British mad cow investigation, Sir Richar
d Southwood. He warned in an internal memorandum that the danger of infection from 
vaccines was "moderately high." He recommended that the removal of bovine material 
from vaccines should be a priority area for action.
If the number of people who have been exposed to and perhaps even infected by prions 
is unknown and unknowable, the number of people likely to die will become known only 
with time. The victims will suffer from insomnia, m
emory loss, depression, anxiety, withdrawal and fearfulness, and eventually loss of 
coordination, incontinence and blindness.
Estimates of eventual deaths from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease range from "several dozen" 
by the French health secretary, Dominique Gillot, to 250,000 in a recent British 
government study.
"We might be seeing an epidemic that involves hundreds of thousands of people," said 
John Collinge of Britain's advisory committee on spongiform encephalopathies. "Let's 
hope that is not the case, but it's still possible.
 We need to guard against false optimism and wishful thinking, which has bedeviled 
this field for too long."
John Kent, a professor of statistics at Leeds University who has tried to quantify the 
crisis, said that the mathematical models were not to be trusted because scientists do 
not know how much is an infectious dose and do
not know how many people ate infected meat.
"Those are two really big variables," he said. "All we can do is to set out a range of 

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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