I would still like to know more about this insane asylum in Israel where
they have
been turning loose terrorists?

Do you suppose Ariel Scheinman Sharon when the court ruled he could not
be held accountable for his actions when in office, in so many words,
thought he could do anything he pleased?

Worst thing they do in Israel?   Well in long hot summers swimming pools
of Israelis full of bright clean water while they ration the water of

Note again - why have they taken the name Palestine out of the bible -
and yet, maps in some showing Palestine in "the days of our savior".
Who slipped up here?

Little things like this reek of conspiracy - right?


Belgian court delays Sharon rulingJudge, lawyers grapple with war crimes
BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 6 — A Belgian court on Wednesday delayed a
ruling on a war crimes investigation against Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon. The court said it was taking more time to assess a
decision of the International Court of Justice that argues heads of
government enjoy immunity.
 • The obstacles to peace in the Middle East
       A NEW HEARING was set for May 15 on whether a probe into
Sharon by Belgian prosecutors could resume after their investigation was
suspended last September.
       The lawyers for the 23 survivors of a 1982 massacre in
two Palestinian refugee camps asked the court to hold off on any
decision until they introduce new arguments in light of the
International Court of Justice ruling.
       "It is a reopening of the debate," said Michael
Verhaeghe, lawyer for the survivors. "There are very solid arguments."
       Following the Feb. 14 ruling by the world court in The
Hague, Netherlands, on a similar war crimes case, Sharon's lawyers had
been hoping the appeals court would throw out the case.
       "We are talking about immunity. It is very clear for us,"
said Irit Kohn, Sharon's lawyer and the director of the international
department of the Israeli Department of Justice. "There is nothing
unclear about the ruling of The Hague here."
       The tribunal ruled as illegal an April 2000 international
arrest warrant sought by Belgium, which wanted to try Abdoulaye Yerodia
Ndombasi — then Congo's foreign minister — in connection with the
killing of hundreds of minority Tutsis in 1998.

       The court said he cannot be tried in Belgium for
allegedly urging the slaughter of Tutsis since he was foreign minister
at the time.
       The decision dealt a blow to Belgium's 1993 war crimes
law, which enables anyone to bring a war crimes case against any world
leader. About 40 similar claims now before Belgian courts were thrown
into question.
       Besides Sharon, criminal proceedings have also been
brought against Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Cuban President Fidel
Castro, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Ivory Coast President Laurent
Gbagbo and ex-President Hashemi Rafsanjani of Iran among others.

       Verhaeghe argued to the court that a 1948 international
convention on genocide, which Israel signed, supersedes all other
international law in the Sharon case. That would allow the investigation
into Sharon's alleged role in the killings of Palestinian refugees to
continue, he said.
       "The convention expressly states that there is no
immunity for those who commit acts of genocide," he said, adding that
the United Nations declared the massacre at Sabra and Chatila as an act
of genocide.
       But Kohn said her client's lawyers would dismiss this
argument because under the Belgian law, there has to be a link between
the alleged crimes and Belgium.

• Latest Mideast news  • Belgian court delays Sharon ruling
• NBC exclusive: Al-Aqsa militants emerge  • Newsweek: Saudi
plan  • NBC analysis: Chances for the Saudi plan?  • Brian
Williams: Modest hopes, high anxiety  • WashPost coverage
• America strikes back         "There has to be a
connection, I hope the court will move to this conclusion," she said.
       Sharon was defense minister when hundreds of Palestinian
civilians in two refugee camps south of Beirut were slaughtered by a
Lebanese Christian militia allied to Israel. An Israeli inquiry into the
massacre found Sharon indirectly responsible, prompting his resignation.
       A Belgian magistrate opened an inquiry into Sharon in
July. If the appeals court decides to accept the case, a full
investigation, which could take years, will be launched.
       © 2002 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Joel, chapter 3
      4: Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all
the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence?
       8: And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of
the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a
people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it.
         9: Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up
the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:
          10: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks
into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

What the hell - this is the call for the Gentiles to save their asses


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