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   Christopher Ruddy,  Friday, Dec. 22, 2000 Wrote:


December 21, 2000

Al Gore
Office of the Vice President
The White House

Dear Al,

I apologize for not replying to your last letter sooner.

As you know, Hillary and I have been busy. We have spent our
whole adult lives in public housing and now must move into three
homes. Now that the Senate race is over, Hillary wants to dump
the Chappaqua house. It worked and we’re finished with it. She
kept Lazio’s numbers so low in the suburbs she kicked his ass.
Can you imaging Hillary as the suburban housewife? I always
thought I was the best actor – now I realize she is. I am just a

Here we are, leaving this great old house. We’ll be making our
home in New York and L.A. and Washington. We’re also
thinking of a place in London, because it’s a great jumping-off
place for all those international meetings. I'm tired of hotels – too
many video cameras! Too many paid-off bell hops snooping for
the press! You know what I mean.

I will also be out in L.A. a lot. Spielberg has a guest house and
says I can use it. He wants me to work on several movie projects
with him. I have always told you Hollywood is the key to
understanding this country and changing it. We need to keep our
focus there. I know you are thinking about Harvard, but you may
want to consider the media.

I read your letter and all I can say is something my uncle Harold
told me when I was boy in Hope. He said, "Never look back."
Imagine that I let the "that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" matter bother
me! Don’t get me wrong; Hillary and I believe in payback to
those who do us wrong, and I know you're trying to find someone
to pay back for the election. But it's certainly not us. We did you
no harm.

We made you, Al. You may not like the fact that Hillary ran for
senator, but she deserved it. There would never have been a
Clinton-Gore administration, first term or second term, without
Hillary. She did everything, Al. You know as well as I do that she
has been running this government. She has been running my life
from the day I met her at Yale. She was like this ugly duckling of
the class and so overwhelmed that a good-looking guy like me
took an interest in her. She’s been doing my laundry ever since.
After all this, I owed her, Al. I couldn’t say you came first.

Face it, you should have won this election in a cakewalk. We
gifted you an incredible economy unparalleled in modern times.
We raised most of your money. Face it, Al, we did it for you.
Remind Tipper of that next time she wants to throw a dish at my
official portrait in your residence. Remind her you would have
been trounced by Bush if James had not thought up the idea of
dropping the Bush DUI story two hours before Ross went on
Larry King to endorse Bush.

Yes, you almost won it. You could have won it during the recount.
But you’re a control freak. I told you, let the henchmen loose,
they’ll get the job done. You wanted to rely on Boies and you
wanted to listen to Christopher. Christopher hates me and
everything I say, you know that, that’s why he left State. If I had
listened to Christopher and not done the deal with China, we
would have lost in '96. We needed that money to win.

How many times did I tell you never, ever play the Republicans'
game. They win when you play aboveboard. How many lunches
did we have in the Rose Garden when I said to you to just
pretend that you're playing their game.

I mean, I just told Dan Rather that Bush and all new presidents
should watch "High Noon." I said the movie depicts the courage
you need to make the tough choices – all alone. You and I know
that we spent the past eight years waiting breathlessly for every
poll result, basing every decision on the latest numbers. We had
no courage. We just had the desire to win and to stay in power.

But I played the game. I made it look like I made courageous
decisons. Everything is about perception. Look, you and Tipper
are happily married, Hillary and I are not. But who out there in
America really knows the difference?

It’s all about fooling people, and you're terrible at doing that. You
can’t, really. You actually believed in all the liberal stuff you talked

about, the environment, Internet, lockboxes. Look, I talked the
game, too, but when it came to selling out to the chicken
producers in Arkansas that polluted almost every lake and river
in the state, I did it. I admit it. But does anybody care? Who is
going to write about it? Larry Nichols?

I believe in you, Al. I'm your friend. I remember my friends. I know
you have hurt feelings. I remember when I lost the governorship
in 1980, I lost it – drugs, you name it. If it weren’t for Hillary and a

desire to not look back, I’d still be working at Bruce’s firm and
chasing cocktail waitresses at the North Little Rock Hilton.

God, Al, you have done so much in eight years! You and me and
Hillary did it. I told you, remember that first day, we were getting
in limos to go to the first ball, and I said, "No one will recognize
this country when we're finished."

I mean, could you imagine any president, at any time, surviving
the revelations about me that hypocrite Starr stuck in everyone’s
faces? Hell, I not only survived, I went up in the polls!

We not only changed the culture and trashed those ridiculous
values the Falwell-Billy Graham crowd whine about, we limited
the damage this country can ever do in starting a war. Those
SOBs in the Pentagon, when we came in, they sat on the largest
military machine the world has ever known. Al, you and me, we
cut it in half. We stopped all new weapons development. We
stalled Star Wars. These jarheads couldn’t even do Desert
Storm again. And they won’t. Ever.

We created the best economy in the world. Yes, created it! You
told me if we cooked the books at the Treasury, if we fixed the
unemployment numbers, the inflation rate, we would get caught.
OK, then explain to me how oil prices tripled in the past two
years, yet no one said a thing about the fact the official inflation
rate barely showed it. I told you, once they're hooked on your
stuff, no one is going to call the cops. No one is going to say
boo, because if they did, it could sink the whole economy. It
would be suicide to blow the whistle.

Al, you told me – when we agreed to allow China to have
America’s nuclear secrets, ballistic missile technology,
encryption software, supercomputers – that we would get
caught, it wasn’t going to fly with Congress, with the media, with
the American public. OK, how do you explain that I’m going out a
hero and Hillary a senator? Al, you were wrong. No one cared,
no one said a thing. The FBI? The jarheads in the Pentagon?
Colin Powell? Dan Rather? No one wanted to rock a boat that
had a flag that said "Dow now over 10,000 and rising!"

For all your Harvard education, I told you all that matters is the
ability to get things done. We got things done by creating history.
We don’t wait for history to unfold, we seize upon it. We create it.
We mold it. The dialectic works.

Al, I need your help, because another great opportunity is
coming in the next few years. We can rebuild this party as Bush
gets on the wrong side of history, as the economy sinks and
foreign policy crises erupt.

They’ve called me the Comeback Kid. I want to make a
comeback for our party. So what that I brought down the
Democratic Party! In 1994, we lost control of Congress for the
first time in almost 50 years. This year, we lost everything, the
first time in 70 years. Still, everyone is turning to me to save the
party. With your help, and Hillary’s, we can do it, Al. I know it.

Don’t look back, especially when you can’t stop thinking about

Your friend,

Bill Clinton

PS. I’m not in the least bit worried about Robert Ray. Our guy will
continue to run the FBI and the FBI will keep Ray in check.

Charles L Hamilton  -  Houston, TX   -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Very Best Wishes for Health and Prosperity to You and Yours
in the coming New Year.  Happy Holidays!

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