-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.7/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 7</A>
The Laissez Faire City
February 15, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 7
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Bill and Hillary Clinton as Borderline Psychotics

by Robert L. Kocher

Some of you asked what would cause Bill or Hillary Clinton to become
borderline psychotics. This is especially confusing from the view that
Hillary had an almost ideal childhood. Bill's mental disorder might be
explained from his turbulent background. I wrote an 850-page manuscript
on the borderline psychotic phenomenon and its political expression in
the Clinton generation. My analysis was considered too right-wing to be
of wide interest. I will venture a partially simplified explanation
here. What I am about to say disagrees in principle with the many in the
psychiatric and psychological establishment.

It is often assumed that childhood emotional or physical abuse is the
basis of adult maladjustment. This was extensively true prior to the
60s. However, it is also true that doting parents giving children their
way in an undisciplined permissive environment can produce very serious
irreversible mental disorder that is delayed until that child becomes an
adolescent or adult. What is produced is a child who is cosmetically
very well functioning as long as he or she is kept in a spoiled child's
world forever, but is completely unable to make the transition into the
adult world and reality. Let me also point out that turbulent parental
background does not prohibit spoiling a child. Children are very adept
at exploiting parental preoccupation with parental problems in such a
way as to avoid taking uncomfortable responsibility.

The period after WWII saw a massive cultural change in the child
developmental atmosphere in this country. In earlier generations there
had been the rule of spare the rod and spoil the child. But the time had
now come when parents were being told by the new breed of permissive
authorities that parents were not to tell children "No!" and make it
stick. There was a super-rational system of childrearing in which
parents were to reason with children instead of using authority. One
unfortunate effect of this was that children and adolescents found they
could pretend ignorance of any explanations and do what they wanted to
with no serious repercussions. A second consequence was that if at any
time the child became a better debater than the parent, the child or
adolescent got to do what he wanted while parents were demoted to the
role of being pleading and whining children even when the parents were
correct. It became obvious by the mid-60s that the country had produced
a generation of young orators who could argue any side of a case with
the cleverness of a trial lawyer.

This had three disastrous consequences.

First, the word "no" did not need to be taken seriously. "No" was only a
signal to fearlessly concoct psychobabble arguments while doing what you
wanted to. You cannot tell many in the Clinton generation "no" and have
it respected. The absence of continued response to their interminable
inane argumentation is interpreted by them as permission for them to do
as they want.

Second, and I absolutely can not overemphasize the importance of this,
in being allowed laxity in return for inane arguments a generation came
to believe that it could argue reality out of existence. This formed the
foundation for very serious mental disorder. In recent decades the
failure of thoughts, of speech, of behavior to conform to basic reality
is no longer a signal to a person that he may be doing or saying
something irrational. Rather, it has become interpreted as a sign that
one has a public relations problem that must be addressed by creating a
new series of arguments in a campaign to deny reality. At the
presidential level this necessitates a campaign to obscure or redefine
what the words "sex" and "is" mean.

Third, it both delays and intensifies childhood temper tantrums. All of
us need to be told there are things we can't have or can't do. The
result of this in childhood is a series of transient angry temper
tantrums and poutings that wise parents should know comes with the
territory until the child learns to accept reality and responsibility.
If the child doesn't learn certain basic realities and responsibilities
at six or eight, he will have a temper tantrum when confronted by those
realities at 10 or 12. But by 10 or 12 the uncorrected irresponsibility
is on its way to becoming a permanent way of life that is hard to
reverse. For the last 35 years this country has been flooded with
generations of young who are having infantile temper tantrums at age 18,
25, or even 50 for personal conflicts with reality that should have been
resolved at age six or 10. It has been the curse of this nation. It
doesn't kill a kid to have a temper tantrum when he finds he can't have
his way at age six. But the last 35 years should have taught the lesson
that it kills parents and society when adolescents or adults have temper
tantrums and discipline problems at later ages.

Presidential Temper Tantrums

One end product and social consequence of this process is the
unbelievable situation of a now 52-year-old president having temper
tantrums over the suggestion that he should not be allowed to crawl
around laughing on his hands and knees getting oral anal stimulation or
getting penile sex while in the Oval Office or while ordering U.S.
troops into a war zone. He is supported in this by a large portion of
his generation who quickly become enraged and threatened at criticism of
Bill Clinton because a "no" applied anywhere for anything in the nation
means it could also be applied to them. The arguments in defense of
Clinton's behavior are inane concoctions that no mature well-adjusted
adult should listen to, but they have been generationally accepted and
employed as sadistic counter-arguments to desperate pleas for maturity
from parental figures since the infantile rebelliousness of the 60s.

Many in a generation of parents who had survived the depression didn't
want their children to suffer and work the same way as they had.
Concurrently, with the development of TV, children were raised in an
nearly constant amusement-inundated fantasy life that did not make
demands on them for development of substance, depth, self-discipline,
responsibility, or effort for full participation.

In terms of personal development and schooling for life, the baby boomer
life curriculum began with Captain Kangaroo, proceeded with a six-year
course in Howdy Doody and Mickey Mouse Club, and upon puberty graduate
work began in rock-and-roll and Beach Blanket Bingo movies without any
intrusion of serious responsibility or consequences into student lives.
It resulted in massive numbers of 20-year-olds with mentalities
undeveloped past the level of Mickey Mouse Club. Mickey Mouse has now
completed puberty unaccompanied by any form of maturity or seriousness
and is gleefully sticking his penis in strange women's faces in hotel
rooms or groping women who walk into the Oval Office in what is, among
other things, an exercise of bush league childishness. Minnie Mouse came
to the White House with him and has her own agenda of militant

By virtue of TV, a generation was raised in show business and developed
show business personalities. Many of them can assume any role or
appearance and have an astounding capacity to remember lines. Academic
life blossomed accordingly. The college Sociology 101 final exam is
scene two, take five, flawlessly performed, resulting in an A average
achieved without any understanding, without critical reasoning
development, with absolutely no level of introspection  and with
absolutely abysmal levels of ignorance through the doctoral level if one
plays the game with suitable proficiency. This is Bill Clinton and
Hillary Rodham graduating from Yale law school. For thirty years this
country has been plagued with a mass of pompous incompetent
high-grade-point ignoramuses sporting glittering personalities, a plague
we may not survive.

In earlier decades educational periods were shorter, while entry into
the adult world of responsibility and serious work occurred earlier. In
the Iowa high school I went to during the early to mid 50s, many of the
students took substantial responsibility in running family farms. Many
of the high school seniors were serious MEN, and proud of it. One of the
reasons a cow college like Iowa State University graduated so many
people who became corporation presidents is because of a student body
composed of a hardy breed of mature farm kids who were accustomed to
effort and responsibility.

Fear of the Adult World

But, in the 60s, entry into adulthood had been deferred as educational
levels increased. Simultaneously, the teenage period, which formerly
ended with high school graduation or earlier exit from school, became
extended indefinitely, and became an end in itself. Affluence produced a
well-financed enjoyable teenage subculture with teenage-oriented movies,
teenage automobiles, teenage music, a ready supply of recreational
drugs, and so forth. The question is, with a teenage world offering
music, entertainment, sex, drugs, with little responsibility, what
reason is there to leave that world and enter into adulthood? Answer:
None. In the mid 60s a generation faced with leaving the teenage world
said, to quote one of the anti-war chants of the period, "Hell no, we wo
n't go." Many of them haven't left to this day and are still furiously
rebelling against entering the adult world 35 years later. In testimony,
we now have two perpetual teenagers occupying the White House as
president and first lady. Bill and Hillary, like half the liberals in
this country, have an absolute hatred of the adult world.

The kid who has too easy a life distanced from serious work and
responsibility, and who is given too much, easily becomes a socialist.
For reasons of space limitation I'll provide only two reasons. First, he
or she is raised unacquainted with the realities of what is required to
make a business or society function. There is no respect for the work
other people have done or for the people who do it because there is no
familiarity with serious sustained work.

Second, effortless receiving without responsibility or effort becomes
viewed as a premise in life, and the individual with that premise looks
for a government to act as a permissive parent surrogate that will
continue that process.

One of the legacies of the 60s is a hyper-expansion of a dominant,
educated soft leftist superclass that is hostile to the adult world and
adult responsibilities, and which has no appreciation or awareness of
the concrete work and talent needed to make the country run. The
professions of TV and journalism offer a haven (and heaven) for such
two-dimensional glibly entertaining and economically naive hot house
plants who would be incapable of survival in any other world. They
dominate the culture’s conceptual pool of ideas to the exclusion of

It is possible to produce an adolescent or adult environment that is so
psychotic that no reasonable adaptation to it is possible, even by
someone from a well-adjusted childhood. The spoiled generation of the
60s constructed such an environment with the unreasoned egocentric
demands they made upon each other, and upon life. Particularly
instrumental in producing this environment was the so-called sexual
revolution in which people took turns maiming each other. There was a
demand for instant love, instant mercurial sexual gratification, instant
trust, instant vulnerability, and instant disposability and replacement
with somebody else on momentary impulse. It was emotionally crippling to
anyone with a healthy capacity. Marriages couldn't survive people
entering them with that mentality and began crumbling in astronomical

To a great extent the young of the 60s were guided and pushed into this
by the alienated, crazy, and angry from previous generations.
Anthropologist Margaret Mead  whose own life was a mess and whose
academic work and publications were revealed to be a fraudulent attempt
to justify that life  Playboy Hugh Hefner whose own personal
relationships were glamorized photogenic cold predation with a total
environment bed and chrome-plated Hi-Fi sets, Cosmopolitan Helen Gurley
Brown who was a successful genetic experiment in attempts to achieve
absolute levels of shallowness, and movies showing sex scenes by
actresses who were vocal proponents of liberation but suicidal in their
personal lives, all lead the dance.

The Sexual Revolution Works for Three Years

The sexual revolution worked for the first three years and works for the
first three years after puberty. After that there is a pool of jaded,
angry, mistrustful, bitter, warped empty shells and the fun is over.
People engaging in the sexual revolution didn't want the jaded bitter
products of the sexual revolution. What was wanted was a perpetual
supply of innocent vulnerable new territory, which they quickly ran out
of. Part of the trouble with the sexual revolution and sexual
permissiveness is that people use up life too soon and in the wrong way.

The men in the country were disgusted with a generation of women who
they secretly wished had had the depth and intelligence to resist the
nonsense. A generation of women was becoming enraged because while they
were proudly announcing their social and sexual liberation, they found
they were getting VD and getting pregnant. Furthermore, when they
announced that commitment and love no longer needed to be a prerequisite
for sex, they were unaccountably infuriated when their declared
uncommitted transient sex partners walked out the door the next morning
never to be seen again. Furthermore, women found that men of any depth
or decency had retreated and were off hiding in the bushes in disgust,
leaving women with the highly revolting development of having to choose
among a remaining pool of men who were just as shallow as they were for
partners in their sexual liberation. A large proportion of an entire
generation consisted of a pool of disgusted and/or predatory men facing
a pool of infuriated liberal women.

The suicide rates among women went up to 150 percent of what they had
been, and after a five-year lag the suicide rate of men caught up.

Women could no longer afford crippling emotional involvement with men
only to be traded off the next weekend. While many of them practiced
liberated sex, they remained emotionally distanced. What evolved was a
new breed of woman who was sexually active, even hypersexual, but
emotionally celibate, and castrating. In their emotional self-protection
they stayed away from men who they could become intimately involved with
and engaged in emotionally safe sterile relationships where they had
invulnerability and control. As the women became more warped, men found
the prospect of deep involvement with them to be distasteful, if not
crippling. For some, these emotionally sterile relationships evolved
into impersonal marriages into which both partners carried a fundamental
resentment and hostility toward each other, toward marriage, and toward
family life.

At this point the collective rage and hostility toward men by American
women was expressed in formation of the woman's liberation movement, and
Gloria Steinem who had had an abortion in 1956 during her own play
period contributed the credibility of her strikingly glamorous Diana
Rigg look to the movement. It sold like a cosmetics ad in a woman's
magazine, and an articulate warped bitterness toward men became
culturally institutionalized along with emotionally detached sexuality
and legalization, if not glamorization, of abortion.

A Compulsion Toward Betrayal

For many women, the driving psychological force in their lives became an
emotionally protective determination not to be suckered into
vulnerability and betrayal. By involving themselves only with men they
mistrusted, they relieved their anxiety over having trust betrayed. Such
involvement may include marriage. There are many married as well as
single women for whom mention of the concepts of close family
relationships and family values produce rage. Part of this is because it
reminds them of what they have elected to give up. But much of it
results from the view by many women that believing in such things makes
them vulnerable to profound betrayal  similar to the very thing Hillary
Clinton would have gone through for 30 years had she not entered into an
emotionally sterile relationship in which she initially refused to even
take Bill's name in marriage.

It is often asked why women voted overwhelmingly to put the Clintons in
office, since Bill Clinton represents the very worst that women have
been complaining about for three decades, and one of worst fathers
imaginable. Among a host of other reasons, Hillary Clinton's angry
emotional sterility and hostility toward marriage legitimizes many
women's similar attitudes and defenses. Additionally, the ultimate
defense against betrayal by others is a preemptive betrayal of one's
self before someone else can do it  often through adopting a cynicism.
Bill Clinton offers the emotional safety of feeding that protective
cynicism. Bill Clinton is so visibly corrupt, superficial, and worthless
that he offers the safety of no chance of betrayal through mistaking his
motives or capabilities. It's easy to maintain emotional distance. For a
woman (or women) with emotional incapacity, or looking for emotional
distance, Bill Clinton is made to order, and women receive the bonus of
an abortion along the way. In many cases women can't criticize Bill
Clinton because they have been dating, shacked up with, or married to
his equivalent.

Bill Clinton is also safe from another aspect. He doesn't make emotional
or psychological demands on women lacking those capacities. Hillary is
an insecure empty shell who has used left-wing causes to synthesize a
personality for herself. A man of any depth would reveal her own
inadequacies to herself and drive both her and him to distraction. A
shallow Bill Clinton is just about as much as she and millions like her
can handle.

One way or another, women are profoundly confused because for the last
40 years they have been attacked and undermined by everybody and it's
been nearly universally culturally institutionalized. The initial
license for attack came from the Playboy philosophy. However, many of
the principle underminers and exploiters of women have been other women
the Helen Gurley Browns, the Margaret Meads, the Gloria Steinems, etc.
The woman who messes up her own life resents those who haven't and works
to undermine them so they have nothing better than she has. Women who
buy into the nonsense make it a point to sell it to other women.

A Generation That Got Its Way

Many years ago, when I went through army basic training at Ft. Leonard
Wood, there was a grizzled old master sergeant by the name of Sgt.
Gibbon who ran the hand grenade range. In 1965 or 66 Life Magazine did a
story on the military. They interviewed Gibbon who was still part of the
training cadre. Gibbon complained bitterly that in all his years in the
service, which probably went back to the time of General Grant, he had
never seen waves of recruits and inductees as absolutely hopeless as he
had been getting in the previous two years. They weren't that way
because an entire generation of parents suddenly engaged in child abuse
20 years earlier.

I entered college in the mid-50s. I left for a period and spent time in
the army. After leaving the army, I returned to the university in the
60s. In the mid-50s the student union was so clean you could eat off the
floor. If a student spilled something, he or she would get a mop and
clean it up. In 1965 the union was a swill with spilled drinks and
wrappers scattered over the floors, chairs, and tables. The library was
being destroyed. Students wanting information would simply tear the
pages out of the books without concern or conscience. Yet the air was
filled with abstract speeches about social justice and left-wing causes.
The condition of the union and the library told me more about a
generation of students than did the leftist rhetoric.

A generation has gone on to tear hell out of everything, including each
other, for 35 years while mouthing empty left-wing rhetoric to justify
themselves. They have crippled each other and their children with the
same type of egocentric agenda seen in the Clinton Marriage. Virtually
every psychiatric study has shown a rate of serious mental disorder in
the Clinton generation from five to 10 times greater than the age group
10 years older. I can not seriously relate this to a sudden upsurge of
abuse in childhood. What I do see is an egocentric generation that got
its way about too much, too soon, too often, and with too little effort.

I see the explosion of mental disorder coming from a multitude of
sources, but four concern me in this limited space.

One, in concocting irrational rationalizations enabling them to excuse
anything or do anything, many in the Clinton generation both lost track
of reality and pushed themselves and those around them into the realm of
psychotic levels of irrationality, and ever-expanding denial of reality
 to the point where the current President of the United States denies
knowing what sex is or what the word "is" means. But it isn't just about
sex. Their concepts of politics or economics are no more rational than
their concepts of sex, and to question any of it is considered a threat
to all of it.

Two, as psychotic levels of rationalization became more widespread, they
came to create and dominate an unhealthy national psychological
environment. It's not uncommon to hear serious presentations on TV,
including by the president, that would indicate severe pathology in any
competent clinical evaluation. The psychotic psychological environment
in this country is lethal. Talk shows and magazines are filled with
proselytizations of pathology. Music and musicians are like escapees
from mental wards or rogue motorcycle gangs. In the churches, 30 percent
of clergy admit sexual affairs with parishioners and preach sermons
accordingly. Fifty years ago the media environment, the church
environment, the entertainment environment, the political environment,
and the educational environment furnished a psychological environment
that was corrective of mental disorder. For the last 35 years that
environment has been exhorting mental disorder and hostility toward the
basic underwriting of self-disciplined behavior.

Three, the necessary protective moral standards by which people treat
each other as adults have eroded to an extent that is nearly
unsurvivable. What members of a generation have done to each other has
driven then nuts. We live in a amoral environment where you can't even
leave the President of the United States alone in the Oval Office with a
high school girl, and there are tens of millions of people in this
country defending it while those who have serious reservations about
such a mentality are accused of sexual McCarthyism on national TV.

Four, too many people in the last 35 years have devised a delusional
system whereby they look upon reality and pleas to take basic
responsibility as an oppressive right-wing conspiracy. They have been
supported in this belief by the media instead of having it challenged.

The Clintons have surfed this psychotic cultural and generational wave
into the White House.

The attempt has been made to understand Bill and Hillary Clinton,
particularly Bill, in terms of classical neurosis from abusive
childhoods. But much of what is seen in the Clinton generation has made
that model obsolete, although many from that generation, including
psychiatrists and psychologists, desperately hold on to it to relieve
themselves of any personal responsibility.

The truth is, Bill and Hillary Clinton have not suffered a bit of
inconvenience for nearly 40 years including, for Bill, the inconvenience
of military service. By his freshman year in high school Bill found he
could manipulate people with showy glibness and deception, and nobody
would call him on it. A good memory for acting lines would carry him
through easy courses in the most prestigious schools in the country
without effort or necessity to learn seriously. From there, he went
almost immediately to being the boy governor of a state, and on to the
presidency. It was all done with a little empty talk on a level that
could be found on any high school debate team.

Hillary has led a similar life of ease and is now being pushed to take a
senate seat and run for the presidency in 2004 on a platform of angrily
confronting a vast right-wing conspiracy  which essentially consists of
making accusatory and sarcastic remarks at you and me through a TV
screen to the delight of angry women, spoiled angry leftists, and angry
minorities. It isn't a bad life for an untalented spoiled brat who,
without the world of TV and alienated politics, would be lucky to hold a
job as a waitress in a truck stop.

The problem with the both Clintons is that they were long ago licensed
to think and act at primitive, immature, and irrational levels of
functioning. Much of this was a self-conferred licensing by a generation
which has continued, and which has been the root of most of the
political, economic, and social problems in this country.


Robert L. Kocher is the author of "The American Mind in Denial." He is
an engineer working in the area of solid-state physics, and has done
graduate study in clinical psychology. His email address is

from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 7, Feb. 15, 1999
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