-Caveat Lector-


30 Seconds Over Cuba

In February of 1996 Cuban fighters shot down two supposedly unarmed light
planes which were purported to be assisting Cuban refugees who were fleeing
the island. The light planes would supposedly search for small boats and
rafts headed north and report their location to the American Coast Guard.
The Coast Guard would then rescue the refugees. However, the supply of
refugees had in fact petered out. For reasons most Americans find difficult
to fathom, most Cubans prefer Cuba, even under Castro, to our own balmy

So what were those planes really doing? We'll never know. Two were blown out
of the sky by the Cuban Air Force. The subsequent fallout included
heightened sanctions on trade with Cuba and a renewed interest in Cuban
affairs by the U. S. press. Never a paper to be left out of a trend, the San
Francisco Chronicle gave us the following:


. . . Fear might be precisely the reason that a small Caribbean island,
which nevertheless is one of the most militarized nations in the world,
would scramble MiG-29 fighter planes armed with advance (sic) missiles to
shoot down unarmed Cessnas apparently with little or no warning.

'We are 90 miles from an enemy that is the world's only superpower, and
which took three days to wipe out Iraq,' Carlos Losada Jardin, 44, a former
soldier who spent 37 months with the Cuban army in Angola, said, explaining
Cuba's large military and quick response."

-- San Francisco Chronicle, 3/4/96

Consider this: We have only the word of the Cuban-Americans responsible for
the ill fated flight that the planes actually were unarmed. Most Americans
believe they were unarmed, but that does not make it true. Moot point. It
matters not a whit to the Cubans whether or not most Americans believe those
Cessnas might have been armed. Neither does it matter whether they WERE in
fact actually armed. What matters is whether the Cubans believe that they
MIGHT have been armed.

Now it could be that those planes were set up by Cuban-Americans in Florida
who sacrificed them in order to gain a propaganda victory. This could have
been easily done by tipping off Cuban intelligence that on this particular
mission, these particular planes WERE armed, and with a deadly weapon that
their pilots fully intended to use once they penetrated Cuban airspace. As
soon as the double agent's disinformation reached Cuban command the shoot
down order would have gone out immediately.

Though this scenario is only a speculation, this is not some wacko paranoid
fantasy. This sort of thing is a standard, time tested and much used
stratagem, well worn, emmencely successful, and dating back to antiquity.

On the other hand, Cuban intelligence had no need of a "tip" to make them
consider that the planes might be armed. On the contrary, they could draw on
their thirty years of experience dealing with covert penetration of their
airspace by light planes and their waters by small boats.

'There is garrison-state mentality,' said a diplomat, who asked not to be
identified. 'It's not credible that Cuba is going to be invaded by anybody
except mosquitoes, so (large military) is a way of maintaining control.'


Again, we have only the anonymous diplomat's word for this, but just for the
sake of argument, let's assume that s/he's telling the truth.

" . . . anybody except mosquitoes . . .", eh?

Now there's a clue. Let's look a little deeper. Just how bad couldan
invasion by mosquitoes be, really? To find out, we must take a much deeper
look than offered by America's lap dog mass media news. When we're spoon fed
the "news," we only get what they put on the spoon. The best stuff they
leave on the plate.

Consider Chemical Biological Warfare (CBW) for example. It's not something
that the powers that be want us to think about, so it's pretty much absent
from the six o'clock news. That doesn't mean it's not happening, only that
we're not being told much about it and what little we ARE told we have to
seek out and think over before it makes sense. But what sort of weapons CAN
arm a Cessna in a meaningful manner? It's a very short list. Factor in
economics, and the list is topped by CBW.

Before we jump to any conclusions, let's examine the history of CBW in Cuba.
It does have a history, one with which Cubans are acutely familiar. It
begins during the Cold War. Return with us then to those wild and woolly
days of yesteryear, when, much like today, Cuban fought Cuban in a shadow
war, a war fought partly on the behalf of personal ambitions and partly on
the behalf of their Cold War, super power, puppet masters. The year is 1981.
The scene is the U. N. General Assembly. The Cuban ambassador speaks:


UNITED NATIONS (UPI) - Cuba publicly accused the United States Thursday
before the U. N. General Assembly of using biological warfare against the
island nation in a campaign that killed 156 Cubans, including 99 children.

'In less than three years, our country has suffered the scourge of five
grave plagues and epidemics, which have hit our cattle, our plantations and
now our people,' Cuban Foreign Minister Isidoro Malmierca told the assembly
in his policy speech.

'The agencies of the U. S. are using biological weapons against the people
of Cuba.

'Ninety-nine children have died in Cuba,' he charged. 'They were victims of
the hemorrhagic dengue epidemic that took from us a toll of 156 lives.'

Cuban President Fidel Castro has in the past charged that the CIA was
responsible for spreading the diseases in Cuba.

Malmierca said Cuba has been hit successively by 'the swine fever, the blue
mold in tobacco, the sugar cane rot, the hemorrhagic dengue and, more
recently, when we were still in the process of fighting of this one,
hemorrhagic conjunctivitis appears.'"

-- Houston Post 9/25/81

* * * * *

Cuba's charges could not be proved, but they were not farfetched. As noted
above, the United States has frequently destroyed enemy crops. The CIA tried
to overthrow the Cuban government at the Bay of Pigs and mounted numerous
assassination attempts against Castro. Agency interest in sabotaging the
Cuban economy with chemical or biological methods against crops and workers
is also a matter of public record . . .

-- Gene Wars by Charles Pillar and
Keith R. Yamamoto, Beech Tree
Books-William Morrow, New York,
1988, ISBN 0-688-07050-7, p 72

Six years after it happened, one incident came to light:


New York -- With at least the tacit backing of U. S. Central Intelligence
Agency officials, operatives linked to anti-Castro terrorists introduced
African swine fever virus into Cuba in 1971.

Six weeks later an outbreak of the disease forced the slaughter of 500,000
pigs to prevent a nationwide animal epidemic.

A U. S. intelligence source told Newsday last week he was given the virus in
a sealed, unmarked container at a U. S. Army base and CIA training ground in
Panama with instructions to turn it over to the anti-Castro group.

The 1971 outbreak, the first and only time the disease has hit the Western
Hemisphere, was labeled the 'most alarming event' of 1971 by the United
Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. African swine fever is a highly
contagious and usually lethal viral disease that infects only pigs and
unlike swine flu, cannot be transmitted to humans.

All production of pork, a Cuban staple, halted, apparently for several

A CIA spokesman, Dennis Berend, in response to a Newsday request for
comment, said, 'We don't comment on information from unnamed and, at best,
obscure sources.


. . . on the basis of numerous interviews over four months' with U. S.
intelligence sources, Cuban exiles and scientists concerning the outbreak --
which occurred two years after then-President Nixon had banned the use of
offensive chemical and biological warfare -- <Newsday> was able to piece
together this account of events leading up to the outbreak.

The U. S. intelligence source said that early in 1971 he was given the virus
in a sealed, unmarked container at Ft. Gulick, an Army base in the Panama
Canal Zone. The CIA also operates a paramilitary training center for career
personnel and mercenaries at Ft. Gulick.

The source said he was given instruction to turn the container over to
members of an anti-Castro group.

The container was given to a person in the Canal Zone, who took it by boat
and turned it over to persons aboard a fishing trawler off the Panamanian
coast. The source said the substance was not identified to him until months
after the outbreak in Cuba. He would not elaborate further.

Another man involved in the operation, a Cuban exile who asked not to be
identified, said he was on the trawler when the virus was put aboard at a
rendezvous point off Bocas del Toro, Panama. He said the trawler carried the
virus to Navassa Island, a tiny, deserted, U. S.-owned island between
Jamaica and Haiti. From there, after the trawler made a brief stopover, the
container was taken to Cuba and given to other operatives near the U. S.
Navy base at Guantanamo Bay.

The source on the trawler, who had been trained by the CIA and had carried
out previous missions for the agency, said he saw no CIA officials aboard
the boat that delivered the virus to the trawler off Panama, but added: 'We
were very well paid for this and Cuban exile groups don't have that kind of
money . . ."

He said he was revealing the information because he is a member of an exile
group being investigated by the United States in connection with terrorist
activity in Florida. His account was confirmed by another intelligence
source in Miami. The source said he had no proof that the operation was
approved by CIA officials in Washington, but added: 'In a case like this,
though, they would always give them (CIA officials in Washington) plausible

The investigation referred to by the operative on the trawler involves a
federal inquiry into terrorist acts allegedly carried out by Cuban exiles.
Those include bombings and assassination attempts in the United States and

-- Newsday, 1/10/77

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