-Caveat Lector-


Oddly Enough - Reuters | 28 March 2001

Black Stains Sow Fear, Fuel Theories

CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan police are investigating
mysterious black stains fouling the streets of the capital, which have
spawned conspiracy theories and have some drivers fearing for their

A subversive plot to sow traffic chaos, or sabotage to provide extra
business for street-cleaning contractors? The oily black stains
spreading across hundreds of miles of urban asphalt have police
investigators scratching their heads.

Police suspect the sticky grime, up to an inch (2.5 cm) thick in
places, is a mixture of used engine oil and highly corrosive brake
fluid, dispensed from plastic bags by hired muck-spreaders in the dead
of night.

Curb to curb in places, the greasy stains cover many main avenues in
Caracas, are particularly bad in tunnels and stretch up to 20 miles
(30 km) on highways from the city center.

``It's dangerous because someone could get killed,'' said cyclist
Milner Paredes.

The Central University says the stains, which first appeared in 1994
but returned with a vengeance this year, could be linked to poor
maintenance of the city streets, but the government sees a conspiracy:

``It is the work of subversives,'' said Caracas Mayor Freddy Bernal.

The saboteurs have even resorted to hiring the homeless to spread the
greasy black liquids, authorities say.

``When it rains, you can't touch the brakes without the car skidding
and I've seen quite a few motorcycle couriers take a tumble,'' said
Caracas cabbie Gerardo Gutierrez.

Attempts to rid the city of the scourge have been frustrated by
repeated dousings, police say.

The stains have become a favorite talking point for city dwellers and
pushed gory tales of violent crime onto the inside pages of the local

``We have cleaned Baralt Avenue three times and the stain keeps coming
back,'' Jose Antonio Calo, an engineer at the Caracas town hall, told
the top-selling Ultimas Noticias.

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