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'Blue Team' Draws a Hard Line on Beijing Action on Hill Reflects
Informal Group's Clout

By Robert G. Kaiser and Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, February 22, 2000; Page A01

While working as an aide to Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.),
Richard Fisher collected dozens of photographs and sketches of
China's latest weaponry: the Russian-built Sovremenny destroyer,
advanced ballistic missiles, pilotless drones and Su-27 fighters.
Fisher is grimly confident that someday, these weapons could be
aimed at Americans. "This is shaping up to be a major military
disaster for the United States," he said.

Fisher, who moved last month to a Washington think tank,
describes himself as a member of the "Blue Team"--a loose
alliance of members of Congress, congressional staff, think tank
fellows, Republican political operatives, conservative
journalists, lobbyists for Taiwan, former intelligence officers
and a handful of academics, all united in the view that a rising
China poses great risks to America's vital interests.

Though little noticed, the Blue Team has had considerable
success. By attaching riders to legislation in Congress, it has
restricted the scope of Chinese-American military relations,
forced the Pentagon to report to Congress in detail on the
China-Taiwan military balance and compelled the State Department
to take a harder line on China's human rights and religious
rights abuses.

Some Blue Team allies have promoted public fears of a Chinese
"takeover" of the Panama Canal; several congressional offices
report a deluge of mail about Panama's choice of a Hong Kong firm
to operate shipping facilities at both ends of the canal, a cause
taken up by conservative radio talk show hosts. Allies of the
Blue Team have harassed China's biggest oil company, complicating
its efforts to sell shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

Members of the Blue Team initially drafted and then helped push
through the House of Representatives this month the Taiwan
Security Enhancement Act, a measure to strengthen U.S. military
ties with Taiwan that has angered China. A legislative rider
compelled the Pentagon's National Defense University to establish
a new center to study China's military.  For a time last spring,
the Blue Team thought publication of the Cox committee report on
Chinese espionage--which its allies helped draft--might lead to
irresistible pressure to alter the Clinton administration's
policy of "constructive engagement" with Beijing. Administration
officials feared the same result.

The Blue Team has no membership cards or formal meetings. Its
sympathizers collaborate around particular causes but sometimes
disagree with one another. Some, for example, ridicule fears
about the Panama Canal.

The core of the alliance consists of Capitol Hill aides who draft
China-related legislation and try to operate as anonymously as
possible.  Several of the congressional aides were brought
together last year with like-minded academics and media
commentators in a study group run by a small think tank, the
Project for the New American Century, and funded by Richard
Mellon Scaife, the Pittsburgh billionaire who has given hundreds
of millions of dollars to right-wing causes.

The study group was organized by Mark Lagon, a political
scientist who recently joined the staff of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. Its primary purpose was to discuss China
policy and help produce a book, tentatively titled "China's Rise
and America's Response." According to one participant, these
meetings sometimes took on the flavor of Blue Team strategy
sessions as two dozen Hill aides, scholars, former Reagan
administration officials and others ate lunch once a month at the
Tabard Inn on N Street NW, and discussed chapters of the book,
due out later this year.

While Blue Team members usually work behind the scenes to urge a
harder American line on China, their cause has been taken up
publicly by a few politicians. Gary Bauer, the former Reagan
White House aide and leader of the Family Research Council, used
stinging anti-Chinese rhetoric in his recently abandoned
presidential campaign and said it regularly won a powerful
response from voters. In a speech a year ago to the Republican
National Committee, Cox, chairman of the House Republican Policy
Committee, denounced the Clinton administration for cuddling up
to Beijing, accusing President Clinton of giving Chinese leaders
"the full Lewinsky." But none of the four major candidates for
president has embraced the Blue Team view.

Strong language and with-us-or-against-us judgments are becoming
common in the struggle between the Blue Team and those it sees as
its rivals, whom it calls the "Red Team." Blue Team allies also
speak derisively of "panda-huggers" and "the Relationship
Police," referring to those who seek a close and cooperative U.S.
relationship with Beijing.

Scholars who have been targets of Blue Team scorn say there is an
increasingly politicized atmosphere among Sinologists. "It's not
as much fun as it used to be," said Ronald N. Montaperto, a
professor at the National Defense University whom the Blue Team
considers soft on China. "Debate has become very personal and
very political, and frequently generates more heat than light."

For nearly three decades after Richard M.  Nixon's opening to
China, a "domestic consensus . . . used to sustain China policy,"
observed Peter Rodman, an assistant to Henry A. Kissinger in the
early days of China diplomacy and now a scholar at the Nixon
Center here. That consensus, Rodman said, "was shattered by
Tiananmen Square" in 1989, when the Chinese ruthlessly suppressed
a student uprising. "The Soviet threat used to hold the U.S. and
China together," he added. No longer.

The end of consensus has created opportunities for hard-liners to
advance the view that China's steady military buildup will soon
put it in a position to threaten U.S.  interests, most obviously
by bullying Taiwan. The Blue Team and its sympathizers think the
United States should recognize that conflict with China is
probable if not inevitable.

Officials and scholars who disagree with those views still
generally dominate U.S. policy, but they seem less organized and
less cohesive than the Blue Team. The Clinton administration,
which might have provided an alternative vision of China, instead
has offered a series of different China policies over the last
seven years, reflecting the disagreements over China that
followed Tiananmen.

Clinton campaigned for the presidency denouncing the "Butchers of
Beijing" and, once elected, flirted with denying China trade
benefits because of its human rights abuses. But he abruptly
abandoned any such linkage and decided instead to warm up to
China's leaders, eventually embracing President Jiang Zemin's
suggestion that China and the United States could be "strategic

The Blue Team and its allies see China as a rising power run by a
dictatorial regime that suppresses "the Chinese people's yearning
for freedom and democracy" and is determined to challenge the
United States, in the words of William Triplett, an aide to Sen.
Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah) and former staff member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.

Triplett coined the term Blue Team. It comes, he said, from the
terminology of China's own military exercises, which often
feature battles between red and blue teams.  Triplett, a former
China analyst at the CIA, and Edward Timperlake, a former
Republican foreign policy aide in Congress, have teamed up to
write two books--"Year of the Rat" and "Red Dragon
Rising"--promoting their views. Among them: "a series of Faustian
bargains and policy blunders" by the Clinton administration has
played into China's ambitions to acquire threatening military

"Where the [U.S.-China] relationship is going is, frankly, toward
conflict," said Frank J. Gaffney, a former Hill aide and Defense
Department official in the Reagan administration who now runs a
think tank called the Center for Security Policy. Gaffney
compared America's current China policy to U.S. relations with
Japan and Germany before World War II.  "In many ways," Gaffney
said, "this is a time not dissimilar to . . . the 1930s."

China experts of all stripes acknowledge that China is buying and
building more modern weaponry, and some say they are worried
about the long-term implications of this modernization, which
will increase China's ability to threaten Taiwan. Most China
experts agree that rising nationalism in a democratic Taiwan
combined with a frustrated China could create dangerous problems.
The United States has an informal commitment to protect Taiwan
through its insistence on a peaceful resolution of Taiwan's
differences with Beijing, but the United States also recognizes
China's claim that, ultimately, Taiwan is part of "One China."

Critics of the Blue Team's image of China argue, however, that
China is much too complex, and still much too weak, to describe
in the Blue Team's stark terms. "I don't have my head in the
sand," said Paul Godwin, a China military expert recently retired
from the National Defense University.  But he deplored analysts
who treat "every rumored Chinese acquisition as a reality" and
"tend to see every weapon as the silver bullet for the PLA," the
People's Liberation Army.

Peter Brookes, an Annapolis graduate, spent part of his Navy
career as an intelligence officer in Nicaragua and El Salvador,
helping the contras fight Soviet-backed Sandinistas. Later he
spent three years in Japan, flying EP-3 surveillance aircraft
that sucked up electronic communications from the eastern-most
regions of the Soviet Union.

More than a decade later, Brookes is still on guard against
threats to American security, but he has shifted his sights
toward China. In 1997, he became an adviser on East Asian affairs
to the House International Relations Committee.

"When I left Asia in May 1989, it was before Tiananmen Square.
China was not a significant threat to American interests. Our
main concerns were the Soviet Union," Brookes recalled. That
changed forever, he said, when China fired missiles near Taiwan
in 1996 to try to intimidate Taiwanese voters casting ballots in
their first democratic presidential election.

Like Brookes, many of those who share the Blue Team's view see
the Chinese threat through Cold War lenses.  Gaffney built his
Washington career on his anti-Soviet convictions. Fisher, who
saves photos of Chinese weapons, was once a student of the Soviet
navy. He moved last month from Capitol Hill to the Jamestown
Foundation, a think tank founded in 1984 as an anti-Soviet
institution that has extended its interests to China.

Some who disagree with the Blue Team say its members suffer from
nostalgia for the Soviet threat.

Rep. Doug Bereuter (R-Neb.), chairman of the International
Relations subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, said that "a
significant amount of support exists in the Congress, especially
in my party and especially in the House," for the theory that
China is America's new enemy. "I don't think you would find
anybody who would admit that they need an enemy--they may not see
it themselves--but they do see the benefits" of having one, he

"You don't need to go searching for a new enemy," replied Jim
Doran, an aide to Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) who began his career
as a Soviet analyst and lived in Russia in the early 1990s. "Look
at the propaganda in the Chinese papers.  Look at the vitriolic
anti-American attitude of that. . . .  It's there for all to

Like nearly all the congressional aides who collaborate on the
Blue Team agenda, Doran is not a China expert. He made his first
visit to China last month. Very few of the other Washington-based
activists concerned about the Chinese threat have degrees in
Chinese studies or speak Chinese.

But expertise on China is not essential to take a principled view
of U.S.  policy, argued Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly
Standard, which along with the Washington Times is a primary
outlet for Blue Team views. "I'm not a China expert at all. My
view of China . . . flows from my view of what you think U.S.
foreign policy should be," Kristol said.  "American weakness is
really the danger."

One prominent China scholar whose views are embraced by the Blue
Team is Arthur Waldron, a historian at the University of
Pennsylvania.  While many Sinologists favor constructive
relations with China's leadership, Waldron bluntly asserts that
American interests would be better served if China's communist
leaders were displaced. "I worry that if China continues on its
current trend, which is repressing at home and building up . . .
armaments, that becomes very dangerous. I agree with people who
think regime change is key to a really stable peace," he said.

A chronic frustration for the Hill aides who make up the backbone
of the Blue Team is their lack of access to raw intelligence
about China. Many suspect that the administration holds back data
that might put Chinese developments in a more ominous light.
Several of the legislative riders passed in recent years have
compelled the executive branch to provide more information to
Congress, particularly on the military balance between China and
Taiwan. But the Blue Team has a strong appetite for more.

Last year Congress enacted a little-noticed requirement that the
administration create a Center for the Study of Chinese Military
Affairs at the National Defense University, headed by "a
distinguished scholar . . . of Chinese political, strategic and
military affairs."

The anonymous authors of this idea--members of the Blue Team who
don't seek any public credit for their handiwork--want the center
to have access to the full range of intelligence reporting on
China. Because it will be dependent on annual appropriations from
Congress, one Defense Department official said, the Blue Team
hopes the center will be more willing than traditional
intelligence agencies to share raw intelligence with
congressional staff.

Although President Clinton signed the defense authorization bill
that included this provision, he also called the creation of the
center "troubling" because it seemed to assume that "China is
bent on becoming a military threat to the United States," a
conclusion Clinton rejected. Under the legislation, the
administration is supposed to send Congress its plan for the
center by March 1.

For a brief time last winter and spring, anti-China sentiment in
Washington was sharply ascendant. Some Republicans saw an
opportunity to create a political issue over the Clinton
administration's "embrace of Jiang and the Communist Party," as
Rep. Cox put in a January speech.

Then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) had established the Cox
committee in 1998 to investigate what he called "a profoundly
deeper question than any other question that has arisen in this
administration"--charges that China got American missile
technology from Loral Corp., whose chief executive was the
largest individual contributor to the Democrats in 1996.

That charge had disappeared by the time the Cox committee's
report was published last May. The final report focused on
China's efforts to acquire secrets about missiles and nuclear
weapons, and all the Democrats on the committee signed it,
although on the day of its release two key members distanced
themselves from the most alarming conclusions about China copying
U.S. weapons.

Critics found much to fault in the Cox report.  One of its most
frightening assertions--that China could be expected to build a
nuclear warhead based on the American W-88 model, thanks to
stolen secrets--was challenged by the President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board.

Its accusations of spying got nearly all the attention, but the
Cox report also embraced a dark view of China's broad intentions.
The Chinese Communist Party's "main aim for the civilian economy
is to support the building of modern military weapons and to
support the aims of the PLA," the report said.

Harvard Prof. Alastair Iain Johnston, a specialist on the Chinese
military, criticized this analysis, arguing that Chinese policy
for more than 20 years has been "to subordinate military
modernization to the development of the overall civilian

Johnston pointed to several errors, including footnotes to
sections of the Chinese constitution that did not say what the
Cox report claimed they said, and a misrepresentation of comments
by Chinese leader Jiang. The Cox report said Jiang in 1997
"called for an 'extensive, thoroughgoing and sustained upsurge'
in the PLA's acquisition of high technology." The article the
committee quoted, Johnston noted, actually said Jiang had ordered
an "extensive, thoroughgoing and sustained upsurge of studying
high-tech knowledge in the whole army."

Asked about Johnston's critique, Cox said, "The facts as reported
[in the committee report] are indeed the facts." The Jiang
quotation showed that the PLA had an "accelerating interest in
high technology," which was "precisely the point the report
makes," Cox said.

When the lobbying intensifies this spring or summer on the
congressional vote to grant China permanent "normal trade
relations" status--the key step toward Chinese membership in the
World Trade Organization--the Blue Team's opponents will be out
in force. Business groups, farm groups, the Clinton
administration and pro-trade members of Congress will likely
produce a well-greased lobbying effort for passage.  All will
argue that by opening its markets to foreign competitors, China
will have to advance its own free-market reforms, strengthen the
rule of law and, over time, moderate its policies.

"It will pass," predicted Robert Kagan, who worked in Ronald
Reagan's State Department and has written eloquent denunciations
of America's China policy in the Weekly Standard. Kagan, who also
writes a monthly column in The Washington Post, said, "You can't
block business interests and free-trade ideology in the
Republican Party short of war."

In fact, some members who have been Blue Team supporters on
issues such as Taiwan--House Majority Leader Richard K. Armey
(R-Tex.), for example--will work for approval of permanent normal
trade status for China.

"I consider the government of China to be dangerous, not only to
the people of China but at least to all the peoples of that
region," Armey said in an interview. But the majority leader, a
staunch free trader, also said he hoped to extend "freedom
through commerce to the Chinese people" by bringing China into
the WTO.

The impact of the Blue Team still "isn't nearly what this
community [of hard-liners] desires," lamented Richard Fisher, the
former congressional aide who collects photographs of Chinese
weaponry. But he noted with satisfaction that the Blue Team
"strikes terror into the heart" of Washington's policy
establishment, adding: "We are going to continue to have problems
in our relationship with China . . .  and they require that
America remain vigilant."

Congressional Action on China

Here is a partial list of actions taken by Congress, almost
always over the Clinton administration's objections, that have
had an impact on China policy:

Taiwan Strait report: A rider to the fiscal 1999 defense
appropriations bill requires the Pentagon to produce an annual
report on the balance of military forces across the Taiwan
Strait. Promoters see this as a way to publicize China's growing
deployments on its side of the strait and to push for U.S.
military assistance to Taiwan. The first report in February 1999
highlighted China's ballistic missile buildup. A second report is

Limiting military exchanges: Sen. Robert C.  Smith (R-N.H.)
attached a rider to the fiscal 2000 defense authorization bill
limiting the kinds of weaponry and exercises that the U.S.
military can show to visiting People's Liberation Army officers.
It also mandates detailed reports to Congress on contacts with
the Chinese military.

New center: A provision in last year's defense authorization bill
requires the administration to send Congress a plan for a Center
for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the National Defense
University in Washington.  The provision's authors hope for more
critical analysis of China and greater access to intelligence for
Congress. The administation reacted warily; President Clinton
said the authors seemed to assume that China would inevitably
become an enemy, which he disputed.

Tibet envoy: Friends of Tibet in Congress pressed for the
appointment of a U.S. ambassador to Tibet, even though the United
States considers the region part of China. To avoid passage of
the bill, the administration named a special envoy.

Religion report: Congress passed a measure requiring the State
Department to issue an annual report on religious freedom around
the world. Critics of China supported the measure, assuming that
the report would name Beijing. The first report listed China
among the worst offenders.

Taiwan Security Enhancement Act: The House this month passed this
measure, which would affirm support for Taiwan's security,
establish direct communications between the U.S. and Taiwanese
militaries, and require the administration to share with Congress
the list of weapons Taiwan seeks to buy each year. Supporters of
the measure believe the process will build support for arms sales
to the self-governing island that Beijing considers part of

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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