Bojinka Plot Linked To 9-11 Terror

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/29/01) -- "Bojinka" (loud bang) was the code name given by Islamic terrorists to a 1995 plot to simultaneously bomb eleven U.S. jumbo jets and crash a plane into CIA headquarters. [1]

Additional targets of the 1995 Bojinka conspiracy were the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. [2]

The original plot was foiled by Philippine police. [3] However, the Bojinka plot may have spawned the bombing(s) of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City (OKC).

Bojinka also apparently transmuted itself into the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As those attacks unfolded, a Philippine investigator gasped, "It's Bojinka!" [4]

Stephen Jones (attorney for Timothy McVeigh, supposed mastermind of the 1995 OKC bombing(s)), in the updated, paperback reissue of his book, *Others Unknown*, shows a Philippine/Islam link behind the OKC horror.

Jones' book is unfortunately not well known. Yet he is an expert on international terrorists due to his wide-ranging investigation of the OKC affair. Although Jones, as McVeigh's lawyer, may not be completely impartial, he and his team of investigators unearthed intriguing information.

The 1993 fertilizer-bombing of the World Trade Center is traceable to Iraqi intelligence, supported by a wider network of Muslim extremists, argues Jones. Vincent Cannistraro, counter-terrorism expert, and Dr. Laurie Mylroie, an expert on Iraq and terrorism, are "convinced that the Iraqis, spearheaded by their intelligence service, [are] deeply committed to attacking the United States -- *within* its borders," writes Jones. [5]

This same *modus operandi* of fertilizer-bombs is seen in various terror incidents perpetrated by radical Islam: the American embassy in Beirut; the Al Khobar Towers in Dhahran; the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In the case of the OKC bombing(s) there is doubt whether a single fertilizer-bomb could have caused such destruction to the Murrah building. Jones also expresses skepticism regarding the government's version of what happened to the Murrah building. His perception is that the federal government early on decided to cut off a wider, more complex probe in favor of blaming a simpler plot for the tragedy.

But we may now be paying the price for the government's decision to halt its original search for "others unknown" in its investigation of the OKC bombing(s). The "others unknown" were apparently behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

In his book, Stephen Jones focuses on Terry Nichols, an associate of Timothy McVeigh. Nichols made several trips to the Philippines prior to the April 19th bombing of the Murrah building. Jones questions how Nichols, a marginally employed drifter, could have afforded these numerous trips. How also did Nichols amass $20,000, gold, and jewels which he hid in a storage locker in Las Vegas? Nichols' brother, James, himself wondered, "Who paid for all the plane tickets?" [6]

Edwin Angeles, interviewed by Philippine police, claims he was at a meeting in the early 1990s on the island of Mindanao where he saw "the Farmer" and Ramzi Yousef together. Jones shows that "the Farmer" was Terry Nichols and that Ramzi Yousef, convicted in connection with the Bojinka plot, is connected to Osama bin Laden.

Jones paints with too wide of a brush when he delves into the American "far right." He does not adequately distinguish between the law- abiding majority who are prepared to defend themselves and the tiny sub-group who have wandered into aggressive violence. Nonetheless, it is plausible, as shown by Jones, that, for example, neo-Nazis would ally themselves with Islamic terrorist groups. The neo-Nazis hate the Jews and Islamic extremists hate Israel. Politics makes strange bedfellows, but in this case the pairing of neo-Nazis with a worldwide, well-funded Islamic terrorist network is not far-fetched.

[1] "Could We Have Prevented the Attacks?" by William Norman Grigg. New American magazine, 11/5/2001
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] *Others Unknown* by Stephen Jones and Peter Israel. Cambridge: Public Affairs, 2001. ISBN: 1-58648-098-7.
[6] Ibid.

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