-Caveat Lector-

USA: Book Review - Corruption in Las Vegas

*****THE MONEY AND THE POWER The Making of Las Vegas and Its Hold on
America, 1947-2000 By Sally Denton and Roger Morris Illustrated. 479 pages.
Alfred A. Knopf. $26.95 *****

As they see it, Las Vegas is "the nexus" of "international corruption at
the highest levels of business and government": a "shadow capital at the
beginning of a new millennium" embodying the "culture and values and the
near-complete rule of money in American life," a "Rosetta stone for
deciphering significant but still entombed or encoded chapters of our
national past." "Read through the rise of Las Vegas, the seemingly familiar
story of organized crime and corruption in America takes on new
implications," Mr. Morris and Ms. Denton write. "The compromising of
politics and government is earlier, wider, more decisive and more often the
play of rival factions beyond the visible parties and personalities, the
penetration of business and finance deeper and more permanent, the
dominance of society more insidious and enduring." The authors suggest that
the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy
shared a Las Vegas connection and that Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson,
Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were "beholden to Las
Vegas power and influence" as well. The new corporate face of Las Vegas,
with its theme park casinos geared toward families, they imply, does not
signify the demise of mob power there, but merely conceals another stage in
the evolution of the city, "increasingly a playground and laundering center
for foreign organized crime." As for Watergate, Mr. Morris and Ms. Denton
argue that it was less about what they call "comparatively minor offenses
such as obstruction of justice, dereliction of duty or failure to produce
subpoenaed evidence" than "a Medusa´s head of entangled, intrinsic
corruption" tracing "a lineage to the Strip: partisan warfare by covert
gangs grown as decisive in American politics as any party or platform;
payoffs far larger than any sums revealed by Watergate testimony;
collusions with the syndicate much older and more constant than any
unsavory associations surfacing in the investigation; corporate alliance
with crime and government intelligence more pervasive and powerful than the
shadows thrown by any hearing." Such high-decibel allegations tend to be
made in "The Money and the Power" with little or no credible sourcing. Ms.
Denton and Mr. Morris (who served on the senior staff of the National
Security Council under Presidents Johnson and Nixon and who wrote the
critically acclaimed 1989 biography "Richard Milhous Nixon") appear to base
many of their arguments on the Oliver Stonian theories of writers like
Peter Dale Scott (the author of "Deep Politics and the Death of J. F. K."
and "Crime and Cover-Up: The C.I.A., the Mafia and the Dallas-Watergate
Connection"), who posit all manner of hidden connections between organized
crime, United States law enforcement agencies, the drug trade and foreign
policy. Ms. Denton and Mr. Morris frequently accept, at face value, the
assertions of their sources, however dubious or biased those sources might
be. They cite, for instance, a gangster´s boast of "delivering to President
Jimmy Carter the vote of Nevada Senator Howard Cannon on the Panama Canal
Zone Treaty" without making independent efforts to verify the credibility
of this assertion, and they quote a man named Michael Ventura, identified
only as "a frequent visitor" to Las Vegas, as saying that the Mormon church
"has a great deal in common with the Mafia." In another chapter, the
authors quote "one historian," who calls Ronald Reagan´s ascension to the
White House a "slow motion coup d´état" - that is, a coup that "transformed
the nation" and helped give Las Vegas "the opening to its own national
empire beyond the wildest dreams" of its nefarious founding fathers. Only a
footnote reveals that that "historian" is really Mr. Morris himself,
writing in another poorly documented book, "Partners in Power" (1996),
which alleged that Bill Clinton used to attend cocaine parties and had
shadowy links to a drug smuggling operation run out of Mena, Ark. Although
"The Money and the Power" offers vivid portraits of some of the fascinating
people who have played a role in Las Vegas´s short, electric history -
including Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Senator Pat McCarran, Gov. Paul
Laxalt, Jimmy Hoffa and Steve Wynn - the authors are overly intent on
turning all their subjects into representative men. Howard Hughes´s life,
they write, "paralleled in many ways the course of the country over the
same 70 years": "From the sweaty wildcatting of turn-of-the-century Texas
oil fields to clammy, closed-door intrigues of the cold war and big-money
politics, Hughes´s progress was an allegory of the nation´s passage." They
add that John F. Kennedy´s "career paralleled the rise" of Las Vegas, that
Lee Harvey Oswald "came out of a history molded by the Strip," and that
Jack Ruby, too, "embodied Las Vegas´s essence and its enveloping influence
in Dallas as elsewhere." Of course, it is the authors´ contention that Las
Vegas itself is emblematic of something larger: what they call in this
tendentious and often hysterical book "a pervasive and swelling American
corruption," the "glorification of mass taste and tastelessness,
aspiration, delusion, despair, a glossy if coarse mercenary despotism."

New York Times, April 13, 2001 http://www.nytimes.com

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