-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Scouts may see a windfall

Gwyneth K. Shaw
of the Sentinel Staff
Posted March 8, 2001

 The controversy about the Boy Scouts’ anti-gay policy appears to be helping
the local council -- at least with donors to Heart of Florida United Way.

When it’s all added up, the charity thinks the Scouts will receive more than
$330,000 from people who earmarked all or part of their United Way donation
for the group. The council asked only for $325,000.

"They’re going to get slightly more than they requested for their programs,"
United Way spokeswoman Michelle Herbold said.

Donors made their decision to give directly to the Boy Scouts last fall, when
it looked as though the organization might be completely cut off from future
United Way money because of the charity’s policy barring any of its agencies
from discriminating.

While the Scouts still don’t meet those requirements, last month the United
Way board agreed to allow the group to continue to receive only dollars
dedicated by donors. A bigger windfall has come from Dr. Phillips Inc., home
to two of the region’s oldest and most generous foundations. For the next
three years, the investment proceeds earned by nearly $1.5 million Dr.
Phillips has handed to the United Way will go to the Scouts.

Dr. Phillips didn’t make a contribution to United Way’s fall campaign
because of the board’s initial decision to pass the nondiscrimination policy.

Jim Hinson, president of Dr. Phillips, said he hopes the fund will yield 5 to
6 percent of the original sum for the Scouts. That could be more than
$225,000 over three years.

The combination has the Scouts smiling -- but top officials know that when
the publicity from the United Way flap fades, so could the flood of
designations. For example, during the fall 1999 campaign, donors pledged
$80,000 directly to the Scouts. But the organization got $310,000, with the
difference coming from the general pool of donor dollars. That kind of gap
won’t be made up under the terms agreed to by the United Way and the Scouts
last month.

Beginning this fall, United Way will take the money donated straight to the
Scouts, take 13 percent for overhead, then hand it over.

Even though the 2000 campaign -- which raised $20 million in Orange, Seminole
and Osceola counties -- ended in November, the amounts designated by donors
are only now becoming available.

Tico Perez, president of the local Scouts council, said he is pleased at the
money coming in. But the Scouts have to plan for a time when that river runs
dry, he said.

"The key to that is going to be that the people who designated to this
campaign continue to designate to us in the future," Perez said. "Hopefully,
our donors will continue to remember us. We certainly hope that people will
not forget."

Nationally, pressure is building on the Scouts from governments and a number
of organizations that give grants. Locally, Orlando Sentinel Communications,
parent company of the Orlando Sentinel, said it will no longer give grants to
programs run by the Scouts that discriminate because of sexual orientation or

The company gave $16,000 to the Scouts last year through money raised by the
newspaper’s Sentinel Santa program. The company encouraged the Scouts to
reapply for grant money, but only for programs that do not discriminate.

Hinson said helping the Scouts build a nest egg was the intent of the Dr.
Phillips board in offering the proceeds from the $1.5 million.

"They need to take these new dollars that are coming in and begin to create
their own longstanding endowment to create income for themselves over the
years," he said.

Gwyneth K. Shaw can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 407-420-5540.

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