
Soldier Shoots Himself After Taking Mefloquine

LONDON, Jul 21 (Reuters Health) - The British army has ordered an inquiry
after a soldier serving in Sierra Leone shot himself after taking Roche's
antimalarial drug mefloquine (Lariam), the Ministry of Defense has

Lance Corporal Kristian Shelmerdine has complained that vivid nightmares and
hallucinations led him to fire a semiautomatic rifle, wounding himself in
the upper left arm.

An Army spokesman told Reuters Health, "That is what he says. We have to
check it out. It could simply be a negligent discharge."

Several other cases of malaria have developed among the 4,000 British
servicemen dealing with the emergency in Sierra Leone this year. There have
been no other reports of hallucinations.

But in recent years mefloquine has been associated with several severe cases
of hallucinations. In one case a man severely injured himself by jumping out
of a bedroom window in the false belief that the building was on fire.

Roche has repeatedly pointed out that these cases are very rare and that
failing to take precautions against malaria is a much greater risk.

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delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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Robert F. Tatman
Jenkintown, PA, USA
*Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.*

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