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WSWS : News & Analysis : Africa
Britain's military intervention in Sierra Leone part of a new "Scramble for
By Chris Marsden and Chris Talbot
20 May 2000
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Britain's sending of over a thousand crack troops to Sierra Leone is a major
turn to direct intervention in Africa that has serious repercussions for both
the African masses and workers in the West.

As with previous military actions by the Blair Labour government in the Middle
East and the Balkans, the Sierra Leone operation was never discussed in
parliament until after the fact. Nor was there any attempt in advance of the
troop deployment to inform the British people. The undemocratic manner in which
the operation was launched is consistent with its character as a colonial-style
adventure. Its aims are two-fold: to secure immediate British interests in
Sierra Leone, and to demonstrate to London's great power rivals that Britain is
a major player in Africa, with the military muscle to back up its economic and
political ambitions.

To all intents and purposes, Britain has assumed de facto control of the
government of its former colony. It effectively mounted a take-over of the
United Nations mission, the Sierra Leone army and the pro-government militias
by the simple expedient of sending a small number of British "advisors" and SAS
men to take charge, and following this up with a substantial armed force.

Sierra Leone is the largest independent military operation carried out by
Britain since Margaret Thatcher dispatched a British task force to the Malvinas
(Falklands Islands) in 1982. Its forces are made up of 800 members of the
Parachute Regiment, 40 Special Air Service operatives and a further 600 Royal
Marines stationed offshore in combat readiness. The aircraft carrier HMS
Illustrious, the helicopter assault ship Oregon, three support ships and a
frigate are stationed in the capital Freetown's harbour.

The Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair has repeatedly redefined the
mission since it initially promised the action would be limited to “non-
combatant evacuation” of British nationals. It is now described by the
government as an exercise in “military diplomacy”.

Government spokesman at first insisted that British troops would not be
involved in direct confrontations with the rebel forces of Foday Sankoh's
Revolutionay United Front (RUF), but the Paras have already killed four RUF
members, while Brigadier David Richards let it be known that he would interpret
his “mission statement” liberally.

Notwithstanding its humanitarian rhetoric, the British government has spent
next to nothing combating the desperate poverty in Sierra Leone or providing
financial assistance to revive the economy. Almost all British aid has gone to
training the army and police. The issue of who controls Sierra Leone's mineral
wealth and, by extension, the far greater resources throughout Africa is the
Blair government's central concern.

Sierra Leone, officially the least developed country in the world, is wracked
by a civil war being fought over control of the country's diamond deposits.
According to the US State Department, Liberia presently exports £200 million
worth of diamonds a year, almost all of which come from Sierra Leone and are
supplied by the RUF rebels.

Ahmed Tejan Kabbah's Sierra Leone People's Party was elected in February 1996,
having promised to stabilise the country and make its safe for international
investors. But in May 1997, Major General Johnny Paul Koroma, an ally of the
RUF, carried through a military coup. The West African countries sent in a
“peacekeeping” force dominated by Nigeria, and the UN ordered a halt to the
supply of arms and petroleum products to Sierra Leone.

Unhappy with restrictions on its ability to intervene directly in Sierra Leone,
the Foreign Office in London came to an arrangement with the mercenary outfit
Sandline International for the purpose of breaching the UN embargo and aiding
pro-government forces. Sandline's specific remit was to help regain control of
the diamond producing areas.

Kabbah was returned to power on March 10, 1998, but in May the Blair government
was enmeshed in scandal after the agreement with Sandline came to public
attention. With the RUF continuing its attacks, Sandline forced to withdraw,
and the West African intervention force in disarray, the initiative in Sierra
Leone passed to the US—with Jesse Jackson playing a key role in securing a July
1999 peace agreement with the RUF.

The rebel forces received government posts and an amnesty for war crimes, with
Sankoh named Minister of Mines. But fighting continued between the RUF and UN
troops, as did abductions, rapes and other atrocities. Sankoh was not prepared
to relinquish his control of the diamond trade, and when this was threatened
earlier this spring his forces took some 500 UN troops hostage.

At the time of the Sandline revelations, the Blair government claimed it was
acting in the “spirit” of the UN's ruling—because it was seeking to return a
democratically elected government to power and bring a military coup to an end.
Now, however, Britain has sent in troops without so much as conferring with the
UN. Moreover, the British troops are working directly with former coup plotter
Koroma and his mercenary thugs, presenting as good coin Koroma's declared
conversion to democracy.

There are echoes here of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, the classic
depiction of colonial crimes during the Scramble for Africa in the nineteenth
century, with British forces assuming the role of Mr. Kurtz in their
willingness to recruit those who have tortured and raped civilians to further
their designs. Like Kurtz, Britain would no doubt justify its behaviour with
the claim that “by the simple exercise of our will we can exert a power and
good practically unbounded".

A harbinger of future conflicts between the major powers
This is the first such unilateral military action by a European power, after a
decade in which the US has been able to either dictate to NATO and the UN, or
bypass them altogether. In wars against Iraq, in Bosnia and Kosovo, in Somalia
and the Sudan, the US has forced its European NATO allies into backing its
initiatives, with scarcely a reference to the UN. That Britain has now followed
America's lead demonstrates the extent to which the traditional mechanisms
through which inter-imperialist relations were mediated have been undermined.

The UN has been thrown into a deep crisis as a result of the growing
determination of the US and its European rivals to aggressively pursue their
own interests. On May 10, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan chastised the more
powerful UN member-states for not sending forces to Sierra Leone, singling out
the US for particular criticism. So desperate was Annan that he hailed
Britain's unilateral action, declaring, "At least they have moved, they have
done something."

Whatever the immediate response of the US and Europe's major powers to the
British initiative in Sierra Leone, the unilateral action demonstrates the
extent to which there is no longer a common position amongst the imperialist
countries when it comes to defending their interests in Africa and elsewhere.
This presages future conflicts of a potentially more serious character.

For most of the post-Second World War period, the ambitions of the Western
powers in Africa had to take into account the Cold War conflict with the USSR.
The differing interests of Britain, France and the US, in particular, were for
the most part subsumed in a general effort to combat the growth of Soviet
influence. There was a retreat from direct colonial rule, as nominal
independence was granted to various bourgeois national governments. These often
utilised socialist phraseology and limited reforms to placate the social and
democratic aspirations of the workers and oppressed masses. This was combined
with policies to safeguard corporate investments in Africa and repay debts owed
to the IMF and World Bank.

Following the collapse of the USSR, the bipolar character of African policy has
given way to a new scramble for Africa—in which America feels able to assert
its interests more forthrightly and the former European colonial powers are
less inclined to subordinate themselves to US foreign policy needs.

Western levels of trade and investment are still very low in Africa compared
with the rest of the world. In an attempt to remedy this situation over the
past decade the United States, Britain and France have each manoeuvred to gain
greater influence on the continent.

All of the Western governments apply huge pressure on African regimes for
"transparency" and "good governance", i.e., accountability to the demands of
the major corporations, through the IMF and World Bank, which determine what
debt payments have to be made. But there is now a high-profile competition
between Western governments to make separate deals over debt forgiveness and
aid packages.

Two years ago, the US decided to take advantage of a cutback in France's
African operations and problems with Europe's Lome Convention, which regulates
economic relations with Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Clinton
announced an increase in the Peace Corps compliment operating in 30 African
countries from 6,500 to 10,000, and declared Africa a “new frontier”.

A presidential tour of five African countries followed, alongside the drafting
of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, proposing an end to customs barriers
for 1,800 products from sub-Saharan Africa. Deputy Secretary of State for
African Affairs Susan Rice described Africa as a barely explored market of 700
million, with huge and as yet unexploited wealth.

Since then America has intervened, directly or covertly, in many African
countries. But it has suffered setbacks. Its military intervention in Somalia
in 1992-93 was a debacle, and Clinton's initiative to establish "new leaders"
in Africa who are more receptive to Western demands has suffered badly, as
bitter civil wars and ethnic conflicts have exploded in Ethiopia, Eritrea and
the Congo.

Nevertheless, the US continues its drive to control Africa, working through
regimes like that of Museveni in Uganda, and Obasanjo in Nigeria. It has
recently given a $10 million military aid package to Nigeria, using a private
security firm to revamp and retrain its army and paying for transport planes to
intervene in regional peacekeeping missions.

Together with Britain, in January this year the US pushed for the UN
peacekeeping initiative in both Sierra Leone and the Congo, against the
objections of France, which wanted a far bigger force in which it could play a
leading role. Britain continues to work through its traditional Commonwealth
connections, to which it has added Mozambique. France also works through its ex-
colonies and is developing new diplomatic initiatives after it was exposed for
its support of the Rwandan Hutu regime, which carried out the genocide against
the Tutsis in 1994. France has signed a defence agreement with South Africa and
is sending aid to Tanzania, now included in its "Priority Area of Solidarity".

An indication of intensified great power intervention in Africa is provided by
a recent report noting that, from an admittedly low base, flows of foreign
direct investment into sub-Saharan Africa trebled between 1992 and 1995,
outstripping growth in other undeveloped countries.

Virtually all of the present conflicts in Africa are related to mineral
resources, especially diamonds in the Congo, Sierra Leone (through Liberia) and
Angola. This is the main interest for the West in Africa.

The US has shifted its approach towards Angola because of its oil wealth. In
Angola, more offshore oil discoveries have been made in the last period than in
any other country, and 75 percent of Angola's oil goes to the US. Libya, one of
the world's biggest oil producers, is now making trade and investment deals
with European Union countries, especially its former colonial power, Italy.

Recent calls for sanctions against diamond sales from these areas come mainly
from the US and Britain—neither of which presently benefits from such sales. De
Beers, the South African corporation, has a virtual monopoly over the diamond
trade, and 80 percent of the world's diamonds are traded through Antwerp in

Oppose imperialist intrigues against Africa
No progressive resolution to the social and political problems afflicting
Sierra Leone and the whole of the African continent is possible until Britain
and the other imperialist powers are forced to end their economic and military
intrigues against the African masses.

Those who claim that British troops can be relied on to stop the suffering and
bloodshed in Sierra Leone ignore the role played historically by imperialism in
creating poverty and social deprivation and whipping up tribal conflicts. Once
again, imperialism seeks to conceal its naked economic interests behind
moralistic phrases, recalling imperial Britain's “White man's burden”
rationalisation for the rape of Africa in the latter half of the nineteenth

An example of this type of apologetics for neo-colonialism, with its racist
undercurrent, was provided by Richard Dowden, Africa correspondent for the
Economist, who wrote in the May 14 Observer newspaper: “Perhaps we will look
back in 20 years at this footage of British troops digging into African soil
and smile ruefully—the world's last attempt to save Africa from itself. There
will be a moving memorial to the men of the 1st Battalion, The Parachute
Regiment, who died defending a piece of worthless soil once called Sierra
Leone, a Rorke's Drift 100 years on that failed. Then we will be watching
horrific scenes of fighting and starvation amid the smashed ruins of
Johannesburg and Lagos and Nairobi.”

Dowden's patronising musings say more than he perhaps intends. After the
intervention in Sierra Leone, will Nigeria and Kenya be next? The imperialist
powers are Africa's tormentors, not its saviour. Their renewed interest in its
affairs will only produce further suffering, wars and economic deprivation.
They will use the present crisis in Sierra Leone to secure their own interests
in Africa, whether through stooges like Kabbah or tyrants like Liberia's

Even if the RUF is curbed, nothing will be fundamentally altered in Sierra
Leone. A way forward for Africa demands the independent political mobilisation
of the African working class, leading behind them the oppressed masses, against
the Western powers, their local political representatives and criminal outfits
like the RUF. The real allies of the African masses in their fight for economic
and social progress are not the Western powers, or the UN, but the workers of
Britain, Europe and America.

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