-Caveat Lector-


September 19, 2001
by Srdja Trifkovic
So we are at war. Terrorism is the
enemy, personified by Osama Bin Laden. But before America commits its
and risks the lives of its young men (“and women”) to this epic
struggle, a few stables need to be cleaned and some unpleasant
skeletons removed from
government cupboards.  Bill Gertz, writing in today's (9/18)
Times, proves conclusively that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network
thriving in Albania. [Read
the article]
It is not enough to bewail the fact that bin Laden’s rise
was facilitated by the hefty support he received from the CIA in the
1980's. At
that early stage one could justify the policy--mistaken and
shortsighted, as it
turned out to be--by the dictates of the Cold War: your enemy’s enemy
is your de
facto ally, if not a trusted friend. “Blowback” was a risk, but
worth taking two decades ago. But if we are to take the war on
seriously today, it is also necessary:
To acknowledge that throughout the 1990s the Clinton
Administration had tolerated, and effectively aided and abetted bin
operations in the Balkans, long after he was recognized as a major
threat to the United States;
To name the instigators of such policy in Washington, and to
ensure that none of them remain in any positions of responsibility as President
Bush plans his response to the recent outrage; and
To recognize that the Balkan policy of successive U.S.
administrations--the policy that had made this scandalous connection possible
and, in a way, inevitable--was fundamentally flawed, and requires urgent
In the aftermath of America’s “Black September,” it was
confirmed in Sarajevo that the Muslim authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina had
issued a passport to Osama bin Laden at the Bosnian embassy in Vienna in 1993.
The intention was obviously to facilitate the movements of a man who was fast 
acquiring the reputation of a dangerous terrorist.
That the government in Sarajevo was sympathetic to Islamic
militants is neither surprising nor remarkable, of course, but in this
particular case there was an old debt to be repaid.  Osama Bin Laden was an
early supplier of weapons to the Bosnian Muslims. His early efforts in 1992-93
were known to the Clinton administration and quietly tolerated by it.  He was
given a free hand in the Balkans and eventually established a strong foothold
in the heart of Europe, initially under the guise of humanitarian work.
The facts of the case were known to the media.  In the summer
of 1996, the Washington Post confirmed that “the Clinton administration
knew of the activities of a so-called Relief Agency which was, in fact,
funneling weapons and money into Bosnia to prop up the Izetebegovic Muslim
government in Sarajevo.”
It was funneling
troops, too.  The mujahideen had first come to Bosnia in 1992 and
numbered over 3,000 by the summer of 1995.  They included volunteers from the
Middle East, as well as deserters from the Turkish, Malaysian and French
UNPROFOR units.  They never took prisoners: wounded Serb soldiers were usually
Under the
Dayton Peace Accords, all Islamic volunteers who fought with the Muslim
government army were supposed to leave the country. An undisclosed number
remained, however, having been given Bosnian citizenship and permanent
residence.  Several hundred had taken over what was the Serbian village of
Bocinja Donja, in central Bosnia, and provided instruction to local Muslim
forces in terrorist activities.
They first
attracted attention when on December 18, 1995--only a month after Dayton--a car
bomb prematurely exploded in the central Bosnian town of Zenica.  It was
apparently meant for American troops stationed nearby, as revenge for the
sentencing of Sheik Omah Abdel Rahman in connection with the World Trade Center
Two months
later, in February 1996, SFOR units raided the training center of the Bosnian
government’s secret police (AID), located near Fojnica. Several persons were
arrested for preparing terrorist actions. It transpired that instructors from
the Middle East were teaching AID officers how to disguise bombs as toys and
ice cream cones.
Only months
later the Bosnian Connection started making an impact abroad. Reporting on the
bombing of the Al Khobar building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the New York
Times reported on June 26, 1997, that several suspects had served with the
Bosnian Muslim forces and were linked to Osama Bin Laden. From that point on
the United States and its allies had complained periodically and ineffectually
to the Muslim authorities in Sarajevo about the continued presence of the mujahadeen 
in Bosnia.
By late 1999
this connection attracted further attention when U.S. law enforcement
authorities discovered that several suspects who have visited or lived in
Bosnia were associated with a terrorist plot to bomb targets in the United
States on New Year’s Day.  Among them was Karim Said Atmani, who was identified
by authorities as the document forger for a group of Algerians accused of
plotting the bombings.  He is a former roommate of Ahmet Ressemi, the man
arrested at the Canadian-U.S. border in mid-December 1999 with a carload of
explosives.  Atmani has been a frequent visitor to Bosnia, even after Ressmi’s
arrest.  Another Bosnian veteran, a Palestinian named Khalil Deek, was arrested
in Jordan in late December 1999 on suspicion of involvement in a plot to blow
up tourist sites; a second man with Bosnian citizenship, Hamid Aich, lived in
Canada at the same time as Atmani and worked for a charity associated with
Osama Bin Laden.  A third suspect, an Algerian named Abu Mali, was regarded as a
“community leader” in the Bosnian village of Bocinja. Mehrez Amdouni, yet
another former resident, was arrested in September 1999 in Istanbul, where he
arrived with a Bosnian passport. It has been confirmed that Ahmet Ressemi had
ties with Said Atmani, another terrorist who fought in the El Mujahadeen
unit in Bosnia-Herzegovina.  The Canadian authorities deported Atmani back to 
Bosnia-Herzegovina on October 18, 1998, supposedly without knowing of
alleged participation in terrorist activities through Europe.  The New York
Times Magazine reported on February 6, 2000 that “last year, sources in
Jordan say, the Mukhabarat, the intelligence service, alerted the C.I.A. to at
least three plots by Bosnian-based Islamic terrorists to attack U.S. targets in
While an
elaborate Islamic terror network was developing in Bosnia, Osama bin Laden was
busy looking for fresh opportunities in the Balkans. The victims would remain
the same; and yet again he could count on the quiet complicity of the U.S.
During the NATO war against Serbia, in May 1999, U.S. Sen.
Jim Inhofe warned that if American troops go into Kosovo they’d be fighting
alongside a terrorist organization known to finance its operations with drug
sales--including some to the United States. Inhofe was one of the few legislators
to note and complain that by joining hands with the KLA the United States also
would become partners of a sort with Osama bin Laden.
Six months before the bombing, the Jerusalem Post
reported that Bosnia was the first bastion of Islamic power in the former
Yugoslavia, but Kosovo promised to be the second (“Kosovo seen as new Islamic
bastion” by Steve Rodan, September 14, 1998). The Albanians have been provided
with financial and military support from Islamic countries, the report went on,
and they were bolstered by hundreds of mujahadeen infiltrated from Albania. “US
defense officials say the support includes that of Osama Bin Laden” and the
Defense Department confirmed that bin Laden’s Al Qa’ida organization supported Moslem 
fighters in both Bosnia and Kosovo. The report quoted sources in
Washington as saying that the Clinton administration was fully aware of the
Islamic militants’ activities in Bosnia and Kosovo, but had looked the other
way: “The administration wants to keep the lid on the pot at all costs . .
. Needless to say, the Europeans have been quite upset by this.”
The usually well-informed Israeli paper correctly sensed a
shift in U.S. policy that facilitated bin Laden’s activities.  In early 1998, the
State Department had listed the KLA as an international terrorist organization
that supported itself with drug profits and through loans from known terrorists
like bin Laden.  By the end of that year the policy was reversed, however.
November 30, 1998, the Scotsman reported that the KLA “had the unusual
honour of being taken off a register of organisations the US defines as
‘terrorists’. This is a valuable asset, not just in terms of public relations.
It also makes fund-raising among ethnic Albanians abroad much easier.”
The KLA’s rehabilitation in Washington went hand-in-hand
with its growing links with the Islamic radicals. The Sunday Times of
London reported on March 22, 1998, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards had joined
forces with Osama bin Laden to support the Albanian insurgency in Kosovo,
hoping “to turn the region into their main base for Islamic armed activity in
Europe.”  By November the same paper confirmed that bin Laden’s terrorist
network in Albania was regularly sending units to fight against the Serbs in
Kosovo.  The paper pointed out that bin Laden’s Albanian operation dated back to
1994, when its was established under the guise of a wealthy Saudi humanitarian
agency. In those early days bin Laden’s group enjoyed the support of then
premier Sali Berisha--also an American “asset” at that time--and the main KLA
training base was subsequently established on Berisha’s property in northern Albania.
Correctly sensing that the anti-Serb course of the Clinton
administration would lead it to tolerate his activities in Albania and Kosovo,
bin Laden issued a communiqué in August 1998 listing Serbia among “the worst
infidel nations.”  The communiqué, faxed to Knight Ridder from bin Laden’s
supporters in London and translated from Arabic, boasted of “great victories”
in Bosnia and Kosovo. By the end of 1998, as the United States was building up its
pressure on Belgrade to accept the Clinton administration’s terms on the
beleaguered Serbian province, the Times of London reported (November 26, 1998) that 
the Islamic fighters who “created havoc in the war in
Bosnia” were moving on to Kosovo.  The link between Osama bin Laden and the KLA
were facilitated by the chaotic conditions in the neighboring Albania, the Times went 
on, allowing Muslim extremists to settle there, often under the
guise of humanitarian workers.
“They were terrorists in 1998 and now, because of politics,
they’re freedom fighters,” a top U.S. drug official complained to the Washington Times 
in May 1999.  By that time the NATO bombing was in full swing, however, and the 
mujahideen were once again American allies.
to the Washington Times, “The reports said bin Laden’s organization,
known as al-Qaeda, has both trained and financially supported the KLA.  Many
border crossings into Kosovo by ‘foreign fighters’ also have been documented
and include veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya
and Afghanistan. Many of the crossings originated in neighboring Albania and,
according to the reports, included parties of up to 50 men.”
Bin Laden has
become an integral attachment to each KLA operation.  It is unsurprising,
therefore, that he has established a presence in Macedonia, the latest victim
of the flawed U.S. policy. The Washington Times wrote on
June 22 of this year that the NLA (the KLA subsidiary in Macedonia) was largely--but 
not exclusively--dependent on the illegal trade in narcotics: “In
addition to drug money, the NLA also has another prominent venture capitalist:
Osama bin Laden.”  The sum supplied was estimated at between six and
seven million
dollars over six months.
In the aftermath of the tragedy in New York and Washington,
it is certainly desirable, and perhaps even possible, for the United States to
devise an effective anti-terrorist strategy.  This cannot be done, however,
unless there is a change of the policy that breeds terrorism. A decade of American
covert and overt support for the Muslims in the former Yugoslavia has been a
foreign policy disaster, detrimental to peace in the Balkans and to American
interests.  Its beneficiaries are Osama bin Laden and his co-
religionists in
Sarajevo, Tirana, Pristina and Tetovo.  If we are to take the “war on
terrorism” seriously, the mistakes of the past need to be recognized
and rectified.
2001, www.ChroniclesMagazine.org
928 N. Main St., Rockford, IL 61103

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