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Action- Oppose Emergency Health Powers Act
September 11- Unanswered Questions (good overview with links!)


Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9-11
The Questions Raised with Links to Key Articles

Report from the January 8th March on Senator Feinstein's Office

My Statement to Senators Feinstein and Boxer
Report on Our March on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo January 15, 2002 to
Demand a Congressional Inquiry of 9-11

Activist Update

The Petitions
Additional Websites
Videos on 9-11
Humor- Our Best Tools are Love and Laughter

More Tools- Cartoons, Song, Downloadable Flyer!

Key Articles- including a GREAT overview by Cheryl Seal
>From the Horse's Mouth- Official Pronouncements

Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9-11
Questions with links to key articles

January 8th, 2002

People Gathered and Marched to Senator Feinstein's office

A delegation of people met with Senator Feinstein's and Senator Boxer's
staff, to raise our concerns, demand a Congressional Inquiry, raise these questions, 
copies of (some of) the articles listed to draw public attention to these issues which 
us and the entire world. I represented myself as a member of  Women's International
League for Peace and Freedom.

The questions-

Who is Osama Bin Laden?

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? by Michel Chossudovsky, 12 Sep 2001
"OSAMAGATE" by Michel Chossudovsky, 9 Oct 2001

Who created and funded the Al Qaeda Network?

A Vital Piece of the Puzzle: Dollars for Terror -- The United States and Islam, by 

What is the relationship between Bin Laden, his family, the

Carlyle Group and the Bush family?

Osama bin Laden's Bush family Business Connections, Alliance With Pakistan Will 
Drug Trade, Bring Revenues Under U.S. Control -- Colombian Opium Production Will Soar;
The Taliban's Biggest Economic Attack on the U.S. Came in February With The Destruction
of Its Opium Crop by Michael C. Ruppert, 18 Sept 2001
Carlyle profit from Afghan war, by David Lazarus, 2 Dec 2001
Above the Law--Bush's Racial Coup D'Etat and Intell Shutdown, Interview with Greg 
Elder Bush in Big G.O.P. Cast Toiling for Top Equity Firm, by Leslie Wayne, 5 Mar 2001
The George W. Bush Money Tree, from www.bushwatch.com
Bush Family's dirty little secret: President's oil companies funded by Bin Laden 
family and
wealthy Saudis who financed Osama bin Laden, by Rick Wiles,Sep 2001
Arms Buildup Enriches Carlyle Group, Bush Sr. is Consultant, by Mark Fineman, 10 Jan 

Why were no fighter planes dispatched to intercept the four
hijacked planes on September 11th?

Scrambled Messages, by George Szamuely, 12 Dec 2001
Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel, 14 Nov 2001
Mr. Cheney's Cover Story -- Section 2 of Guilty For 9-11, 20 Nov 2001
9-ll: Nothing Urgent, by George Szamuely, Research & documentation by Illarion Bykov 
Jared Israel, Jan 2002
Guilty for 9-11 Section 3: Bush in the Open

Who actually was in control of the "hijacked planes"?

Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS, by Carol A. Valentine October 6, 2002

Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets?, Part 1- An Inside Job, by Carol A. Valentine 
23, 2002
Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets?, Part 2- The Dumb Blondes, by Carol A. Valentine
February 25, 2002
Flight of the Bumble Planes,by Snake Plissken as told to Carol A. Valentine, March, 

What role did Pakistani Intelligence play on September 11th?

Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration? The Role of Pakistan's Military
Intelligence (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks by Michel Chossudovsky, 2 Nov 2001

Did the CIA have foreknowledge of the attack, who tried to profit
with put options on American, United, Merrill Lynch... stock just before the attack?

Suppresed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly Into The CIA's Highest 
Ranks --
CIA Executive Director `Buzzy' Krongard Managed Firm That Handled `Put' Options on UAL,
by Michael C. Ruppert, 9 Oct 2001
Mystery of terror `insider dealers', by Chris Blackhurst, 14 Oct 2001
Profits of Death -- Insider Trading and 9-11, by Tom Flocco - Edited by Michael C. 
6 Dec 2001

Why were the FBI told to not investigate the Bin Laden family links
in the US?

Has someone been sitting on the FBI? Transcript of a BBC Newsnight Report on "the
questionable links of the bin Laden Family," 6 Nov 2001
Bush thwarted FBI probe against bin Ladens, Hindustan Times, 7 Nov 2001
US efforts to make peace summed up by `oil', by Lara Marlowe, 19 Nov 2001

If the CIA met with Bin Laden last July, why didn't they try to arrest

The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July in
Dubai, by Alexandra Richard, Translated courtesy of Tiphaine Dickson, Le Figaro, 11 Oct

If the US is serious about ridding the world of terrorism, why do we
continue to fund and train terrorists?

U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo, by Umberto Pascali, 2 Nov 2001
US efforts to make peace summed up by `oil', by Lara Marlowe, 19 Nov 2001

Should the United States Renounce Terrorism?

Should the United States Renounce Terrorism? Richard Heinberg, November 2001



A Timeline Surrounding September 11th, by Michael Ruppert, 27 Nov 2001

Why are we bombing Afghanistan, when none of the alleged

bombers actually came from there, could there be another reason for our presence in 
region, like oil?

A War in the Planning for Four Years, by Michael Ruppert, Nov 2001
The Political Diary #4-Pipe Dreams, #5-The Complicity Connection, Joyce Lynn, January 
http://www.topica.com/lists/politicaldiary (click on Read This List to find #4 & #5)
India in anti-Taliban military plan- India and Iran will "facilitate" planned US-Russia
hostilities against the Taliban, June 26, 2001
US 'planned attack on Taleban'BBC- George Arney, September 18, 2001
War on Terror Masks Bush's Grand Strategy, Eric Margolis, March 10, 2002
Keep Your Eye on the Target, Congressman Ron Paul, House of Representatives, 29 Nov
Hidden Agenda Behind War On Terror, by John Pilger, Nov 2001
Guns, Drugs, and Oil: The Real Politik of the Afghan War by Ed Rippy
Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team,by Wayne Madsen,January 2002
THE ROVING EYE- Pipelineistan, Part 1: The rules of the game, By Pepe Escobar 1/ 25/02
THE ROVING EYE- Pipelineistan, Part 2: The games nations play,By Pepe Escobar 1 26/02

Is this war illegal?

A Coup Against the American Constitution, Interview with Francis Boyle, 14 Nov 2001

When will the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency start toturn their new 
(that they have under the Ashcroft police state bill) against American citizens?

No War Against Afghanistan! Professor Francis Boyle November 30, 2001


The USA PATRIOT Act: What's So Patriotic About Trampling on the Bill of Rights?
by Nancy Chang, Senior Litigation Attorney for the Center for Constitutional Rights,
November 2001


Bush’s new Department of Homeland Defense: the scaffolding of a police state, June 8,


For historical background on this see-

Homeland Insecurity, by Douglas Valentine, 15 Nov 2001

Homeland InsecurityPart I: Phoenix, Chaos, The Enterprise, and the Politics of Terror 
Homeland InsecurityPart II: Phoenix And The Anatomy Of Terror
Homeland Insecurity Part III: Chaos And Political Terrorism In America
Homeland Insecurity Part IV: The Terrorism Account Goes Underground
Homeland InsecurityPart V: The Turning Point
Homeland Insecurity Part VI: The Counter-Terror Network
Homeland Insecurity Part VII: The Last Decade
Homeland Insecurity Footnotes

What are Bush's, Cheney's and Rice's connections to the oil industry?

The United States of Oil No administration has ever been more in bed with the energy
industry -- but does that mean Big Oil is calling Bush's shots? by Damien Caveli, 19 

What are Bush's and Cheney's connections to the drug industry?

Halliburton Corporation's Brown and Root is one of the major components of The Bush-
Cheney Drug Empire, by Michael C. Ruppert, 24 Oct 2001

Has the US government ever thought to mislead the public to justify a war against 

Friendly Fire -- Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke 
With Cuba, by David Ruppe, 1 May 2001
Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962, The National Security Archive, 30
Apr 2001

Who was responsible for the Anthrax attacks, and why were Democrats and the media the

The US Secret Bioweapons Program, by Michel Chossudovsky, 28 Nov 2001
Anthrax attacks' `work of neo-Nazis', by Ed Vulliamy, 28 Oct 2001
Anthrax attacks 14/3/02 BBC News, Susan Watts
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/audiovideo/programmes/newsnight/archive/ newsid_

Why is the evidence being destroyed when an investigation of the
World Trade Center collapse is needed?

"Burning Questions...Need Answers": Fire Engineering's Bill Manning Calls for
Comprehensive Investigation of WTC Collapse, 4 Jan 2002
http://fe.pennnet.com/Articles/ Article_Display.cfm?
Muslims Suspend the Laws of Physics!by J. McMichael November 25, 2001

Why seal Presidential records? Why intimidate professors from
speaking out against this war?

Bush Clamping Down On Presidential Papers- Incumbent Could Lock Up Predecessor's
Records,George Lardner Jr., Washington Post 11/1/2001
Lynne Cheney-Joe Lieberman Group Puts Out a Blacklist, by Roberto J. Gonzalez, 13 Dec
The New Totalitarianism -- Why there a War in Afghanistan? by John McMurtry, 9 Dec 2001
New article by John McMurty June 2002 Decoding 9-11
Intimidation Is a Form of Censorship, By Norah Vincent, 8 Nov 2001

Report of the March on Senator Feinstein's Office to Demand a
Congressional Inquiry of 9-11 With links to Participating Organizations and People

January 8, 2002

On Tuesday, January 8th, 2002, at eleven o'clock, people began to gather at
Justin Herman Plaza. As organizer, I baked bread and cookies that morning, figuring 
would be hungry (I always bring food to my weekly peace demos in Palo Alto- people 
resist the cookies and dialogue happens…) Supporters came from all over the Bay Area, 
well as Japan, there were three guitarists and a couple of big banners including 
for Peace- "War - War - What is it good for? - Absolutely nothing." And- "One People, 
Earth, One Love" a quote from Alice Walker with an image of the Earth with a heart 
over it
surrounded by a group of people holding hands, on the other side "One Air, One Water,
One Hope - Respect all Life" with an image of 3 interconnected circles (which we made 
the first, big, national, DC anti-war demo on September 29th). There was an assortment 
signs, the Earth flag, and sashes for People, Earth, Love, Air, Water, Hope and Peace. 
atmosphere was very friendly with much sharing of information. Bill Moyer, author of 
Democracy, who has mapped out the eight stages of social movements and helped
empower activists for forty years came, just five minutes after I passed out his useful
"map" and pointed out where we were.

The media swooped down in a pack, two or three television stations and three radio
journalists, and at least one newspaper reporter. The march was colorful and lively,
although somewhat small, about thirty or so people, so we kept to the sidewalk with a
police escort. (There probably would have been more people, if we hadn't been
"competing" with a major event- the Deputy General of the WTO was having a debate with
activists across town at the same time. And it is hard to organize when you're out of 
country without access to a computer; I did the best I could in four days with three 

The 9-11 disaster has been used to justify a "War on Terrorism" which endangers the 
and liberties of millions of people everywhere. The U.S. bombing of Afghanistan has 
thousands of civilians; millions of Afghans have been displaced and face starvation 
winter. The administration has condoned massive Israeli assaults on Palestine, and
threatens to attack Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, and other countries. Recent legislation is 
attack on constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties, especially those of immigrants 
people of color. The laws are mirrored in other countries which are outlawing dissent 
increasing political repression. The administration has institutionalized racial 
profiling and is
secretly rounding up thousands of Arab Americans and other people of Middle Eastern
background. At the same time, it is giving billions to the military, offering huge 
bailouts and
tax incentives to corporations and the wealthy, while ignoring the hundreds of 
thousands of
laid off workers, and cutting social services. This appears to be part of a long-range
strategy to turn the clock back on the hard earned gains of the civil rights', 
women's', and
environmental movements, to consolidate U.S. global domination, and to serve the 
of transnational corporations.

At the plaza in front of Senator Feinstein's office the march turned into a party/
gathering/leafletting/networking opportunity. The nine person delegation escorted by 
presented identification, got our security clearances and went up to see Senator 
staff. Senator Boxer's staff also joined the meeting at the last minute.

The delegation spoke on many issues and raised many questions from "Why weren't the
hijacked planes intercepted?" to "How can the U.S. declare a 'War on Terrorism' when
terrorism has been the keystone of U.S. foreign policy for decades and we continue to 
train, and arm terrorists?"

Here is the synopsis-

Kevin Danaher Public Education Director of Global Exchange who has written or edited 
books examining US foreign policy and the global economy including- Democratizing the
Global Economy The Battle Against the World Bank and the IMF Globalize This! The Battle
Against the World Trade Organization, and Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Momma
Globalization and the Downsizing of the American Dream, came up with the idea of the
Inquiry. He explained how when he is traveling and speaking with many people the
questions keep coming up, and people want to know, deserve to know the truth. His wife
and daughter had also recently traveled to Afghanistan and he spoke of the plight of 
Afghans. He also touched on the larger picture, the pattern of events, the global 
the lost opportunity when the U.S. with all the world feeling sympathetically towards 
chose to violate international law, act unilaterally and bomb.

Riva Enteen- Vice president of the National Lawyers Guild, had compiled a history of 
dark times when this country has ignored, violated due process and civil rights. She 
about how the situation has deteriorated so badly, so quickly. She also questioned 
the victims of the World Trade Center were being given "hush money" so that they could
not sue whoever was criminally responsible for the attack.

Carmen Hartono- Women's International Peace Imperative addressed racial profiling, and
the stereotyping that distresses her, and her husband. (She is from El Savador and her
husband is from Indonesia) She was also deeply concerned about what is happening in

Ed Rippy- East Bay Peace Action, talked about the CIA/drug/military connections and the
U.S.'s history and current relationship with various terrorists and intelligence 
agencies, and
their links to drug smuggling and money laundering. He offered this statement:

"The U.S. is carrying out a military campaign in Afghanistan which violates the U.N. 
while expanding and strengthening its global military dominance, ostensibly to defeat
terrorism worldwide. But the lies and secrecy which pervade our government poison the
social contract and remove all legitimacy its power may have had. Government secrecy 
lying, abetted by a mostly complacent press, have become so bad that U.S. citizens must
rely on a few investigative journalists, scholars, and elected and appointed officials 
with the
means, the honesty, and the courage to tell the truth. Often their integrity is 
rewarded by
dismissal or even death. Indeed, as citizens we have had to become investigators 
in order to have any hope of fulfilling our responsibility to control our government. 
ranging from U.S. Senators and retired DEA, FBI, and CIA agents to scholars and 
offer clear, consistent, and specific evidence that elements of the U.S. government are
pursuing illegal covert policies. In response, our government simply refuses to answer 
utters things which are inconsistent, contradict the evidence, or both. No country 
which calls
itself, even approximately, a democracy can tolerate this."

Susie Whitlock - Organizing Mills, spoke about the Bush/Bin Laden financial ties and
Unocal's oil negotiations in Afghanistan. The recent appointment of the Unocal Advisor 
to be
the representative of the U.S. to the interim Afghan government suggests that oil is 
one of
the reasons that the U.S. is in Afghanistan.

Denny Riley - Veteran's for Peace, told his truth. He was in the Air Force in Vietnam. 
He had
witnessed how the government, particularly the military, lies. He had been on missions,
chosen targets. Bombs kill civilians. In Vietnam 2 million people were killed; the 
to them depicts, not soldiers, but civilians because that is primarily who gets killed

I offered printed articles addressing the following questions, as well as additional 
pieces which had not been posted on the internet. I mentioned the online petition which
echoed our demands which I had learned of only the night before, although I 
left my hard copy at home).

I couldn't resist asking why Senator Feinstein, and most other Senators were going 
with President Bush, without raising any questions. I wondered if they were afraid or
whether they really believed what he said.

I probably went too far and was told that Senator Feinstein "believed in Bush" and 
that the
Senator and I have different worldviews…

These are some of the questions that we, the people, demand to be raised and answered

Who created, trained and funded the Al Qaeda Network?

What is the relationship between Bin Laden, his family and the Bush family and the 
Why were no fighter planes dispatched to intercept the four hijacked planes on 
11h , in violation of standard procedures?
Who actually was in control of the "hijacked planes"?
What is the U.S. relationship with Pakistan, and especially with its intelligence 
service, the
Why did the then director of the ISI have $100,000 transferred to the man whom the FBI
now calls the ringleader of the Sept. 11th attacks, and why does the U.S. not pursue 
Did the CIA have foreknowledge of the attack, who tried to profit with put options on
American, United, Merrill Lynch… stock just before the attack?
Why were the FBI told to not investigate the Bin Laden family links in the US?
If the CIA met with Bin Laden last July, why didn't they try to arrest him?
If the US is serious about ridding the world of terrorism, why do we continue to fund 
train terrorists?
Why are we bombing Afghanistan, when none of the alleged bombers actually came from
there, could there be another reason for our presence in that region, like oil?
Is the war against Afghanistan illegal?
What are Bush's, Cheney's and Rice's connections to the oil industry?
What are Bush's and Cheney's connections to the drug industry?
Why is the evidence being destroyed when an investigation of the World Trade Center
collapse is needed?
Why seal Presidential records? Why intimidate professors from speaking out against this
Why has the U.S. military been establishing working relations with the Uzbek military 
several years?
What other military involvement does the U.S. have in the Central Asian Republics?
Why are U.S. military personnel or material assistance going to the Philippines, 
and Colombia as well?
What relationship did various U.S. agencies and their contractors have with the 
either directly or through Pakistani or Saudi agencies or contractors?
Why does the U.S. overlook Pakistani drug lords who refine and export half to 
two-thirds of
the world's heroin despite its avowed determination to rid the world of drugs?
Why has the Dept. of Justice stopped its investigation of the Bank of Credit and 
International despite its admitted heavy involvement in laundering drug money?

(Links to some of these questions and answers are posted at-http//

I believe we all were heartened and inspired by one another. When the meeting

was over, we bade our farewells, gave hugs.
Outside with our brave supporters we held hands and looked into one another's eyes. I 
such a great sense of love for all those who had come, and to those who were part of 
delegation for their courage, their love of life, and their belief in the quest for 
truth, and felt
a wave of energy from those who couldn't be there physically, but were in spirit.

My Statement to Senators Feinstein and Boxer and their staff

(January 8, 2002)


Horrified as I was by the events of 9-11, I was more shocked by the words of the
government and the media in the aftermath. The cries for war were deafening, and the
evidence against the "terrorists" seemed utterly fabricated, bizarre, and unbelievable 
passport floating unharmed out of the pocket of the highjacker on a domestic flight 
that inferno to the streets of New York!).

The swift disastrous legislation which passed through Congress has threatened human
rights, civil liberties at home and abroad, and criminalized peaceful protest.

Having worked almost a year opposing Fast Track and the FTAA, I witnessed how the
disaster was used to force through legislation which clearly benefited transnational
corporations and threatens democracy, labor rights, human rights, and the environment
throughout the hemisphere.

The U.S. has used the 9-11 attack to justify military intervention in Central Asia. 
There is a
strong disparity between the "stated objectives" and the actual objectives of the 
against Afghanistan. If we really wanted to rid the world of terrorists and terrorism, 
U.S. could and should stop funding, training and arming terrorists. The C.I.A.'s role 
creating the Al Qaeda network, and their intimate connections with the Saudi and 
Intelligence Agencies, that were obviously involved with the bombing, have not been
publicly explored.

Why were fighter planes denied permission to intercept the hijacked planes- which is
standard procedure?

The government has clearly lied to the public and used this tragic event to push 
repressive legislation which is utterly unconstitutional.

By flagrantly ignoring international law and pursuing a military course, the U.S. 
is endangering its citizens and increasing hostility towards the entire country.

According to the FBI, the lead ringleader of the attacks was Mohamed Atta. Pakistani
Intelligence (ISI) funneled the $3 billion dollars, that the U.S. contributed, to 
create, train
and fund the Al Qaeda network. Pakistani ISI Chief General Ahmad was also reported to
have sent $100,000. to Mohamed Atta. After the Times of India revealed this, Ahmed left
his position, but was not questioned by the U.S.. General Ahmed was also in the U.S.
meeting with the C.I.A. when the attacks occurred; he was sent by the U.S. to 
to ask them to turn over Bin Laden. When the Taliban wanted to discuss terms, the U.S.
chose not to discuss anything, but to bomb Afghanistan. This shows either great 
or colossal incompetence by the U.S. intelligence agencies.

The Senate has the responsibility and the duty to hold the administration accountable 
for its
actions. If the National Security Agency and the administration's loyalties to the oil 
(and their objectives) are greater than their loyalties to the health, well being, and 
safety of
the country, then it is up to Congress to determine what course of action to follow.

I love my children, my family, and our country, our world, peace, justice, life. I 
simply that Congress hold an inquiry to discover the truth of what happened on 
11th and why.

I have posted the most vital questions and answers, that I believe need to be 
addressed at
my website- http://www.communitycurrency.org/9- 11.html.

Carol Brouillet Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Report on Our March on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's

Office January 15, 2002 to Demand a Congressional Inquiry of 9-11

        On January 15th activists marched to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office to 
documents and demand an inquiry of 9-11, the event was covered by Channel 2 and
broadcast on local television.

Details were posted as an article at the sf.indymedia website.

The Petitions

Please sign the online petition! [Formally- Petition to the Senate to
Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks] (over 14,000 signatures so 
far!) And
add a link to it from your website- let's get millions to get our voices heard loud 
and clear!!!


Here's a new petition worth signing, as well! United Call for an Independent
9-11 Truth Commission


World Wide "Stop-War-Now" Petition


And another!...Truth, Amnesty and Reconciliation for Sustainability


Update for Activists

If you have trouble communicating this information to others, there is an

excellent Primer on understanding conspiracies which is useful to read and share with
others and Jon Phalen's Let's Step Out Of The Box For A Moment, Shall We? A reply To 

Contact your representatives. Raise these issues, ask questions, spread the word! 
the very latest news:

The excellent book- The War on Freedom (see Books section) is finally out, and 
the author will be here in September to speak on these issues. Documentaries on 9-11,
more of them are in progress, check the resources section for the latest links. We are
planning a big 9-11 press event in NY September 4th.

Our Protest of Dick Cheney in San Francisco!...

We had a good turnout- the police were actually nice and supportive- let the hecklers 
without a wrist slap- after they disrupted Cheney's speech with "Cheney is a corporate
criminal- No war on Iraq!" which made the headlines of the Oakland Tribune. We had our
Bush Cheney, Myers...
Guilty of 9-11..." banner there, plus others and plenty of help. The All People's 
were handing out flyers with BUSH DID IT! on them and details of upcoming protests in 
and Oakland

We protested General Myers (Pentagon clown most guilty for the Failure of the military 
September 11th- who should have been demoted, but was promoted, and is advocating the
militarization of Space, reorganization of the military in North America...WAR, 
WAR...) at
the Fairmont Hotel July 31, 2002. I was interviewed by five television stations, AP, 
Contra Costra Times. Here's the link to the article on the event posted at the 

August 1st, activists are getting copies of the book, The War on Freedom to their
legislators. You can help get the message out, buy a copy online (say at Amazon- they 
add your message and ship it direcly to your representative- you need to look up the

This important Press Conference was held last June:

9-11 and the Public Safety: Seeking Answers and Accountability

Washington, DC National Press Club Conference A Major Success

UPI, CNN, NHK: Japan TV, Philadelphia Inquirer, American Free Press,

Financial Times, Vanity Fair, Paris Intelligence Online, Accuracy In Media, 
Currency Review, and numerous investigative journalists attended the press conference.

Please look for audio archives of the event at Unanswered Questions
Here are articles on the Press Conference that were posted at http:// www.indymedia.org



If you are interested in helping to create a Citizen's Inquiry of 9-11, please contact 
Hence (Unanswered Questions) or here on the West Coast, I'm hoping to organize
something in September/October and I would appreciate any help, suggestions...

I will be demonstrating this Wednesday and all Wednesdays (11 am- 1pm at Lytton Plaza,
corner of University and Emerson) until we end this fraudulent war...

I must say that I have been shocked by the behavior of "the progressive Left," since 
cancelled the big protests against the White House last September and the Sierra Club
suggested that people "lay off" the attacks on Bush. People that I have known, admired 
whose work I have promoted over the years- Noam Chomsky, Michael Albert, Norman
Solomon... instead of critically examining the events of September 11th, have accepted 
official story and attacked those of us who are raising questions!!!! I honestly don't 
know if
they are mentally impaired, stupid, scared, or have been co-opted into "protecting the
status quo and their positions of honor and prestige." However, they are gatekeepers
barring the dissemination of critical information, and I am frankly mad at them. 
Instead of
wasting time bickering within the "movement for peace and justice"- we should be able 
clearly recognize the facsist attack that we are facing now. John McMurty wrote this in
response to Michael Albert, of Z Magazine's attacks upon those "raising questions."--

"What Did Bush Know, When?" Reply to ZNet Commentary of May 22, 2002


I also appreciated this article- Why They Believe the Government- Left Denial on 9/11 
August West


Here is the most comprehensive analysis-

"9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis
How Ideologues on the Left and Right Theorise Vacuously to Support Baseless Supposition
A Reply to ZNet's 'Conspiracy Theory?' Section," by By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed


MalcontentX also wrote an excellent piece on the "Left" which I just posted at

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is the leading Democrat on the joint Senate House
Intelligence Committee which is supposed to oversee CIA activities and investigate 
We need to educate her, and her staff.

        This website could use a lot of updating, but I've been so busy organizing, 
leaflets, flyers, January I went to New York to protest the World Economic Forum (and 
attend the Counter Forum organized by the students for Global Justice- where I did a
workshop on Community Currency). I'm trying to help tie the anti-war and 
movements together with a deeper understanding of the current situation. A group of us
have also embarked upon a "Transformational 9-11 film project." We have footage of Mike
Ruppert, the Teach-In on 9-11, the powerful personal transformative experience of the
film- making/activist group, our vision for deep cultural change, and we will soon get 
from the recent DC 9-11 Press conference. If you would like to contribute in any way,
please let me know!

        Mike Ruppert spoke on February 21, 2002 in San Francisco. His presentation
powerfully obliterated any shadow of a doubt that I held of the Bush/CIA complicity in 
Mike is Publisher/Editor of From the Wilderness, a newsletter read by more than 2,200
subscribers in 27 countries including 20 members of the US Congress, professors at 12
universities, many authors and journalists. His website is at http://www.copvcia.com,

Inspired by Mike, I created a new banner-

Allowing Ex-CIA Snider
to investigate 9-11
is like allowing Ex-CEO Lay
to investigate ENRON

the other side says-

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld...
GUILTY of 9-11 you ask-
"Why?"Oil, Drugs, Power...
"How?" www.tenc.net

We had a great Teach-In on 9-11 at San Francisco State University on April 25, 2002.

When Bush visited San Jose and Santa Clara on April 30, 2002, we carried the banner to
both events (Snider resigned his position the day before- just to make my banner 
obsolete, no doubt!)

All sorts of conferences, demonstrations, events are happening daily. Every week, on
Wednesdays from 11-1, W.I.L.P.F and others (usually me unless I'm out of the country 
or it
is raining) are at Lytton Plaza in Downtown Palo Alto at the "Listening for a Change" 
with banners, literature, leaflets, food... listening and dialoguing with people on 
issues. On May 11, 2002 in Berkeley, at the   Global Network Against Weapons in Space
2002 Conference, Kathy Kelly and I did 2 workshops entitled Deadly Connections: 
Globalization, Space and War.

I'm glad that the mainstream press has finally raised a few questions, but I think it 
is an
exercise in damage control- they are still not asking the BIG questions!!!

May 15, 2002, I received a copy of the footage broadcast by NBC on September 11, 2001
along with a 21 page pamphlet entitled "NBC Spins 911" by George Trinkaus. The pamphlet
powerfully indicts the media for "covering up the inconvenient evidence that it 
revealed that day and weaving the official truth by "totalitrian force." "Media critics
commonly talk about "bias" or "distortion," but what we are dealing with here is 
propaganda. NBC is spinning 911 out of whole cloth. Rigorous censorship is, of course,

I've been so busy demonstrating and gathering information that I haven't had time to
update this site properly, but one of the key bits of information that I have run 
across on
other sites is the brief video image of a huge plume of smoke rising from another 
before the collapse of either of the World Trade Center Towers see
http://www.lebensaspekte.de/ go to 911-BEGINNERS to Media Section and Building 7- the
mysterious explosion. Clearly there was a major explosion in another building- not 
by either plane. This information fits in with one excerpt from Trinkaus's pamphlet-

"At 11:56 AM Dawson is reporting on an interview he had conducted "just moments ago"
with Albert Perry, Chief of Fire Safety for the Fire Department of New York City.
Dawson: "Perry told me that shortly after nine o'clock he had ten alarms, roughly 200 
in the building trying to effect a rescue of the civilians who were in there. And 
basically, he
received word of some kind of secondary device, that is, another bomb going off.
"He tried to get his men out quickly as he could, but he said there was an explosion 
took place. And an hour after that first hit, the first crash [that] took place, there 
another explosion in one of the towers here.
"According to his theory, he thinks there were actually devices that were planted in 
"One may have been in the plane. A second device, he speculates, was probably planted 
the building.
"So that's what we've been told by Albert Perry, who is chief of Safety for the New 
York City
Fire Department, just moments ago," reports Dawson.
Dawson goes on, "Now we are continuing to hear explosions here downtown."
Dawson reports that "the whole area is cordoned off and that rescue workers are 
waiting to
get in."
"But the bottom line," Dawson concludes, "is that he, Albert Perry, said that he 
probably lost
a great many men in those secondary explosions, and he said that there were literally
hundreds, if not thousands, of people in those towers when the explosions took 
[To get the pamphlet donate money, write, contact High Voltage Press (Counter-
Propaganda), P.O. Box 1525, Portland, OR 97207, USA. toll-free 877-263-1215,

As there was not a "lone gunman" who was solely responsible for the death of J.F.K., 
planes were not solely responsible for the collapse of not two, but many buildings at 
World Trade Center Complex, indicating that more people were involved, as well as a
massive cover-up. I don't think I have a link to the site which has FEMA saying they 
"the night before the attacks," which is also a damning admission, but I have 
hesitated to
put in links to blatantly right- wing websites.

If anyone wants to organize a showing of 9-11 videos or do a 9-11 teach-in or want a
speaker on this opic.
Contact me for more details- Carol Brouillet (650) 857-0927 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Additional 9-11 Websites

The best three sources that I have found, and which many articles posted here come from

The Center for Research on Globalisation-


>From the Wilderness (Mike Ruppert's Website)-


The Emperor's New Clothes-


The group who began the Petition to the Senate to Investigate the Oddities Involving 
Terrorist Attacks has this websites-

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheFalloutShelter- for lots of news you can subscribe to
this one....

Another activist oriented 9-11 website is-


And for networking 9-11 activists-

http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/ duboard.cgi?az=list&for

Robert Lederman's 9 Unpopular Ideas on 9-11-


Questions, Questions...A review of alternative theories on current events


9-11 Files


An excellent website which I've actually posted on my site is Malcontent X's-

September 11- Unanswered Questions

Guns & Butter- The Economics of Politics (cd's and radio interviews with Mike Ruppert)


Al Martin Raw - Not just 9-11, but some excellent essays which place 9-11 in the

larger context by Al Martin

Recommended key essays include:
Scams Away The Boom is Falling, May 22, 2002
Citizens, Can I See Your I.D.?
Imperial State Power in America
DoJ Cover-Up Specialist Bobby Mueller Named FBI Chief
Related Article! Head of Sept. 11 Probe Allegedly Obstructed Danforth's Waco

Inquiry, June 22, 2002

Dave Ratcliffe's 9-11 pages, "Crimes Against Humanity"


Online Journal


Attack On America


Here in Reality


What Really Happened?


Sampling Of Letters Showing Decades Of Cover-Ups and Obstruction Of Justice and Other
Misconduct By Members of Congress, Justice Department Personnel and Federal Judges


To all living under the shadow of 911 and the "War on Terror"- Research on the Pentagon
crash, with lots more links...


Investigate 9-11 - Humor and more links!


The War on Terror by This is The Real Truth Network (British site)



The Great Deception- What Really happened on 9-11? by Barry Zwicker, aired by
Vision TV in Canada

http://www.visiontv.ca/programs/insight/mediafile_Jan21.htm for transcripts and
Here is the link to purchase the 40 minute video.
Real Player Video Stream at

The Truth and Lies of 9-11 with Mike Ruppert (140 minutes)


Unedited three hour June 10, 2002 9-11 and the Public Safety Press Conference

Send check or money order for $19. (includes shipping/handling via first class

mail) made out to Kyle F. Hence, , P.O. Box 1255, Newport, RI 02840

Snowshoe Documentary Films:for social and economic justice

This wonderful website has:

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney: Thoughts on Our War Against Terrorism
Professor John McMurtry: Response to Michael Albert (ZNet) Commentary: "What Did Bush
Know, When?"
and Decoding 9-11
and Deep background on 9-11

Guerrilla News Network: War on Terrorism

A number of video resources on 9-11



The War Against the Third World


Here is a clip from the BBC which you can watch online:




"Guns & Butter" investigates the relationships among capitalism, militarism and 

Interviews with Mike Ruppert, Michel Chossudovsky and others.

Interview with Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (Author of The War on Freedom) on the Meria
Heller Show


Books and Magazines

The War on Freedom- How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001, by
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

New Book Review by Carol Brouillet



Everything You Know Is Wrong- The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies, Edited by
Russ Kick


NBC Spins 9-11 by George Trinkaus


Global Outlook, Premier issue "Stop the War"- The Truth Behind September 11, 2002


Global Outlook No.2,September 11: Foreknowledge or Deception? Stop the Nuclear

Threat, Summer 2002


ADDICTED TO WAR- Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism, by Joel Andreas

Including New Chapter- The War on Terrorism



CNN Parody site spoofs, "All terror all the time."


Printable pamphlet- Terrorism for Dummies



Terror Advisory Map


Too Stupid to be President


Rumsfeld Baffles Press With "Unknown Unknowns"...Maybe, he means "us"


Mike's Office of Homeland Security




More Tools - Cartoons, Song, Downloadable Flyer!

American Reichstag Cartoon. This is not a joke, but vividly captures the historical

moment that we are living in.


DaveyD Rap song on 9-11

Download song

partial lyrics:
Now ask yourself who's the one with the most to gain?

'Fore Nine Eleven motherfuckers couldn't stand his name
Even brothers wavin flags like they lost they mind
Everybody got opinions but don't know the time
'Cause America's been took, it's plain to see
The oldest trick in the book is make an enemy
A phony evil so the government can do its dirt
And take away your freedom, lock and load, beat and search
And nothin's changed but my colored people locked in prison
These pigs still beat us but it seems we forgettin
But I remember 'fore September how these devils do it
Fuck Giuliani, ask Diallo how he's doin
We in the streets holler "Jail To The Thief" follow
Wavin flags bring these Dragons to they knees
Oil Blood Money make these killers ripe old
Suspicious suicides, people dyin, never told
It's all a part of playin God so you think we need him
While bein Ashcroft, take away your rights to freedom
Bear witness to the sickness of these dictators
Hope you understand the time, brother, 'cause it's major

Key Articles

The Best Overview that I have seen!!!!-

Smoking Gun -The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush, by Cheryl Seal June 2,

Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11, by Michel Chossudovsky, June
20, 2002


Here are links to two outstanding articles by Larry Chin on Enron and 9-11.

Enron: Ultimate agent of the American empire

Part I: Money to get power, power to protect money.—Motto of the Medici family, 
1, 2002

Enron: Ultimate agent of the American empire

Part II: Enron, the Bush administration, and the Central Asian war, February 7, 2002

This nicely complements Larry Chin's articles:

The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection? Ron Callari, Albion Monitor, February 28, 2002

With Bush foreknowledge of 9-11 suddenly surfacing in the mainstream press, here are 
latest detailed links which expose the lies and media "spin"-

All the desperate lies and spin don't change the fact that the Bush administration had
foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, By Larry Chin

Did Bush Know? :: Warning Signs of 9-11 and Intelligence Failures :: by Nafeez Mosaddeq

The Lie Won't Stand, by Michael Ruppert


S.F.Attorney: Bush allowed 9/11, by David Kiefer, 6/11/02 SF Examiner

These are articles that I found which cast more doubts upon the government/ corporate
spin on events-

the “Obscure Goat Story” documenting Bush’s initial reactions to the

U.S. Planned for attack on Al -Qaida. White house given strategy two

days before Sept 11. NBC news. May 16 2002

A Career in Microbiology Can be Hazardous to Your Health Oppose

Emergency Health Powers Act

German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals

Hijack Suspects Alive and Well

xymphora- amazing look at the identities of the fingered hijackers

The House of Bin Laden, by Jane Mayer (includes the family being flown out of the US 
in the
wake of 9-11)

America Betrayed - Bush Administration, FBI Complicity In 911, By R. Joseph, PhD, 
I just wish there were footnotes!!! He has posted my articles on this
website- and is awful at excluding footnotes and links, if you have a better link to 
this, send
it to me!

9/11 : A DESPERATE PROVOCATION BY U.S. CAPITALISM by Max Kolskegg January 23 2002

Mother of All Lies About 9/11 : Barbara Olson's "Phone Call" From Flight

77 by Joe Vialls, 27 March 2002

The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11, by Chaim Kupferberg, June 13,


Congress Developing Emergency Plans, By CURT ANDERSON, May 30,

I found this May 30th, and I can't help, but think that Congress is

under pressure to support the Administration and go along with the "Big Lie" or else...
http://story.news.yahoo.com/ news?tmpl=story&cid=514&ncid=514&e=10
&u=/ap/20020530/ ap_on_go_co/continuing_congress_1
the link is not working, so here is the story-

In the new age of terrorism, Congress is quietly developing emergency plans to deal 
with a
doomsday scenario in which many lawmakers are killed or injured during an attack.

On one level, the debate is about logistics: Where and how would lawmakers assemble if
the Capitol were destroyed, heavily damaged or targeted in a bioterror attack?

The House, in particular, also must resolve sticky constitutional questions. Not the 
least of
them is whether a devastated legislative body could choose a speaker, who would be
behind only the vice president in the line of succession to the presidency.

Many lawmakers believe that on Sept. 11, United Airlines (news - web sites) Flight 93 
headed for the Capitol, the symbol of American democracy, before an apparent passenger
uprising led to its crash in a Pennsylvania field. Just minutes earlier, the biggest 
symbols of
U.S. economic and military might had been attacked in New York City and suburban

Both the House and Senate were disrupted a few weeks later when an anthrax-laced letter
was opened in the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota.

Combined with the continuing threat from the al-Qaida network and other terrorists, the
events have led to a wholesale re-examination of how Congress would continue if many of
the 435 House members and 100 senators were killed or seriously injured.

"Those who believe there will always be time to address this, and we can postpone a
solution indefinitely, are engaging in wishful thinking," said Rep. Brian Baird (news, 
voting record), a Washington Democrat pressing for changes.

House and Senate leaders have discussed a number of sites, such as Fort McNair in the
District of Columbia, as temporary emergency meeting places. Other sites up to 1,000 
away are being considered. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., got $100 million 
in a supplemental spending bill last week to build and outfit what would be a de facto
capitol with necessary communications and computer technology.

Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., is advocating greater use of the Internet or video 
technology as an alternative, especially if lawmakers were stranded in home districts
because airlines were grounded and other modes of transportation shut down.

His idea might get a tryout in the months ahead. Each House member already has a new
handheld communications device for maintaining contact.

Beyond such post-emergency planning is the more fundamental question of how Congress,
and especially the House, would reconstitute itself if many lawmakers were killed or

New senators could be chosen quickly because governors can appoint successors. House
members, however, must be chosen by direct elections that can require up to six months.

Lest anyone think the matter trivial, consider the legislation Congress passed quickly 
Sept. 11: authorization of military force, emergency rescue aid, airline aid, money 
for the
war on terrorism, assistance to victims and a law enforcement anti-terrorism bill.

Under the Constitution, none of that could have been be done by the Senate or a 
alone. "It is hard to argue that at a time of maximum national peril, it would be 
either to have laws made by an unrepresentative handful of lawmakers or via a benign
form of martial law," said Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute.

Baird and 86 others have proposed a constitutional amendment to allow governors to
appoint House members for a 90-day term if 25 percent of the House has been killed,
disabled or is missing and presumed dead.

Replacements would not have to be of the same political parties as their predecessors.
That is an important difference between Baird's proposal and a plan by Sen. Arlen 
(news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., and that could ensnare the idea in partisan 

Passing a constitutional amendment also could take years. An amendment would have to
pass both houses of Congress by two- thirds vote and be ratified by three-fourths of 

Many lawmakers say Congress should focus instead on changing its rules or passing laws 
address the most pressing problems. For instance, a law could call for expedited 
election of
replacements and address the presidential succession question by preventing a small
number of House members from picking a speaker. A rules change could redefine a voting
quorum needed to pass emergency legislation.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers plans meetings this summer intended to recommend a
course of action. The co-chairman, Rep. Christopher Cox (news, bio, voting record), R-
Calif., wants Congress to act this year.

On the Net:
American Enterprise Institute studies: http:// www.aeipoliticalcorner.org

>From the Horse's Mouth- Official Pronouncements

Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the FBI- "No paper trail..."


President Meets with Displaced Workers in Town Hall Meeting - And Tells
Us He Saw The First Plane Hit On Live TV Before He Went Into The School-

17.html--scroll down to find this:

One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this 
And another thing is that, how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state 
was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of 
Staff, Andy
Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I 
sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- 
the TV
was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible 
pilot. I said,
it must have been a horrible accident.

But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was 
sitting in
the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in 
said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."

And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first. You know, I grew up in a period of 
where the idea of America being under attack never entered my mind -- just like your
Daddy's and Mother's mind probably. And I started thinking hard in that very brief 
period of
time about what it meant to be under attack. I knew that when I got all of the facts 
that we
were under attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America. (Applause.)

CIA Director Warned Congress About 9/11 Attacks,sound clip from NPR


>From the President, State of Emergency,


EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take
over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas,
petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades
under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and
welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national
registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft,
including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate
communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and
establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways
and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning
and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders in to effect in times of increased
international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the 
set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial 
and legislative
liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to 
advise and
assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal
departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a
fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop
plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of 
sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution 
undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is 
by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

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--- Ernest Hemingway

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