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Who What When Where Why...When Its Convenient

In the official version of George W. Bushâs chronology during his National Guard years is a striking statement which has been totally overlooked in the major media. A timeline of President George W. Bush's service in the National Guard compiled by The Associated Press says, for 1971: âParticipates in drills and alerts at Ellington. Begins work for Houston-based agricultural company.â

We always become suspicious when we see the major media get suddenly vague. The AP has no trouble at all with the name of the air base Bush served at. But they say only that Bush âworks for a âHouston-based agricultural company.â

âWorks for a Houston-based agricultural companyâ is wordy. And since it would have been less work to just write âworks for the XYZ Companyâ (because reporters are uniformly lazy and incurious dogs) we already knew we would find something juicy hidden here.

We recalled that the Chicago Tribune had carried a whole story about the mysterious German couple who recruited Mohamed Atta to come to Hamburg from Cairo in 1992. But the paper never once named the couple in the account.

When the major media falls down on the old âwho what when where & why business,â its usually for a reason. And the reason is always the same: Somebody is covering something up.

Tropical Plants and "La Vida Loca" in Houston

Before moving to Alabama âassuming he didâBush spent over a year, states his public resume, working for a plant nursery firm in Houston. âGeorge's job was to travel around the United States and to countries in Central America looking for plant nurseries his company might want to acquire,â reads a typical account. âGeorge W. Bushâs responsibilities included sizing up plant nurseries for possible acquisition,â wrote Texas Monthly.

We were immediately suspicious. Its hard to picture George W. Bush as Mr. Green Jeans.

The idea seems ridiculous on its face, especially as his plant nursery job comes smack dab (as they say in Texas) in the middle of a time when Bush was living la vida loca, engaged in major boozing amid persistent rumors of other drug-taking as well.

Bush lived then at Chateaux Dijon, an apartment complex near the Houston Galleria known for its singles scene, which included water volleyball games in its swimming pools. Friends describe him as taking a hearty approach to his social life, and Bush himself has said famously that he was "young and irresponsible" in Houston, that he "raised a little hell."

A jug of wine, a load of bread, and thou

Working inside a company engaged in the unglamorous plant nursery business could hardly have been seen as a plus by Bush in engaging female companionship for his partying activities.

So, what then? The questions come unbidden: Was it some kind of therapy for young Bush? A respite from debilitating drinking bouts amidst beautiful pink fragrant flowers? A soothing naps underneath a baobab tree after long hours of piloting screaming warplanes through the wild blue yonder?

Somehow, we doubted it. W e recalled that Bush had learned Spanish just to court the Hispanic vote. If he had spent more than a year working with horticulturalists in a plant nursery, wouldnât he have boasted of this âgreenâ credential?

Besides, what did George W. Bush know about tropical plants that made him a horticultural expert sharp enough to be deployed overseas looking for acquisitions?

The question answers itself: Nothing. So George W. Bush was, clearly, not involved in the tropical plant business during the year he says he was.

Which brings up the real question: what business was Bush involved with?

Coat & Tie...and a Snug-nosed 38?

Bush himself would later refer to his time at the plant nursery firm as a dull coat-and-tie job, an odd description for a position which entailed jetting about Central America.

But the MadCowMorningNews has discovered evidence pointing to a conclusion that what George W. Bush was doing in Central America was serving a âtour of dutyâ in the shadowy arm of the U.S. Government which Watergate burglar and disgraced CIA Agent E. Howard Hunt called âClandestine Services.â

Flying for the National Guard may have just been the future Presidents âcoverâ while the young second lieutenant was actually detachedâofficially or otherwiseâto the CIA.

Coincidentally, or not, there was a massive clandestine U.S. government operation going on just at this time in Central America. It was called Operation Condor.

Was George W. Bush working for the spooks?

Such a charge demands evidence, some of which we will shortly present. But first, a little background on the outfit the young George W was so intent on transferring into, the Alabama Guard.

The Secret History of the Alabama Guard

The Alabama Guard, we discovered, while writing âBarry & âthe boys,ââ is rich with the secret history of American covert operations over the last half-century. In 1961 the outfit was used to âsheep-deep,â (provide legitimate cover) for CIA pilots returning from Guatemala, their base during the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Among these pilots was a young man, Barry Seal, who will one day become famous as the biggest drug smuggler in American history.

James Harrison is a former member of the Alabama Guard, and one of the last remaining living American pilots who flew missions over the Bay of Pigs. Although much about the Alabama Guard during this time period still remains veiled, when we interviewed Harrison we learned that one enduring secret concerns the large role American pilots played in it, far beyond just the training of exile Cuban pilots and combat flights on the last day of the invasion the U.S. later admitted.


do they know something we don't?

Even 40 years later, the stress placed on secrecy about operations he took part in while a part of the Alabama Guard made him reluctant to talk. "I didn't train anyone, frankly," he stated, when asked about the American 'trainers' in Central America. "I was expected to fly combat." From an Air Guard base in Montgomery Barry Seal participated in a number of Caribbean and Central American operations, including the assassination of on May 30, 1961 of Dominican Republic dictator Raphael Trujillo, whose limo was ambushed returning from a rendezvous with his mistress.

Hot-shot daredevil pilot Seal, with whom George W. Bush, incidentally, was said to have later been acquainted, had also been drilled on the importance of secrecy concerning his Alabama assignment. He sent a postcard home from Montgomery in June of 1961, (bearing the picture of the âAlbert Pike Motelâ which boasted of being âcompletely air-conditioned!â)

Shut up before you get shot

On the back he wrote, âJust call me a freedom rider! Iâd better shut up before I get shot!â

Was there something "special" about the Alabama Guard? Barry Seal had worked for General Reid Doster, who assembled a CIA Air Force that eventually numbered 80 fliers. One of the places Seal's Alabama Guard âworkâ took him, two months before the Bay of Pigs invasion, was Guatemala, where he sent another postcard home, this time bearing a picture of a volcano towering over a deep green jungle.

A decade later another member of the Alabama Guard, George W. Bush, will also be working in Central America. Barry Seal was flying cover at the Bay of Pigs. George W. was said to have been buying tropical plants.

La plus ca change? ÂOr just another freak coincidence? We continued digging, especially after reading a quote from a Bush friend about âGeorge the Horticulturalist.â

Once or twice a month, the friend stated, Bush would announce that he had flight duty and off he would go, leaving his nursery duties to go fly his F-102. "It was really quite amazing,â Peter Knudtzon told the New York Times. âHere was this young guy making acquisitions of tropical plants and then up and leaving to fly fighter planes."

We found the image amazing as well. It made Bush sound like Clark Kent, changing into his costume in a phone booth. Knudtzon told the Times, ââWe traveled to all kinds of peculiar places, like Apopka, Florida, which was named the foliage capital of the world,â continued the Zapata alumnus who was Stratford's executive vice president and Bush's immediate boss.â

âA Zapata alumnus?â Selling plants?

George W. Bush's first real job was working for a spook

For those tuning in late, Zapata Drilling, the offshore oil company owned by George Bush Sr., is alleged to have been used as a CIA front to support of the Bay of Pigs invasion.

But even if the notion is dismissed as a conspiracy theoristâs fantasy, this question remains: What kind of career path leads from offshore oil exploration to buying tropical plants?

Nothing about this story seemed to make any sort of business sense. Then we recalled something an executive who worked for Rudi Dekkers told us, when we asked him why Dekkers kept opening new aviation ventures when all his businesses were losing money.

Charlie Voss was called the âaccountantâ at Huffman in news accounts, that he is in reality a retired C-130 pilot. We met him while spending two years in Venice, Florida investigating the two Dutch owned flight schools which trained three of three four terrorist pilots. âSometimes when things donât make business sense,â said Voss,â itâs because they do make sense, just in some other way.â

We decided to entertain the notion that the man who gave future George W. âhis first real jobâ was a spook.

Why do so many businesses around the Bush family keep turning up "belly up?"

Like so many businesses the Bush family has been associated with, Stratford of Texas, the young George W.âs employer, eventually went belly-up, in spectacular fashion, so spectacular that it later inspired a case study at the Harvard Business School. (Unfortunately for Bush, this came after he had graduated.)

The Bush co-worker interviewed by the New York Time wasnât the only Zapata alumni at Stratford of Texas. The firmâs owner, who had personally hired the young future President to go tramping around Central America looking for hot opportunities in plant nurseries, had spent an eight-year stint as V.P. and President of Zapata.

Houston businessman Robert H Gow, we learned, was a long-time friend of the Bush family. In a profile of Bushâs early years for the 2000 campaign, Texas Monthly called Gow âa Yale man who had roomed with the senior Bush's cousin Ray in college.â

There have, of course, been numerous reports that large numbers of Yale alumni have been recruited right out of New Haven by the CIA. So that by itself didnât prove anything.

But then we discovered that Bushâs boss back in 1971, Robert H. Gow, was alsoâlike both George W. and his father, George, Srâ a member of Skull and Bones.

âYet Skull and Bones was not relegated entirely to George W.'s past after he graduated. In 1971, having been rejected by the University of Texas Law School and needing a job, Bush called a Bonesman, Robert H. Gow,â read a May 1, 2000 Atlantic Monthly story by Alexandra Robbins.

Although Robbins retails only a âmodified limited hangoutâ version of Skull and Bones, she still felt constrained to mention George W.âs continuing business affiliation with other members. âGow, who later told The Washington Post that his Houston-based agricultural company had not been looking for anyone at the time, hired Bush as a management trainee,â Robbins wrote. âIn 1977, when Bush formed Arbusto Energy, his first company, he once again applied to Skull and Bones for financial aid.â

Well now. We vowed to have a little âlook-seeâ into Robert Gow. And though we were taught by our mom to speak only well of people, after poking through Robert Gowâs curious history, and considering its possible links to Americaâs own secret history, we think even mom would say it was all right if we stated the following:

There are so many red flags in Robert Gowâs background that it looks like a rally in Red Square.â

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