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Bush Appoints Another CFR Member to Key Economic Post

commentary by Chester L. McWhorter, Sr.
December 17, 2002

President Bush again appoints another member of the Socialist CFR to another office. He cannot seem to get away from the Socialists who are trying to destroy this nation. He may NOT WISH to get away from the people who have brought him along so far in his career. He may not give a damn about this country, only about the ultimate goal of POWER over the masses, sought after by the Socialist Council on Foreign Relatlions ever since WWI!...

We do not have a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We have a government of the CFR, by the CFR, and damned well FOR THE CFR!.

>From Human Events, Vol 58 , Nbr 46, 16 Dec 2002:

Bush names Schumer contributor as White House economic
by David Freddoso

President Bush's new White House Economic advisor---former Goldman Sachs chairman Stephen Friedman [a member of the socialist CFR for many years. CLMsr.] has given more than twice the amount in political contributions to liberal Sen Chuch Schumer (D.-N.Y.) than he heas to any single Republican candidate for federal office, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records dating back to 1989.

Friedman is also a vice chairman of the Concord Coalition, an anti-budget deficit group that has loudly criticized Bush's 2001 tax cuts as "exceedingly unwise". The coalition, a non-partisan group [ there is no such thing in Washington, D.C. CLMsr ] headed by moderate-to-liberal former lawmakers, adheres to a philosophy that government surpluses should be kept in Wasington--in direct contradiction to that articulated by Bush himself, that surplus money is "the people's money" and should be given back. [ It is remarkable how many of these bastards want to give our money back to us, and we never see any of it. CLMsr. ]

The White House did not respond to Human Event's requests for comment on the apparent incongruities.

Friedman has been a vice-chairman of the Concord Coalition since 1995 [ and a member of the CFR since long before 1993. CLMsr. ] according to the group's spokesman, John LeBeaume [ who does not appear on any of the public CFR lists. CLMsr]. LeBeaume refused to comment on the economic ideas either of Friedman or of his own group. However, the coalition's literature, readily available on the Internet, confirms that the group generally opposes tax cuts, which the group's executive director Robert Bixby [ not listed on any public CFR membership. CLMsr. ] called a "threat to fiscal discipline."

During the signing ceremony for the tax cut bill in June 2001, Bush stated: "We recognize loud and clear the surplus is not the Government's money. The surplus is the people's money and we ought (sic) to trust them with their own money."

Conservative writers and economic analysts, including Jack Kemp [ not listed as a CFR member. CLMsr. ], Larry Kudlow [not listed as a CFR member. CLMsr. ] and Human Events economics correspondent and Club for Growth President Sthephen Moore [ not listed as a CFR mbr. CLMsr. ] .....voiced sharp criticism of Fridemen's appointment. When the official White House announcement was delayed for two days last week,many conservatives began to hope it might never occur.

But Club for Growth Co-Chairman Richard Gilder, [not listed as a CFR mbr. CLMsr. ] who originally tried to dissuade the administration from choosing Friedman, told Human Events that White House political advisor Karl Rove [not listed as a CFR mbr. CLMsr] had his mind made up. Therefore, at the Club for Growth, Gilder said: "We're saying, fine, it's a done deal, on with the next."

Gilder urged conservatives to look at the bright side, arguing that despite Friedman's apparent anti-tax cut leanings, his Concord Coalition credentials could make him a good ally for conservatives in fighting pork-barrel spending, new entitlement programs and government largesse in general. [However, you may be assured that he will take care of all the business ventures of his friends in the Council on Foreign Relations, of which he is a long time member. CLMsr.].

"If he were the No. 1 policy guy, I would be concerned," said Gilder. [ It looks like to me that Gilder has his head stuck up someplace where it is dark and stinky. Just how stupid does he think We The People are? CLMsr. ] "but I think he's a tough guy, Friedman....They're going to use him, I would bet, to wage war against spending." [ Geez..We The People didn't just come in off the turnip truck!CLMsr.]

Fred Smith [ a non mbr of the CFR. CLMsr. ] of the Competitive Enterprise Institute worried that a "dealmaker" like Friedman, coming from the world of investment banking [ our civilian organization known as the FED. CLMsr. ], would replace Larry Lindsey, a policy oriented supply-sider who was recently forced out of the advisory role. "I don't know that you a deal-maker," said Smith. "In a policy role, we want a guy who just says no. Most of the ideas that come up in Washington are a special break for somebody."

Although Friedman's contributions to political committees skew heavily toward Republicans, FEC records indicate that, like so many on Wall Street who like to help those they think are going to win, has also been very generous to liberal Democratic candidates.

Since 1989, Friedman has contributed a total of $17,000 in campaign directly to Democratic senators, including Frank Lautenberg (N.J.), Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), Bill Bradley (N.J.), Jon Corzine (N.J.), John D Rockefeller IV (W.Va.) and Bob Kerrey, (Neb). [Schumer, Bradley, Kerrey, and Rockefeller mbrs of CFR. CLMsr ].

[He has contributed heavily to other members of the CFR which are too numerous to list here. CLMsr.]

Friedman, who will turn 65 later this month, was co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, a global investment banking and securities firm, [also one of the 12 "banks" that make up the Federal Reserve System, a Non-government national bank that controls every penny we have in this country. CLMsr. ] with Robert Rubin [ one of the current 2001-2001 directors of the CFR. CLMsr. ] during the early 1990s. Rubin later became President Clinton's [ a mbr of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, & the Bilderbergs. CLMsr. ] Secretary of the Treasury, but Friedman stayed on at Goldman Sachs until a bond crisis in 1994 prompted him to resign. he went on to work for the insurance brokerage firm Marsh and McLennan, then returned to the board of Goldman Sachs this spring. He is a director of Wal-Mart stores Inc., and the Federal. National Mortgage Associaltion and serves on the board of the liberal Brookings Institution.

End Human Events article


You will not find in The Washington Times, Human Events, FOX TV news, any newspapers anywhere, that any of these or other politico's are slaves to the Council on Foreign Relations....You will not find in any of their biographies, at any time, that they were or are members of the CFR.

Why are they all so secretive about it? Because they know what it is all about, and they don't want us to find out. If You Are Not Paranoid, you are simply paying attention.

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